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Professional Activities

Public Health England: Cardiovascular Disease Prevention System Leadership Forum (CVDSLF)
American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Leadership Committee, Council of Epidemiology and Preventio.

Advisory Roles:
• RIVM Mathematical Health Modelling Activities Concept and Scientific Audit. Audit Panel member, Chronic Disease Modelling activities.
• GRADE group on Modelled Data Guidance, McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario. Member.
• 'The StrokeCog study: modelling and modifying the consequences of stroke-related cognitive impairment through intervention".
• 'Statistical epidemiology in population health and health services research: Quality and Patient safety in medicine'.
• International Scientific Advisory Committee “Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical Activity”,

External Evaluation
• External Referee for the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, UK Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Wellcome Trust, The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Croatian Science Foundation, Catalan Quality and Health Evaluation (AQuAS), the Polish Government National Science Centre Executive Agency, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires Research Department Grants.

Membership of :
• American Heart Association
• UK Faculty of Public Health -
• European Society of Cardiology
• European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
• Society for Social Medicine


  • BMC Public Health (Editorial Board Member, 2010 - 2014)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Faculty of Public Health (Honorary Member, 2014 - present)
  • Society for Social Medicine (Member, 2013 - present)
  • International Epidemiological Association (Member, 2012 - present)
  • European Society of Cardiology (Member, 2011 - present)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Member IPHS REF Strategic Committee.