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In a spin over gravity

Jones, I., Kandiah, A., Movchan, N., & Movchan, A. (2024). In a spin over gravity. IMA Mathematics Today, June 2024, 212-217.

Journal article


Scattering from a Bi-stable <i>Elastica</i> Arm

Tallarico, D., Van Damme, B., Bergamini, A., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2023). Scattering from a Bi-stable <i>Elastica</i> Arm. In NONLINEAR STRUCTURES & SYSTEMS, VOL 1 (pp. 1-4). doi:10.1007/978-3-031-04086-3_1

Conference Paper


On waves in multi-scale chiral elastic systems

Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Jones, I. S. (2022). On waves in multi-scale chiral elastic systems. MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, 27(9), 1855-1868. doi:10.1177/10812865221091206

Journal article

Chiral waves in structured elastic systems: dynamics of a meta-waveguide

Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2022). Chiral waves in structured elastic systems: dynamics of a meta-waveguide. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 75(1), 63-89. doi:10.1093/qjmam/hbab015

Journal article




Wave polarisation in a dynamic elastic lattice

Carta, G., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2019). Wave polarisation in a dynamic elastic lattice. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 2019 (ICCMSE-2019). AIP Publishing. doi:10.1063/1.5137932

Conference Paper

Dynamic Response of Stents in Vascular Systems: Development of an Adaptive Model to Study the Effect of Stent Placement on Aneurysmal and Occlusive Arterial Disease in Various Anatomical Configuration

Wall, M., Frecentese, S., Movchan, N., & Movchan, A. (2019). Dynamic Response of Stents in Vascular Systems: Development of an Adaptive Model to Study the Effect of Stent Placement on Aneurysmal and Occlusive Arterial Disease in Various Anatomical Configuration. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 58(6), e853. doi:10.1016/j.ejvs.2019.09.475

Journal article

Flexural vibration systems with gyroscopic spinners

Carta, G., Nieves, M. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2019). Flexural vibration systems with gyroscopic spinners. PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 377(2156). doi:10.1098/rsta.2019.0154

Journal article

Numerical Simulation of Corneal Fibril Reorientation in Response to External Loading

Zhou, D., Abass, A., Eliasy, A., Movchan, A., Movchan, N., & Elsheikh, A. (2019). Numerical Simulation of Corneal Fibril Reorientation in Response to External Loading. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 16(18). doi:10.3390/ijerph16183278

Journal article

Microstructure-based Numerical Simulation of the Mechanical Behaviour of Ocular Tissue

Zhou, D., Abass, A., Eliasy, A., P Studer, H., Movchan, A., Movchan, N., & Elsheikh, A. (2019). Microstructure-based Numerical Simulation of the Mechanical Behaviour of Ocular Tissue. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16(154). doi:10.1098/rsif.2018.0685

Journal article


Design of a chiral elastic structure supporting interfacial waveforms

Nieves, M. J., Garau, M., Carta, G., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2018). Design of a chiral elastic structure supporting interfacial waveforms. In 2018 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ARTIFICIAL MATERIALS FOR NOVEL WAVE PHENOMENA (METAMATERIALS) (pp. 290-292). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Physical Model of a Chiral Flexural Waveguide

Carta, G., Nieves, M. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2018). Physical Model of a Chiral Flexural Waveguide. In 2018 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ARTIFICIAL MATERIALS FOR NOVEL WAVE PHENOMENA (METAMATERIALS) (pp. 67-69). Retrieved from

Conference Paper


Carta, G., Nieves, M. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2018). ELASTIC CHIRALWAVEGUIDES WITH GYRO-HINGES. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 71(2), 157-185. doi:10.1093/qjmam/hby001

Journal article

Active Cloaking and Resonances for Flexural Waves

O'Neill, J., Selsil, O., McPhedran, R. C., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2018). Active Cloaking and Resonances for Flexural Waves. In WORLD SCIENTIFIC HANDBOOK OF METAMATERIALS AND PLASMONICS, VOL 2: ELASTIC, ACOUSTIC, AND SEISMIC METAMATERIALS (Vol. 16, pp. 339-386). Retrieved from



Bloch waves in a triangular lattice with tilted resonators: applications to focussing

Tallarico, D., Movchan, N. V., Movchan, A. B., & Colquitt, D. J. (2017). Bloch waves in a triangular lattice with tilted resonators: applications to focussing. In 2017 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENGINEERED MATERIALS PLATFORMS FOR NOVEL WAVE PHENOMENA (METAMATERIALS) (pp. 340-342). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Active cloaking for flexural waves in a pinned kirchhoff plate

O'Neill, J., Selsil, Ö., Haslinger, S. G., Movchan, N. V., & Craster, R. V. (2017). Active cloaking for flexural waves in a pinned kirchhoff plate. In 13th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, ICTCA 2017 Vol. 2017-July (pp. 89).

Conference Paper

Mathematical Modelling of Waves in Multi-Scale Structured Media

Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., Jones, I. S., & Colquitt, D. J. (n.d.). Mathematical Modelling of Waves in Multi-Scale Structured Media. Chapman and Hall/CRC. doi:10.1201/9781315155388



"Caging" and resonant trapping for flexural waves in constrained elastic plates

Boriolo, V., Movchan, A., & Movchan, N. (2016). "Caging" and resonant trapping for flexural waves in constrained elastic plates. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 36(9), 2303-2309. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2015.12.021

Journal article

Propagation and filtering of elastic and electromagnetic waves in piezoelectric composite structures

Tallarico, D., Movchan, N., Movchan, A., & Camposaragna, M. (2017). Propagation and filtering of elastic and electromagnetic waves in piezoelectric composite structures. MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 40(9), 3202-3220. doi:10.1002/mma.3893

Journal article

Active cloaking of resonant coated inclusions for waves in membranes and Kirchhoff plates

O'Neill, J., Selsil., McPhedran, R. C., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Henderson Moggach, C. (2016). Active cloaking of resonant coated inclusions for waves in membranes and Kirchhoff plates. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 69(2), 115-159. doi:10.1093/qjmam/hbw001

Journal article

Cymatics for the cloaking of flexural vibrations in a structured plate

Misseroni, D., Colquitt, D. J., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Jones, I. S. (2016). Cymatics for the cloaking of flexural vibrations in a structured plate. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 6. doi:10.1038/srep23929

Journal article

Metamaterial Systems and Routing of Elastic Waves in Engineered Structures

Movchan, N. V., Movchan, A. B., McPhedran, R. C., Brun, M., & Jones, I. S. (2016). Metamaterial Systems and Routing of Elastic Waves in Engineered Structures. In UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics (pp. 107-113). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25454-8_14



Parabolic metamaterials and Dirac bridges

Colquitt, D. J., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2016). Parabolic metamaterials and Dirac bridges. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 65, 621-631. doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2016.05.006

Journal article

Experimental and analytical insights on fracture trajectories in brittle materials with voids

Misseroni, D., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Bigoni, D. (2015). Experimental and analytical insights on fracture trajectories in brittle materials with voids. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, 63, 219-225. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.03.001

Journal article

Dynamic interfacial trapping of flexural waves in structured plates

Haslinger, S. G., Craster, R. V., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Jones, I. S. (2016). Dynamic interfacial trapping of flexural waves in structured plates. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science, 472(2186), 25 pages. doi:10.1098/rspa.2015.0658

Journal article

'Parabolic' trapped modes and steered Dirac cones in platonic crystals

McPhedran, R. C., Movchan, A., Movchan, N., Brun, M., & Smith, M. J. A. (2015). 'Parabolic' trapped modes and steered Dirac cones in platonic crystals. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 471(2177). doi:10.1098/rspa.2014.0746

Journal article

Singular perturbations and cloaking illusions for elastic waves in membranes and Kirchhoff plates

Jones, I. S., Brun, M., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2015). Singular perturbations and cloaking illusions for elastic waves in membranes and Kirchhoff plates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, 69-70, 498-506. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2015.05.001

Journal article


Active cloaking of inclusions for flexural waves in thin elastic plates

O'Neill, J., Selsil, O., McPhedran, R., Movchan, A., & Movchan, N. (2015). Active cloaking of inclusions for flexural waves in thin elastic plates. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 68(3), 263-288. doi:10.1093/qjmam/hbv007

Journal article

Cones of localized shear strain in incompressible elasticity with prestress: Green's function and integral representations

Argani, L. P., Bigoni, D., Capuani, D., & Movchan, N. V. (2014). Cones of localized shear strain in incompressible elasticity with prestress: Green's function and integral representations. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 470(2169). doi:10.1098/rspa.2014.0423

Journal article

Dispersion properties of vortex-type monatomic lattices

Carta, G., Brun, M., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Jones, I. S. (2014). Dispersion properties of vortex-type monatomic lattices. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, 51(11-12), 2213-2225. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2014.02.026

Journal article

Second-order in-plane dynamic perturbation of a crack propagating under shear loading

Willis, J. R., & Movchan, N. V. (2014). Second-order in-plane dynamic perturbation of a crack propagating under shear loading. MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS, 19(1), 82-92. doi:10.1177/1081286513505473

Journal article


Localisation near defects and filtering of flexural waves in structured plates

Haslinger, S. G., McPhedran, R. C., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2013). Localisation near defects and filtering of flexural waves in structured plates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE, 184(1-2), 25-41. doi:10.1007/s10704-013-9812-9

Journal article

Crack propagation induced by thermal shocks in structured media

Carta, G., Jones, I. S., Brun, M., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2013). Crack propagation induced by thermal shocks in structured media. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES, 50(18), 2725-2736. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2013.05.001

Journal article

Crack propagation induced by thermal shocks in structured media

Carta, G., Jones, I. S., Brun, M., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2013). Crack propagation induced by thermal shocks in structured media. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50(18), 2725-2736. doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2013.05.001

Journal article

Structured interfaces for flexural waves - trapped modes and transmission resonances

Haslinger, S. G., McPhedran, R. C., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2013). Structured interfaces for flexural waves - trapped modes and transmission resonances. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DYNAMIC DEFORMATION AND FRACTURE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS (D2FAM 2013), 451. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/451/1/012024

Journal article

Symmetry and resonant modes in platonic grating stacks

Haslinger, S. G., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & McPhedran, R. C. (2014). Symmetry and resonant modes in platonic grating stacks. WAVES IN RANDOM AND COMPLEX MEDIA, 24(2), 126-148. doi:10.1080/17455030.2014.884733

Journal article

Stroh formalism in analysis of skew-symmetric and symmetric weight functions for interfacial cracks

Morini, L., Radi, E., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2013). Stroh formalism in analysis of skew-symmetric and symmetric weight functions for interfacial cracks. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 18(2), 135-152. doi:10.1177/1081286512462299

Journal article

Localization for a line defect in an infinite square lattice

Colquitt, D. J., Nieves, M. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2013). Localization for a line defect in an infinite square lattice. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 469(2150), 20120579. doi:10.1098/rspa.2012.0579

Journal article


Trapping of a crack advancing through an elastic lattice

Colquitt, D. J., Nieves, M. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2012). Trapping of a crack advancing through an elastic lattice. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 61, 129-141. doi:10.1016/j.ijengsci.2012.06.016

Journal article

Localization for a line defect in an infinite square lattice

Colquitt, D. J., Nieves, M. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2013). Localization for a line defect in an infinite square lattice. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 469(2150). doi:10.1098/rspa.2012.0579

Journal article

Corrugation crack front waves

Willis, J. R., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2012). Corrugation crack front waves. Retrieved from

Journal article

Dynamic anisotropy and localization in elastic lattice systems

Colquitt, D. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., Movchan, A. B., & McPhedran, R. C. (2012). Dynamic anisotropy and localization in elastic lattice systems. WAVES IN RANDOM AND COMPLEX MEDIA, 22(2), 143-159. doi:10.1080/17455030.2011.633940

Journal article

Analytic theory of defects in periodically structured elastic plates

Poulton, C. G., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & McPhedran, R. C. (2012). Analytic theory of defects in periodically structured elastic plates. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 468(2140), 1196-1216. doi:10.1098/rspa.2011.0609

Journal article

'Asymptotics of eigenfrequencies in the dynamic response of elongated multi-structures'

Brun, M., Giaccu, G. F., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2012). 'Asymptotics of eigenfrequencies in the dynamic response of elongated multi-structures'. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 468, 378-394.

Journal article

Transmission, trapping and filtering of waves in periodically constrained elastic plates

Haslinger, S. G., Movchan, N. V., Movchan, A. B., & McPhedran, R. C. (2012). Transmission, trapping and filtering of waves in periodically constrained elastic plates. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 468(2137), 76-93. doi:10.1098/rspa.2011.0318

Journal article


Dispersion and localization of elastic waves in materials with microstructure

Colquitt, D. J., Jones, I. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2011). Dispersion and localization of elastic waves in materials with microstructure. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, 467(2134), 2874-2895. doi:10.1098/rspa.2011.0126

Journal article

Flexural waves in structured elastic plates: Mindlin versus bi-harmonic models

Movchan, N. V., McPhedran, R. C., & Movchan, A. B. (2011). Flexural waves in structured elastic plates: Mindlin versus bi-harmonic models. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 467(2127), 869-880. doi:10.1098/rspa.2010.0375

Journal article

Elastic Waves and Defect Modes in Micropolar Lattices

Colquitt, D. J., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Jones, I. S. (2011). Elastic Waves and Defect Modes in Micropolar Lattices. In The 10th International Conference on Vibration Problems (pp. 707-713). Prague: Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2069-5_95

Conference Paper

Elastic Waves and Defect Modes in Micropolar Lattices

Colquitt, D. J., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Jones, I. S. (2011). Elastic Waves and Defect Modes in Micropolar Lattices. In VIBRATION PROBLEMS ICOVP 2011 Vol. 139 (pp. 707-713). doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2069-5_95

Conference Paper

Wave Localisation in Structured Elastic Plates

Haslinger, S. G., Movchan, N. V., Movchan, A. B., & McPhedran, R. C. (2011). Wave Localisation in Structured Elastic Plates. In VIBRATION PROBLEMS ICOVP 2011 Vol. 139 (pp. 737-743). doi:10.1007/978-94-007-2069-5_99

Conference Paper


Convergence properties and flat bands in platonic crystal band structures using the multipole formulation

Poulton, C. G., McPhedran, R. C., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2010). Convergence properties and flat bands in platonic crystal band structures using the multipole formulation. Waves in Random and Complex Media, 20(4), 702-716. doi:10.1080/17455030903203140

Journal article

Dynamic mode-III interface crack in a bi-material strip

Mishuris, G. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (2010). Dynamic mode-III interface crack in a bi-material strip. International Journal of Fracture, 166(1-2), 121-133. doi:10.1007/s10704-010-9507-4

Journal article

Shear polarisation of elastic waves by a structured interface

Brun, M., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2010). Shear polarisation of elastic waves by a structured interface. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 22(6-8), 663-677. doi:10.1007/s00161-010-0143-z

Journal article

Acoustic band gaps in arrays of neutral inclusions

Guenneau, S., Movchan, A., Zolla, F., Movchan, N., & Nicolet, A. (2010). Acoustic band gaps in arrays of neutral inclusions. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234(6), 1962-1969. doi:10.1016/

Journal article

'Acoustic band gaps in arrays of neutral inclusions'

Guenneau, S., Movchan, A., Zolla, F., Movchan, N., & Nicolet, A. (2010). 'Acoustic band gaps in arrays of neutral inclusions'. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 234, 1962-1969.

Journal article


Wave scattering by platonic grating stacks

Movchan, N. V., McPhedran, R. C., Movchan, A. B., & Poulton, C. G. (2009). Wave scattering by platonic grating stacks. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 465(2111), 3383-3400. doi:10.1098/rspa.2009.0301

Journal article

Platonic crystals: Bloch bands, neutrality and defects

McPhedran, R. C., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2009). Platonic crystals: Bloch bands, neutrality and defects. Mechanics of Materials, 41(4), 356-363. doi:10.1016/j.mechmat.2009.01.005

Journal article


Acoustic stop bands in almost-periodic and weakly randomized stratified media: perturbation analysis

Guenneau, S., Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Trebicki, J. (2008). Acoustic stop bands in almost-periodic and weakly randomized stratified media: perturbation analysis. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 24(5), 549-556. doi:10.1007/s10409-008-0180-z

Journal article

Analytical and numerical analysis of lensing effect for linear surface water waves through a square array of nearly touching rigid square cylinders.

Farhat, M., Guenneau, S., Enoch, S., Tayeb, G., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2008). Analytical and numerical analysis of lensing effect for linear surface water waves through a square array of nearly touching rigid square cylinders.. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, 77(4 Pt 2), 046308. doi:10.1103/physreve.77.046308

Journal article

'Delamination of a bi-material strip by a steady-state interfacial crack'

Movchan, N. V., & Mishuris, G. (2008). 'Delamination of a bi-material strip by a steady-state interfacial crack'. In D. Jeulin, & S. Forest (Eds.), 11th International Symposium on Continuum Models and Discrete Systems CMDS11 (pp. 231-242). Paris: Ecole de Mines de Paris.

Conference Paper



Movchan, N. V., & McPhedran, R. C. (2007). Preface (Vol. 17). Informa UK Limited. doi:10.1080/17455030701602295


Bloch–Floquet bending waves in perforated thin plates

Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & McPhedran, R. C. (2007). Bloch–Floquet bending waves in perforated thin plates. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 463(2086), 2505-2518. doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.1886

Journal article

Crack front waves in an anisotropic medium

Willis, J. R., & Movchan, N. V. (2007). Crack front waves in an anisotropic medium. Wave Motion, 44(6), 458-471. doi:10.1016/j.wavemoti.2007.02.003

Journal article

Estimates for localised transverse electric modes in multi-structured crystal fibres

Movchan, N. V., Guenneau, S., Movchan, A. B., & McPhedran, R. C. (2007). Estimates for localised transverse electric modes in multi-structured crystal fibres. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 394(2), 281-284. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2006.12.052

Journal article

Localised bending modes in split ring resonators

Guenneau, S., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2007). Localised bending modes in split ring resonators. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 394(2), 141-144. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2006.12.064

Journal article

Asymptotic estimates for localized electromagnetic modes in doubly periodic structures with defects

Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., Guenneau, S., & McPhedran, R. C. (2007). Asymptotic estimates for localized electromagnetic modes in doubly periodic structures with defects. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 463(2080), 1045-1067. doi:10.1098/rspa.2006.1800

Journal article

'Acoustic band gaps in arrays of neutral inclusions'

Guenneau, S., Movchan, A. B., Zolla, F., Movchan, N. V., & Nicolet, A. (2007). 'Acoustic band gaps in arrays of neutral inclusions'. In WAVES 2007 (pp. 220-222). Reading: Reading University Press.

Conference Paper

'Localised defect modes and a macro-cell analysis for dynamic lattice structures with defects'

Movchan, A. B., Haq, S., & Movchan, N. V. (2007). 'Localised defect modes and a macro-cell analysis for dynamic lattice structures with defects'. In The Seventh International Conference on Vibration Problems ICOVP 2005 Vol. 111 (pp. 327-336). Istanbul: Springer.

Conference Paper

'Negative refraction for linear surface water waves'

Farhat, M., Guenneau, S., Enoch, S., Tayeb, G., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2007). 'Negative refraction for linear surface water waves'. In WAVES 2007 (pp. 214-216). Reading: Reading University Press.

Conference Paper


Steady-state motion of a mode-III crack on imperfect interfaces

Mishuris, G. S., Movchan, N. V., & Movchan, A. B. (n.d.). Steady-state motion of a mode-III crack on imperfect interfaces. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 59(4), 487-516. doi:10.1093/qjmam/hbl013

Journal article

Localised vibration modes and stop bands for continuous and discrete periodic structures

Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Haq, S. (2006). Localised vibration modes and stop bands for continuous and discrete periodic structures. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 431(1-2), 175-183. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2006.05.145

Journal article


Perturbation of a dynamic crack in an infinite strip

Movchan, N. V., Movchan, A. B., & Willis, J. R. (2005). Perturbation of a dynamic crack in an infinite strip. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 58(3), 333-347. doi:10.1093/qjmam/hbi027

Journal article

Mathematical modelling of heat transfer in a catalytic reformer

Selsil, A. (n.d.). Mathematical modelling of heat transfer in a catalytic reformer. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 70(2), 201-220. doi:10.1093/imamat/hxh031

Journal article


Phohonic band gap properties of doubly periodic arrays of coated inclusions

Platts, S. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2004). Phohonic band gap properties of doubly periodic arrays of coated inclusions. In D. J. Bergman, & E. Inan (Eds.), NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Continuum Models and Discrete Systems (pp. 287-294). Dordrecht / Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Conference Paper


Band gaps and elastic waves in disordered stacks: normal incidence

Platts, S. B., Movchan, N. V., McPhedran, R. C., & Movchan, A. B. (2003). Band gaps and elastic waves in disordered stacks: normal incidence. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 459(2029), 221-240. doi:10.1098/rspa.2002.1041

Journal article

Asymptotic analysis of heat transfer in a system of channels connected by thin conducting walls

Selsil, A., Movchan, A. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2003). Asymptotic analysis of heat transfer in a system of channels connected by thin conducting walls. In A. B. Movchan (Ed.), IUTAM Symposium on Asymptotics, Singularities and Homogenisation in Problems of Mechanics (pp. 455-464). Dordrecht / Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Conference Paper

Effect of a thin coating on the stress singularity at the vertex of a thin conical inclusion

Esparza, D., & Movchan, N. V. (2003). Effect of a thin coating on the stress singularity at the vertex of a thin conical inclusion. In A. B. Movchan (Ed.), IUTAM Symposium on Asymptotics, Singularities and Homogenisation in Problems of Mechanics (pp. 467-476). Dordrecht / Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Conference Paper

Low frequency band gaps and localised modes for arrays of coated inclusions

Platts, S. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2003). Low frequency band gaps and localised modes for arrays of coated inclusions. In A. B. Movchan (Ed.), IUTAM Symposium on Asymptotics, Singularities and Homogenisation in Problems of Mechanics (pp. 63-72). Dordrecht / Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Conference Paper

Scattering of elastic waves by an array of fluid filled cyllinders: normal incidence

Platts, S. B., & Movchan, N. V. (2003). Scattering of elastic waves by an array of fluid filled cyllinders: normal incidence. In XXX Summer School on Advanced Problemsin Mechanics (pp. 530-536). St Petersburg: IPME RAS.

Conference Paper

Transmission and Polarization of Elastic Waves in Irregular Structures

Platts, S. B., Movchan, N. V., McPhedran, R. C., & Movchan, A. B. (2003). Transmission and Polarization of Elastic Waves in Irregular Structures. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 125(1), 2-6. doi:10.1115/1.1525248

Journal article


Two–dimensional phononic crystals and scattering of elastic waves by an array of voids

Platts, S. B., Movchan, N. V., McPhedran, R. C., & Movchan, A. B. (2002). Two–dimensional phononic crystals and scattering of elastic waves by an array of voids. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 458(2026), 2327-2347. doi:10.1098/rspa.2002.0960

Journal article

Characterizing holes in duct walls using resonance frequencies.

de Salis, M. H. F., Movchan, N. V., & Oldham, D. J. (2002). Characterizing holes in duct walls using resonance frequencies.. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 111(6), 2583-2593. doi:10.1121/1.1470506

Journal article

Asymptotic Models of Fields in Dilute and Densely Packed Composites

Movchan, A. B., Movchan, N. V., & Poulton, C. G. (2002). Asymptotic Models of Fields in Dilute and Densely Packed Composites. London: Imperial College Press.
