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Natalie Hanna

Dr Natalie Hanna
BA (Hons), MA, PhD, FHEA


+44 (0)151 794 2286


Medieval literature and language

• Medieval literary language, with particular focus on Geoffrey Chaucer and poetry of the fourteenth century.
• The interface of language and literature research, with particular interest in style, literary pragmatics, sociological and corpus-based approaches to literary texts.


• The reception of the Middle Ages, from the Renaissance through to the present day.
• Chaucerian reception.
• The reception and creation of notions of the medieval, with particular focus on the literature, art and architecture of the long nineteenth century.
• International and national medievalisms.
• Visual cultures; semiotics; multimodality.

Identity and Heritage

• The articulation of gender, sexual, ethnic identities through language, text and material culture.
• The use of ideas of the medieval in the construction of regional and global nationalisms.
• The legacy of the taxonomic, socio-economic classifications of peoples in the 14th century.
• Medieval(ist) legacies and heritage, particularly as construed in the 19th century, through to the present day.