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Barriers to mainstream adoption of catchment-wide natural flood management: a transdisciplinary problem-framing study of delivery practice

Wingfield, T., Macdonald, N., Peters, K., & Spees, J. (2021). Barriers to mainstream adoption of catchment wide Natural Flood Management, a transdisciplinary problem framing study of delivery practice. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. doi:10.5194/hess-2021-404

Journal article


Multi-century trends to wetter winters and drier summers in the England and Wales precipitation series explained by observational and sampling bias in early records

Murphy, C., Wilby, R. L., Matthews, T. K. R., Thorne, P., Broderick, C., Fealy, R., . . . Ryan, C. (2020). Multi-century trends to wetter winters and drier summers in the England and Wales precipitation series explained by observational and sampling bias in early records. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 40(1), 610-619. doi:10.1002/joc.6208

Journal article


Dry weather fears of Britain’s early ‘industrial’ canal network

Harvey-Fishenden, A., Macdonald, N., & Bowen, J. P. (2019). Dry weather fears of Britain’s early ‘industrial’ canal network. Regional Environmental Change. doi:10.1007/s10113-019-01524-5

Journal article

Using lake sediment archives to improve understanding of flood magnitude and frequency: Recent extreme flooding in northwest UK

Chiverrell, R. C., Sear, D., Warburton, J., Macdonald, N., Schillereff, D., Dearing, J., . . . Bradley, J. (2019). Using lake sediment archives to improve understanding of flood magnitude and frequency: Recent extreme flooding in northwest UK. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(12), 2366-2376. doi:10.1002/esp.4650

Journal article

Seasonal variation of flood estimates in the UK

CHEN, M., JUN, C., WOODS, R., MACDONALD, N., & SIK KIM, J. (2019). SEASONAL VARIATION OF FLOOD ESTIMATES IN THE UK. In 38th IAHR World Congress - "Water: Connecting the World" Vol. 38 (pp. 4986-4993). The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR). doi:10.3850/38wc092019-1505x

Conference Paper

Historical Floods in Europe in the Past Millennium

Brázdil, R., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Benito, G., Demarée, G., Macdonald, N., & Roald, L. A. (2019). Historical Floods in Europe in the Past Millennium. In Changes in Flood Risk in Europe (pp. 121-166). CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b12348-7





Quantifying system disturbance and recovery from historical mining-derived metal contamination at Brotherswater, northwest England

Schillereff, D. N., Chiverrell, R. C., Macdonald, N., Hooke, J., & Welsh, K. E. (2016). Quantifying system disturbance and recovery from historical mining-derived metal contamination at Brotherswater, northwest England. Journal of Paleolimnology, 56(2-3), 205-221. doi:10.1007/s10933-016-9907-1

Journal article

Toward integrated historical climate research: the example of Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (vol 7, pg 164, 2016)

Allan, R., Endfield, G., Damodaran, V., Adamson, G., Hannaford, M., Carroll, F., . . . Bliuc, A. -M. (2016). Toward integrated historical climate research: the example of Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (vol 7, pg 164, 2016). WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-CLIMATE CHANGE, 7(4), 614. doi:10.1002/wcc.408

Journal article

Toward integrated historical climate research: The example of Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth

Allan, R., Endfield, G., Damodaran, V., Adamson, G., Hannaford, M., Carroll, F., . . . Bliuc, A. -M. (2016). Toward integrated historical climate research: the example of Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth. WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-CLIMATE CHANGE, 7(2), 164-174. doi:10.1002/wcc.379

Journal article


Interactions between apparently ‘primary’ weather--‐driven hazards and their cost

Hillier, J. K., Macdonald, N., Leckebursch, G. C., & Stavrinides, A. (2015). Interactions between apparently ‘primary’ weather--‐driven hazards and their cost. Environmental Research Letters, 10(10). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/10/104003

Journal article


Çaltılar Archaeology Project 2014

Greaves, A. M. (2014). Çaltılar Archaeology Project 2014. Heritage Turkey, 4, 32-33. doi:10.18866/biaa2015.099

Journal article

Britain's Most Extreme Weather

Macdonald, N. (2014). Britain's Most Extreme Weather [Media]. Gloucester.


Analysis of drought characteristics for improved understanding of a water resource system, Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, predicting and managing water-society interactions

Lennard, A. T., Macdonald, N., & Hooke, J. (2014). Analysis of drought characteristics for improved understanding of a water resource system. EVOLVING WATER RESOURCES SYSTEMS: UNDERSTANDING, PREDICTING AND MANAGING WATER-SOCIETY INTERACTIONS, 364, 404-409. Retrieved from

Journal article

Flood stratigraphies in lake sediments: a review

Schillereff, D. N., Chiverrell, R. C., Macdonald, N., & Hooke, J. M. (2014). Flood stratigraphies in lake sediments: A review. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 135, 17-37. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2014.03.011

Journal article


Caltilar Archaeology Project 2013

Greaves, A. M., Aksoy, B., Brown, A., Foss, P., & Macdonald, N. (2013). Caltilar Archaeology Project 2013. Heritage Turkey, 3, 30.

Journal article


Examining the social consequences of extreme weather: the outcomes of the 1946/1947 winter in upland Wales, UK

Jones, C. A., Davies, S. J., & Macdonald, N. (2012). Examining the social consequences of extreme weather: the outcomes of the 1946/1947 winter in upland Wales, UK. CLIMATIC CHANGE, 113(1), 35-53. doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0413-9

Journal article

Historical floods in europe in the past millennium

Brázdil, R., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Benito, G., Demarée, G., Macdonald, N., & Roald, L. A. (2012). Historical floods in europe in the past millennium. In Unknown Book (pp. 121-166).


The significance of Gilbert F. White's 1945 paper 'Human adjustment to floods' in the development of risk and hazard management

Macdonald, N., Chester, D., Sangster, H., Todd, B., & Hooke, J. (2012). The significance of Gilbert F. White's 1945 paper 'Human adjustment to floods' in the development of risk and hazard management. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT, 36(1), 125-133. doi:10.1177/0309133311414607

Journal article


Engineers and planners: sustainable water management alliances

Potter, K., Ward, S., Shaw, D., Macdonald, N., White, I., Fischer, T., . . . Kellagher, R. (2011). Engineers and planners: sustainable water management alliances. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-ENGINEERING SUSTAINABILITY, 164(4), 239-247. doi:10.1680/ensu.2011.164.4.239

Journal article


Reassessment of flood frequency using historical information for the River Ouse at York, UK (1200-2000)

Macdonald, N., & Black, A. R. (2010). Reassessment of flood frequency using historical information for the River Ouse at York, UK (1200-2000). HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES, 55(7), 1152-1162. doi:10.1080/02626667.2010.508873

Journal article

Spatial and temporal variability of flood seasonality in Wales

Macdonald, N., Phillips, I. D., & Mayle, G. (2010). Spatial and temporal variability of flood seasonality in Wales. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 24(13), 1806-1820. doi:10.1002/hyp.7618

Journal article

Historical weather accounts from Wales: an assessment of their potential for reconstructing climate

Macdonald, N., Jones, C. A., Davies, S. J., & Charnell-White, C. (2010). Historical weather accounts from Wales: an assessment of their potential for reconstructing climate. WEATHER, 65(3), 72-81. doi:10.1002/wea.418

Journal article

European floods during the winter 1783/1784: scenarios of an extreme event during the 'Little Ice Age'

Brazdil, R., Demaree, G. R., Deutsch, M., Garnier, E., Kiss, A., Luterbacher, J., . . . Chroma, K. (2010). European floods during the winter 1783/1784: scenarios of an extreme event during the 'Little Ice Age'. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 100(1-2), 163-189. doi:10.1007/s00704-009-0170-5

Journal article

Hinsawdd Hanesyddol: Potensial Ffynonellau Dogfennol Cymru

Jones, C. A., MacDonald, N., Davies, S. J., Charnell-White, C. A., Elias, T., & Brown, D. (2010). Hinsawdd Hanesyddol: Potensial Ffynonellau Dogfennol Cymru. Gwerddon, 6. Retrieved from

Journal article

Hydrology and spatial planning

Macdonald, N., & Potter, K. (n.d.). Hydrology and spatial planning. Role of hydrology in managing consequences of a changing global environment. doi:10.7558/bhs.2010.ic96

Journal article

Urban Storm Water Management

Macdonald, N. (2010). Urban Storm Water Management. In B. Warf (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of Geography (pp. 2990-2993). London: Sage Publications.



Reconstruction of long-term precipitation records for Edinburgh: an examination of the mechanisms responsible for temporal variability in precipitation

Macdonald, N., Phillips, I. D., & Thorpe, J. (2008). Reconstruction of long-term precipitation records for Edinburgh: an examination of the mechanisms responsible for temporal variability in precipitation. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 92(3-4), 141-154. doi:10.1007/s00704-007-0324-2

Journal article


Getting it wrong first time: building an interdisciplinary research relationship

Jones, P., & Macdonald, N. (2007). Getting it wrong first time: building an interdisciplinary research relationship. AREA, 39(4), 490-498. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4762.2007.00767.x

Journal article

Making space for unruly water: Sustainable drainage systems and the disciplining of surface runoff

Jones, P., & Macdonald, N. (2007). Making space for unruly water: Sustainable drainage systems and the disciplining of surface runoff. GEOFORUM, 38(3), 534-544. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2006.10.005

Journal article

On epigraphic records: Valuable resource in reassessing flood risk and long-term climate variability

Macdonald, N. (2007). On epigraphic records: Valuable resource in reassessing flood risk and long-term climate variability. ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY, 12(1), 136-140. doi:10.1093/envhis/12.1.136

Journal article


An underutilized resource: historical flood chronologies a valuable resource in determining periods of hydro-geomorphic change

Macdonald, N. (2006). An underutilized resource: historical flood chronologies a valuable resource in determining periods of hydro-geomorphic change. In Unknown Book (Vol. 306, pp. 120-126). Retrieved from


The inclusion of sustainable drainage systems in flood management in the post-industrial city: A case study of Glasgow

Macdonald, N., & Jones, P. (2006). The inclusion of sustainable drainage systems in flood management in the post-industrial city: A case study of Glasgow. SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, 122(3), 233-246. doi:10.1080/00369220601106460

Journal article

The inclusion of sustainable drainage systems in flood management in the post‐industrial city: A case study of Glasgow

Macdonald, N., & Jones, P. (2006). The inclusion of sustainable drainage systems in flood management in the post‐industrial city: A case study of Glasgow. Scottish Geographical Journal, 122(3), 233-246. doi:10.1080/00369220618737268

Journal article

Use of multi-proxy flood records to improve estimates of flood risk: Lower River Tay, Scotland

Werritty, A., Paine, J. L., Macdonald, N., Rowan, J. S., & McEwen, L. J. (2006). Use of multi-proxy flood records to improve estimates of flood risk: Lower River Tay, Scotland. CATENA, 66(1-2), 107-119. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2005.07.012

Journal article

Historical and pooled flood frequency analysis for the River Tay at Perth, Scotland

Macdonald, N., Werritty, A., Black, A. R., & McEwen, L. J. (2006). Historical and pooled flood frequency analysis for the River Tay at Perth, Scotland. AREA, 38(1), 34-46. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4762.2006.00673.x

Journal article

Reconstructed annual precipitation series for Scotland (1861-1991): Spatial and temporal variations, and links to the atmospheric circulation

Macdonald, N., & Phillips, I. D. (2006). Reconstructed annual precipitation series for Scotland (1861-1991): Spatial and temporal variations, and links to the atmospheric circulation. SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, 122(1), 1-18. doi:10.1080/00369220600830771

Journal article

Just passing through: surface water management and urban form

Jones, P., & Macdonald, N. (2006). Just passing through: surface water management and urban form. In Nordic and International Urban Morphology: Distinctive and Common Themes (pp. 1-9). Stockholm: ISUF.

Conference Paper

The retro-fitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems into established urban areas and its interdisciplinary demands: A case study of Glasgow

Macdonald, N., & Jones, P. (2006). The retro-fitting of Sustainable Drainage Systems into established urban areas and its interdisciplinary demands: A case study of Glasgow. In Ninth National Hydrological Symposium (pp. 79-83). Durham: BHS.

Conference Paper


On the rise

Macdonald, N. (2005). On the rise. Planet Earth, 8.

Journal article


The application of historical flood information in reassessing flood frequency in Britain

Macdonald, N. (2004). The application of historical flood information in reassessing flood frequency in Britain. (PhD Thesis, The University of Dundee).

Thesis / Dissertation


Historical and pooled flood frequency analysis for the river ouse, York, UK

Macdonald, N., Black, A. R., & Werritty, A. (2002). Historical and pooled flood frequency analysis for the river ouse, York, UK. In Unknown Book (pp. 217-222). Retrieved from


Use of historical data in flood frequency estimation for the River Ouse at York, UK

Macdonald, N., Black, A. R., & Werritty, A. (2002). Use of historical data in flood frequency estimation for the River Ouse at York, UK. In Proceedings of the Eighth National Hydrological Symposium (pp. 127-134). Birmingham: BHS.

Conference Paper
