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Dr Nicola Clague-Baker
PhD MPhil BA(hons) GraddipPhys PGCAPHE MCSP SFHEA

Professional Activities

2022 Presentation - Later Life conference lecture

2021 Presentation - Paul Wagstaff commemorative lecture

2021 ME International – 2 posters

2021 World Conference of Physical therapy – 1 poster

2020 PhysiotherapyUK2020 – 1 poster

2019 PhysiotherapyUK2019 – 1 rapid 5 and 3 posters

2019 Society of Rehabilitation Research – 1 platform presentation and 2 posters

2019 British Association of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation conference – 1 platform presentation – prize for best oral presentation

2018 UKStroke Forum – 4 poster presentations

2018 British Association of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation conference – 1 platform presentation and 1 poster presentation

2018 Society of Rehabilitation Research – 1 poster presentation

2018 European Stroke Conferene – 1 poster

2017 UKStroke Forum – 1 platform presentation

2017 British Association of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation conference – 2 poster presentations

2017 Physiotherapy Research Society conference – 2 platform presentations

2016 European - World Conference of Physical Therapy – 1 platform presentation

2016 UKStroke forum – 1 poster presentation

2015 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy conference – 1 platform presentation

2015 UKStroke forum – 2 poster presentations

2011 12th International Falls conference – 1 poster

2010 11th International Falls conference – 1 poster

2010 M& K conference 1 poster and presentation

2004 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Congress 1 Poster presentation

Research Projects:

2022 – International student focus groups

2022 – International student survey

2022 - An international interview-based study exploring the use of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation for people with myalgic encephalomyelitis.

2022 - An international survey of experiences and attitudes towards Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation for people with Myalgic

Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

2022 - An international interview-based study exploring the use of pacing with heart rate monitoring by people with myalgic encephalomyelitis. £1000

2021 - An international survey of experiences and attitudes towards Pacing using a heart rate monitor for people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

2020 - Feasibility of investigating oxygen consumption (VO2), Heart rate, Blood pressure, lactic acid levels and activity levels of people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis during normal daily activities. £30,500

2014 – Principal Investigator for cardiac rehabilitation and stroke trial – PhD study £207,000

2014 – Principal Investigator for Leicester arm of TRIO trial – RCT based at Edinburgh University

2013 – Principal Investigator for Leicester arm of PROVE trial – RCT based at Oxford University £4,000

2013 – Principal Investigator for Leicester arm of ARM Pain trial – RCT based at Aberdeen University £1,800

2011 – Principal Investigator for Leicester arm of Multi-centred RCT based at Warwick University – SARAH trial £1,000

2010 – Therapy lead for Leicester arm of Multi-centred RCT based at Birmingham University – PDRehab trial £19,000

2000 – A pilot study to investigate the feasibility of a RCT to determine the dose effect of inpatient physiotherapy for elderly fallers. – Principal investigator - MPhil project - £10,000