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Max Klein

Prof Max Klein
Prof., Dipl.Phys.

Professional Activities

Member of the ATLAS, H1 and PERLE Collaborations

H1 Experiment at HERA: Spokesperson 2002-2005

ATLAS Experiment at the LHC: Chair of the Collaboration Board 2018/19

PERLE at Orsay - Collaboration: Spokesperson since 2020

Talks at Numerous Conferences in Recent Years on
Quantum Chromodynamics, Electroweak Interactions, Higgs Physics,
Detectors and Accelerators

Coordinator of New Accelerator Studies: LHeC and FCC-eh

Coordinator of the Energy Recovery Accelerator Roadmap (since 2021)

Member of Advisory and Conference Committees (such as on FCC and DIS)

Member of ECFA and Representative of the UK in rECFA (since 2021)

Conference Roles

  • Particles and People, by Invitation (Vice-Chancellor, Liverpool University, 2007)

Examination Roles

  • Freie Universitaet Berlin, PhD (2008)