Selected publications
- Enhancing AAA capabilities in humanitarian supply chains through 4PL adoption (Journal article - 2024)
- The implications of complexity for humanitarian logistics: a complex adaptive systems perspective (Journal article - 2022)
- Coopetition in temporary contexts: examining swift trust and swift distrust in humanitarian operations (Journal article - 2020)
- Business improvement tools and techniques: a comparison across sectors and industries (Journal article - 2015)
- A study of the use of business improvement initiatives: the association with company size and level of national development (Journal article - 2015)
- A case study of supplier selection in developing economies: a perspective on institutional theory and corporate social responsibility (Journal article - 2013)
- Developmental approaches to B2B virtual communities (Journal article - 2011)
- Deployment of business excellence in Asia: an exploratory study (Journal article - 2011)
Enhancing AAA capabilities in humanitarian supply chains through 4PL adoption
Tickle, M., Schiffling, S., & Verma, G. (2024). Enhancing AAA capabilities in humanitarian supply chains through 4PL adoption. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 14(4), 445-469. doi:10.1108/jhlscm-11-2023-0110
Empathetic and inclusive teaching via hybrid learning: Lessons from teaching staff
Menzies, L., & Tickle, M. (2024). Empathetic and inclusive teaching via hybrid learning: Lessons from teaching staff. doi:10.3828/dap.2024.12
Artificial Intelligence in education: Let’s ChatGPT about it
Davies, J., Forster, R., Menzies, L., Tickle, M., & Misopoulos, F. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in education: Let’s ChatGPT about it. Developing Academic Practice, 2024(May), 1-6. doi:10.3828/dap.2024.2
Red Sea crisis: Suez Canal is not the only ‘choke point’ that threatens to disrupt global supply chains
Schiffling, S., & Tickle, M. (2024). Red Sea crisis: Suez Canal is not the only ‘choke point’ that threatens to disrupt global supply chains. The Conversation. Retrieved from
The faster the better? Comparing sustainability performance information in fast and luxury fashion
Tickle, M., Hannibal, C., & Zapparoli, M. (n.d.). The faster the better? Comparing sustainability performance information in fast and luxury fashion. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. doi:10.1108/ijppm-06-2024-0404
Empathetic and Inclusive Teaching via Hybrid Learning: Lessons from Teaching Staff
Menzies, L., & Tickle, M. (n.d.). Empathetic and Inclusive Teaching via Hybrid Learning: Lessons from Teaching Staff. Developing Academic Practice.
Evolution in Teaching Supply Chain Management: Impact of Sustainability
Menzies, L., & Tickle, M. (2023, April 3). Evolution in Teaching Supply Chain Management: Impact of Sustainability. In International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA). Barcelona, Spain.
The implications of complexity for humanitarian logistics: a complex adaptive systems perspective
Schiffling, S., Hannibal, C., Tickle, M., & Fan, Y. (2020). The implications of complexity for humanitarian logistics: a complex adaptive systems perspective. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. doi:10.1007/s10479-020-03658-w
Increasing resilience in humanitarian supply chains through 4PL adoption
Tickle, M., Schiffling, S., & Verma, G. (2022). Increasing resilience in humanitarian supply chains through 4PL adoption. In EurOMA. Berlin, Germany.
The importance of personal biography and distributed leadership in establishing effective community of practice: Insights from a large-scale online programmes change project
Brown, G., Tickle, M., & Day, L. (2022, July 5). The importance of personal biography and distributed leadership in establishing effective community of practice: Insights from a large-scale online programmes change project. In Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2022. Newcastle, UK.
The Use of Technological Innovations in Promoting Effective Humanitarian Aid
Tickle, M., & Hannibal, C. (2022). The Use of Technological Innovations in Promoting Effective Humanitarian Aid. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 18(1), 1-14. doi:10.4018/ijthi.293204
The Use of Technological Innovations in Promoting Effective Humanitarian Aid - A Systematic Review of Literature
Tickle, M., & Hannibal, C. (2022). The Use of Technological Innovations in Promoting Effective Humanitarian Aid - A Systematic Review of Literature. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 19(1).
Key attributes of online learning environments: Creating positive student experiences
Kearney, T., Bailey, J., Tickle, M., Misopoulos, F., & Heywood, D. (2022). Key attributes of online learning environments: Creating positive student experiences. Developing Academic Practice, 2022(January), 1-18. doi:10.3828/dap.2022.1
Coopetition in temporary contexts: examining swift trust and swift distrust in humanitarian operations
Schiffling, S., Hannibal, C., Fan, Y., & Tickle, M. (2020). Coopetition in temporary contexts: examining swift trust and swift distrust in humanitarian operations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 40(9), 1449-1473. doi:10.1108/IJOPM-12-2019-0800
Swift Trust - Swifter Distrust: Exploring Coopetition in Humanitarian Supply Chains
Schiffling, S., Hannibal, C., Fan, Y., & Tickle, M. (2019). Swift Trust - Swifter Distrust: Exploring Coopetition in Humanitarian Supply Chains. In EUROMA 2019.
Building students’ confidence with active learning and authentic assessment practices
Misopoulos, F., Moindrot, W., & Tickle, M. (2019, July 4). Building students’ confidence with active learning and authentic assessment practices. In Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Liverpool.
Investigating the pedagogical uses of videos in the classroom
Misopoulos, F., & Tickle, M. (2019, January 17). Investigating the pedagogical uses of videos in the classroom. In 4th Pedagogic Research Conference. University of Liverpool.
Humanitarian Supply Chains: What's in IT for me?
Tickle, M., & Hannibal, C. (2017, September 5). Humanitarian Supply Chains: What's in IT for me?. In British Academy of Management. Warwick, UK.
Supplier qualification for high-value goods and services in Nigeria: a comparison of qualified and non-qualified suppliers
Ojadi, F., Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., Laosirihongthong, T., & Boon-itt, S. (2017). Supplier qualification for high-value goods and services in Nigeria: a comparison of qualified and non-qualified suppliers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 20(3), 201-216. doi:10.1080/13675567.2016.1210105
E-Business Capabilities in Developed and Developing Countries: Different or the Same?
Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Lin, Y., & Bourlakis, M. (2016). E-Business Capabilities in Developed and Developing Countries: Different or the Same?. In 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY (ICMIT) (pp. 19-24). Retrieved from
Investigating How Organisations Successfully Implement Business Excellence
Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Mann, R. (2016). Investigating How Organisations Successfully Implement Business Excellence. In British Academy of Management. Newcastle, UK.
A Conceptual Review of Social Media Adoption in SMEs
Namankani, H., Moxham, C., & Tickle, M. (n.d.). A Conceptual Review of Social Media Adoption in SMEs. In Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (pp. 1-11). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Deploying business excellence - success factors for high performance
Tickle, M., Mann, R., & Adebanjo, D. (2016). Deploying business excellence - success factors for high performance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITY & RELIABILITY MANAGEMENT, 33(2), 197-230. doi:10.1108/IJQRM-10-2013-0160
A Conceptual Review of Social Media Adoption in SMEs
Namankani, H., Moxham, C., & Tickle, M. (2016). A Conceptual Review of Social Media Adoption in SMEs. In SOCIAL MEDIA: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY Vol. 9844 (pp. 240-250). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-45234-0_22
Strategies For Successful Business Excellence Adoption
Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., & Mann, R. (2015). Strategies For Successful Business Excellence Adoption. International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 1(11), 107-111.
A study of the use of business improvement initiatives: the association with company size and level of national development
Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Laosirihongthong, T., & Mann, R. (2015). A study of the use of business improvement initiatives: the association with company size and level of national development. Production Planning & Control, 26(7), 507-524. doi:10.1080/09537287.2014.927931
Business improvement tools and techniques: a comparison across sectors and industries
Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., Mann, R., & Ojadi, F. (2015). Business improvement tools and techniques: a comparison across sectors and industries. International Journal of Production Research, 53(2), 354-370. doi:10.1080/00207543.2014.933274
The use of improvement tools — A comparison between sectors and industries
Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Ojadi, F., & Mann, R. (2013). The use of improvement tools — A comparison between sectors and industries. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (pp. 517-521). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ieem.2013.6962465
Supplier Selection Activities in the Service Sector: A Case Study in Nigeria
Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Ojadi, F., Ieromonachou, P., Laosirihongthong, T., & Michaelides, R. (2014). Supplier Selection Activities in the Service Sector: A Case Study in Nigeria. In 2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT (IEEM) (pp. 189-193). Retrieved from
A case study of supplier selection in developing economies: a perspective on institutional theory and corporate social responsibility
Adebanjo, D., Ojadi, F., Laosirihongthong, T., & Tickle, M. (2013). A case study of supplier selection in developing economies: a perspective on institutional theory and corporate social responsibility. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(5), 553-566. doi:10.1108/scm-08-2012-0272
Factors and Relationships that Facilitate Successful Business-to-Business Virtual Communities
Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Michaelides, Z. (2013). Factors and Relationships that Facilitate Successful Business-to-Business Virtual Communities. In British Academy of Management (pp. 1-15). Liverpool: British Academy of Management.
The Use of Improvement Tools - a Comparison between Sectors and Industries
Adebanjo, D., Tickle, M., Ojadi, F., & Mann, R. (2013). The Use of Improvement Tools - a Comparison between Sectors and Industries. In The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (pp. 5). Bangkok: IEEE.
Development processes in B2B virtual communities
Adebanjo, D., & Tickle, M. (2012). Development processes in B2B virtual communities. 2012 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology (ICMIT), 365-369. doi:10.1109/icmit.2012.6225833
Lessons from Business Excellence in Asia - Tools and Techniques for Success
Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Mann, R. (2012). Lessons from Business Excellence in Asia - Tools and Techniques for Success. In EUROMA 2012 (pp. 1). Amsterdam.
Exploring business excellence in Asia
Michaelides, R., Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Mann, R. (2011). Exploring business excellence in Asia. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Quality and Reliability (pp. 398-402). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icqr.2011.6031749
Developmental approaches to B2B virtual communities
Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Michaelides, Z. (2011). Developmental approaches to B2B virtual communities. Technovation, 31(7), 296-308. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2011.04.002
Deployment of business excellence in Asia: An exploratory study
Mann, R., Adebanjo, D., & Tickle, M. (2011). Deployment of business excellence in Asia: An exploratory study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 28(6), 604-627. doi:10.1108/02656711111141184
Deployment of business excellence in Asia: an exploratory study
Mann, R., Adebanjo, D., & Tickle, M. (2011). Deployment of business excellence in Asia: an exploratory study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 28(6), 604-627. doi:10.1108/02656711111141184
A Framework for Developing and Deploying Business-to-Business Virtual Communities
Tickle, M. (2011). A Framework for Developing and Deploying Business-to-Business Virtual Communities. (PhD Thesis, University of Liverpool).
Exploring Business Excellence in Asia
Michaelides, R., Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Mann, R. (2011). Exploring Business Excellence in Asia. In ICQR (pp. 10). Bangkok: IEEE.
Investigating Business Excellence in Asian Organisations
Mann, R., Tickle, M., Adebanjo, D., & Michaelides, R. (2011). Investigating Business Excellence in Asian Organisations. In ICIT (pp. 1). Selangor: CIOB.
Online Communities of Practice for innovation and knowledge transfer: A case study in the U.K.
Michaelides, R., Tickle, M., & Morton, S. C. (2010). Online Communities of Practice for innovation and knowledge transfer: A case study in the U.K.. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation & Technology (pp. 922-927). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icmit.2010.5492861
Online Communities of Practice for innovation and knowledge transfer: A case study in the U.K.
Michaelides, R., Tickle, M., & Moreton, S. (2010). Online Communities of Practice for innovation and knowledge transfer: A case study in the U.K.. In ICMIT 2010 (pp. 922-927). Singapore: IEEE.
The Challenge of Creating Virtual Communities
Tickle, M., Michaelides, R., & Kehoe, D. (2007). The Challenge of Creating Virtual Communities. In IRMA 2007 (pp. 10). Vancouver: IRM Press.
Using e-CRM to Improve Manufacturing Processes
Michaelides, R., Kehoe, D., & Tickle, M. (2007). Using e-CRM to Improve Manufacturing Processes. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 2(3), 321-342.
Using electronic Customer Relationship Management to improve manufacturing processes
Michaelides, R., Kehoe, D., & Tickle, M. (2007). Using electronic Customer Relationship Management to improve manufacturing processes. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 2(3), 321. doi:10.1504/ijasm.2007.015796