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Professor Michael Jenkinson
MB ChB, PhD, FRCSEd (Neuro.Surg)

Sir John Fisher Foundation / RCSEng Chair of Surgical Trials and Professor of Neurosurgery
Pharmacology & Therapeutics


+44 (0)151 529 5683

Professional Activities

Profession and leadership roles

• National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Brain Tumour Group - Chair

• Society for British Neurological Surgeons (SBNS) Academic Committee - Chair

• Society for Neuro-Oncology international meningioma consortium - Member

• BRAIN UK committee - Member

• EORTC meningioma committee - Member

• British Neuro-Oncology Society committee - Member

Grant reviewer roles

• Cancer Research UK


• Medical Research Council

• Royal College of Surgeons of England

• French National Cancer Institute (INCa)

Conference Roles

  • Incidental meningioma: should we observe or should we resect?, by Invitation (Stockholm, Sweden, 2019)
  • Optimal management of oligometastases in the immunotherapy and TKI era, by Invitation (London, UK, 2019)
  • Optimising outcomes for meningiomas: from the incidentaloma to the clinically aggressive, by Invitation (London, UK, 2019)
  • The Great Debate: This house believes brain tumours are best managed by neurologists, by Invitation (Oxford, UK, 2019)
  • Ketogenic diet: fact or fiction?, by Invitation (Stockholm, Sweden, 2018 - 2019)

External Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Chairperson Academic Committee of the Society for British Neurological Surgeons, Invited (2019 - present)
  • European Association of Neuro-Oncology Guidelines Committee (2019 - present)
  • Tessa Jowell Brain Cancer Mission 'Standards Setting committee' (2018 - present)
  • EORTC Meningioma Research Committee (2017 - present)
  • British-Irish Meningioma Society: Founder member and secretary (2017 - present)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Society for Neuro-Oncology (Member, 2012 - present)
  • Society of British Neurological Surgeons (Member, 2010 - present)
  • European Association of Neuro-Oncology (Member, 2005 - present)
  • British Neuro-Oncology Society (Member, 2005 - present)
  • Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (Member, 2001 - present)