Selected publications
- Continental crust beneath southeast Iceland (Journal article - 2015)
- South China Sea crustal thickness and oceanic lithosphere distribution from satellite gravity inversion (Journal article - 2018)
- Measurements of the extension required for crustal breakup on the magma-poor Iberia-Newfoundland conjugate margins (Journal article - 2020)
- Crustal thickness mapping of the central South Atlantic and the geodynamic development of the Rio Grande Rise and Walvis Ridge (Journal article - 2019)
- Renormalisation of global mantle dynamic topography predictions using residual topography measurements for “normal” oceanic crust (Journal article - 2018)
- Evaluating magmatic additions at a magma-poor rifted margin: an East Indian case study (Journal article - 2019)
- Determining the COB location along the Iberian margin and Galicia Bank from gravity anomaly inversion, residual depth anomaly and subsidence analysis (Journal article - 2015)
- Crustal structure of the conjugate Equatorial Atlantic Margins, derived by gravity anomaly inversion (Journal article - 2020)
- Extension modes and breakup processes of the southeast China-Northwest Palawan conjugate rifted margins (Journal article - 2020)
- Role of rift structural inheritance in orogeny highlighted by the Western Pyrenees case-study (Journal article - 2019)
Along-strike variation in volcanic addition controlling post-breakup sedimentary infill: Pelotas margin, austral South Atlantic
Cassel, M. C., Kusznir, N., Manatschal, G., & Sauter, D. (n.d.). Along-strike variation in volcanic addition controlling post-breakup sedimentary infill: Pelotas margin, austral South Atlantic. Solid Earth, 15(10), 1265-1279. doi:10.5194/se-15-1265-2024
Crustal Structure of the Northeast South China Sea Rifted Margin
Rodrigues de Vargas, M., Tugend, J., Mohn, G., Kusznir, N., & Liang‐Fu, L. (2024). Crustal Structure of the Northeast South China Sea Rifted Margin. Tectonics, 43(8). doi:10.1029/2024tc008399
Extensional fault geometry and evolution within rifted margin hyper-extended continental crust leading to mantle exhumation and allochthon formation
Gómez-Romeu, J., & Kusznir, N. (n.d.). Extensional fault geometry and evolution within rifted margin hyper-extended continental crust leading to mantle exhumation and allochthon formation. Solid Earth, 15(4), 477-492. doi:10.5194/se-15-477-2024
Linking rifted margin crustal shape with the timing and volume of magmatism
Chenin, P., Tomasi, S., Kusznir, N., & Manatschal, G. (2024). Linking rifted margin crustal shape with the timing and volume of magmatism. Terra Nova, 36(1), 53-61. doi:10.1111/ter.12690
Ignition of the southern Atlantic seafloor spreading machine without hot-mantle booster.
Sauter, D., Manatschal, G., Kusznir, N., Masquelet, C., Werner, P., Ulrich, M., . . . Autin, J. (2023). Ignition of the southern Atlantic seafloor spreading machine without hot-mantle booster.. Scientific reports, 13(1), 1195. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-28364-y
Formation of SDRs-Ocean transition at magma-rich rifted margins: Significance of a mantle seismic reflector at the western Demerara margin
Gómez-Romeu, J., Kusznir, N., Ducoux, M., Jammes, S., Ball, P., Calassou, S., & Masini, E. (2022). Formation of SDRs-Ocean transition at magma-rich rifted margins: Significance of a mantle seismic reflector at the western Demerara margin. Tectonophysics, 845, 229624. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2022.229624
Evidence for rapid large-amplitude vertical motions in the Valencia Trough (Western Mediterranean) generated by 3D subduction slab roll-back
Fang, P., Tugend, J., Mohn, G., Kusznir, N., & Ding, W. (2021). Evidence for rapid large-amplitude vertical motions in the Valencia Trough (Western Mediterranean) generated by 3D subduction slab roll-back. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 575, 117179. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117179
Morphostructure, emplacement and duration of the Abrolhos Magmatic Province: A geophysical analysis of the largest post-breakup magmatism of the South-Eastern Brazilian margin
Stanton, N., Gordon, A., Cardozo, C., & Kusznir, N. (2021). Morphostructure, emplacement and duration of the Abrolhos Magmatic Province: A geophysical analysis of the largest post-breakup magmatism of the South-Eastern Brazilian margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 133, 105230. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105230
The tectono-stratigraphic and magmatic evolution of conjugate rifted margins: Insights from the NW South China Sea
Chao, P., Manatschal, G., Chenin, P., Ren, J., Zhang, C., Pang, X., . . . Kusznir, N. (2021). The tectono-stratigraphic and magmatic evolution of conjugate rifted margins: Insights from the NW South China Sea. Journal of Geodynamics, 148, 101877. doi:10.1016/j.jog.2021.101877
The challenge in restoring magma-rich rifted margins: The example of the Mozambique-Antarctica conjugate margins
Tomasi, S., Kusznir, N., Manatschal, G., & Despinois, F. (2021). The challenge in restoring magma-rich rifted margins: The example of the Mozambique-Antarctica conjugate margins. Gondwana Research, 95, 29-44. doi:10.1016/
Measurements of the extension required for crustal breakup on the magma-poor Iberia-Newfoundland conjugate margins
Gomez-Romeu, J., Kusznir, N., Roberts, A., & Manatschal, G. (2020). Measurements of the extension required for crustal breakup on the magma-poor Iberia-Newfoundland conjugate margins. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 118. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104403
Structural inheritance in the North Atlantic
Schiffer, C., Doré, A. G., Foulger, G. R., Franke, D., Geoffroy, L., Gernigon, L., . . . Welford, J. K. (2020). Structural inheritance in the North Atlantic. Earth-Science Reviews, 206. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102975
The Iceland Microcontinent and a continental Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Ridge
Foulger, G. R., Doré, T., Emeleus, C. H., Franke, D., Geoffroy, L., Gernigon, L., . . . Stoker, M. (2020). The Iceland Microcontinent and a continental Greenland-Iceland-Faroe Ridge. Earth-Science Reviews, 206. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102926
Origin, composition and relative timing of seaward dipping reflectors on the Pelotas rifted margin
Harkin, C., Kusznir, N., Roberts, A., Manatschal, G., & Horn, B. (2020). Origin, composition and relative timing of seaward dipping reflectors on the Pelotas rifted margin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 114. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104235
Extension modes and breakup processes of the southeast China-Northwest Palawan conjugate rifted margins
Nirrengarten, M., Mohn, G., Kusznir, N. J., Sapin, F., Despinois, F., Pubellier, M., . . . Ringenbach, J. C. (2020). Extension modes and breakup processes of the southeast China-Northwest Palawan conjugate rifted margins. MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 113. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104123
Crustal structure of the conjugate Equatorial Atlantic Margins, derived by gravity anomaly inversion
Kusznir, N. J., Roberts, A. M., & Alvey, A. D. (2020). Crustal structure of the conjugate Equatorial Atlantic Margins, derived by gravity anomaly inversion. PASSIVE MARGINS: TECTONICS, SEDIMENTATION AND MAGMATISM, 476, 83-107. doi:10.1144/SP476.5
Reappraisal of the magma-rich versus magma-poor rifted margin archetypes
Tugend, J., Gillard, M., Manatschal, G., Nirrengarten, M., Harkin, C., Epin, M. -E., . . . McDermott, K. (2020). Reappraisal of the magma-rich versus magma-poor rifted margin archetypes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 476(1), 23-47. doi:10.1144/sp476.9
Role of rift structural inheritance in orogeny highlighted by the Western Pyrenees case-study
Gómez-Romeu, J., Masini, E., Tugend, J., Ducoux, M., & Kusznir, N. (2019). Role of rift structural inheritance in orogeny highlighted by the Western Pyrenees case-study. Tectonophysics, 766, 131-150. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2019.05.022
Crustal thickness mapping of the central South Atlantic and the geodynamic development of the Rio Grande Rise and Walvis Ridge
Graça, M. C., Kusznir, N., & Gomes Stanton, N. S. (2019). Crustal thickness mapping of the central South Atlantic and the geodynamic development of the Rio Grande Rise and Walvis Ridge. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 101, 230-242. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.12.011
Architecture and Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Campos Rifted Margin: Control of OCT structure by basement inheritance
Stanton, N., Kusznir, N., Gordon, A., & Schmitt, R. (2019). Architecture and Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Campos Rifted Margin: Control of OCT structure by basement inheritance. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 100, 43-59. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.10.043
Evaluating magmatic additions at a magma-poor rifted margin: an East Indian case study
Harkin, C., Kusznir, N., Tugend, J., Manatschal, G., & McDermott, K. (2019). Evaluating magmatic additions at a magma-poor rifted margin: an East Indian case study. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 217(1), 25-40. doi:10.1093/gji/ggz007
Renormalisation of global mantle dynamic topography predictions using residual topography measurements for “normal” oceanic crust
Cowie, L., & Kusznir, N. (2018). Renormalisation of global mantle dynamic topography predictions using residual topography measurements for “normal” oceanic crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 499, 145-156. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2018.07.018
Crustal structure and post-rift evolution of the Levant Basin
Steinberg, J., Roberts, A. M., Kusznir, N. J., Schafer, K., & Karcz, Z. (2018). Crustal structure and post-rift evolution of the Levant Basin. MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 96, 522-543. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.05.006
What is the thickness of Earth’s crust?
Roberts, A., Alvey, A., & Kusznir, N. (2018). What is the thickness of Earth’s crust?. Geoscientist, 28(7). doi:10.1144/geosci2018-003
South China Sea crustal thickness and oceanic lithosphere distribution from satellite gravity inversion
Gozzard, S., Kusznir, N., Franke, D., Cullen, A., Reemst, P., & Henstra, G. (2018). South China Sea crustal thickness and oceanic lithosphere distribution from satellite gravity inversion. Petroleum Geoscience, 25(1), 112-128. doi:10.1144/petgeo2016-162
Crustal structure and heat-flow history in the UK Rockall Basin, derived from backstripping and gravity-inversion analysis
Roberts, A. M., Alvey, A. D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2019). Crustal structure and heat-flow history in the UK Rockall Basin, derived from backstripping and gravity-inversion analysis. PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE, 25(2), 131-150. doi:10.1144/petgeo2017-063
Mapping the bathymetric evolution of the Northern North Sea: from Jurassic synrift archipelago through Cretaceous-Tertiary post-rift subsidence
Roberts, A. M., Kusznir, N. J., Yielding, G., & Beeley, H. (2019). Mapping the bathymetric evolution of the Northern North Sea: from Jurassic synrift archipelago through Cretaceous-Tertiary post-rift subsidence. PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE, 25(3), 306-321. doi:10.1144/petgeo2018-066
Preserved organic matter in a fossil Ocean Continent Transition in the Alps: the example of Totalp, SE Switzerland
Mateeva, T., Wolff, G. A., Manatschal, G., Picazo, S., Kusznir, N. J., & Wheeler, J. (2017). Preserved organic matter in a fossil Ocean Continent Transition in the Alps: the example of Totalp, SE Switzerland. SWISS JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 110(2), 457-478. doi:10.1007/s00015-017-0266-3
Nature and origin of the J-magnetic anomaly offshore Iberia-Newfoundland: implications for plate reconstructions
Nirrengarten, M., Manatschal, G., Tugend, J., Kusznir, N. J., & Sauter, D. (2017). Nature and origin of the J-magnetic anomaly offshore Iberia-Newfoundland: implications for plate reconstructions. TERRA NOVA, 29(1), 20-28. doi:10.1111/ter.12240
Structure of the ocean–continent transition, location of the continent–ocean boundary and magmatic type of the northern Angolan margin from integrated quantitative analysis of deep seismic reflection and gravity anomaly data
Cowie, L., Angelo, R. M., Kusznir, N., Manatschal, G., & Horn, B. (2017). Structure of the ocean–continent transition, location of the continent–ocean boundary and magmatic type of the northern Angolan margin from integrated quantitative analysis of deep seismic reflection and gravity anomaly data. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 438(1), 159-176. doi:10.1144/sp438.6
Constraining lithosphere deformation modes during continental breakup for the Iberia–Newfoundland conjugate rifted margins
Jeanniot, L., Kusznir, N., Mohn, G., Manatschal, G., & Cowie, L. (2016). Constraining lithosphere deformation modes during continental breakup for the Iberia–Newfoundland conjugate rifted margins. Tectonophysics, 680, 28-49. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2016.05.006
Evidence for magma entrapment below oceanic crust from deep seismic reflections in the Western Somali Basin
Sauter, D., Unternehr, P., Manatschal, G., Tugend, J., Cannat, M., Le Quellec, P., . . . Horn, B. W. (2016). Evidence for magma entrapment below oceanic crust from deep seismic reflections in the Western Somali Basin. GEOLOGY, 44(6), 407-410. doi:10.1130/G37747.1
Application of the critical Coulomb wedge theory to hyper-extended, magma-poor rifted margins
Nirrengarten, M., Manatschal, G., Yuan, X. P., Kusznir, N. J., & Maillot, B. (2016). Application of the critical Coulomb wedge theory to hyper-extended, magma-poor rifted margins. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, 442, 121-132. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.03.004
Bunbury Basalt: Gondwana breakup products or earliest vestiges of the Kerguelen mantle plume?
Olierook, H. K. H., Jourdan, F., Merle, R. E., Timms, N. E., Kusznir, N., & Muhling, J. R. (2016). Bunbury Basalt: Gondwana breakup products or earliest vestiges of the Kerguelen mantle plume?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 440, 20-32. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2016.02.008
Maximizing the value of deep long-offset seismic reflection data
Kusznir, N., Cowie, L., Horn, B., Bellingham, P., & Roberts, A. (2016). Maximizing the value of deep long-offset seismic reflection data. In International Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 April 2016 (pp. 156). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists. doi:10.1190/ice2016-6519662.1
Mediterranean heat-flow prediction using gravity inversion
Alvey, A., Roberts, A., & Kusznir, N. (2016). Mediterranean heat-flow prediction using gravity inversion. In International Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 April 2016 (pp. 2). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists. doi:10.1190/ice2016-6355430.1
The morocco-canaries Atlantic margin – a classic rifted margin or a more complex failed-breakup basin?
Roberts, A., Alvey, A., Fisher, J., Burnett, D., & Kusznir, N. (2016). The morocco-canaries Atlantic margin – a classic rifted margin or a more complex failed-breakup basin?. In International Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 April 2016 (pp. 279). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists. doi:10.1190/ice2016-6355177.1
The palaeo-bathymetry of base Aptian salt deposition and the composition of underlying basement on the northern Angolan rifted margin
Cowie, L., Kusznir, N., Angelo, R., Manatschal, G., & Horn, B. (2016). The palaeo-bathymetry of base Aptian salt deposition and the composition of underlying basement on the northern Angolan rifted margin. In International Conference and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 3-6 April 2016 (pp. 43). Society of Exploration Geophysicists and American Association of Petroleum Geologists. doi:10.1190/ice2016-6524491.1
The palaeo-bathymetry of base Aptian salt deposition on the northern Angolan rifted margin: constraints from flexural back-stripping and reverse post-break-up thermal subsidence modelling
Cowie, L., Angelo, R. M., Kusznir, N. J., Manatschal, G., & Horn, B. (2016). The palaeo-bathymetry of base Aptian salt deposition on the northern Angolan rifted margin: constraints from flexural back-stripping and reverse post-break-up thermal subsidence modelling. PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE, 22(1), 59-70. doi:10.1144/petgeo2014-087
Determining the COB location along the Iberian margin and Galicia Bank from gravity anomaly inversion, residual depth anomaly and subsidence analysis
Cowie, L., Kusznir, N., & Manatschal, G. (2015). Determining the COB location along the Iberian margin and Galicia Bank from gravity anomaly inversion, residual depth anomaly and subsidence analysis. GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, 203(2), 1355-1372. doi:10.1093/gji/ggv367
Continental crust beneath southeast Iceland
Torsvik, T. H., Amundsen, H. E. F., Tronnes, R. G., Doubrovine, P. V., Gaina, C., Kusznir, N. J., . . . Jamtveit, B. (2015). Continental crust beneath southeast Iceland. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 112(15), E1818-E1827. doi:10.1073/pnas.1423099112
Characterizing and identifying structural domains at rifted continental margins: application to the Bay of Biscay margins and its Western Pyrenean fossil remnants
Tugend, J., Manatschal, G., Kusznir, N. J., & Masini, E. (2015). Characterizing and identifying structural domains at rifted continental margins: application to the Bay of Biscay margins and its Western Pyrenean fossil remnants. In SEDIMENTARY BASINS AND CRUSTAL PROCESSES AT CONTINENTAL MARGINS: FROM MODERN HYPER-EXTENDED MARGINS TO DEFORMED ANCIENT ANALOGUES (Vol. 413, pp. 171-203). doi:10.1144/SP413.3
Spatial and temporal evolution of hyperextended rift systems: Implication for the nature, kinematics, and timing of the Iberian-European plate boundary
Tugend, J., Manatschal, G., & Kusznir, N. J. (2015). Spatial and temporal evolution of hyperextended rift systems: Implication for the nature, kinematics, and timing of the Iberian-European plate boundary. GEOLOGY, 43(1), 15-18. doi:10.1130/G36072.1
Formation and deformation of hyperextended rift systems: Insights from rift domain mapping in the Bay of Biscay-Pyrenees
Tugend, J., Manatschal, G., Kusznir, N. J., Masini, E., Mohn, G., & Thinon, I. (2014). Formation and deformation of hyperextended rift systems: Insights from rift domain mapping in the Bay of Biscay-Pyrenees. TECTONICS, 33(7), 1239-1276. doi:10.1002/2014TC003529
The formation of a failed continental breakup basin: The Cenozoic development of the Faroe‐Shetland Basin
Fletcher, R., Kusznir, N., Roberts, A., & Hunsdale, R. (2013). The formation of a failed continental breakup basin: The Cenozoic development of the Faroe‐Shetland Basin. Basin Research, 25(5), 532-553. doi:10.1111/bre.12015
A Precambrian microcontinent in the Indian Ocean
Torsvik, T. H., Amundsen, H., Hartz, E. H., Corfu, F., Kusznir, N., Gaina, C., . . . Jamtveit, B. (2013). A Precambrian microcontinent in the Indian Ocean. Nature Geoscience, 6(3), 223-227. doi:10.1038/ngeo1736
Integrated tectonic basin modelling as an aid to understanding deep-water rifted continental margin structure and location
Roberts, A. M., Kusznir, N. J., Corfield, R. I., Thompson, M., & Woodfine, R. (2013). Integrated tectonic basin modelling as an aid to understanding deep-water rifted continental margin structure and location. Petroleum Geoscience, 19(1), 65-88. doi:10.1144/petgeo2011-046
Mapping crustal thickness and oceanic lithosphere distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean using gravity inversion
Cowie, L., & Kusznir, N. (2012). Mapping crustal thickness and oceanic lithosphere distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean using gravity inversion. Petroleum Geoscience, 18(4), 373-380. doi:10.1144/petgeo2011-071
Gravity inversion mapping of crustal thickness and lithosphere thinning for the eastern Mediterranean
Cowie, L., & Kusznir, N. (2012). Gravity inversion mapping of crustal thickness and lithosphere thinning for the eastern Mediterranean. The Leading Edge, 31(7), 810-814. doi:10.1190/tle31070810.1
Necking of continental crust in magma‐poor rifted margins: Evidence from the fossil Alpine Tethys margins
Mohn, G., Manatschal, G., Beltrando, M., Masini, E., & Kusznir, N. (2012). Necking of continental crust in magma‐poor rifted margins: Evidence from the fossil Alpine Tethys margins. Tectonics, 31(1). doi:10.1029/2011tc002961
The breakup of the South Atlantic Ocean: formation of failed spreading axes and
Scotchman, I. C., Gilchrist, G., Kusznir, N. J., Roberts, A. M., & Fletcher, R. (2011). The breakup of the South Atlantic Ocean: formation of failed spreading axes and. Petroleum Geology Conference series 2010, 7, 1-13.
The breakup of the South Atlantic Ocean: formation of failed spreading axes and blocks of thinned continental crust in the Santos Basin, Brazil and its consequences for petroleum system development
Scotchman, I. C., Gilchrist, G., Kusznir, N. J., Roberts, A. M., & Fletcher, R. (2010). The breakup of the South Atlantic Ocean: formation of failed spreading axes and blocks of thinned continental crust in the Santos Basin, Brazil and its consequences for petroleum system development. Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference Series, 7(1), 855-866. doi:10.1144/0070855
Mapping palaeostructure and palaeobathymetry along the Norwegian Atlantic continental margin: Møre and Vøring basins
Roberts, A. M., Corfield, R. I., Kusznir, N. J., Matthews, S. J., Hansen, E. -K., & Hooper, R. J. (2009). Mapping palaeostructure and palaeobathymetry along the Norwegian Atlantic continental margin: Møre and Vøring basins. Petroleum Geoscience, 15(1), 27-43. doi:10.1144/1354-079309-804
Along-strike variations in rifted margin crustal architecture and lithosphere thinning between northern Vøring and Lofoten margin segments off mid-Norway.
Tsikalas, F., Faleide, J. I., & Kusznir, N. J. (2009). Along-strike variations in rifted margin crustal architecture and lithosphere thinning between northern Vøring and Lofoten margin segments off mid-Norway.. Tectonophysics, 458, 68-81.
Crustal Structure of the Norewgina-Greenland Sea from Satellite Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Correction for the Lithosphere Thermal Gravity Anomaly
Chappell, A. R., & Kusznir, N. J. (2009). Crustal Structure of the Norewgina-Greenland Sea from Satellite Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Correction for the Lithosphere Thermal Gravity Anomaly. Annales Societatis Scientiarum Faeroensis, 50, 9-29.
Depth Dependent Lithosphere Thinning at the Rifting to Spreading Transition in the Woodlark Ocean Basin, Western Pacific.
Gozzard, S. P., Kusznir, N. J., & Goodliffe, A. M. (2009). Depth Dependent Lithosphere Thinning at the Rifting to Spreading Transition in the Woodlark Ocean Basin, Western Pacific.. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., T23F(90(52)), 07.
Evidence for Lateral Variation in Lithospheric Mantle Density across the Ocean-Continent Transition of the Iberia and Newfoundland Conjugate Rifted Margins.
Cooper, C., Kusznir, N., & Manatschal, G. (2009). Evidence for Lateral Variation in Lithospheric Mantle Density across the Ocean-Continent Transition of the Iberia and Newfoundland Conjugate Rifted Margins.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, 2009-9265.
How does the crust thin during final rifting: evidence from the Bernina/Campo domain in the Central Alps (SE-Switzerland and N-Italy),
Mohn, G., Manatschal, G., Masini, E., Beltrando, M., Muntener, O., & Kusznir, N. J. (2009). How does the crust thin during final rifting: evidence from the Bernina/Campo domain in the Central Alps (SE-Switzerland and N-Italy),. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., T31C(90(52)), 1830.
Lithospheric scale density heterogeneity across the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia and Newfoundland conjugate rifted margins
Cooper, C. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Manatschal, G. (2009). Lithospheric scale density heterogeneity across the ocean-continent transition of the Iberia and Newfoundland conjugate rifted margins. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., T31C(90(52)), 1849.
Melt initiation and mantle exhumation at the Iberian rifted margin: Comparison of pure–shear and upwelling-divergent flow models of continental breakup
Fletcher, R., Kusznir, N., & Cheadle, M. (n.d.). Melt initiation and mantle exhumation at the Iberian rifted margin: Comparison of pure–shear and upwelling-divergent flow models of continental breakup. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 341(5), 394-405. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2008.12.008
Modelling stress accumulation and dissipation and the causes intermediate depth seismicity in subduction zones
Fry, A., Kusznir, N., Dabrowski, M., Rietbrock, A., & Podladtchikov, I. (2009). Modelling stress accumulation and dissipation and the causes intermediate depth seismicity in subduction zones. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, 2009-8382.
Modelling stress accumulation and dissipation in subducting lithosphere and the origins of double and triple seismic zones.
Fry, A., Kusznir, N. J., Rietbrock, A., Dabrowski, M., & Podladchikov, Y. (2009). Modelling stress accumulation and dissipation in subducting lithosphere and the origins of double and triple seismic zones.. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., T23B(90(52)), 1917.
NW Indian Ocean crustal thickness, micro-continent distribution and ocean-continent transition location from satellite gravity inversion.
Kusznir, N. J., & Tymms, V. (2009). NW Indian Ocean crustal thickness, micro-continent distribution and ocean-continent transition location from satellite gravity inversion.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-EGU12400.
Post-breakup rifted margin hinterland uplift predicted by a model of continental breakup and sea-floor spreading incorporating buoyancy assisted upwelling
Greenhalgh, E., & Kusznir, N. J. (2009). Post-breakup rifted margin hinterland uplift predicted by a model of continental breakup and sea-floor spreading incorporating buoyancy assisted upwelling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, 2009-8136.
Potential mechanisms for the genesis of Cenozoic domal structures on the NE Atlantic margin: pros, cons and some new ideas.
Doré, A. G., Lundin, E. R., Kusznir, N. J., & Pascal., C. (2009). Potential mechanisms for the genesis of Cenozoic domal structures on the NE Atlantic margin: pros, cons and some new ideas.. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 306, 1,-26,.
The Deformation Mode of Continental Lithosphere Thinning Leading to Continental Breakup.
Kusznir, N. J., & Manatschal, G. (2009). The Deformation Mode of Continental Lithosphere Thinning Leading to Continental Breakup.. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstrac, T31C(90(52)), 1855.
The mode of lithosphere deformation leading to continental breakup and sea-floor spreading initiation.
Kusznir, N. J., Fletcher, R. J., & Manatschal, G. (2009). The mode of lithosphere deformation leading to continental breakup and sea-floor spreading initiation.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, 2009-9644.
Unraveling the crustal structure of hyper-extended rifted margins: the example of the Bernina domain in the Alpine Tethys (SE Switzerland)
Mohn, G., Masini, E., Manatschal, G., Beltrando, M., Müntener, O., & Kusznir, N. (2009). Unraveling the crustal structure of hyper-extended rifted margins: the example of the Bernina domain in the Alpine Tethys (SE Switzerland). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, 2009-8390.
Viscoelastic Lithosphere Response and Stress Memory of Tectonic Force History (Invited)
Kusznir, N. J. (2009). Viscoelastic Lithosphere Response and Stress Memory of Tectonic Force History (Invited). Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., T31F(90(52)), 01.
Volcanic rifted margin asymmetry and pre-breakup sag-sequences: North Atlantic examples
Watson, J. G., Kusznir, N. J., Faleide, J. I., Tsikalas, F., & Roberts, A. (2009). Volcanic rifted margin asymmetry and pre-breakup sag-sequences: North Atlantic examples. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 11, EGU2009-EGU10503.
Along-strike variations in rifted margin crustal architecture and lithosphere thinning between northern Vøring and Lofoten margin segments off mid-Norway
Tsikalas, F., Faleide, J. I., & Kusznir, N. J. (2008). Along-strike variations in rifted margin crustal architecture and lithosphere thinning between northern Vøring and Lofoten margin segments off mid-Norway. Tectonophysics, 458(1-4), 68-81. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.03.001
Integrated crustal thickness mapping and plate reconstructions for the high Arctic
Alvey, A., Gaina, C., Kusznir, N. J., & Torsvik, T. H. (2008). Integrated crustal thickness mapping and plate reconstructions for the high Arctic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 274(3-4), 310-321. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.07.036
Three-dimensional gravity inversion for Moho depth at rifted continental margins incorporating a lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly correction
Chappell, A. R., & Kusznir, N. J. (2008). Three-dimensional gravity inversion for Moho depth at rifted continental margins incorporating a lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly correction. Geophysical Journal International, 174(1), 1-13. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246x.2008.03803.x
Lower-crustal intrusion on the North Atlantic continental margin.
White, R. S., Smith, L. K., Roberts, A. W., Christie, P. A. F., Kusznir, N. J., iSIMM Team., . . . Tymms, V. J. (2008). Lower-crustal intrusion on the North Atlantic continental margin.. Nature, 452(7186), 460-464. doi:10.1038/nature06687
An algorithm to calculate the gravity anomaly of sedimentary basins with exponential density‐depth relationships
Chappell, A., & Kusznir, N. (2008). An algorithm to calculate the gravity anomaly of sedimentary basins with exponential density‐depth relationships. Geophysical Prospecting, 56(2), 249-258. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2478.2007.00674.x
Asymmetry of the Norwegian and East Greenland conjugate rifted continental margins
Watson, J. G., Kusznir, N. J., Tsikalas, F., & Faleide, J. (2008). Asymmetry of the Norwegian and East Greenland conjugate rifted continental margins. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EG.
Circum-Arctic Mapping Project: New Magnetic Anomaly map Linked to the ...
Gaina, C., Saltus, R., Harrison, C., St-Onge, M., Alvey, A., & Kusznir, N. (2008). Circum-Arctic Mapping Project: New Magnetic Anomaly map Linked to the .... Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2008AG, 2008AGUFMGP53B..04G.
Crustal Thickness and Continental Lithosphere Thinning Factors for the Woodlark Basin From Gravity Inversions
Gozzard, S., Kusznir, N., & Goodliffe, A. (2008). Crustal Thickness and Continental Lithosphere Thinning Factors for the Woodlark Basin From Gravity Inversions. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2008AG, 2008AGUFM.T32B..03G.
Dependence of Mantle Exhumation at Rifted Continental Margins on the Deformation Mode of Breakup Lithosphere Thinning
Kusznir, N. J., Fletcher, R. J., & Manatschal, G. (2008). Dependence of Mantle Exhumation at Rifted Continental Margins on the Deformation Mode of Breakup Lithosphere Thinning. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2008AG, 2008AGUFM.T33F..07K.
Detachment structures in the Bernina domain (SE Switzerland): can they explain the extreme thinning of the continental crust prior to mantle exhumation in the Alpine Tethys ocean?
Mohn, G., Manatschal, G., Müntener, O., Kusznir, N., & Masini, E. (2008). Detachment structures in the Bernina domain (SE Switzerland): can they explain the extreme thinning of the continental crust prior to mantle exhumation in the Alpine Tethys ocean?. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EG.
Evidence for Depth-Dependent Stretching at the Propagating Tip of Sea-floor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin, from Satellite Gravity Inversion, Flexural Backstripping and Fault Analysis
Cooper, C. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Manatschal, G. (2008). Evidence for Depth-Dependent Stretching at the Propagating Tip of Sea-floor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin, from Satellite Gravity Inversion, Flexural Backstripping and Fault Analysis. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EG.
Evidence for Lateral Variation in Density Along the Ocean-Continent
Cooper, C. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Manatschal, G. (2008). Evidence for Lateral Variation in Density Along the Ocean-Continent. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2008AG, 2008AGUFM.T43C2057C.
Field Analogues to Understand the Evolution of Hyper-Extended Ultra-Deep
Mohn, G., Masini, E., Manatschal, G., Beltrando, M., Müntener, O., & Kusznir, N. (2008). Field Analogues to Understand the Evolution of Hyper-Extended Ultra-Deep. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2008AG, 2008AGUFM.T43C2043M.
Geodynamic modelling of continental lithosphere thinning leading to sea-floor spreading: Implications for post-breakup rifted margin hinterland uplift
Greenhalgh, E. E., & Kusznir, N. J. (2008). Geodynamic modelling of continental lithosphere thinning leading to sea-floor spreading: Implications for post-breakup rifted margin hinterland uplift. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EG.
Mapping Arctic Crustal Thickness and Ocean-Continent Transition using Gravity Inversion with a Lithosphere Thermal Correction.
Kusznir, N. J., Lebedeva-Ivanova, N., Alvey, A., Gee, D., Gaina, C., & Torsvik, T. H. (2008). Mapping Arctic Crustal Thickness and Ocean-Continent Transition using Gravity Inversion with a Lithosphere Thermal Correction.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 10, EG.
Potential mechanisms for the genesis of Cenozoic domal structures
Doré, A. G., Lundin, E. R., Kusznir, N. J., & Pascal, C. (2008). Potential mechanisms for the genesis of Cenozoic domal structures. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 306, 1 doi101144SP3061-26 doi101144SP3061.
Quantifying Continental Overlap in Plate Reconstruction Models for the North Atlantic Using Continental Extension Estimates from Gravity Inversion
Alvey, A., Kusznir, N. J., Torsvik, T. H., & Gaina, C. (2008). Quantifying Continental Overlap in Plate Reconstruction Models for the North Atlantic Using Continental Extension Estimates from Gravity Inversion. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 2008AG, 2008AGUFM.T43A1996A.
Refining Plate Reconstruction Models Using OCT Location & Continental Extension Predicted by Gravity Inversion for the North Atlantic Rifted Margins
Alvey, A., Kusznir, N. J., Torsvik, T. H., & Gaina, C. (2008). Refining Plate Reconstruction Models Using OCT Location & Continental Extension Predicted by Gravity Inversion for the North Atlantic Rifted Margins. Geophysical Research Abstracts,, 10, EG.
The case for a thermal origin of magmatism on the North Atlantic continental margin
White, R. S., Smith, L. K., Roberts, A. W., Christie, P. A. F., & Kusznir, N. J. (2008). The case for a thermal origin of magmatism on the North Atlantic continental margin. Geophysical Research Abstracts,, 10, EG.
LPO predicted seismic anisotropy beneath a simple model of a mid‐ocean ridge
Nippress, S. E. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Kendall, J. (2007). LPO predicted seismic anisotropy beneath a simple model of a mid‐ocean ridge. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(14). doi:10.1029/2006gl029040
Evidence for thin oceanic crust on the extinct Aegir Ridge, Norwegian Basin, NE Atlantic derived from satellite gravity inversion
Greenhalgh, E. E., & Kusznir, N. J. (2007). Evidence for thin oceanic crust on the extinct Aegir Ridge, Norwegian Basin, NE Atlantic derived from satellite gravity inversion. Geophysical Research Letters, 34(6). doi:10.1029/2007gl029440
Arctic Crustal Thickness and Ocean-Continent Transition from Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction
Greenhalgh, E., Kusznir, N. J., Lebedeva-Ivanova, N., Alvey, A., Gaina, C., & Torsvik, T. H. (2007). Arctic Crustal Thickness and Ocean-Continent Transition from Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 88(52), T11E-03.
Arctic Plate Reconstructions & Predicted Crustal Thickness from Gravity Inversion.
Alvey, A., Gaina, C., Kusznir, N. J., & Torsvik, T. H. (2007). Arctic Plate Reconstructions & Predicted Crustal Thickness from Gravity Inversion.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU200, A-03466.
Comparison of Pure-Shear and Upwelling-Divergent Flow Models of Breakup Continental Lithosphere Thinning for the N. Iberian, N. Newfoundland and N. Angolan Rifted Margins
Kusznir, N. J., Manatschal, G., Fletcher, R. J., & Cooper, C. (2007). Comparison of Pure-Shear and Upwelling-Divergent Flow Models of Breakup Continental Lithosphere Thinning for the N. Iberian, N. Newfoundland and N. Angolan Rifted Margins. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl, 88(52), T32A-02.
Continental lithospheric thinning and breakup in response to upwelling divergent mantle flow: application to the Woodlark, Newfoundland and Iberia margins
Kusznir, N. J., & Karner, G. D. (2007). Continental lithospheric thinning and breakup in response to upwelling divergent mantle flow: application to the Woodlark, Newfoundland and Iberia margins. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 282(1), 389-419. doi:10.1144/sp282.16
Crustal Thickness and Continental Lithosphere Thinning on the N. Angolan Rifted Margins Predicted Using Gravity Inversion
Silva, R., Kusznir, N., & Roberts, A. (2007). Crustal Thickness and Continental Lithosphere Thinning on the N. Angolan Rifted Margins Predicted Using Gravity Inversion. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 88(52), T41A-0368.
Early kinematic history of the Goban Spur rifted margin derived from a new model of continental breakup and sea floor spreading initiation.
Healy, D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2007). Early kinematic history of the Goban Spur rifted margin derived from a new model of continental breakup and sea floor spreading initiation.. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., Imaging, Mapping, and Modelling Continental Lithosphere Extension and Breakup (Proceedings of NSF-ESF rifted margins workshop, Pontresina 2004),, 282, 199-215.
Elastic dislocation modelling for prediction of small-scale fault
Dee, S. J., Yielding, G., Freeman, B., Healy, D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2007). Elastic dislocation modelling for prediction of small-scale fault. In L. Lonergan, R. J. H. Jolly, K. Rawnsley, & D. J. Sanderson (Eds.), Fractured Reservoirs (Vol. 270, pp. 139-155). London: Geological Society.
Horizontal tectonic stress in lithosphere overlying subducting slab, dynamic topography and subduction mass balance.
Kusznir, N. J., Kennedy, A., Izarra, C., Nippress, S., & Booth, S. (2007). Horizontal tectonic stress in lithosphere overlying subducting slab, dynamic topography and subduction mass balance.. Geophysical Resrach Abstracts, EGU200, A-10776.
Mantle Exhumation at Magma-Poor Rifted Margins due to Melt Suppression During Continental Break-up and Seafloor Spreading Initiation.
Fletcher, R., Kusznir, N., & Cheadle, M. (2007). Mantle Exhumation at Magma-Poor Rifted Margins due to Melt Suppression During Continental Break-up and Seafloor Spreading Initiation.. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Supplement, 88(52), T34A-03.
Mantle exhumation at non-volcanic rifted margins due to melt suppression during continental break-up and seafloor spreading initiation.
Fletcher, R. J., & Kusznir, N. J. (2007). Mantle exhumation at non-volcanic rifted margins due to melt suppression during continental break-up and seafloor spreading initiation.. European Geosciences Union, EGU200, A-04206..
Northern N. Atlantic rifted margin crustal thickness and OCT location from satellite gravity inversion incorporating a lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly correction.
Chappell, A. R., & Kusznir, N. J. (2007). Northern N. Atlantic rifted margin crustal thickness and OCT location from satellite gravity inversion incorporating a lithosphere thermal gravity anomaly correction.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU200, A-07759.
Predicting OCT Location and Continental Extension for North Atlantic Rifted Margins Using Gravity Inversion
Alvey, A., & Kusznir, N. J. (2007). Predicting OCT Location and Continental Extension for North Atlantic Rifted Margins Using Gravity Inversion. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 88(52), T41A-0367.
Residual depth anomalies on the Iberian, Newfoundland, Labrador and Nova Scotian margins; implications for their lithosphere mass and density distribution
Cooper, C., Kusznir, N., & Manatschal, G. (2007). Residual depth anomalies on the Iberian, Newfoundland, Labrador and Nova Scotian margins; implications for their lithosphere mass and density distribution. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 88(52), T41A-0365.
Structure and evolution of the northern Voring and Lofoten-Vesteralen margins, and their conjugate NE Greenland margin.
Tsikalas, F., Faleide, J. I., Breivik, A. J., Mjelde, R., Wilson, J., Eldholm, O., & Kusznir, N. J. (2007). Structure and evolution of the northern Voring and Lofoten-Vesteralen margins, and their conjugate NE Greenland margin.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU200, A-09377.
The evolution of the Southwest Indian 1 Ridge from 55°45'E-62°E: changes in plate-boundary geometry since 26 Ma
Baines, G., Cheadle, M. J., Dick, H. J. B., Scheirer, A. H., John, B. E., Kusznir, N. J., & Takeshi Matsumoto, T. (2007). The evolution of the Southwest Indian 1 Ridge from 55°45'E-62°E: changes in plate-boundary geometry since 26 Ma. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems,, 8(6), 1-31.
Thin oceanic crust on the extinct Aegir Ridge, Norwegian Basin, N.E. Atlantic predicted by satellite gravity inversion.
Greenhalgh, E., & Kusznir, N. J. (2007). Thin oceanic crust on the extinct Aegir Ridge, Norwegian Basin, N.E. Atlantic predicted by satellite gravity inversion.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU200, A-07388.
Thinning Factors and Crustal Thicknesses at the Propagating Tip of Sea-floor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin
Gozzard, S. P., Kusznir, N., Goodliffe, A., & Manatschal, G. (2007). Thinning Factors and Crustal Thicknesses at the Propagating Tip of Sea-floor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 88(52), T41A-0361.
Unraveling the Interaction Between Mantle Processes and the Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution During Final Rifting Based on the Study of Remnants of the Alpine Tethys Rifted Margins Exposed in the Alps
Mohn, G., Masini, E., Manatschal, G., Muntener, O., & Kusznir, N. (2007). Unraveling the Interaction Between Mantle Processes and the Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution During Final Rifting Based on the Study of Remnants of the Alpine Tethys Rifted Margins Exposed in the Alps. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., 88(52), T41A-0374.
A failed sea-floor-spreading centre, Santos Basin, Brazil
Scotchman, I. C., Marais-Gilchrist, G., de Souza, F. G., Chaves, F. F., Atterton, L. A., Roberts, A. M., & Kusznir, N. J. (2006). A failed sea-floor-spreading centre, Santos Basin, Brazil. In Rio Oil & Gas Expo and Conference Vol. IBP150 (pp. 1-9). Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo e Gás - IBP.
Crustal thickness and OCT mapping of the Arctic region using gravity inversion incorporating a lithosphere thermal correction
Alvey, A., & Kusznir, N. J. (2006). Crustal thickness and OCT mapping of the Arctic region using gravity inversion incorporating a lithosphere thermal correction. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, A-06984.
Evidence for Thin Oceanic Crust on the Extinct Aegir Ridge, Norwegian Basin, N.E. Atlantic
Greenhalgh, E. E., & Kusznir, N. J. (2006). Evidence for Thin Oceanic Crust on the Extinct Aegir Ridge, Norwegian Basin, N.E. Atlantic. EOS Trans. AGU, 87, V23E-0681.
Late Palaeozoic intra- and pericratonic basins on the East European Craton
Stephenson, R. A., Yegorova, T., Kusznir, N., Brunet, M. -F., Stovba, S., Wilson, M., . . . Saintot, A. (2006). Late Palaeozoic intra- and pericratonic basins on the East European Craton. In D. G. Gee, & R. A. Stephenson (Eds.), European Lithosphere Dynamics (Vol. 32, pp. 463-479). London: Geological Society.
Mapping Crustal Thickness, Ocean-Continent Transition and Micro-Continents in the Indian Ocean Using Satellite Gravity Inversion
Wedge, L., & Kusznir, N. J. (2006). Mapping Crustal Thickness, Ocean-Continent Transition and Micro-Continents in the Indian Ocean Using Satellite Gravity Inversion. EOS Trans. AGU, 87, T53B-1594.
Melt Production and Mantle Exhumation During Continental Break-up and Rifted Margin Formation in Response to an Upwelling Divergent Flow-field
Fletcher, R. J., & Kusznir, N. J. (2006). Melt Production and Mantle Exhumation During Continental Break-up and Rifted Margin Formation in Response to an Upwelling Divergent Flow-field. EOS Trans. AGU, 87, T53A-1585.
Subduction mass balance, dynamic topography and its isostatic implications for the Central Andes
Kusznir, N. J., Izarra, C., Nippress, S., & Booth, S. (2006). Subduction mass balance, dynamic topography and its isostatic implications for the Central Andes. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 8, A-09124.
Testing Plate Reconstructions For The High Arctic Using Crustal Thickness Mapping From Gravity Inversion
Alvey, A. D., Gaina, C., Kusznir, N. J., & Torsvik, T. H. (2006). Testing Plate Reconstructions For The High Arctic Using Crustal Thickness Mapping From Gravity Inversion. EOS Trans. AGU, 87, OS53B-1121.
The Formation of Asymmetric Conjugate Rifted Continental Margins
Kusznir, N. J. (2006). The Formation of Asymmetric Conjugate Rifted Continental Margins. EOS Trans. AGU, 87, T52C-01.
Application of a new model of continental lithosphere breakup and sea-floor spreading initiation to the Woodlark Basin Western Pacific
Karner, G. D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2005). Application of a new model of continental lithosphere breakup and sea-floor spreading initiation to the Woodlark Basin Western Pacific. EOS Trans. AGU, 86, Jt. Assem. Suppl., 86, T51A-02.
Crustal Structure in the Southern Rockall Trough from Satellite Gravity Data: Evidence for Sea-floor Spreading
Chappell, A., & Kusznir, N. J. (2005). Crustal Structure in the Southern Rockall Trough from Satellite Gravity Data: Evidence for Sea-floor Spreading. EOS Trans. AGU, Jt. Assem. Suppl., 86, T53A-05.
Crustal Thickness Mapping of the Rifted Margin Ocean-Continent Transition using Satellite Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction
Hurst, N. W., & Kusznir, N. J. (2005). Crustal Thickness Mapping of the Rifted Margin Ocean-Continent Transition using Satellite Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction. EOS Trans. AGU, 86, Jt. Assem. Suppl., 86, T53A-04.
Crustal thickness mapping using satellite gravity data: Implications for the formation of the southern Rockall Trough.
Chappell, A. R., & Kusznir, N. J. (2005). Crustal thickness mapping using satellite gravity data: Implications for the formation of the southern Rockall Trough.. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 07953.
Evidence for a Slow Spreading Ocean Ridge in the Southern Rockall Trough From Satellite Gravity Inversion and Seismic Data
Chappell, A. R., & Kusznir, N. J. (2005). Evidence for a Slow Spreading Ocean Ridge in the Southern Rockall Trough From Satellite Gravity Inversion and Seismic Data. EOS Trans. AGU, 86, T41E-1345.
Kinematics of lithosphere breakup deformation at the Goban Spur rifted continental margin
Healy, D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2005). Kinematics of lithosphere breakup deformation at the Goban Spur rifted continental margin. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 06603.
Mapping the Ocean-Continent Transition at Rifted Margins using Satellite Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction
Hurst, N. W., & Kusznir, N. J. (2005). Mapping the Ocean-Continent Transition at Rifted Margins using Satellite Gravity Inversion Incorporating a Lithosphere Thermal Correction. EOS Trans. AGU, 86, T12C-03.
Modelling continental lithosphere thinning leading to breakup and sea-floor spreading initiation: The role of upwelling divergent flow within continental lithosphere
Kusznir, N. J., & Karner, G. D. (2005). Modelling continental lithosphere thinning leading to breakup and sea-floor spreading initiation: The role of upwelling divergent flow within continental lithosphere. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 09562.
Modelling of continental lithosphere breakup and rifted margin formation in response to an upwelling divergent flow field incorporating a temperature dependent rheology
Tymms, V., & Kusznir, N. J. (2005). Modelling of continental lithosphere breakup and rifted margin formation in response to an upwelling divergent flow field incorporating a temperature dependent rheology. EOS Trans. AGU, Jt. Assem. Suppl., 86, T53A-10.
Modes of Continental Lithosphere Deformation and Thinning Leading to Continental Breakup and Sea-floor Spreading Initiation
Kusznir, N. J., & Healy, D. (2005). Modes of Continental Lithosphere Deformation and Thinning Leading to Continental Breakup and Sea-floor Spreading Initiation. EOS Trans. AGU, 86, T52B-06.
Predicting Structure and Location of the Ocean-Continent Transition at Rifted Margins Using a New Model of Continental Breakup and Rifted Margin Formation.
Kusznir, N. J., Karner, G. D., Tymms, V., Healy, D., Roberts, A. M., & Team, I. (2005). Predicting Structure and Location of the Ocean-Continent Transition at Rifted Margins Using a New Model of Continental Breakup and Rifted Margin Formation.. EOS Trans. AGU, Jt. Assem. Suppl., 86, T41A-04.
Structure from the Faroes shelf to the Norwegian Basin
Roberts, A. W., White, R. S., Christie, P. A. F., Kusznir, N. J., Roberts, A. M., & Team, I. (2005). Structure from the Faroes shelf to the Norwegian Basin. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 01035.
Structure of the Hatton-Rockall Basin and adjacent continental margin
Smith, L. K., White, R. S., Kusznir, N. J., & Team, I. (2005). Structure of the Hatton-Rockall Basin and adjacent continental margin. In Petroleum Geology: North-West Europe and Global Perspectives, p 947-956 (pp. 947-956). London: Geological Society (peer reviewed).
Tertiary Formation of the Faroes-Shetland Basin, NE Atlantic Margin, by Failed Continental Breakup
Fletcher, R. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Roberts, A. M. (2005). Tertiary Formation of the Faroes-Shetland Basin, NE Atlantic Margin, by Failed Continental Breakup. EOS Trans. AGU, 86, T52B-06.
Tertiary development of the Faroes-Shetland Basin: Intracontinental rifting or failed continental breakup?
Fletcher, R. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Roberts, A. M. (2005). Tertiary development of the Faroes-Shetland Basin: Intracontinental rifting or failed continental breakup?. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, 08516.
Timing and magnitude of depth-dependent lithosphere stretching on the southern Lofoten and northern Vøring continental margins offshore mid-Norway: implications for subsidence and hydrocarbon maturation at volcanic rifted margins
KUSZNIR, N. J., HUNSDALE, R., & ROBERTS, A. M. (2005). Timing and magnitude of depth-dependent lithosphere stretching on the southern Lofoten and northern Vøring continental margins offshore mid-Norway: implications for subsidence and hydrocarbon maturation at volcanic rifted margins. In Unknown Book (Vol. 6, pp. 767-783). Geological Society of London. doi:10.1144/0060767
Fracture prediction for the 1980 El Asnam, Algeria earthquake via elastic dislocation modeling
Healy, D., Yielding, G., & Kusznir, N. (2004). Fracture prediction for the 1980 El Asnam, Algeria earthquake via elastic dislocation modeling. Tectonics, 23(6). doi:10.1029/2003tc001575
Modeling of lower mantle seismic anisotropy beneath subduction zones
Nippress, S. E. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Kendall, J. (2004). Modeling of lower mantle seismic anisotropy beneath subduction zones. Geophysical Research Letters, 31(19). doi:10.1029/2004gl020701
Timing of depth‐dependent lithosphere stretching on the S. Lofoten rifted margin offshore mid‐Norway: pre‐breakup or post‐breakup?
Kusznir, N. J., Hunsdale, R., & Roberts, A. M. (2004). Timing of depth‐dependent lithosphere stretching on the S. Lofoten rifted margin offshore mid‐Norway: pre‐breakup or post‐breakup?. Basin Research, 16(2), 279-296. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2117.2004.00233.x
A Kinematic Fluid-flow Model of Continental Lithosphere Deformation Leading to Continental Lithosphere Breakup and Rifted Continental Margin Formation
Kusznir, N. J., & Karner, G. D. (2004). A Kinematic Fluid-flow Model of Continental Lithosphere Deformation Leading to Continental Lithosphere Breakup and Rifted Continental Margin Formation. EOS Trans. AGU, 85, T41E-1272.
An inverse method to derive fault slip and geometry from seismically observed vertical stratigraphic displacements using elastic dislocation theory.
Healy, D., Kusznir, N. J., & Yielding, G. (2004). An inverse method to derive fault slip and geometry from seismically observed vertical stratigraphic displacements using elastic dislocation theory.. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.
An inverse method to derive the kinematic history of rifted margin formation using a new model of sea floor spreading initiation
Healy, D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2004). An inverse method to derive the kinematic history of rifted margin formation using a new model of sea floor spreading initiation. EOS Trans. AGU, Jt. Assem. Suppl, 85, T41B-01.
Crustal architecture and depth-dependent lithosphere stretching of the northern Voring and Lofoten segments of the Norwegian margin
Tsikalas, F., Kusznir, N. J., & Faleide, J. I. (2004). Crustal architecture and depth-dependent lithosphere stretching of the northern Voring and Lofoten segments of the Norwegian margin. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 45, 275-280.
Crustal thickness from satellite gravity data incorporating a lithosphere thermal correction: application to North Atlantic rifted margins
Kusznir, N. J., Hurst, N. W., & White, R. S. (2004). Crustal thickness from satellite gravity data incorporating a lithosphere thermal correction: application to North Atlantic rifted margins. Geophys. Research Abstracts, 6, 04148.
Deformation Kinematics of Rifted Continental Margin Lithosphere From Measured Bathymetry, Gravity and Upper Crustal Extension Using a New Model of Sea Floor Spreading Initiation
Healy, D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2004). Deformation Kinematics of Rifted Continental Margin Lithosphere From Measured Bathymetry, Gravity and Upper Crustal Extension Using a New Model of Sea Floor Spreading Initiation. EOS Trans. AGU, 85, T41E-1268.
Depth-Dependent Lithospheric Stretching at Rifted Continental Margins
Davis, M., & Kusznir, N. J. (2004). Depth-Dependent Lithospheric Stretching at Rifted Continental Margins. In G. D. Karner (Ed.), Proceedings of NSF Rifted Margins Theoretical Institute, p 92-136 (pp. 92-136). New York: Columbia University Press.
Late Palaeocene Mantle Plume Uplift on The Fugloy Ridge, NE Faroes
Hurst, N. W., Kusznir, N. J., & Roberts, A. M. (2004). Late Palaeocene Mantle Plume Uplift on The Fugloy Ridge, NE Faroes. EOS Trans. AGU, 85, T23B-0587.
Mantle Plume Temperature Variations Immediately Following Continental Breakup of the Northern North Atlantic
Parkin, C. J., White, R. S., & Kusznir, N. (2004). Mantle Plume Temperature Variations Immediately Following Continental Breakup of the Northern North Atlantic. EOS Trans. AGU, 85, V34B-01.
Mapping Variations in Oceanic and Continental Crustal Thickness using Satellite Gravity Data on the Newfoundland Rifted Margin
Shillington, D. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Holbrook, W. S. (2004). Mapping Variations in Oceanic and Continental Crustal Thickness using Satellite Gravity Data on the Newfoundland Rifted Margin. EOS Trans. AGU, Jt. Assem. Suppl., 85, T41B-04.
Modeling of lower mantle seismic anisotropy beneath subduction zones.
Nippress, S. E. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Kendall, J. M. (2004). Modeling of lower mantle seismic anisotropy beneath subduction zones.. Geophys. Res. Lett, 31, L19612. doi:10.1029/2004GL020
Modelling Sea-floor Spreading Initiation and Rifted Continental Margin Formation: Does Depth Dependent Stretching Occur Pre- or Syn-breakup?
Kusznir, N. J., & Karner, G. D. (2004). Modelling Sea-floor Spreading Initiation and Rifted Continental Margin Formation: Does Depth Dependent Stretching Occur Pre- or Syn-breakup?. EOS Trans. AGU, Jt. Assem. Suppl., 85, T32B-02.
Modelling depth dependent lithosphere stretching at rifted continental margins
Kusznir, N. J., & Tymms, V. (2004). Modelling depth dependent lithosphere stretching at rifted continental margins. Geophys. Research Abstracts, 6, 03932.
Predicting rifted continental margin subsidence history from satellite gravity derived crustal thinning: application to North Atlantic Margins
Hurst, N. W., Kusznir, N. J., Roberts, A. M., & White, R. S. (2004). Predicting rifted continental margin subsidence history from satellite gravity derived crustal thinning: application to North Atlantic Margins. EOS Trans. AGU, Jt. Assem. Suppl., 85, T41B-02.
Rapid Changes in Transform Fault Length and the Dynamic Evolution of the Southwest Indian Ridge Since 26Ma
Baines, G., Cheadle, M., Hosford Scheirer, A., Kusznir, N., John, B., Dick, H., & Matsumoto, T. (2004). Rapid Changes in Transform Fault Length and the Dynamic Evolution of the Southwest Indian Ridge Since 26Ma. EOS Trans. AGU, 85, T44A-05.
Sensitivity of Lower Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones to Mantle Viscosity Structure and Mineral Inherited Deformation
Nippress, S., & Kusznir, N. (2004). Sensitivity of Lower Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones to Mantle Viscosity Structure and Mineral Inherited Deformation. EOS Trans. AGU, 85, T24B-06.
Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Maturin Foreland Basin Eastern Venezuela
Jacome, M. I., Kusznir, N. J., Audermarde, F., & Flint, S. (2004). Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Maturin Foreland Basin Eastern Venezuela. In C. Bartolini, R. T. Buffler, & J. Blickwede (Eds.), The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean: Hydrocarbon habitats, basin formation and plate tectonics, p 735-749 (Vol. 79, pp. 735-749). Tulsa: AAPG Memoir (peer reviewed).
The Effect of Temperature Dependent Rheology on a Kinematic Model of Continental Breakup and Rifted Continental Margin Formation
Tymms, V. J., & Kusznir, N. J. (2004). The Effect of Temperature Dependent Rheology on a Kinematic Model of Continental Breakup and Rifted Continental Margin Formation. EOS Trans. AGU, 85, T41E-1271.
Formation of the Maturín Foreland Basin, eastern Venezuela: Thrust sheet loading or subduction dynamic topography
Jácome, M. I., Kusznir, N., Audemard, F., & Flint, S. (2003). Formation of the Maturín Foreland Basin, eastern Venezuela: Thrust sheet loading or subduction dynamic topography. Tectonics, 22(5). doi:10.1029/2002tc001381
Crustal structure from the Faroes Shelf to the Norwegian Basin
Roberts, A. W., White, R. S., Christie, P. A. F., Roberts, A. M., & iSIMM Team. (2003). Crustal structure from the Faroes Shelf to the Norwegian Basin. Geophys. Research Abstracts, 5, 01454.
Elastic Dislocation Models of Listric Faults.
Healy, D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2003). Elastic Dislocation Models of Listric Faults.. EOS Trans. AGU, 84, 1437.
Fracture prediction for the 1980 El Asnam, Algeria earthquake via elastic dislocation modelling
Healy, D., Yielding, G., & Kusznir, N. J. (2003). Fracture prediction for the 1980 El Asnam, Algeria earthquake via elastic dislocation modelling. Geophys. Research Abstracts, 5, 02658.
Lower Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones
Nippress, S., Kusznir, N. J., & Kendall, M. (2003). Lower Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones. EOS Trans. AGU, 84, 1401.
Mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the 660 km phase transition generated by subduction body force stresses
Nippress, S., Kusznir, N. J., & Kendall, M. (2003). Mantle seismic anisotropy beneath the 660 km phase transition generated by subduction body force stresses. Geophys. Research Abstracts, 5, 03476.
Mechanism for generating the anomalous uplift of oceanic core complexes: Atlantis Bank, southwest Indian Ridge.
Baines, G. A., Cheadle, M. J., Dick, H. J. B., Scheirer, A. H., John, B. E., Kusznir, N. J., & Matsumot, T. (2003). Mechanism for generating the anomalous uplift of oceanic core complexes: Atlantis Bank, southwest Indian Ridge.. Geology,, 31.(12), 1105-1108.
Modelling Sea Floor Spreading Initiation and Depth Dependent Stretching at Rifted Continental Margins
Kusznir, N. J., & Tymms, V. (2003). Modelling Sea Floor Spreading Initiation and Depth Dependent Stretching at Rifted Continental Margins. EOS Trans. AGU, 84, 134.
Modelling sea floor spreading initiation and rifted continental margin formation
Tymms, V., Kusznir, N. J., White Roberts, A. M., Christie, P. A. F., & Team, I. (2003). Modelling sea floor spreading initiation and rifted continental margin formation. Geophys. Research Abstracts, 5, 02547.
North Atlantic Rifted Margin Crustal Thickness and Crustal Thinning from Satellite Gravity Data
Hurst, N. W., Kusznir, N. J., & White, R. S. (2003). North Atlantic Rifted Margin Crustal Thickness and Crustal Thinning from Satellite Gravity Data. EOS Trans. AGU, 84, 1341.
Predicting Fractures Using an Elastic Dislocation Model of the 1980 El Asnam, Algeria, Earthquake
Yielding, G., Healy, D., & Kusznir, N. J. (2003). Predicting Fractures Using an Elastic Dislocation Model of the 1980 El Asnam, Algeria, Earthquake. EOS Trans. AGU, 84, 1437.
Stress Accumulation and Dissipation in Subducting Lithosphere and the Origin of Double and Triple Seismic Zones
Rietbrock, A., & Kusznir, N. J. (2003). Stress Accumulation and Dissipation in Subducting Lithosphere and the Origin of Double and Triple Seismic Zones. EOS Trans. AGU, 84, 1342.
Timing of depth dependent stretching on the Lofoten continental margin: pre-breakup or post-breakup?
Kusznir, N. J., Hunsdale, R., & Roberts, A. M. (2003). Timing of depth dependent stretching on the Lofoten continental margin: pre-breakup or post-breakup?. Geophys. Research Abstracts, 5, 02218.
Are buoyancy forces important during the formation of rifted margins?
Davis, M., & Kusznir, N. (2002). Are buoyancy forces important during the formation of rifted margins?. Geophysical Journal International, 149(2), 524-533. doi:10.1046/j.1365-246x.2002.01666.x
An inverse method to determine fault slip and geometry from seismically observed subsurface vertical stratigraphic displacements using elastic dislocation theory
Healy, D., Kusznir, N. J., & Yielding, G. (2002). An inverse method to determine fault slip and geometry from seismically observed subsurface vertical stratigraphic displacements using elastic dislocation theory. EOS Trans. AGU, 83, 1373.
Lower Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Generated by Subduction Body Force Stresses Beneath the 660km Phase Transition
Nippress, S., Kusznir, N. J., & Kendall, M. (2002). Lower Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Generated by Subduction Body Force Stresses Beneath the 660km Phase Transition. EOS Trans. AGU, 83, 953.
Origin of anomalous uplift at Inside Corner Highs: the importance of transform parallel normal faulting and transverse ridge formation
Baines, G., Cheadle, M., John, B., & Kusznir, N. J. (2002). Origin of anomalous uplift at Inside Corner Highs: the importance of transform parallel normal faulting and transverse ridge formation. EOS Trans. AGU, 83, 1332.
Seismic Acquisition on the Faroes Shelf, Hatton Bank and adjacent Continental Margins
White, R., Kusznir, N. J., Christie, P., Lunnon, Z., Roberts, A. W., Hurst, N., . . . Roberts, A. M. (2002). Seismic Acquisition on the Faroes Shelf, Hatton Bank and adjacent Continental Margins. EOS Trans. AGU, 83, 1261.
The formation of the south-eastern part of the Dniepr-Donets Basin: 2-D forward and reverse syn-rift and post-rift modelling,
Stovba, S. M., Maystrenko, Y. P., Stephenson, R. A., & Kusznir, N. J. (2002). The formation of the south-eastern part of the Dniepr-Donets Basin: 2-D forward and reverse syn-rift and post-rift modelling,. Sedimentary Geology., 156, 11-33.
Timing and Magnitude of Depth-dependent Lithosphere Stretching on the Lofoten Segment of the Norwegian Rifted Continental Margin
Kusznir, N. J., Hunsdale, R., & Roberts, A. (2002). Timing and Magnitude of Depth-dependent Lithosphere Stretching on the Lofoten Segment of the Norwegian Rifted Continental Margin. EOS Trans. AGU, 83, 1260.
iSIMM pushes frontiers of marine seismic acquisition.
White, R. S., Christie, P. A. F., Kusznir, N. J., Roberts., A. M., Davies, A., Hurst, N., . . . Tymms, V. (2002). iSIMM pushes frontiers of marine seismic acquisition.. First Break., 20., 782-786.
Apparent Discrepancy Between Observed and Calculated Mass Excess of the Subducted Slab Under the Central Andes
Izarra, C., Kusznir, N. J., & Davies, J. H. (2001). Apparent Discrepancy Between Observed and Calculated Mass Excess of the Subducted Slab Under the Central Andes. EOS Trans. AGU, 82, 1158.
Contribution of Subduction Dynamic Topography to the Formation of the Maturin Foreland Basin Eastern Venezuela
Jacome, M. I., Kusznir, N. J., Audemard, F., & Flint, S. (2001). Contribution of Subduction Dynamic Topography to the Formation of the Maturin Foreland Basin Eastern Venezuela. EOS Trans. AGU, 82, 1162.
Depth Dependent Lithosphere Stretching, Mantle Exhumation and the ¿Upper Plate Paradox¿ at Rifted Continental Margins
Kusznir, N. J., Davis, M., & Roberts, A. M. (2001). Depth Dependent Lithosphere Stretching, Mantle Exhumation and the ¿Upper Plate Paradox¿ at Rifted Continental Margins. European Union Geosciences J. of Abstracts,, 6, 721.
Internal zone extension and external zone shortening in the Alps
Wheeler, J., Kusznir, N. J., Reddy, S., & Cliff, R. (2001). Internal zone extension and external zone shortening in the Alps. EOS Trans. AGU, 82, 1112.
Observations of Subduction Retroarc Dynamic Topography and Implications for Mantle Viscosity Structure
Kusznir, N. J., Booth, S., & Flint, S. (2001). Observations of Subduction Retroarc Dynamic Topography and Implications for Mantle Viscosity Structure. European Union Geosciences J. of Abstracts, 6, 487.
Subduction Body Force Stresses and Viscosity Structure at the 410 km and 660 km Phase Transitions
Kusznir, N. J. (2001). Subduction Body Force Stresses and Viscosity Structure at the 410 km and 660 km Phase Transitions. European Union Geosciences J. of Abstracts, 6, 485.
The uplift of oceanic core complexes by transform parallel extensional faulting: Atlantis Bank SW Indian Ridge
Baines, G., Cheadle, M. J., Dick, H., Hosford, A., John, B., Kusznir, N. J., . . . Schouten, H. (2001). The uplift of oceanic core complexes by transform parallel extensional faulting: Atlantis Bank SW Indian Ridge. EOS Trans. AGU, 82, 1096.
Thermal and dynamic modelling of deep subduction of a spreading centre: implications for the fate of the subducted Chile Rise, Southern Chile.
Daniel, A. J., Kusznir, N. J., & Styles, P. (2001). Thermal and dynamic modelling of deep subduction of a spreading centre: implications for the fate of the subducted Chile Rise, Southern Chile.. J. Geophys. Res., 106(B3), 4293-4305.
2D flexural backstripping of extensional basins; the need for a sideways glance
Roberts, A. M., Kusznir, N. J., Yielding, G., & Styles, P. (1998). 2D flexural backstripping of extensional basins; the need for a sideways glance. Petroleum Geoscience, 4(4), 327-338. doi:10.1144/petgeo.4.4.327
Comment on “Flank uplift and topography at the central Baikal Rift (SE Siberia): A test of kinematic models for continental extension” by Peter van der Beek
Roberts, A. M., & Kusznir, N. J. (1998). Comment on “Flank uplift and topography at the central Baikal Rift (SE Siberia): A test of kinematic models for continental extension” by Peter van der Beek. Tectonics, 17(2), 322-323. doi:10.1029/97tc02823
Subsidence of the Vøring Basin and the influence of the Atlantic continental margin
ROBERTS, A. M., LUNDIN, E. R., & KUSZNIR, N. J. (1997). Subsidence of the Vøring Basin and the influence of the Atlantic continental margin. Journal of the Geological Society, 154(3), 551-557. doi:10.1144/gsjgs.154.3.0551
Tectonic, magmatic and depositional processes at passive continental margins
ROBERTS, A. M., & KUSZNIR, N. J. (1997). Tectonic, magmatic and depositional processes at passive continental margins. Journal of the Geological Society, 154(3), 435. doi:10.1144/gsjgs.154.3.0435
Quantitative analysis of Triassic extension in the northern Viking Graben
ROBERTS, A. M., YIELDING, G., KUSZNIR, N. J., WALKER, I. M., & DORN-LOPEZ, D. (1995). Quantitative analysis of Triassic extension in the northern Viking Graben. Journal of the Geological Society, 152(1), 15-26. doi:10.1144/gsjgs.152.1.0015
Forward and reverse modelling of rift basin formation
Kusznir, N. J., Roberts, A. M., & Morley, C. K. (1995). Forward and reverse modelling of rift basin formation. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 80(1), 33-56. doi:10.1144/gsl.sp.1995.080.01.02
Mesozoic extension in the North Sea: constraints from flexural backstripping, forward modelling and fault populations
ROBERTS, A. M., YIELDING, G., KUSZNIR, N. J., WALKER, I., & DORN-LOPEZ, D. (1993). Mesozoic extension in the North Sea: constraints from flexural backstripping, forward modelling and fault populations. Geological Society, London, Petroleum Geology Conference Series, 4(1), 1123-1136. doi:10.1144/0041123