Supervised Theses
- Accelerated discovery of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts
- Accelerating the discovery of new transparent conducting materials using Machine Learning
- Automated High-Throughput Discovery of New Mixed-Linker Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Automated High-throughput Discovery and Proxy Investigation of Ceria-Zirconia Oxygen Storage Catalysts
- Capturing intrinsic structural disorder in mixed anion lithium carborane materials
- Catalytic Activity of Bioinspired Zirconium Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Computational Investigation of Black Pigment Materials
- Computational Investigations of New Functional Metal Oxide Materials to Assist Synthesis
- Computational Study of Solid-State Superionic Conductor using DFT & Bond Valence Approaches
- Copper and Silver Bismuth Iodide Semiconductors as Potential Solar Cell Absorber Materials
- Design and Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks Based Materials and The Catalytic Activity Study
- Design, Discovery and High-Throughput Synthesis of Metal-Organic Frameworks Thesis
- Developing PET/MR Imaging Probes for the In Vivo Tracking of Cell Therapies
- Development of ultra-stable nanomaterials for biological imaging applications
- Discovery, Synthesis and Characterisation of Oxide Argyrodites for the Use as Solid Electrolytes
- Exploration of Perovskite Materials as Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes
- Exploration of the Structure-Property Relationships within Perovskite Families
- Exploring Hundness in Correlated Molybdenum Metal Oxides for Optoelectronic Applications
- Frameworks for Utilising Computational Knowledge: Studying, Harnessing and Improving Techniques for Materials Property Prediction
- Fundamental Investigations of Polymer Mechanochemistry in Sonicated Solutions
- High-throughput Virtual Screening of Existing Organic Chromophores for Materials Discovery
- High-throughput investigation of heterogeneous catalysts for long-chain alcohol synthesis
- Investigating the Adsorption of Organic Isomers in Flexible Metal-Organic Frameworks with Theoretical Methods
- Investigation into the electronic and magnetic properties of single crystal intermetallic compounds
- Investigation of Structure and Li Dynamics in New Li Ion Conductors using Solid State NMR Spectroscopy
- Local crystal structure of Bi-based perovskites solved by RMC modeling
- Mixed-Anion and Low Thermal Conductivity Materials
- Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications
- Nanometric oxides for functional materials
- New cathodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs)
- Niobium oxide based material for visible light photocatalysis
- Oxide structure prediction and synthesis
- Photocatalytic Materials for the Reduction of CO2 to Fuels
- Porous materials for the uptake of ammonia
- Pyrene based Metal Organic Frameworks
- Solid state synthesis and pulsed laser deposition of electroceramic materials
- Strongly Correlated Perovskites
- Strongly Correlated Perovskites
- Structure and Properties of New Positive Electrode Materials for Magnesium-Ion Batteries
- Structure and properties of (Ba,Sr)(Co,Fe,Mo)O3 perovskite oxides
- Structures and Properties of New Li-rich Rock-Salt Cathode Materials for Li-ion Batteries
- Study of Two Perovskite Materials as Potential Candidates for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT-SOFCs)
- Surface Modified Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Long Term Stem Cell Tracking
- Synthesis and Analysis of New Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials
- Synthesis and Characterisation of Transition Metal Oxides for Potential Multiferroic and Photocatalytic Applications
- Synthesis and characterisation of novel lithium containing metal sulphide phases
- Synthesis and characterisation of novel superconductors
- Synthesis of new lithium ion conductors
- Synthesis of ultrahigh surface area polymer networks using tetrahedral monomers
- Synthesis, Characterisation and Ionic Conductivity of New NASICON-type Solid Electrolytes
- Synthesis, characterisation and properties of flexible metal-organic frameworks
- The Synthesis and Characterisation of Metal Organic Frameworks using Functionalised and Flexible Linkers
- Towards Understanding of the Local Structure and Li-Ion Dynamics in Solid Electrolyte Candidates using Solid-State NMR