Alternative nature-based solutions for flood protection in a macrotidal estuary under a changing climate.
Payo Payo, M., Matsoukis, C., Li, X., Apine, E., Becker, A., Kaffashi, S., . . . Amoudry, L. (2025). Alternative nature-based solutions for flood protection in a macrotidal estuary under a changing climate.. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6436
Investigating the efficiency of nature-based solutions against estuarine coastal flooding under present and future conditions 
Matsoukis, C., Payo Payo, M., Apine, E., Kaffashi, S., Meschini, M., Becker, A., . . . Amoudry, L. (2025). Investigating the efficiency of nature-based solutions against estuarine coastal flooding under present and future conditions . doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11438
Transdisciplinary co-design to assess impacts of climate change on coastal schemes.
Amoudry, L., Apine, E., Kaffashi, S., Matsoukis, C., Meschini, M., Payo Payo, M., . . . Stojanovic, T. (2025). Transdisciplinary co-design to assess impacts of climate change on coastal schemes.. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7495
Back to the future: the story of, and lessons from, the managed realignment of Hesketh Out Marsh
Meschini, M., Dunning, R., & Jay, S. (2024). Back to the future: the story of, and lessons from, the managed realignment of Hesketh Out Marsh.
Transitioning to nature-based solutions to manage risks from flooding and erosion at the coast: understanding different perceptions on what is needed to achieve this
Meschini, M., & Robinson, L. (2024). Transitioning to nature-based solutions to manage risks from flooding and erosion at the coast: understanding different perceptions on what is needed to achieve this.
Eight years of community structure monitoring through recreational citizen science at the "SS Thistlegorm" wreck (Red Sea).
Lee, C., Caroselli, E., Toffolo, M. M., Mancuso, A., Marchini, C., Meschini, M., & Goffredo, S. (2023). Eight years of community structure monitoring through recreational citizen science at the "SS Thistlegorm" wreck (Red Sea).. PloS one, 18(3), e0282239. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0282239
Using Soft Systems Modelling to understand decision-making about coastal schemes. CoOpt Project Workpackage 1 – Soft System Modelling Workshop Report.
Stojanovic, T. A., & Meschini, M. (n.d.). Using Soft Systems Modelling to understand decision-making about coastal schemes. CoOpt Project Workpackage 1 – Soft System Modelling Workshop Report.. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.7715617
Long-Term Effects of an Informal Education Program on Tourist Environmental Perception
Toffolo, M. M., Simoncini, G. A., Marchini, C., Meschini, M., Caroselli, E., Franzellitti, S., . . . Goffredo, S. (2022). Long-Term Effects of an Informal Education Program on Tourist Environmental Perception. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 9. doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.830085
Educational briefings in touristic facilities promote tourist sustainable behavior and customer loyalty
Meschini, M., Toffolo, M. M., Caroselli, E., Franzellitti, S., Marchini, C., Prada, F., . . . Goffredo, S. (2021). Educational briefings in touristic facilities promote tourist sustainable behavior and customer loyalty. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 259. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109122
Reliability of Data Collected by Volunteers: A Nine-Year Citizen Science Study in the Red Sea
Meschini, M., Machado Toffolo, M., Marchini, C., Caroselli, E., Prada, F., Mancuso, A., . . . Goffredo, S. (2021). Reliability of Data Collected by Volunteers: A Nine-Year Citizen Science Study in the Red Sea. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 9. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.694258
Environmental Awareness Gained During a Citizen Science Project in Touristic Resorts Is Maintained After 3 Years Since Participation
Meschini, M., Prati, F., Simoncini, G. A., Airi, V., Caroselli, E., Prada, F., . . . Goffredo, S. (2021). Environmental Awareness Gained During a Citizen Science Project in Touristic Resorts Is Maintained After 3 Years Since Participation. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, 8. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.584644
Participating in a Citizen Science Monitoring Program: Implications for Environmental Education
Branchini, S., Meschini, M., Covi, C., Piccinetti, C., Zaccanti, F., & Goffredo, S. (2015). Participating in a Citizen Science Monitoring Program: Implications for Environmental Education. PLOS ONE, 10(7). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131812