Selected publications
- Predicting On-axis Rotorcraft Dynamic Responses Using Machine Learning Techniques (Journal article - 2020)
- Tau Theory-Based Flare Control in Autonomous Helicopter Autorotation (Journal article - 2023)
- Rapid Method for Computing Reachable Landing Distances in Helicopter Autorotative Descent (Journal article - 2022)
- Towards the Determination of Safe Operating Envelopes for Autonomous UAS in Offshore Inspection Missions (Journal article - 2021)
Subjective and Objective Workload Assessment of Novel Autorotation Cueing Methods using Haptic Cues
Alam, M., Memon, W., & Jump, M. (2024). Subjective and Objective Workload Assessment of Novel Autorotation Cueing Methods using Haptic Cues. In 50th European Rotorcraft Forum. Marseille, France.
Tau Theory-Based Flare Control in Autonomous Helicopter Autorotation
Saetti, U., Rogers, J., Alam, M., & Jump, M. (n.d.). Tau Theory-Based Flare Control in Autonomous Helicopter Autorotation. Aerospace, 11(1), 33. doi:10.3390/aerospace11010033
Using Time-To-Contact as a Flight Control Parameter to Improve Rotary-Wing UAS Ship Deck Landings
Dadswell, C., & Jump, M. (2023). Using Time-To-Contact as a Flight Control Parameter to Improve Rotary-Wing UAS Ship Deck Landings. In European Rotorcraft Forum. Buckeburg, Germany.
Simulated Flight Trial Assessment of Novel Autorotation Cueing Methods using a Head Down Display
Alam, M., Jump, M., & Rogers, J. (2023). Simulated Flight Trial Assessment of Novel Autorotation Cueing Methods using a Head Down Display. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum (pp. 1-15). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0079-2023-18027
Dynamic Inversion-Based Flare Control Law for Autonomous Helicopter Autorotation
Saetti, U., Rogers, J., Alam, M., Cameron, N., & Jump, M. (2022). Dynamic Inversion-Based Flare Control Law for Autonomous Helicopter Autorotation. In AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum. San Diego. doi:10.2514/6.2022-1645
Further Simulated Flight Trial Assessment of Novel Autorotation Cueing Methods
Alam, M., Jump, M., & Rogers, J. (2022). Further Simulated Flight Trial Assessment of Novel Autorotation Cueing Methods. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 78th Annual Forum (pp. 1-9). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0078-2022-17505
Further Simulated Flight Trial Assessment of Novel Autorotation Cueing Methods
Alam, M., Jump, M., & Rogers, J. (2022). Further Simulated Flight Trial Assessment of Novel Autorotation Cueing Methods. In 78th Vertical Flight Society Annual Forum and Technology Display, FORUM 2022.
Rapid Method for Computing Reachable Landing Distances in Helicopter Autorotative Descent
Eberle, B. F., Rogers, J. D., Alam, M., & Jump, M. (2022). Rapid Method for Computing Reachable Landing Distances in Helicopter Autorotative Descent. JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE INFORMATION SYSTEMS. doi:10.2514/1.I011035
Non-linear Dynamics Simulation-based Testing to Create Operating Envelopes for Autonomous UAS Inspection Missions
Page, V., Dadswell, C., & Jump, M. (2021). Non-linear Dynamics Simulation-based Testing to Create Operating Envelopes for Autonomous UAS Inspection Missions. In 47th European Rotorcraft Forum. Glasgow.
A Method to Define a Scalable Turbulence Response Model for the Ship Helicopter Dynamic Interface
Fell, T., Jump, M., White, M., Owen, I., & Finlay, B. (2021). A Method to Define a Scalable Turbulence Response Model for the Ship Helicopter Dynamic Interface. In 47th European Rotorcrarft Forum. Glasgow.
Towards the Determination of Safe Operating Envelopes for Autonomous UAS in Offshore Inspection Missions
Page, V., Dadswell, C., Webster, M., Jump, M., & Fisher, M. (2021). Towards the Determination of Safe Operating Envelopes for Autonomous UAS in Offshore Inspection Missions. ROBOTICS, 10(3). doi:10.3390/robotics10030097
Evaluation of the Phase-Aggression Criterion for PIO Detection in Real-time
Fasiello, S., Masarati, P., & Jump, M. (2021). Evaluation of the Phase-Aggression Criterion for PIO Detection in Real-time . In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum (pp. 1-10). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0077-2021-16795
A Pilot Cueing System for Autorotation
Jump, M. (2021). A Pilot Cueing System for Autorotation. Online.
Virtual Engineering Techniques to Validate and Verify UAV Offshore Asset Inspection Missions
Jump, M., Page, V., & Dadswell, C. (2021). Virtual Engineering Techniques to Validate and Verify UAV Offshore Asset Inspection Missions. Online.
An Overview of Verification and Validation Challenges for Inspection Robots
Fisher, M., Cardoso, R. C., Collins, E. C., Dadswell, C., Dennis, L. A., Dixon, C., . . . Webster, M. (2021). An Overview of Verification and Validation Challenges for Inspection Robots. ROBOTICS, 10(2). doi:10.3390/robotics10020067
Flight simulation assessment of autorotation algorithms and cues
Alam, M., Jump, M., Eberle, B., & Rogers, J. (2020). Flight simulation assessment of autorotation algorithms and cues. In Vertical Flight Society's 76th Annual Forum and Technology Display.
Predicting On-axis Rotorcraft Dynamic Responses Using Machine Learning Techniques
Jackson, R. D., Jump, M., & Green, P. L. (2020). Predicting On-axis Rotorcraft Dynamic Responses Using Machine Learning Techniques. Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 65(3), 1-12. doi:10.4050/jahs.65.032004
Can Time-To-Contact Be Used To Model A Helicopter Autorotation?
Alam, M. M., Jump, M., & Cameron, N. (2019). Can Time-To-Contact Be Used To Model A Helicopter Autorotation?. In Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-7). Ankara, Turkey.
Towards a Methodology to Test UAVs in Hazardous Environments
Page, V., Webster, M. P., Fisher, M., & Jump, M. (2019). Towards a Methodology to Test UAVs in Hazardous Environments. In ICAS 2019, The Fifteenth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems.
Certification of Safe and Trusted Robotic Inspection of Assets
Dinmohammadi, F., Flynn, D., Fisher, M., Jump, M., Page, V., Robu, V., . . . Webster, M. P. (2019). Certification of Safe and Trusted Robotic Inspection of Assets. In
Measuring decision accuracy and confidence of mock air defence operators.
Adams-White, J. E., Wheatcroft, J. M., & Jump, M. (n.d.). Measuring decision accuracy and confidence of mock air defence operators.. Retrieved from
Verifiable Self-Certifying Autonomous Systems
Fisher, M., Collins, E., Dennis, L., Luckcuck, M., Webster, M., Jump, M., . . . Zhao, X. (2018). Verifiable Self-Certifying Autonomous Systems. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW) (pp. 341-348). IEEE. doi:10.1109/issrew.2018.00028
Summary of Progress In The Development Of A Time-to-contact Autorotation Cueing System
Jump, M., Alam, M., Cameron, N., Fell, T., Rogers, J., Eberle, B., . . . Repola, C. (2018). Summary of Progress In The Development Of A Time-to-contact Autorotation Cueing System. In International Powered Lift Conference 2018. We The Curious, Bristol.
Surviving the Ship Airwake: Towards a Scalable Turbulence Response Model For the Helicopter-Ship Dynamic Interface
Jump, M., Fell, T., White, M., & Owen, I. (2018). Surviving the Ship Airwake: Towards a Scalable Turbulence Response Model For the Helicopter-Ship Dynamic Interface. In International Powered Lift Conference 2018. We The Curious, Bristol.
Progress in the Development of a Time-To-Contact Autorotation Cueing System
Jump, M., Alam, M., Rogers, J., & Eberle, B. (2018). Progress in the Development of a Time-To-Contact Autorotation Cueing System. In 44th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Delft, Netherlands.
Fasiello, S., Jump, M., Masarati, P., Yu, Y., Pavel, M. D., & van Kampen, E. -J. (2018). ROTORCRAFT-PILOT COUPLINGS: ANALYSIS AND DETECTION IN A SAFETY ENHANCEMENT FRAMEWORK. In Delft University of Technology.
Contemporary Automotive Infotainment Solutions to Empower Front-Seat Passengers
Sen, G., Sener, B., & Jump, M. (n.d.). Contemporary Automotive Infotainment Solutions to Empower Front-Seat Passengers. In Proceedings of DRS Vol. 6. Design Research Society. doi:10.21606/drs.2018.444
Towards Gaussian Process Models of Complex Rotorcraft Dynamics
Jackson, R., Jump, M., & Green, P. (2018). Towards Gaussian Process Models of Complex Rotorcraft Dynamics. In HS International’s 74th Annual Forum and Technology Display; The Future of Vertical Flight. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Time-to-Contact-Based Control Laws for Flare Trajectory Generation and Landing Point Tracking in Autorotation
Eberle, B., Rogers, J., Jump, M., & Cameron, N. (2018). Time-to-Contact-Based Control Laws for Flare Trajectory Generation and Landing Point Tracking in Autorotation. In AHS International’s 74th Annual Forum and Technology Display; The Future of Vertical Flight. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
Development of a Generic Time-to-Contact Pilot Guidance Model
Lu, L., Jump, M., & Padfield, G. D. (2018). Development of a Generic Time-to-Contact Pilot Guidance Model. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 41(4), 904-915. doi:10.2514/1.G003135
Measuring Decision Accuracy and Confidence of Mock Air Defence Operators
Adams-White, J. E., Wheatcroft, J. M., & Jump, M. (2018). Measuring Decision Accuracy and Confidence of Mock Air Defence Operators. JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN MEMORY AND COGNITION, 7(1), 60-69. doi:10.1016/j.jarmac.2018.01.005
Progress in the development of a time-to-contact autorotation cueing system
Jump, M., Alam, M., Rogers, J., & Eberle, B. (2018). Progress in the development of a time-to-contact autorotation cueing system. In 44th European Rotorcraft Forum 2018, ERF 2018 Vol. 2 (pp. 777-788).
Rotorcraft-pilot couplings: Analysis and detection in a safety enhancement framework
Fasiello, S., Yu, Y., Jump, M., Pavel, M. D., Van Kampen, E. J., & Masarati, P. (2018). Rotorcraft-pilot couplings: Analysis and detection in a safety enhancement framework.
Verifiable Self-Certifying Autonomous Systems
Fisher, M., Collins, E. C., Dennis, L. A., Luckcuck, M., Webster, M., Jump, M., . . . Zhao, X. (2018). Verifiable Self-Certifying Autonomous Systems. In 2018 29TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING WORKSHOPS (ISSREW) (pp. 341-348). doi:10.1109/1SSREW.2018.00028
Towards the Development of a Flight Training Programme for Future Personal Aerial Vehicle Users
Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. D. (2017). Towards the Development of a Flight Training Programmefor Future Personal Aerial Vehicle Users. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 8(3), 541-560. doi:10.1007/s13272-017-0255-2
Handling Qualities and Training Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles
Jump, M. (2017). Handling Qualities and Training Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles. In The Future of Transportation World Conference. Cologne, Germany.
Measuring the meta and cognitive abilities of air defence operators
Adams-White, J., Wheatcroft, J. M., & Jump, M. (2017). Measuring the meta and cognitive abilities of air defence operators. In 13th International Naturalistic Decision Making Conference. Bath.
Handling Qualities Assessment of a Pilot Cueing System for Autorotation Maneuvers
Jump, M., Cameron, N., Fell, T., Rogers, J., Strickland, L., & Repola, C. (2017). Handling Qualities Assessment of a Pilot Cueing System for Autorotation Maneuvers. In AHS Forum 73. Fort Worth, Texas.
Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operators’ accuracy and confidence of decisions: Professional pilots or video game players?
Wheatcroft, J. M., Jump, M., Breckell, A. L., & Adams-White, J. (2017). Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operators’ accuracy and confidence of decisions: Professional pilots or video game players?. Cogent Psychology (Cognitive Science & Neuroscience), 4. doi:10.1080/23311908.2017.1327628
Pilot modelling for boundary hazard perception and reaction study
Lu, L., & Jump, M. (2017). Pilot modelling for boundary hazard perception and reaction study. In 43rd European Rotorcraft Forum, ERF 2017 Vol. 1 (pp. 640-652).
Development of occupant-preferred landing profiles for personal aerial vehicles
Lu, L., Jump, M., White, M. D., & Perfect, P. (2016). Development of occupant-preferred landing profiles for personal aerial vehicles. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 39(8), 1805-1819. doi:10.2514/1.G001608
Prediction and Simulator Verification of Roll/Lateral Adverse Aeroservoelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings
Muscarello, V., Quaranta, G., Masarati, P., Lu, L., Jones, M., & Jump, M. (2016). Prediction and Simulator Verification of Roll/Lateral Adverse Aeroservoelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 39(1), 42-60. doi:10.2514/1.G001121
Progress in establishing scalable flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned rotorcraft systems
Fell, T. R., Jump, M., White, M. D., & Owen, I. (2016). Progress in establishing scalable flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned rotorcraft systems. In 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum 2016 Vol. 2 (pp. 1574-1579).
Using Simulators in the Design Process
Jump, M., & White, M. (2015). Using Simulators in the Design Process. In RAeS General Aviation Group Light Aircraft Design Conference - Methods and Tools. London, UK.
Practises to identify and prevent adverse aircraft-and-rotorcraft-pilot couplings-A ground simulator perspective
Pavel, M. D., Jump, M., Masarati, P., Zaichik, L., Dang-Vu, B., Smaili, H., . . . Ionita, A. (2015). Practises to identify and prevent adverse aircraft-and-rotorcraft-pilot couplings-A ground simulator perspective. PROGRESS IN AEROSPACE SCIENCES, 77, 54-87. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2015.06.007
Practices to identify and preclude adverse Aircraft-and-Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings - A design perspective
Pavel, M. D., Masarati, P., Gennaretti, M., Jump, M., Zaichik, L., Dang-Vu, B., . . . Serafini, J. (2015). Practices to identify and preclude adverse Aircraft-and-Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings - A design perspective. PROGRESS IN AEROSPACE SCIENCES, 76, 55-89. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2015.05.002
A Comprehensive Pilot Model for Voluntary/Involuntary Action in Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling
Jump, M., Marguerettaz, P., Masarati, P., Lu, L., Guglieri, G., Muscarello, V., & Quaranta, G. (2015). A Comprehensive Pilot Model for Voluntary/Involuntary Action in Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 71st Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0071-2015-10215
Sensitivity Study Of A Small Maritime Rotary UAS Operating In A Turbulent Airwake
Fell, T., Owen, I., Manso, S., White, M., & Jump, M. (2015). Sensitivity Study Of A Small Maritime Rotary UAS Operating In A Turbulent Airwake. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 71st Annual Forum (pp. 1-9). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0071-2015-10219
Towards Establishing Flying Qualities Requirements for Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Fell, T., Owen, I., Jump, M., & White, M. (2015). Towards Establishing Flying Qualities Requirements for Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 71st Annual Forum (pp. 1-10). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0071-2015-10167
Methods to Assess the Handling Qualities Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles
Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. (2015). Methods to Assess the Handling Qualities Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 1-12. doi:10.2514/1.G000862
A comprehensive pilot model for voluntary/involuntary action in rotorcraft-pilot coupling
Masarati, P., Muscarello, V., Quaranta, G., Marguerettaz, P., Guglieri, G., Lu, L., & Jump, M. (2015). A comprehensive pilot model for voluntary/involuntary action in rotorcraft-pilot coupling. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 1821-1834).
Aerodynamic design and simulation of flight vehicle on Mars
Wei, S., Jump, M., & Yingtao, Z. (2015). Aerodynamic design and simulation of flight vehicle on Mars. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC Vol. 2 (pp. 1456-1469).
Handling Qualities Requirements for Future Personal Aerial Vehicles
Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. (2015). Handling Qualities Requirements for Future Personal Aerial Vehicles. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 38(12), 2386-2398. doi:10.2514/1.G001073
New Methods to Subjectively and Objectively Evaluate Adverse Pilot Couplings
Jones, M., & Jump, M. (2015). New Methods to Subjectively and Objectively Evaluate Adverse Pilot Couplings. Journal of The American Helicopter Society, 60(1), 1-13. doi:10.4050/JAHS.60.011003
Safety and Certification of Unmanned Air Systems
Patchett, C., Jump, M., & Fisher, M. (2015). Safety and Certification of Unmanned Air Systems. Engineering & Technology Reference. doi:10.1049/etr.2015.0009
Sensitivity study of a small maritime rotary UAS operating in a turbulent airwake
Fell, T. R., White, M. D., Jump, M., Owen, I., & Manso, S. (2015). Sensitivity study of a small maritime rotary UAS operating in a turbulent airwake. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 1989-1997).
Towards establishing flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned aircraft systems
Fell, T. R., White, M. D., Jump, M., & Owen, I. (2015). Towards establishing flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned aircraft systems. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 2 (pp. 1465-1474).
Multiloop Pilot Model for Boundary-Triggered Pilot-Induced Oscillation Investigations
Lu, L., & Jump, M. (2014). Multiloop Pilot Model for Boundary-Triggered Pilot-Induced Oscillation Investigations. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 37(6), 1863-1879. doi:10.2514/1.G000079
Initial Progress To Establish Flying Qualities Requirements For Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Fell, T., Jump, M., White, M., & Owen, I. (2014). Initial Progress To Establish Flying Qualities Requirements For Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Southampton: RAeS.
Development of a Visual Landing Profile with Natural-Feeling Cues
lu, L., Jump, M., Philip, P., & White, M. (2014). Development of a Visual Landing Profile with Natural-Feeling Cues. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-12). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0070-2014-9519
Investigation of Novel Concepts for Control of a Personal Air Vehicle
Jones, M., Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. (2014). Investigation of Novel Concepts for Control of a Personal Air Vehicle. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-16). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0070-2014-9517
Investigation of Personal Aerial Vehicle Handling Qualities Requirements for Harsh Environmental Conditions
Perfect, P., White, M., & Jump, M. (2014). Investigation of Personal Aerial Vehicle Handling Qualities Requirements for Harsh Environmental Conditions. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0070-2014-9515
Generating Certification Evidence for Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Using Model Checking and Simulation
Webster, M., Cameron, C., Fisher, M., & Jump, M. (2014). Generating Certification Evidence for Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Using Model Checking and Simulation. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 11(05), 258-279. doi:10.2514/1.I010096
A closed loop experiment of collective bounce aeroelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling
Masarati, P., Quaranta, G., Lu, L., & Jump, M. (2014). A closed loop experiment of collective bounce aeroelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 333(1), 307-325. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2013.09.020
A Multi-Loop Pilot Model for Boundary-Triggered PIO Investigations
Lu, L., Jump, M., Lu, L., & Jump, M. (2014). A Multi-Loop Pilot Model for Boundary-Triggered PIO Investigations. AIAA Journal of Aircraft Dynamics, Guidance and Control, 37(6), 1863-1879. Retrieved from
Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings - Modelling and prediction of rigid body RPC sketches from the work of European project ARISTOTEL 2010-2013
Pavel, M. D., Yilmaz, D., Dang Vu, B., Jump, M., Lu, L., & Jones, M. (2014). Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings - Modelling and prediction of rigid body RPC sketches from the work of European project ARISTOTEL 2010-2013. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 4 (pp. 3237-3270).
Comparison of Simulator Platfrom and Flight Tasks on Adverse Rotorcraft Pilot Coupling Prediction
Lu, L., Jump, M., Jones, M., Yilmaz, D., & Pavel, M. D. (2014). Comparison of Simulator Platfrom and Flight Tasks on Adverse Rotorcraft Pilot Coupling Prediction. In AHS International 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). Montreal: AHS.
Developement of pilot training requirements for personal aerial vehicles
Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2014). Developement of pilot training requirements for personal aerial vehicles. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-14). Southampton: ERF.
Development of occupant-preferred lanidng profiles for personal aerial vehicles
Lu, L., Jump, M., Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Aldridge, M. (2014). Development of occupant-preferred lanidng profiles for personal aerial vehicles. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-13). Southampton: ERF.
Development of pilot training requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles
Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2014). Development of pilot training requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum 2014 Vol. 1 (pp. 448-463).
Handling Qualities and Training Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles
Jump, M., Perfect, P., White, M., & Lu, L. (2014). Handling Qualities and Training Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles. In 4th EASN Association International Workshop on Flight Physics & Aircraft Design. Aachen, Germany.
Investigation of Personal Aerial Vehicle Handling Qualities for Harsh Environmental Conditions
Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. D. (2014). Investigation of Personal Aerial Vehicle Handling Qualities for Harsh Environmental Conditions. In AHS International 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). Montreal: AHS.
Investigation of novel concepts for control of a personal air vehicle
Jones, M., Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. (2014). Investigation of novel concepts for control of a personal air vehicle. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 2329-2344).
Subjective and Objective PIO Tendencies
Jones, M., & Jump, M. (2014). Subjective and Objective PIO Tendencies. In AHS International 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). Montreal: AHS.
Equivalence of BRISK Descriptors for the Registration of Variable Bit-depth Aerial Imagery
Griffith, E. J., Chi, Y., Jump, M., & Ralph, J. F. (2013). Equivalence of BRISK Descriptors for the Registration of Variable Bit-depth Aerial Imagery. 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2013), 2587-2592. doi:10.1109/SMC.2013.442
Adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings—Past, present and future challenges
Pavel, M. D., Jump, M., Dang-Vu, B., Masarati, P., Gennaretti, M., Ionita, A., . . . Malecki, J. (2013). Adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings—Past, present and future challenges. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 62, 1-51. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2013.04.003
Investigation of adverse aeroelastic rotorcraft-pilot coupling using real-time simulation
Muscarello, V., Masarati, P., Quaranta, G., Lu, L., Jump, M., & Jones, M. (2013). Investigation of adverse aeroelastic rotorcraft-pilot coupling using real-time simulation. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 2 (pp. 1389-1407).
Prediction of rotorcraft pilot-induced oscillations using the phase-aggression criterion
Jones, M., & Jump, M. (2013). Prediction of rotorcraft pilot-induced oscillations using the phase-aggression criterion. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 1 (pp. 313-330).
Towards handling qualities requirements for future personal aerial vehicles
Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2013). Towards handling qualities requirements for future personal aerial vehicles. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 2 (pp. 1590-1610).
Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings: Modelling and prediction rigid body RPC<sup>1</sup>: Sketches from the work of ARISTOTEL
Pavel, M., Yilmaz, D., Vu, B. D., Jump, M., Jones, M., & Lu, L. (2013). Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings: Modelling and prediction rigid body RPC<sup>1</sup>: Sketches from the work of ARISTOTEL. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum 2013, ERF 2013 (pp. 489-493).
Adverse rotorcraft-pilot couplings: modelling and prediction of rigid body RPC. Sketches from the work of European Project ARISTOTEL 2010 - 2013
Pavel et al, M. D. (2013). Adverse rotorcraft-pilot couplings: modelling and prediction of rigid body RPC. Sketches from the work of European Project ARISTOTEL 2010 - 2013. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-34). Moscow: ERF.
Anatomy, modelling and prediction of aeroservoelastic rotorcraft pilot coupling
Gennaretti, M., & al, E. (2013). Anatomy, modelling and prediction of aeroservoelastic rotorcraft pilot coupling. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-19). Moscow: ERF.
Development of the Phase-Aggression Criterion for Rotorcraft—Pilot Coupling Detection
Jones, M., Jump, M., & Lu, L. (2013). Development of the Phase-Aggression Criterion for Rotorcraft—Pilot Coupling Detection. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 36(1), 35-47. doi:10.2514/1.58232
Experimental and numerical helicopter pilot characterization for aeroelastic rotorcraft-pilot couplings analysis
Masarati, M., Quaranta, G., & Jump, M. (2013). Experimental and numerical helicopter pilot characterization for aeroelastic rotorcraft-pilot couplings analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 227(1), 124-140.
Experimental and numerical helicopter pilot characterization for aeroelastic rotorcraft–pilot coupling analysis
Masarati, P., Quaranta, G., & Jump, M. (2013). Experimental and numerical helicopter pilot characterization for aeroelastic rotorcraft–pilot coupling analysis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 227(1), 125-141. doi:10.1177/0954410011427662
Exposing rotorcraft pilot couplings using flight simulation
Jones et al, M. (2013). Exposing rotorcraft pilot couplings using flight simulation. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-21). Moscow: ERF.
Exposing rotorcraft pilot couplings using flight simulation
Jones, M., Jump, M., Lu, L., Yilmaz, D., Pavel, M., Masarati, P., . . . Muscarello, V. (2013). Exposing rotorcraft pilot couplings using flight simulation. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum 2013, ERF 2013 (pp. 506-510).
Investigation of Adverse Aeroelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling Using Real-Time Simulation
Jones, M., & al, E. (2013). Investigation of Adverse Aeroelastic Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling Using Real-Time Simulation. In AHS International 69th Annual Forum (pp. 1-19). Phoenix, Arizona: AHS International.
PIO susceptibility accompanying HQ prospects in preliminary rotorcraft design
Yilmaz, D., Pavel, M., Vu, B. D., Jones, M., Jump, M., & Lu, L. (2013). PIO susceptibility accompanying HQ prospects in preliminary rotorcraft design. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum 2013, ERF 2013 (pp. 511-514).
Pilot sensitivity to handling qualities-related design parameters for a future personal aerial vehicle concept
Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2013). Pilot sensitivity to handling qualities-related design parameters for a future personal aerial vehicle concept. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Moscow: ERF.
Pilot sensitivity to handling qualities-related design parameters for a future personal aerial vehicle concept
Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2013). Pilot sensitivity to handling qualities-related design parameters for a future personal aerial vehicle concept. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum 2013, ERF 2013 (pp. 297-308).
Prediction of Rotorcraft Pilot-Induced Oscillations using the Phase Aggression Criterion
Jones, M., & Jump, M. (2013). Prediction of Rotorcraft Pilot-Induced Oscillations using the Phase Aggression Criterion. In AHS 69th Annual Forum (pp. 1-18). Phoenix, Arizona: AHS.
Tau Coupling Investigation Using Positive Wavelet Analysis
Lu, L., Jump, M., & Jones, M. (2013). Tau Coupling Investigation Using Positive Wavelet Analysis. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 36(4), 920-934. doi:10.2514/1.60015
Towards Handling Qualities Requirements for Future Personal Aerial Vehicles
Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2013). Towards Handling Qualities Requirements for Future Personal Aerial Vehicles. In AHS International 69th Annual Forum (pp. 1-20). Phoenix, Arizona: AHS.
Development of handling qualities requirements for a personal aerial vehicle
Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. D. (2012). Development of handling qualities requirements for a personal aerial vehicle. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum 2012, ERF 2012 Vol. 2 (pp. 758-775).
Identification of pilot control behavior during possible rotorcraft pilot coupling events
Yilmaz, D., Pavel, M., Jones, M., Jump, M., & Lu, L. (2012). Identification of pilot control behavior during possible rotorcraft pilot coupling events. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum 2012, ERF 2012 Vol. 2 (pp. 1147-1171).
Tau coupling investigation using positive wavelet analysis
Lu, L., Jump, M., & Jones, M. (2012). Tau coupling investigation using positive wavelet analysis. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum 2012, ERF 2012 Vol. 2 (pp. 776-795).
Using the phase-aggression criterion to identify rotorcraft pilot coupling events
Jones, M., Jump, M., Lu, L., Yilmaz, D., & Pavel, M. (2012). Using the phase-aggression criterion to identify rotorcraft pilot coupling events. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum 2012, ERF 2012 Vol. 2 (pp. 1172-1187).
A retrospective survey of adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings in european perspective
Pavel, M. D., Malecki, J., DangVu, B., Masarati, P., Gennaretti, M., Jump, M., . . . Zaicek, L. (2012). A retrospective survey of adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings in european perspective. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 2238-2251).
Generic research simulator requirements for prediction of adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings in the heave axis
Jones, M., & Jump, M. (2012). Generic research simulator requirements for prediction of adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings in the heave axis. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 1983-2003).
Theoretical and experimental investigation of aeroelastic rotorcraft-pilot coupling
Masarati, P., Quaranta, G., Lu, L., & Jump, M. (2012). Theoretical and experimental investigation of aeroelastic rotorcraft-pilot coupling. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 2 (pp. 1339-1353).
Towards Certification of Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Using Formal Model Checking and Simulation
Webster, M., Cameron, N., Jump, M., & Fisher, M. (2012). Towards Certification of Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Using Formal Model Checking and Simulation. In Infotech@Aerospace 2012. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2012-2573
A retrospective survey of adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings: a European perspective
Pavel, M., & al, E. (2012). A retrospective survey of adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings: a European perspective. In AHS International 68th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). Fort Worth, Texas: AHS International and MIRA CD-ROM Publishing.
Development of Handling Qualities Requirements for a Personal Aerial Vehicle
Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. D. (2012). Development of Handling Qualities Requirements for a Personal Aerial Vehicle. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. pp1-pp18). Amsterdam: ERF.
Further investigation into landing flare guidance using optical tau
Ridgway, G., & Jump, M. (2012). Further investigation into landing flare guidance using optical tau. Aerotecnica Missili & Spazio, The Journal of Aerospace Science, Technology and Systems, 91(1/2), 3-11.
Generic research simulator requirements for prediction of adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings in the heave axis
Jones, M., & Jump, M. (2012). Generic research simulator requirements for prediction of adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings in the heave axis. In AHS International 68th Annual Forum (pp. 1-22). Fort Worth, Texas: AHS International and Mira CD-ROM Publishing.
Identification of Pilot Control Behaviour During Possible Rotorcraft Pilot Coupling Events
Yilmaz, D., & al, E. (2012). Identification of Pilot Control Behaviour During Possible Rotorcraft Pilot Coupling Events. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. pp1-pp22). Amsterdam: ERF.
Tau Coupling Investigation Using Positive Wavelet Analysis
Lu, L., Jump, M., & Jones, M. (2012). Tau Coupling Investigation Using Positive Wavelet Analysis. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. pp1-pp20). Amsterdam: ERF.
Tau Guidance in Boundary-Avoidance Tracking - New Perspectives on Pilot-Induced Oscillations
Padfield, G. D., Lu, L., & Jump, M. (2012). Tau Guidance in Boundary-Avoidance Tracking - New Perspectives on Pilot-Induced Oscillations. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 35(1), 80-92. doi:10.2514/1.54065
Theoretical and Experimental investigation of aeroelastic rotorcraft-pilot coupling
Masarati, P., Quaranta, G., & Jump, M. (2012). Theoretical and Experimental investigation of aeroelastic rotorcraft-pilot coupling. In AHS International 68th Annual Forum (pp. 1-15). Fort Worth, Texas: AHS International and Mira CD-ROM Publishing.
Using the Phase-Agression Criterion to Identify Rotorcraft Pilot Coupling Events
Jones, M., & al, E. (2012). Using the Phase-Agression Criterion to Identify Rotorcraft Pilot Coupling Events. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. pp1-pp16). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: ERF.
Certification of a civil UAS: A virtual engineering approach
Cameron, N., Webster, M., Jump, M., & Fisher, M. (2011). Certification of a civil UAS: A virtual engineering approach. In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference 2011 (pp. 1011-1025).
Measuring biodynamic feedthrough in helicopters
Venrooij, J., Yilmaz, D., Pavel, M. D., Quaranta, G., Jump, M., & Mulder, M. (2011). Measuring biodynamic feedthrough in helicopters. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum 2011, ERF 2011 (pp. 958-967).
Present and future trends in rotorcraft pilot couplings (RPCs) - A retrospective survey of recent research activities within the European project ARISTOTEL
Pavel, M. D., Malecki, J., DangVu, B., Masarati, P., Gennaretti, M., Jump, M., . . . Zaicek, L. (2011). Present and future trends in rotorcraft pilot couplings (RPCs) - A retrospective survey of recent research activities within the European project ARISTOTEL. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum 2011, ERF 2011 (pp. 266-284).
myCopter: Enabling technologies for personal air transport systems - An early progress report
Jump, M., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., White, M. D., Floreano, D., Fua, P., . . . Bülthoff, H. H. (2011). myCopter: Enabling technologies for personal air transport systems - An early progress report. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum 2011, ERF 2011 (pp. 336-347).
Formal Methods for the Certification of Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Webster, M., Fisher, M., Cameron, N., & Jump, M. (2011). Formal Methods for the Certification of Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In Unknown Conference (pp. 228-242). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24270-0_17
Arresting a Descent: What Cues do Pilots Use to Initiate a Flare Maneuver?
Ridgway, G., & Jump, M. (2011). Arresting a Descent: What Cues do Pilots Use to Initiate a Flare Maneuver?. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2011-6687
Certification of a Civil UAS: A Virtual Engineering Approach
Cameron, N., Webster, M., Jump, M., & Fisher, M. (2011). Certification of a Civil UAS: A Virtual Engineering Approach. In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2011-6664
Progress in the development of handling qualities critical design guidelines for an autogyro
Robinson, S., & Jump, M. (2011). Progress in the development of handling qualities critical design guidelines for an autogyro. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 2079-2092).
Further Investigation into Landing Flare Guidance Using the Optical Parameter Tau
Ridgway, G. R., & Jump, M. (2011). Further Investigation into Landing Flare Guidance Using the Optical Parameter Tau. In 3rd CEAS Air & Space Conference (pp. 1-12). Venice: CEAS.
Measuring Biodynamic Feedthrough in Helicopters
Venrooij., & al, E. (2011). Measuring Biodynamic Feedthrough in Helicopters. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-10). Gallarate: ERF.
Present and Future Trends in Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings (RPCs) - A Retrospective Survey of Recent Research Activities Within the European Project ARISTOTEL
Pavel, M. D., & al., E. (2011). Present and Future Trends in Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings (RPCs) - A Retrospective Survey of Recent Research Activities Within the European Project ARISTOTEL. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-19). Gallarate: ERF.
Progress in the Development of Handling Qualities Critical Design Guidelines for an Autogyro
Robinson, S., & Jump, M. (2011). Progress in the Development of Handling Qualities Critical Design Guidelines for an Autogyro. In AHS 67th Annual Forum and Technology Display (pp. 1-15). Virginia Beach, Virginia: AHS.
Virtual Engineering Centre - Examples of Virtual Prototyping and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
Cooper, J. E., & al, E. (2011). Virtual Engineering Centre - Examples of Virtual Prototyping and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. In Virtual Prototyping of Affordable Military Vehicles Using Advanced MDO (pp. 1-28). Sofia, Bulgaria: NATO.
myCopter: Enabling Technologies For Personal Air Transport Systems - An Early Progress Report
Jump, M., & al., E. (2011). myCopter: Enabling Technologies For Personal Air Transport Systems - An Early Progress Report. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Gallarate: ERF.
myCopter: Enabling Technologies for Personal Air Transport Systems
Jump, M., & al., E. (2011). myCopter: Enabling Technologies for Personal Air Transport Systems. In The Future Rotorcraft - Enabling Capability Through the Application of Technology (pp. 1-15). London: The Royal Aeronautical Society.
Investigation of Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings under Flight-Path Constraint below the Minimum-Power Speed
Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., & Jump, M. (2010). Investigation of Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings under Flight-Path Constraint below the Minimum-Power Speed. The Aeronautical Journal, 114(1155).
Investigation of rotorcraft-pilot couplings under flight-path constraint below the minimum-power speed
Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., & Jump, M. (2010). Investigation of rotorcraft-pilot couplings under flight-path constraint below the minimum-power speed. The Aeronautical Journal, 114(1157), 405-416. doi:10.1017/s0001924000003882
Optical Tau in Boundary-Avoidance Tracking - A New Perspective on Pilot-Indiced Oscillations
Lu, L., Padfield, G., & Jump, M. (2010). Optical Tau in Boundary-Avoidance Tracking - A New Perspective on Pilot-Indiced Oscillations. In 36th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. pp). Paris, France: ERF.
Optical Tau in boundary-avoidance tracking - A new perspective on pilot-induced oscillations
Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., & Jump, M. (2010). Optical Tau in boundary-avoidance tracking - A new perspective on pilot-induced oscillations. In 36th European Rotorcraft Forum, ERF 2010 Vol. 1 (pp. 503-517).
Experimental identification of rotorcraft pilots' biodynamic response for investigation of PAO events
Mattaboni, M., Quaranta, G., Masarati, P., & Jump, M. (2009). Experimental identification of rotorcraft pilots' biodynamic response for investigation of PAO events. In 35th European Rotorcraft Forum 2009, ERF 2009 Vol. 2 (pp. 973-984).
Experimental Identification of Rotorcraft Pilots' Biodynamic Response for Investigation of PAO Events
Mattaboni, M., Quaranta, G., Masarati, P., & Jump, M. (2009). Experimental Identification of Rotorcraft Pilots' Biodynamic Response for Investigation of PAO Events. In 35th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Hamburg, Germany: DGLR.
Rapid Prototyping and Validation of an Autogyro Simulation Model
Jump, M., Kendrick, S., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., & Ridgway, G. R. (2009). Rapid Prototyping and Validation of an Autogyro Simulation Model. In CEAS 2009 European Air and Space Conference (pp. 1-17). Manchester: CEAS.
Adverse rotorcraft-pilot coupling: Recent research activities in Europe
Dieterich, O., Götz, J., Vu, B. D., Haverdings, H., Masarati, P., Pavel, M., . . . Gennaretti, M. (2008). Adverse rotorcraft-pilot coupling: Recent research activities in Europe. In 34th European Rotorcraft Forum 2008, ERF34 Vol. 1 (pp. 644-692).
Adverse rotorcraft-pilot coupling: Test campaign development at the University of Liverpool
Jump, M., Hodge, S., Dang Vu, B., Masarati, P., Quaranta, G., Mattaboni, M., . . . Dieterich, O. (2008). Adverse rotorcraft-pilot coupling: Test campaign development at the University of Liverpool. In 34th European Rotorcraft Forum 2008, ERF34 Vol. 1 (pp. 740-786).
Adverse rotorcraft-pilot couplings - Prediction and suppression of rigid body RPC: Sketches from the work of Garteur HC-AG16
Pavel, M. D., Jump, M., Vu, B. D., Dieterich, O., & Götz, J. (2008). Adverse rotorcraft-pilot couplings - Prediction and suppression of rigid body RPC: Sketches from the work of Garteur HC-AG16. In 34th European Rotorcraft Forum 2008, ERF34 Vol. 1 (pp. 693-739).
Biomechanical pilot properties identification by inverse kinematics/inverse dynamics multibody analysis
Mattaboni, M., Fumagalli, A., Jump, M., Masarati, P., & Quaranta, G. (2008). Biomechanical pilot properties identification by inverse kinematics/inverse dynamics multibody analysis. In ICAS Secretariat - 26th Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences 2008, ICAS 2008 Vol. 1 (pp. 3684-3698).
The strongly controlled helicopter
Lu, L., Padfield, G., & Jump, M. (2008). The strongly controlled helicopter. In 34th European Rotorcraft Forum 2008, ERF34 Vol. 1 (pp. 210-244).
Vehicle Guidance System
Jump, M., Padfield, G. D., & Lee, D. N. (2008). Vehicle Guidance System.
'Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling: Recent Research Activities in Europe'
Dieterich, O., Gotz, J., Dang Vu, B., Haverdings, H., Maserati, P., Pavel, M. D., . . . Gennaretti, M. (2008). 'Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling: Recent Research Activities in Europe'. In 34th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-21). Liverpool, UK: Royal Aeronautical Society.
'Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings - Prediction and Suppression of Rigid Body RPC: Sketches from the work of GARTEUR HC-AG16'
Pavel, M. D., Dang Vu, B., Gotz, J., Jump, M., & Dieterich, O. (2008). 'Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings - Prediction and Suppression of Rigid Body RPC: Sketches from the work of GARTEUR HC-AG16'. In 34th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-22). Liverpool, UK: Royal Aeronautical Society.
'Biomechanical Pilot Properties Identification by Inverse Kinematics/Inverse Dynamics Multibody Analysis
Mattaboni, M., Fumagalli, A., Jump, M., Masarati, P., & Quaranta, G. (2008). 'Biomechanical Pilot Properties Identification by Inverse Kinematics/Inverse Dynamics Multibody Analysis. In 26th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (pp. 1-13). Anchorage: AIAA.
Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling: Test Campaign Development at the University of Liverpool
Jump, M., Hodge, S., Dang Vu, B., Maserati, P., Quaranta, G., Mattaboni, M., . . . Dieterich, O. (2008). Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling: Test Campaign Development at the University of Liverpool. In 34th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-19). Liverpool, UK: Royal Aeronautical Society.
Investigation of Aircraft-Pilot Couplings under Flight-Path Constraint below the Minimum-Power Speed
Padfield, G. D. (2008). Investigation of Aircraft-Pilot Couplings under Flight-Path Constraint below the Minimum-Power Speed. In Rotorcraft Handling Qualities (pp. 1-20). Liverpool, England: RAeS.
The strongly controlled helicopter
Padfield, G. D. (2008). The strongly controlled helicopter. In 34th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-20). Liverpool, England: RAeS.
Development of a Nature-Inspired Flare Command Algorithm
Jump, M., & Padfield, G. (2007). Development of a Nature-Inspired Flare Command Algorithm. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference and Exhibit. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2007-6769
Prospective Sky Guides - Developing Future Pilot Vision Aids
Jump, M. (2007). Prospective Sky Guides - Developing Future Pilot Vision Aids. (PhD Thesis, The University of Liverpool).
Investigation of the Flare Maneuver Using Optical Tau
Jump, M., & Padfield, G. D. (2006). Investigation of the Flare Maneuver Using Optical Tau. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 29(5), 1189-1200. doi:10.2514/1.20012
Progress in the development of guidance strategies for the landing flare manoeuvre using tau‐based parameters
Jump, M., & Padfield, G. D. (2006). Progress in the development of guidance strategies for the landing flare manoeuvre using tau‐based parameters. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 78(1), 4-12. doi:10.1108/17488840610639618
Tau Flare or not Tau Flare: That is the question: Developing guidelines for an approach and landing sky guide
Jump, M., & Padfield, G. D. (2005). Tau Flare or not Tau Flare: That is the question: Developing guidelines for an approach and landing sky guide. In Collection of Technical Papers - AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference Vol. 7 (pp. 5551-5568).
Tau Flare or not Tau Flare: that is the question: Developing Guidelines for an Approach and Landing Sky Guide
Jump, M., & Padfield, G. (2005). Tau Flare or not Tau Flare: that is the question: Developing Guidelines for an Approach and Landing Sky Guide. In AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2005-6404
'Progress in the development of guidance strategies for the landing flare manoeuvre using tau-based parameters
Jump, M., & Padfield, G. D. (2005). 'Progress in the development of guidance strategies for the landing flare manoeuvre using tau-based parameters. In 1st International Conference on Innovation & Integration in Aerospace Sciences (pp. 0). Belfast: CEIAT.