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Matthew Tickle

Dr Matthew Tickle
BSc (Hons), PGCert, PhD, SFHEA, MCIPS


+44 (0)151 795 2328


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Empathetic and inclusive teaching via hybrid learning: Lessons from teaching staff

Menzies, L., & Tickle, M. (2024). Empathetic and inclusive teaching via hybrid learning: Lessons from teaching staff. doi:10.3828/dap.2024.12

Presentation material


Evolution in Teaching Supply Chain Management: Impact of Sustainability

Menzies, L., & Tickle, M. (2023, April 3). Evolution in Teaching Supply Chain Management: Impact of Sustainability. In International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA). Barcelona, Spain.

Conference Paper




Swift Trust - Swifter Distrust: Exploring Coopetition in Humanitarian Supply Chains

Schiffling, S., Hannibal, C., Fan, Y., & Tickle, M. (2019). Swift Trust - Swifter Distrust: Exploring Coopetition in Humanitarian Supply Chains. In EUROMA 2019.

Conference Paper

Building students’ confidence with active learning and authentic assessment practices

Misopoulos, F., Moindrot, W., & Tickle, M. (2019, July 4). Building students’ confidence with active learning and authentic assessment practices. In Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Liverpool.

Conference Paper




E-Business Capabilities in Developed and Developing Countries: Different or the Same?

Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Lin, Y., & Bourlakis, M. (2016). E-Business Capabilities in Developed and Developing Countries: Different or the Same?. In 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (ICMIT) (pp. 19-24). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

A Conceptual Review of Social Media Adoption in SMEs

Namankani, H., Moxham, C., & Tickle, M. (n.d.). A Conceptual Review of Social Media Adoption in SMEs. In Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (pp. 1-11). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


Deploying business excellence - success factors for high performance

Tickle, M., Mann, R., & Adebanjo, D. (2016). Deploying business excellence - success factors for high performance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITY & RELIABILITY MANAGEMENT, 33(2), 197-230. doi:10.1108/IJQRM-10-2013-0160

Journal article

A Conceptual Review of Social Media Adoption in SMEs

Namankani, H., Moxham, C., & Tickle, M. (2016). A Conceptual Review of Social Media Adoption in SMEs. In SOCIAL MEDIA: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY Vol. 9844 (pp. 240-250). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45234-0_22

Conference Paper


Business improvement tools and techniques: a comparison across sectors and industries

Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., Mann, R., & Ojadi, F. (2015). Business improvement tools and techniques: a comparison across sectors and industries. International Journal of Production Research, 53(2), 354-370. doi:10.1080/00207543.2014.933274

Journal article


The use of improvement tools — A comparison between sectors and industries

Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Ojadi, F., & Mann, R. (2013). The use of improvement tools — A comparison between sectors and industries. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (pp. 517-521). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ieem.2013.6962465

Conference Paper

Supplier Selection Activities in the Service Sector: A Case Study in Nigeria

Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Ojadi, F., Ieromonachou, P., Laosirihongthong, T., & Michaelides, R. (2014). Supplier Selection Activities in the Service Sector: A Case Study in Nigeria. In 2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (IEEM) (pp. 189-193). Retrieved from

Conference Paper


Factors and Relationships that Facilitate Successful Business-to-Business Virtual Communities

Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Michaelides, Z. (2013). Factors and Relationships that Facilitate Successful Business-to-Business Virtual Communities. In British Academy of Management (pp. 1-15). Liverpool: British Academy of Management.

Conference Paper

The Use of Improvement Tools - a Comparison between Sectors and Industries

Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Ojadi, F., & Mann, R. (2013). The Use of Improvement Tools - a Comparison between Sectors and Industries. In The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (pp. 5). Bangkok: IEEE.

Conference Paper


Development processes in B2B virtual communities

Adebanjo, D., & Tickle, M. (2012). Development processes in B2B virtual communities. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology (ICMIT), 365-369. doi:10.1109/icmit.2012.6225833

Journal article

Lessons from Business Excellence in Asia - Tools and Techniques for Success

Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Mann, R. (2012). Lessons from Business Excellence in Asia - Tools and Techniques for Success. In EUROMA 2012 (pp. 1). Amsterdam.

Conference Paper


Exploring business excellence in Asia

Michaelides, R., Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Mann, R. (2011). Exploring business excellence in Asia. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability (pp. 398-402). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icqr.2011.6031749

Conference Paper

Deployment of business excellence in Asia: An exploratory study

Mann, R., Adebanjo, D., & Tickle, M. (2011). Deployment of business excellence in Asia: An exploratory study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 28(6), 604-627. doi:10.1108/02656711111141184

Journal article

Deployment of business excellence in Asia: an exploratory study

Mann, R., Adebanjo, D., & Tickle, M. (2011). Deployment of business excellence in Asia: an exploratory study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 28(6), 604-627. doi:10.1108/02656711111141184

Journal article

Exploring Business Excellence in Asia

Michaelides, R., Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Mann, R. (2011). Exploring Business Excellence in Asia. In ICQR (pp. 10). Bangkok: IEEE.

Conference Paper

Investigating Business Excellence in Asian Organisations

Mann, R., Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Michaelides, R. (2011). Investigating Business Excellence in Asian Organisations. In ICIT (pp. 1). Selangor: CIOB.

Conference Paper


Online Communities of Practice for innovation and knowledge transfer: A case study in the U.K.

Michaelides, R., Tickle, M., & Morton, S. C. (2010). Online Communities of Practice for innovation and knowledge transfer: A case study in the U.K.. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology (pp. 922-927). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icmit.2010.5492861

Conference Paper

Online Communities of Practice for innovation and knowledge transfer: A case study in the U.K.

Michaelides, R., Tickle, M., & Moreton, S. (2010). Online Communities of Practice for innovation and knowledge transfer: A case study in the U.K.. In ICMIT 2010 (pp. 922-927). Singapore: IEEE.

Conference Paper


The Challenge of Creating Virtual Communities

Tickle, M., Michaelides, R., & Kehoe, D. (2007). The Challenge of Creating Virtual Communities. In IRMA 2007 (pp. 10). Vancouver: IRM Press.

Conference Paper

Using e-CRM to Improve Manufacturing Processes

Michaelides, R., Kehoe, D., & Tickle, M. (2007). Using e-CRM to Improve Manufacturing Processes. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 2(3), 321-342.

Journal article

Using electronic Customer Relationship Management to improve manufacturing processes

Michaelides, R., Kehoe, D., & Tickle, M. (2007). Using electronic Customer Relationship Management to improve manufacturing processes. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 2(3), 321. doi:10.1504/ijasm.2007.015796

Journal article