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Professor Melissa Gladstone

Professor in Neurodevelopmental Paediatrics and International Child Health
Women's & Children's Health


In my role as supervisor and mentor, I have nurtured numerous students and early-career researchers, guiding them to successful completion of research projects and academic milestones.

Post-graduate supervision:
I have supervised over 16 master’s students successfully to completion with most gaining a distinction and four gaining a merit. I am presently supporting two master’s in research (MRes) students. As most of these are intercalated students, they do not convert to PhD – however I have successfully supervised four PhD students with two more underway presently. Many of my academic clinical fellows, on the other hand, have gone on to gain MPH degrees or enrolled in a PhD.

Postgraduate teaching
• Lecturer in International Child Health & Tropical Paediatrics Liverpool School Tropical Medicine (LSTM).
• Lecturer in International Child Health and Nutrition London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
• Lecturer on neonatal care Diploma in Reproductive Health course at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
• Small group teaching of ST1-3 Paediatric doctors for MRCPCH.
• Teaching on MRCPCH STEP courses on child development
• Professional development teaching to Neurodisability and Community Child Health doctors.

Undergraduate teaching (Medical students):
* Lead for Paediatrics and Genetics for Year 2 Medical Students.
* Clinical skills to Year 2, 3 and 4 and Case based learning (CBL) Year 3
* Convener of Research Study Modules (RS3) (approx three scholar students per year).
* Lecturer on Child development and Child Rights (Year 3)
* Examiner in Paediatric OSCE and written examinations.
* Academic advisor Year 3-5 Medical students.
* Interview for prospective medical students Univ of Liverpool

University of Liverpool Medical students; lecturer, examiner, academic advisor, supervisor for scholars student programme (RS3) as well as RS2, RS3 and RS4 students

I support at least two to three scholar's students (medical students) per year on projects connected to my research area of interest as well as RS2, RS3 and RS4 students in neurodevelopmental paediatrics.
I support the provision of child development as well as the "healthy and happy child" lectures for the new Year 3 medical student syllabus in Paediatrics.
I have previously supported the examination syllabus for the Year 3 and Year 4 medical students.
I and a team of others have created a set of videos to be accessed online to support medical students in their understanding of child development
I am an advisor for 8 medical students per year.
I examine on the Year 2 and Year 3 OSCEs and written papers and on the Year 4 final examinations in Paediatrics

Academic Foundation Doctor and Academic Clinical Fellow supervision

I have supported the ACFs and AFPs with projects and supervision as their educational supervisor and take an active role and lead in the ICAT programme for both fellows and foundation doctors.

MPhil and MSc student supervision (University of Liverpool and LSTM)

I support MPhil students as well as Academic Foundation Programme and Clinical Academic Fellows in their research under my supervision. I also support MSc students through the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. I have supported over 10 Master's students to complete their theses with either merits or distinctions.

Supervised Theses