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Nicole Vitellone

Dr Nicole Vitellone


+44 (0)151 794 3019


I completed my BA and PhD in Sociology at Monash University in Melbourne in the 1990s. Since coming to Britain in 2000 I have held research fellowships and teaching posts at Lancaster University, The University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and The University of Liverpool from 2006. My research focus to date has involved a sociology of Harm Reduction policies and practices. Research monographs Object Matters: condoms, adolescence and time (MUP, 2008) and Social Science of the Syringe: a sociology of drug injecting (Routledge, 2017) examine the history of safe sex education and Needle Exchange programs from a socio-material perspective.

Prizes or Honours

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching (University of Liverpool, 2010)
  • AF Warr Memorial Lectureship (University of Liverpool, 2009)

Funded Fellowships

  • Anglo-Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship (Royal Academy of Engineering, London, 2001)
  • Simon Marks Post-doctoral Research Fellow (Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, The University of Manchester, 2001)