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Hospital Landing Site Safety: A CFD Study of Rotor Downwash and Turbulent Airwake Effects

Souza Branco, D., Owen, I., White, M., & Watson, N. (2025, May 20). Hospital Landing Site Safety: A CFD Study of Rotor Downwash and Turbulent Airwake Effects. In 81st Vertical Flight Society Annual Forum. Virginia Beach, USA.

Conference Paper


Rotorcraft Pitch-Surge Motion Cueing Considerations for a Simulated Offshore Approach Task: A Preliminary Investigation

Roscoe, J., White, M., Hodge, S., & Padfield, G. (2024). Rotorcraft Pitch-Surge Motion Cueing Considerations for a Simulated Offshore Approach Task: A Preliminary Investigation. Journal of the American Helicopter Society.

Journal article

Experimental and computational study of aerodynamic loads on the NATO Generic Destroyer

Fernandez, N., Owen, I., Cadot, O., & White, M. D. (2024). Experimental and computational study of aerodynamic loads on the NATO Generic Destroyer. Ocean Engineering, 313, 119456. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.119456

Journal article

The Interaction between a Hovering Maritime Helicopter and Ship Exhaust Plume

Stephens, I., Owen, I., Watson, N., & White, M. (n.d.). The Interaction between a Hovering Maritime Helicopter and Ship Exhaust Plume. Journal of Aircraft.

Journal article

Use of Machine Learning Techniques to Support Future Ship-Helicopter Operations Research; an Initial Investigation

Newton-Young, D., White, M., & Green, P. L. (2024). Use of Machine Learning Techniques to Support Future Ship-Helicopter Operations Research; an Initial Investigation. In Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum and Technology Display.

Conference Paper


Creating a Realistic Piloted Simulation of Helicopter Recovery to an Offshore Platform

Watson, N. A., Prior, M., Owen, I., & White, M. D. (2023). Creating a Realistic Piloted Simulation of Helicopter Recovery to an Offshore Platform. In Volume 1: Offshore Technology. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. doi:10.1115/omae2023-101602

Conference Paper

Assessing the Effect of Lift Position on Helicopter Recovery to a Twin-Island Aircraft Carrier using Piloted Flight Simulation

Watson, N., Owen, I., & White, M. (2023). Assessing the Effect of Lift Position on Helicopter Recovery to a Twin-Island Aircraft Carrier using Piloted Flight Simulation. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0079-2023-18116

Conference Paper

Employment of Simulation for the Flight Certification of Rotorcraft

Quaranta, G., Hoff, S., Lu, L., Padfield, G., Podzus, P., & White, M. (2023). Employment of Simulation for the Flight Certification of Rotorcraft. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 79th Annual Forum (pp. 1-11). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0079-2023-18117

Conference Paper

Preliminary Guidelines for the Rotorcraft Certification by Simulation Process Update No 1

Padfield, G., White, M., Lu, L., Quaranta, G., van't Hoff, S., Philipp, P., & Dadswell, C. (n.d.). Preliminary Guidelines for the Rotorcraft Certification by Simulation Process Update No 1.



A special issue on Rotorcraft Safety

Quaranta, G., Ekaterinaris, J., Barakos, G., Filippone, A., White, M., Anderson, D., & Pavel, M. (2022). A special issue on Rotorcraft Safety. AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 129. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2022.107866

Journal article

Prof Mark D White's Inaugural Lecture

White, M. (2022). Prof Mark D White's Inaugural Lecture. [].

Digital or visual media

Prof Mark D White's Inaugural Lecture

White, M. (2022, September 27). Prof Mark D White's Inaugural Lecture []. Leggatte Theatre.


Experimental Validation of the CFD-generated Airwake of an Aircraft Carrier with Simulated Atmospheric Turbulence

Watson, N. A., Owen, I., & White, M. D. (2022). Experimental Validation of the CFD-generated Airwake of an Aircraft Carrier with Simulated Atmospheric Turbulence. In AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2022-3901

Conference Paper

Evaluation of Simulator Cueing Fidelity for Rotorcraft Certification by Simulation

Podzus, P., Crijnen, J., Jones, M., van'tHoff, S., & Breed, P. (2022). Evaluation of Simulator Cueing Fidelity for Rotorcraft Certification by Simulation. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 78th Annual Forum (pp. 1-11). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0078-2022-17572

Conference Paper

Rotorcraft Pitch-Surge Motion Cueing Requirements for a Simulated Offshore Approach Task

Roscoe, J., White, M. D., Hodge, S. J., & Padfield, G. D. (2022). Rotorcraft Pitch-Surge Motion Cueing Requirements for a Simulated Offshore Approach Task. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 78th Annual Forum (pp. 1-16). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0078-2022-17571

Conference Paper

Advanced pilot modeling for prediction of rotorcraft handling qualities in turbulent wind

Ji, H., Lu, L., White, M. D., & Chen, R. (2022). Advanced pilot modeling for prediction of rotorcraft handling qualities in turbulent wind. Aerospace Science and Technology, 123, 107501. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2022.107501

Journal article

The use of augmented rotor inflow to predict rotorcraft responses in hover and low-speed manoeuvres

Agarwal, D., Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., White, M. D., & Cameron, N. (2022). The use of augmented rotor inflow to predict rotorcraft responses in hover and low-speed manoeuvres. AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL. doi:10.1017/aer.2021.123

Journal article


van't Hoff, S., Lu, L., Padfield, G., Podzus, P., White, M., & Quaranta, G. (2022). PRELIMINARY GUIDELINES FOR A REQUIREMENTS-BASED APPROACH TO CERTIFICATION BY SIMULATION FOR ROTORCRAFT. In 48rd European Rotorcraft Forum, ERF 2022.

Conference Paper


Rotorcraft Flight Simulation Model Fidelity Improvement and Assessment - AVT365 Educational Notes

White, M. (2021). Rotorcraft Flight Simulation Model Fidelity Improvement and Assessment - AVT365 Educational Notes. doi:10.14339/STO-EN-AVT-365

Scholarly edition

Bell 412 modeling and model fidelity assessment for level-d training simulators

Myrand-Lapierre, V., Tischler, M., Pavel, M., Gubbels, B., White, M., Nadeau-Beaulieu, M., & Stroosma, O. (2020). Bell 412 Modeling and Model Fidelity Assessment for Level-D Training Simulators. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 76th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0076-2020-16296

Conference Paper

Rotorcraft Lateral-Directional Oscillations: The Anatomy of a Nuisance Mode

Agarwal, D., Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., White, M. D., & Cameron, N. (2021). Rotorcraft Lateral-Directional Oscillations: The Anatomy of a Nuisance Mode. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HELICOPTER SOCIETY, 66(4). doi:10.4050/JAHS.66.042009

Journal article

Simulation Model Fidelity Enhancement Using Corrective Force and Moment Increments - Review of Activity Performed in NATO-AVT Panel 296

Myrand-Lapierre, V., Yavrucuk, I., Richard, S., Tischler, M., Cameron, N., Nadeau-Beaulieu, M., . . . White, M. (2021). Simulation Model Fidelity Enhancement Using Corrective Force and Moment Increments - Review of Activity Performed in NATO-AVT Panel 296. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum (pp. 1-18). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0077-2021-16828

Conference Paper

The Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence on Helicopter Recovery to a Twin-Island Aircraft Carrier

Watson, N., Owen, I., & White, M. (2021). The Effect of Atmospheric Turbulence on Helicopter Recovery to a Twin-Island Aircraft Carrier. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum (pp. 1-11). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0077-2021-16837

Conference Paper

Appraisal of Rotorcraft Handling Qualities Requirements for Lateral-Directional Dynamics

Cameron, N., Memon, W. A., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., Lu, L., & Agarwal, D. (2021). Appraisal of Rotorcraft Handling Qualities Requirements for Lateral-Directional Dynamics. In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2021-0592

Conference Paper

Appraisal of handling qualities standards for rotorcraft lateral-directional dynamics

Cameron, N., Memon, W. A., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., Lu, L., & Agarwal, D. (2021). Appraisal of handling qualities standards for rotorcraft lateral-directional dynamics. In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum (pp. 1-18).

Conference Paper

Simulation fidelity assessment for rotorcraft - Methods and metrics: Sketches from the work of NATO AVT-296

Pavel, M. D., Tischler, M. B., White, M., Stroosma, O., Jones, M., Miller, D., . . . Taghizad, A. (2021). Simulation fidelity assessment for rotorcraft - Methods and metrics: Sketches from the work of NATO AVT-296. In 77th Annual Vertical Flight Society Forum and Technology Display, FORUM 2021: The Future of Vertical Flight.

Conference Paper


Assessment of a Scalogram-Based Pilot-Induced Oscillation Metric with Flight-Test and Simulation Data‡‡

Klyde, D. H., Schulze, P. C., de Mello, R. S. F., Mitchell, D. G., Cameron, N., Cunliffe, C., & White, M. D. (2020). Assessment of a Scalogram-Based Pilot-Induced Oscillation Metric with Flight-Test and Simulation Data‡‡. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 43(11), 2058-2072. doi:10.2514/1.G004981

Journal article


Design and Development of Modelling and Simulation tools to Inform Ship-Helicopter Dynamic Interface Research

Memon, W., Watson, N., White, M., & Owen, I. (2019). Design and Development of Modelling and Simulation tools to Inform Ship-Helicopter Dynamic Interface Research. London.

Presentation material

Rotorcraft Loss of Control In-Flight: The need for research to support increased fidelity in flight training devices

White, M., & Advani, S. (2019). Rotorcraft Loss of Control In-Flight: The need for research to support increased fidelity in flight training devices. In Royal Aeronautical Society’s Autumn Flight Simulation Conference, Rotorcraft Simulation – Trends and Future Applications. London.

Conference Paper

Analysis of Motion Parameter Variations for Rotorcraft Flight Simulators

Jones, M., & White, M. D. (n.d.). Analysis of Motion Parameter Variations for Rotorcraft Flight Simulators. Aerospace Science and Technology.

Journal article

Computational and experimental modelling study of the unsteady airflow over the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth

Watson, N., Kelly, M., Owen, I., Hodge, S., & White, M. D. (2019). Computational and experimental modelling study of the unsteady airflow over the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. Ocean Engineering, 172, 562-574. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2018.12.024

Journal article

Flight training simulator fidelity requirements to address ‘rotorcraft loss of control in-flight’

White, M. D., Cameron, N., Padfield, G. D., Lu, L., & Advani, S. (2019). Flight training simulator fidelity requirements to address ‘rotorcraft loss of control in-flight’. In The Vertical Flight Society - Forum 75: The Future of Vertical Flight - Proceedings of the 75th Annual Forum and Technology Display.

Conference Paper

Implicit and Explicit Assessment of Environmental Stability Modulates Visually Evoked Postural Responses in VR

Meyer, G., Cant, I., White, M., & Cooper, N. (2019). Implicit and Explicit Assessment of Environmental Stability Modulates Visually Evoked Postural Responses in VR. In PERCEPTION Vol. 48 (pp. 207). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Rotorcraft modeling renovation for improved fidelity

Cameron, N., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., Lu, L., Agarwal, D., & Gubbels, A. W. (2019). Rotorcraft modeling renovation for improved fidelity. In The Vertical Flight Society - Forum 75: The Future of Vertical Flight - Proceedings of the 75th Annual Forum and Technology Display.

Conference Paper

The aerodynamic effect of an oblique wind on helicopter recovery to the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carrier

Watson, N. A., Kelly, M. F., Owen, I., & White, M. D. (2019). The aerodynamic effect of an oblique wind on helicopter recovery to the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carrier. In The Vertical Flight Society - Forum 75: The Future of Vertical Flight - Proceedings of the 75th Annual Forum and Technology Display.

Conference Paper

Visual-vestibular motion cueing assessment in maritime rotorcraft flight simulators

Memon, W. A., White, M. D., & Owen, I. (2019). Visual-vestibular motion cueing assessment in maritime rotorcraft flight simulators. In 45th European Rotorcraft Forum 2019, ERF 2019 Vol. 2 (pp. 1212-1228).

Conference Paper


Rotorcraft Loss of Control In-Flight – The need for research to support increased fidelity in flight training devices, including analogies with upset recovery for fixed-wing aircraft

White, M. D., Padfield, G., Lu, L., & Advani, S. (2018). Rotorcraft Loss of Control In-Flight – The need for research to support increased fidelity in flight training devices, including analogies with upset recovery for fixed-wing aircraft. In 44th European Rotorcraft Forum. Delft, Netherlands.

Conference Paper

Preliminary Progress in Establishing Motion Fidelity Requirements for Maritime Rotorcraft Flight Simulators

Memon, W., White, M. D., & Owen, I. (2018). Preliminary Progress in Establishing Motion Fidelity Requirements for Maritime Rotorcraft Flight Simulators. In American Helicopter Society 74th Annual Forum. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Conference Paper

Initial progress in developing a predictive simulation tool to inform helicopter ship operations

Memon, W. A., White, M. D., & Owen, L. (2018). Initial progress in developing a predictive simulation tool to inform helicopter ship operations. In 44th European Rotorcraft Forum 2018, ERF 2018 Vol. 2 (pp. 1177-1189).

Conference Paper


A virtual engineering approach to the ship-helicopter dynamic interface - a decade of modelling and simulation research at the University of Liverpool

Owen, I., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., & Hodge, S. J. (2017). A virtual engineering approach to the ship-helicopter dynamic interface - a decade of modelling and simulation research at the University of Liverpool. AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL, 121(1246), 1833-1857. doi:10.1017/aer.2017.102

Journal article

Augmented Cues Facilitate Learning Transfer from Virtual to Real Environments

Cooper, N., Milella, F., Cant, I., Pinto, C., White, M., & Meyer, G. (2016). Augmented Cues Facilitate Learning Transfer from Virtual to Real Environments. In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct) (pp. 194-198). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ismar-adjunct.2016.0075

Conference Paper

Piloted flight simulation for helicopter operation to the queen elizabeth class aircraft carriers

Kelly, M. F., White, M. D., Owen, L., & Hodge, S. J. (2017). Piloted flight simulation for helicopter operation to the queen elizabeth class aircraft carriers. In 43rd European Rotorcraft Forum, ERF 2017 Vol. 1 (pp. 659-669).

Conference Paper



White, M. D. (2016). GARTEUR HELICOPTER COOPERATIVE RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. In 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum. Lille, France.

Conference Paper

The aerodynamics of a bulky mast

Mateer, R., Scott, P., White, M. D., & Owen, I. (2016, November 16). The aerodynamics of a bulky mast. In American Society of Naval Engineers, Launch and Recovery Symposium 2016. Baltimore, USA.

Conference Paper

Augmented Cues Facilitate Learning Transfer from Virtual to Real Environments

Cooper, N., Milella, F., Cant, I., Pinto, C., White, M., & Meyer, G. (2016). Augmented Cues Facilitate Learning Transfer from Virtual to Real Environments. In ADJUNCT PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON MIXED AND AUGMENTED REALITY (ISMAR-ADJUNCT) (pp. 194-198). doi:10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct.2016.66

Conference Paper

Progress in establishing scalable flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned rotorcraft systems

Fell, T. R., Jump, M., White, M. D., & Owen, I. (2016). Progress in establishing scalable flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned rotorcraft systems. In 42nd European Rotorcraft Forum 2016 Vol. 2 (pp. 1574-1579).

Conference Paper

The Effects of Multisensory Cues on the Sense of Presence and Task Performance in a Virtual Reality Environment

Cooper, N., Millela, F., Pinto, C., Cant, I., White, M., & Meyer, G. (2016). The Effects of Multisensory Cues on the Sense of Presence and Task Performance in a Virtual Reality Environment. In PERCEPTION Vol. 45 (pp. 332-333). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Training transfer: fromaugmented virtual reality to real task performance

Meyer, G., Cooper, N., White, M., Milella, F., & Cant, I. (2016). Training transfer: fromaugmented virtual reality to real task performance. In PERCEPTION Vol. 45 (pp. 322). Retrieved from

Conference Paper


Using Simulators in the Design Process

Jump, M., & White, M. (2015). Using Simulators in the Design Process. In RAeS General Aviation Group Light Aircraft Design Conference - Methods and Tools. London, UK.

Conference Paper

The Effect of Audio and Vibration Stimuli on Comfort and Performance

Aldridge, M., White, M., & Meyer, G. (2015). The Effect of Audio and Vibration Stimuli on Comfort and Performance. Poster session presented at the meeting of 15th International Multisensory Research Forum. Pisa.


Sensitivity Study Of A Small Maritime Rotary UAS Operating In A Turbulent Airwake

Fell, T., Owen, I., Manso, S., White, M., & Jump, M. (2015). Sensitivity Study Of A Small Maritime Rotary UAS Operating In A Turbulent Airwake. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 71st Annual Forum (pp. 1-9). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0071-2015-10219

Conference Paper

Towards Establishing Flying Qualities Requirements for Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Fell, T., Owen, I., Jump, M., & White, M. (2015). Towards Establishing Flying Qualities Requirements for Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 71st Annual Forum (pp. 1-10). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0071-2015-10167

Conference Paper

Methods to Assess the Handling Qualities Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles

Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. (2015). Methods to Assess the Handling Qualities Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 1-12. doi:10.2514/1.G000862

Journal article

Handling Qualities Requirements for Future Personal Aerial Vehicles

Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. (2015). Handling Qualities Requirements for Future Personal Aerial Vehicles. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 38(12), 2386-2398. doi:10.2514/1.G001073

Journal article

Optimising the roll-sway motion cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform

Hodge, S., Perfect, P., Padfield, G., & White, M. (2015). Optimising the roll-sway motion cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform. The Aeronautical Journal, 119(1121), 23-44.

Journal article

Optimising the roll-sway motion cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform

Hodge, S. J., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2015). Optimising the roll-sway motion cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform. AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL, 119(1211), 23-44. Retrieved from

Journal article

Optimising the yaw motion cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform

Hodge, S. J., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2015). Optimising the yaw motion cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform. In AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL Vol. 119 (pp. 1-21). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Optimising the yaw motion cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform

Hodge, S., Perfect, P., Padfield, G., & White, M. (2015). Optimising the yaw motion cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform. The Aeronautical Journal, 119(1121), 1-21.

Journal article

Sensitivity study of a small maritime rotary UAS operating in a turbulent airwake

Fell, T. R., White, M. D., Jump, M., Owen, I., & Manso, S. (2015). Sensitivity study of a small maritime rotary UAS operating in a turbulent airwake. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 1989-1997).

Conference Paper

Simulation Fidelity Affects Perceived Comfort

Aldridge, M., Cooper, N., Meyer, G., & White, M. (2015). Simulation Fidelity Affects Perceived Comfort. PERCEPTION, 44, 342-343. Retrieved from

Journal article

The effect of ship size on airwake aerodynamics and maritime helicopter operations

Scott, P., White, M., & Owen, L. (2015). The effect of ship size on airwake aerodynamics and maritime helicopter operations. In 41st European Rotorcraft Forum 2015, ERF 2015 Vol. 2 (pp. 1343-1353).

Conference Paper

Towards establishing flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned aircraft systems

Fell, T. R., White, M. D., Jump, M., & Owen, I. (2015). Towards establishing flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned aircraft systems. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 2 (pp. 1465-1474).

Conference Paper

Wake characteristics of large-scale wind turbines

Wang, Y., Leble, V., White, M., & Barakos, G. N. (2015). Wake characteristics of large-scale wind turbines. In 41st European Rotorcraft Forum 2015, ERF 2015 Vol. 2 (pp. 1271-1282).

Conference Paper


Initial Progress To Establish Flying Qualities Requirements For Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Fell, T., Jump, M., White, M., & Owen, I. (2014). Initial Progress To Establish Flying Qualities Requirements For Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Southampton: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Wind Turbine Wake Encounter by Light Aircraft

Wang, Y., White, M., Barakos, G. N., Wheeler, S., Tormey, P., & Pantazopoulou, P. (2014). Wind Turbine Wake Encounter by Light Aircraft. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Southampton: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Development of a Visual Landing Profile with Natural-Feeling Cues

lu, L., Jump, M., Philip, P., & White, M. (2014). Development of a Visual Landing Profile with Natural-Feeling Cues. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-12). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0070-2014-9519

Conference Paper

Investigation of Novel Concepts for Control of a Personal Air Vehicle

Jones, M., Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. (2014). Investigation of Novel Concepts for Control of a Personal Air Vehicle. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-16). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0070-2014-9517

Conference Paper

Investigation of Personal Aerial Vehicle Handling Qualities Requirements for Harsh Environmental Conditions

Perfect, P., White, M., & Jump, M. (2014). Investigation of Personal Aerial Vehicle Handling Qualities Requirements for Harsh Environmental Conditions. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0070-2014-9515

Conference Paper

The Effect of Ship Size on the Flying Qualities of Maritime Helicopters

Owen, I., Scott, P., & White, M. (2014). The Effect of Ship Size on the Flying Qualities of Maritime Helicopters. In Proceedings of the Vertical Flight Society 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-11). The Vertical Flight Society. doi:10.4050/f-0070-2014-9581

Conference Paper

But my eyes are fxed on you: Visually evoked postural responses are modulated by the perceived stability of foreground objects

Cooper, N., White, M. D., Meyer, G. F., Davies, J., Aldridge, M., & Cant, I. (2014). But my eyes are fxed on you: Visually evoked postural responses are modulated by the perceived stability of foreground objects. Proc IMRF 2014, 0, 22.

Journal article

Developement of pilot training requirements for personal aerial vehicles

Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2014). Developement of pilot training requirements for personal aerial vehicles. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-14). Southampton: ERF.

Conference Paper

Development of occupant-preferred lanidng profiles for personal aerial vehicles

Lu, L., Jump, M., Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Aldridge, M. (2014). Development of occupant-preferred lanidng profiles for personal aerial vehicles. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-13). Southampton: ERF.

Conference Paper

Development of Tau-Based Landing Profiles for Personal Air Vehicle Applications

Lu, L., Jump, M., Perfect, P., & White, M. (2014). Development of Tau-Based Landing Profiles for Personal Air Vehicle Applications. In 70th American Helictoper Society Forum (pp. 1-12). Montreal: AHS.

Conference Paper

Development of a visual landing profile with natural-feeling cues

Lu, L., Jump, M., Perfect, P., & White, M. (2014). Development of a visual landing profile with natural-feeling cues. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 4 (pp. 2917-2928).

Conference Paper

Development of occupant-preferred landing profiles for Personal Aerial Vehicle applications

Lu, L., Jump, M., Perfect, P., White, M., & Aldridge, M. (2014). Development of occupant-preferred landing profiles for Personal Aerial Vehicle applications. 40th European Rotorcraft Forum 2014, 1, 627-638.

Journal article

Development of occupant-preferred landing profiles for personal aerial vehicle applications

Lu, L., Jump, M., Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Aldridge, M. (2014). Development of occupant-preferred landing profiles for personal aerial vehicle applications. In RAeS (Ed.), 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Southampton, UK: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Development of pilot training requirements for personal aerial vehicles

Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2014). Development of pilot training requirements for personal aerial vehicles. In RAeS (Ed.), 40th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-10). Southampton: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Handling Qualities and Training Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles

Jump, M., Perfect, P., White, M., & Lu, L. (2014). Handling Qualities and Training Requirements for Personal Aerial Vehicles. In 4th EASN Association International Workshop on Flight Physics & Aircraft Design. Aachen, Germany.

Conference Paper

Initial progress to establish flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned aircraft systems

Fell, T. R., Jump, M., White, M. D., & Owen, L. (2014). Initial progress to establish flying qualities requirements for maritime unmanned aircraft systems. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum 2014 Vol. 2 (pp. 809-820).

Conference Paper

Investigation of Novel Concepts for Control of a Personal Air Vehicle

Jones, M., Lu, L., Jump, M., & White, M. (2014). Investigation of Novel Concepts for Control of a Personal Air Vehicle. In 70th American Helictoper Society Forum (pp. 1-12). Montreal: AHS.

Conference Paper

Investigation of Personal Aerial Vehicle Handling Qualities for Harsh Environmental Conditions

Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. D. (2014). Investigation of Personal Aerial Vehicle Handling Qualities for Harsh Environmental Conditions. In AHS International 70th Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). Montreal: AHS.

Conference Paper

Investigation of novel concepts for control of a personal air vehicle

Jones, M., Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. (2014). Investigation of novel concepts for control of a personal air vehicle. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 2329-2344).

Conference Paper

Investigation of personal aerial vehicle handling qualities requirements for harsh environmental conditions

Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. D. (2014). Investigation of personal aerial vehicle handling qualities requirements for harsh environmental conditions. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 2 (pp. 848-861).

Conference Paper

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ductile Aluminium Alloy Manufactured by Recycled Materials

Yang, H. L., Ji, S., Watson, D., White, M., & Fan, Z. Y. (n.d.). Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ductile Aluminium Alloy Manufactured by Recycled Materials. In Materials Science Forum Vol. 794-796 (pp. 1077-1082). Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.. doi:10.4028/

Conference Paper

Simulation Fidelity Affects Comfort

Aldridge, M., White, M. D., & Meyer, G. (2014). Simulation Fidelity Affects Comfort. Applied Psychology.

Journal article

Simulation fidelity affects perceived sound comfort

Aldridge, M., White, M., Cooper, N., Meyer, G., & Zon, R. (2014). Simulation fidelity affects perceived sound comfort. Proc IMRF 2014, 0, 17.

Journal article

Simulation of a Light Aircarft Encountering a Helicopter Wake

Wang, Y., White, M., Barakos, G. N., Tormey, P., & Pantazopoulou, P. (2014). Simulation of a Light Aircarft Encountering a Helicopter Wake. AIAA Journal of Aircraft.

Journal article

Strouhal Scaling of Unsteady CFD Airwake Data

Scott, P., White, M. D., & Owen, I. (2014). Strouhal Scaling of Unsteady CFD Airwake Data.

Journal article

The effect of ship size on the flying qualities of maritime helicopters

Scott, P., Owen, I., & White, M. (2014). The effect of ship size on the flying qualities of maritime helicopters. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 2 (pp. 862-872).

Conference Paper

Wind turbine wake encounter by light aircraft

Wang, Y., White, M., Barakos, G. N., Wheeler, S., Tormey, P., & Pantazopoulou, P. (2014). Wind turbine wake encounter by light aircraft. In 40th European Rotorcraft Forum 2014 Vol. 2 (pp. 797-808).

Conference Paper


Effects of visual and motion cues in flight simulation of ship-borne helicopter operations

Wang, Y., White, M., Owen, I., Hodge, S., & Barakos, G. (2013). Effects of visual and motion cues in flight simulation of ship-borne helicopter operations. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 4(4), 385-396. doi:10.1007/s13272-013-0085-9

Journal article

Towards handling qualities requirements for future personal aerial vehicles

Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2013). Towards handling qualities requirements for future personal aerial vehicles. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 2 (pp. 1590-1610).

Conference Paper

Encountering Helicopter Wake by Light Aircraft

Wang, Y., White, M., Barakos, G., Tormey, P., & Panazopoulou, P. (2013). Encountering Helicopter Wake by Light Aircraft. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum. Moscow, Russia. Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Modulation of Visually Evoked Postural Responses by Contextual Visual, Haptic and Auditory Information: A 'Virtual Reality Check'

Meyer, G. F., Shao, F., White, M. D., Hopkins, C., & Robotham, A. J. (2013). Modulation of Visually Evoked Postural Responses by Contextual Visual, Haptic and Auditory Information: A 'Virtual Reality Check'. PLOS ONE, 8(6). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067651

Journal article

Acceptance testing and commissioning of a flight simulator for rotorcraft simulation fidelity research

White, M. D., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., Gubbels, A. W., & Berryman, A. C. (2013). Acceptance testing and commissioning of a flight simulator for rotorcraft simulation fidelity research. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, 227(G4), 663-686. doi:10.1177/0954410012439816

Journal article

Applied Vision Association Spring Meeting, Manchester, UK 26 March 2013

Applied Vision Association Spring Meeting, Manchester, UK 26 March 2013 (2013). Perception, 42(3), 363-370. doi:10.1068/ava13

Journal article

Rotorcraft simulation fidelity: new methods for quantification and assessment

Perfect, P., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., & Gubbels, A. W. (2013). Rotorcraft simulation fidelity: new methods for quantification and assessment. AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL, 117(1189), 235-282. doi:10.1017/S0001924000007983

Journal article

An experimental technique for evaluating the aerodynamic impact of ship superstructures on helicopter operations

Kaeaeriae, C. H., Wang, Y., White, M. D., & Owen, I. (2013). An experimental technique for evaluating the aerodynamic impact of ship superstructures on helicopter operations. OCEAN ENGINEERING, 61, 97-108. doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2012.12.052

Journal article

Augmenting visual and kinaesthetic signals with auditory heading cues in a simulated helicopter hover task

Young, D., Wong, L. T., White, M., Aldridge, M., Meyer, G., & Perfect, P. (2013). Augmenting visual and kinaesthetic signals with auditory heading cues in a simulated helicopter hover task. PERCEPTION, 42(3), 370. Retrieved from

Journal article

Development of a Real-Time Tablet Based Pilot Cueing Aid System for Prevention of Loss of Control in Degraded Visual Environments (DVE)

Fell, T., & White, M. D. (2013). Development of a Real-Time Tablet Based Pilot Cueing Aid System for Prevention of Loss of Control in Degraded Visual Environments (DVE). In Digital Media Convergence in Flight Simulation And Training (pp. 1-23). London: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Differential modulation of visually evoked postural responses by real and virtual foreground objects

Meyer, G., Shao, F., White, M., & Robotham, T. (2013). Differential modulation of visually evoked postural responses by real and virtual foreground objects. In PERCEPTION Vol. 42 (pp. 230). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Effect of Ti Addition on Mechanical Properties of High Pressure Die Cast Al-Mg-Si Alloys

Ji, S. X., Watson, D., Wang, Y., White, M., & Fan, Z. Y. (n.d.). Effect of Ti Addition on Mechanical Properties of High Pressure Die Cast Al-Mg-Si Alloys. In Materials Science Forum Vol. 765 (pp. 23-27). Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.. doi:10.4028/

Conference Paper

Encountering Helicopter Wake by Light Aircraft

Wang, Y., White, M. D., Barakos, G., Tormey, P., & Pantazopoulou, P. (2013). Encountering Helicopter Wake by Light Aircraft. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-19). Moscow: CEAS.

Conference Paper

Fidelity of helicopter real-time mathematical models for validation of flight simulator validations: past, present and future

Padfield, G. D., Pavel, M., Casolaro, D., Roth, G., Hamers, M., White, M. D., & Taghizad, A. (2013). Fidelity of helicopter real-time mathematical models for validation of flight simulator validations: past, present and future. The Aeronautical Journal, 117(1190), 343-388.

Journal article

Pilot sensitivity to handling qualities-related design parameters for a future personal aerial vehicle concept

Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2013). Pilot sensitivity to handling qualities-related design parameters for a future personal aerial vehicle concept. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum 2013, ERF 2013 (pp. 297-308).

Conference Paper

Pilot sensitivity to handling qualities-related design parameters for a future personal aerial vehicle concept

Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2013). Pilot sensitivity to handling qualities-related design parameters for a future personal aerial vehicle concept. In 39th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Moscow: ERF.

Conference Paper

Subjective evaluation of presence and fidelity in a simulated multisensory flying task

Wong, L. T., Young, D., Aldridge, M., Meyer, G., White, M., & Perfect, P. (2013). Subjective evaluation of presence and fidelity in a simulated multisensory flying task. PERCEPTION, 42(3), 369. Retrieved from

Journal article

Towards Handling Qualities Requirements for Future Personal Aerial Vehicles

Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Jump, M. (2013). Towards Handling Qualities Requirements for Future Personal Aerial Vehicles. In AHS International 69th Annual Forum (pp. 1-20). Phoenix, Arizona: AHS.

Conference Paper

Validation of mathematical models for helicopter flight simulators past, present and future challenges

Pavel, M. D., White, M., Padfield, G. D., Roth, G., Hamers, M., & Taghizad, A. (2013). Validation of mathematical models for helicopter flight simulators past, present and future challenges. AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL, 117(1190), 343-388. doi:10.1017/S0001924000008058

Journal article


Development of handling qualities requirements for a personal aerial vehicle

Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. D. (2012). Development of handling qualities requirements for a personal aerial vehicle. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum 2012, ERF 2012 Vol. 2 (pp. 758-775).

Conference Paper

Effects of visual and motion cues in flight simulation of ship borne helicopter operations

Wang, Y., White, M., Owen, I., Hodge, S., & Barakos, G. (2012). Effects of visual and motion cues in flight simulation of ship borne helicopter operations. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum 2012, ERF 2012 Vol. 2 (pp. 1099-1110).

Conference Paper

Development of a super ductile diecast Al–Mg–Si alloy

Ji, S., Watson, D., Fan, Z., & White, M. (2012). Development of a super ductile diecast Al–Mg–Si alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 556, 824-833. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2012.07.074

Journal article

Objective Fidelity Evaluation in Multisensory Virtual Environments: Auditory Cue Fidelity in Flight Simulation

Meyer, G. F., Wong, L. T., Timson, E., Perfect, P., & White, M. D. (2012). Objective Fidelity Evaluation in Multisensory Virtual Environments: Auditory Cue Fidelity in Flight Simulation. PLOS ONE, 7(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044381

Journal article

Subjective fidelity assessment of rotorcraft training simulators

Timson, E., Perfect, P., White, M., Padfield, G. D., Erdos, R., & Gubbels, A. W. (2012). Subjective fidelity assessment of rotorcraft training simulators. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 2118-2133).

Conference Paper

Simulation: Moving from Technology Challenge to Human Factors Success

Gould, D. A., Chalmers, N., Johnson, S. J., Kilkenny, C., White, M. D., Bech, B., . . . Bello, F. (2012). Simulation: Moving from Technology Challenge to Human Factors Success. CARDIOVASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY, 35(3), 445-453. doi:10.1007/s00270-011-0266-z

Journal article

Computational fluid dynamics framework for aerodynamic model assessment

Vallespin, D., Badcock, K. J., Da Ronch, A., White, M. D., Perfect, P., & Ghoreyshi, M. (2012). Computational fluid dynamics framework for aerodynamic model assessment. PROGRESS IN AEROSPACE SCIENCES, 52, 2-18. doi:10.1016/j.paerosci.2011.12.004

Journal article

Development of Handling Qualities Requirements for a Personal Aerial Vehicle

Perfect, P., Jump, M., & White, M. D. (2012). Development of Handling Qualities Requirements for a Personal Aerial Vehicle. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. pp1-pp18). Amsterdam: ERF.

Conference Paper

Lifting Standards: Development of a methodology for the fidelity assessment of flight simulators

White, M. D., Timson, E., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., & Lu, L. (2012). Lifting Standards: Development of a methodology for the fidelity assessment of flight simulators. In Flight Simulation Research: New Frontiers (pp. 1-25). London: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Objective and subjective evaluations of flight simulator fidelity

Wong, L., Meyer, G., Timson, E., Perfect, P., & White, M. (2012). Objective and subjective evaluations of flight simulator fidelity. In 13th International Multisensory Research Forum (pp. 91). Oxford: Ingenta.

Conference Paper

Objective and subjective evaluations of flight simulator fidelity

Wong, L., Meyer, G., Timson, E., Perfect, P., & White, M. (2012). Objective and subjective evaluations of flight simulator fidelity. Seeing and Perceiving, 25(0), 91. doi:10.1163/187847612x647108

Journal article

Simulation Fidelity Challenges for Helicopter Ship Operations

White, M. D. (2012). Simulation Fidelity Challenges for Helicopter Ship Operations. In HELICOPTER Technologies and Operations (pp. 1-25). Frankfurt: Airtec.

Conference Paper

Simulator Fidelity Requirements for Rotorcraft Operations Research

White, M. D., Owen, I., Perfect, P., Hodge, S., & Hoencamp, A. (2012). Simulator Fidelity Requirements for Rotorcraft Operations Research. In The Role of Flight Simulation in Mission Training & Rehearsal (pp. 1-30). London: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Simulator Fidelity Requirements for Rotorcraft Operations Research

White, M. D., Owen, I., Perfect, P., Hodge, S., & Hoencamp, A. (2012). Simulator Fidelity Requirements for Rotorcraft Operations Research. In The Role of Flight Simulation in Mission Training & Rehearsal (pp. 1-15). London: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Subjective Methods for Fidelity Assessment of Rotorcraft Training Simulators

Timson, E., White, M. D., Perfect, P., & Padfield, G. D. (2012). Subjective Methods for Fidelity Assessment of Rotorcraft Training Simulators. In 68th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society (pp. 1-15). Texas: AHS.

Conference Paper

The effects of visual and motion cues in flight simulation of helicopter ship borne operations

Wang, Y., White, M. D., Owen, I., Hodge, S., & Barakos, G. (2012). The effects of visual and motion cues in flight simulation of helicopter ship borne operations. In 38th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-16). Amsterdam: CEAS.

Conference Paper


A rating scale for subjective assessment of simulator fidelity

Perfect, P., Timson, E., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., Erdos, R., Gubbels, A. W., & Berryman, A. C. (2011). A rating scale for subjective assessment of simulator fidelity. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum 2011, ERF 2011 (pp. 766-777).

Conference Paper

Pilot sensitivity to flight model dynamics in rotorcraft simulation

Timson, E., Perfect, P., White, M., Padfield, G. D., Erdos, R., & Gubbels, A. W. (2011). Pilot sensitivity to flight model dynamics in rotorcraft simulation. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum 2011, ERF 2011 (pp. 752-765).

Conference Paper

Proof of concept for a predictive ship helicopter operational limitation analysis tool

Hoencamp, A., White, M. D., & Perfect, P. (2011). Proof of concept for a predictive ship helicopter operational limitation analysis tool. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum 2011, ERF 2011 (pp. 666-676).

Conference Paper

myCopter: Enabling technologies for personal air transport systems - An early progress report

Jump, M., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., White, M. D., Floreano, D., Fua, P., . . . Bülthoff, H. H. (2011). myCopter: Enabling technologies for personal air transport systems - An early progress report. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum 2011, ERF 2011 (pp. 336-347).

Conference Paper

Transferrable Learning of Multisensory Cues in Flight Simulation

Meyer, G. F., Wong, L., Timson, E., Perfect, P., & White, M. (2011). Transferrable Learning of Multisensory Cues in Flight Simulation. In i-Perception Vol. 2 (pp. 751). SAGE Publications. doi:10.1068/ic751

Conference Paper

Optimising the vestibular cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform

Hodge, S. J., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2011). Optimising the vestibular cues available from a short stroke hexapod motion platform. In Annual Forum Proceedings - AHS International Vol. 3 (pp. 2044-2061).

Conference Paper

A Rating Scale for Subjective Assessment of Simulator Fidelity

Perfect, P. S., Timson, E., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., Erdos, R., Gubbels, A. W., & Berryman, A. C. (2011). A Rating Scale for Subjective Assessment of Simulator Fidelity. In European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. pp1-pp12). Gallarate: European Rotorcraft Forum.

Conference Paper

An Engineering Framework for the Qualification of Rotorcraft Flight Simulators, Part 1 - Predicted Fidelity

Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2011). An Engineering Framework for the Qualification of Rotorcraft Flight Simulators, Part 1 - Predicted Fidelity. In 3rd International HELI World Conference (pp. 1-27). Frankfurt: AIRTEC.

Conference Paper

An Engineering Framework for the Qualification of Rotorcraft Flight Simulators, Part 2 - Perceptual Fidelity

White, M. D., & Padfield, G. D. (2011). An Engineering Framework for the Qualification of Rotorcraft Flight Simulators, Part 2 - Perceptual Fidelity. In 3rd International HELI World Conference (pp. 1-27). Frankfurt: AIRTEC.

Conference Paper

Fidelity enhancement of a rotorcraft simulation model through system identification

Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., White, M., & Perfect, P. (2011). Fidelity enhancement of a rotorcraft simulation model through system identification. AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL, 115(1170), 453-470. doi:10.1017/S0001924000006102

Journal article

Lifting Standards: A novel approach to the Development of Fidelity Criteria for Rotorcraft Flight Simulators

White, M. D. (2011). Lifting Standards: A novel approach to the Development of Fidelity Criteria for Rotorcraft Flight Simulators. In 67th AHS Annual Forum (pp. 1-14). Virginia Beach: AHS.

Conference Paper

Multisensory integration and learning for objective fidelity evaluation in virtual environments: auditory cue fidelity in flight simulation

Meyer, G. F., Wong, L., Timson, E., Perfect, P., & White, M. (2011). Multisensory integration and learning for objective fidelity evaluation in virtual environments: auditory cue fidelity in flight simulation.

Journal article

Pilot Sensitivity to Flight Model Dynamics in Rotorcraft Simulation

Timson, E., Perfect, P. S., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., Erdos, R., & Gubbels, A. W. (2011). Pilot Sensitivity to Flight Model Dynamics in Rotorcraft Simulation. In European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. pp1-pp14). Gallarate: European Rotorcraft Forum.

Conference Paper

Preliminary Results of a Trial Methodology for Qualitative Assessment of Simulator Fidelity

Erdos, R., White, M. D., Timson, E., & Perfect, P. (2011). Preliminary Results of a Trial Methodology for Qualitative Assessment of Simulator Fidelity. In The Contribution Of Flight Simulation to Aviation Safety (pp. 1-30). London: RAeS.

Conference Paper

Proof of Concept for a Predictive Ship Helicopter Operational Limitation Analysis Tool

Hoencamp, A., White, M. D., & Perfect, P. (2011). Proof of Concept for a Predictive Ship Helicopter Operational Limitation Analysis Tool. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Gallarate: European Rotorcraft Forum.

Conference Paper

Rotorcraft Simulation Fidelity: New Methods for Quantification and Assessment

Perfect, P. P., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., & Timson, E. (2011). Rotorcraft Simulation Fidelity: New Methods for Quantification and Assessment. The Aeronautical Journal.

Journal article

Simulation: Moving from technology challenge to human factors success

Gould, D., Chalmers, N., Johnson, S., Kilkenny, C., White, M., Bech, B., . . . Bello, F. (2011). Simulation: Moving from technology challenge to human factors success. CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, 35(3), 447-453.

Journal article

Virtual Engineering Centre - Examples of Virtual Prototyping and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

Cooper, J. E., & al, E. (2011). Virtual Engineering Centre - Examples of Virtual Prototyping and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. In Virtual Prototyping of Affordable Military Vehicles Using Advanced MDO (pp. 1-28). Sofia, Bulgaria: NATO.

Conference Paper

myCopter - Enabling Technologies for Personal Aerial Transportation Systems

Nieuwenhuizen, F. M., Jump, M., Perfect, P., White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., Floreano, D., . . . Bülthoff, H. H. (2011). myCopter - Enabling Technologies for Personal Aerial Transportation Systems. In 3rd International HELI World Conference (pp. 1-15). Frankfurt: AIRTEC.

Conference Paper

myCopter: Enabling Technologies For Personal Air Transport Systems - An Early Progress Report

Jump, M., & al., E. (2011). myCopter: Enabling Technologies For Personal Air Transport Systems - An Early Progress Report. In 37th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-12). Gallarate: ERF.

Conference Paper

myCopter: Enabling Technologies for Personal Air Transport Systems

Jump, M., & al., E. (2011). myCopter: Enabling Technologies for Personal Air Transport Systems. In The Future Rotorcraft - Enabling Capability Through the Application of Technology (pp. 1-15). London: The Royal Aeronautical Society.

Conference Paper


"Progress in the development of unified fidelity metrics for rotorcraft flight simulators",

White, M. D., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., Gubbels, A. W., & Berryman, A. C. (2010). "Progress in the development of unified fidelity metrics for rotorcraft flight simulators",. In 66th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society (pp. 1-20). Phoenix: AHS.

Conference Paper

'Application of System Identification to Simulation Fidelity Improvements'

Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., White, M. D., & Perfect, P. (2010). 'Application of System Identification to Simulation Fidelity Improvements'. In 36th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-14). Paris: CEAS.

Conference Paper

'University of Liverpool Networked Simulations Case Studies into Recreating the Past and Shaping the Future'

Cameron, N., White, M. D., Perfect, P., Jump, M., & Padfield, G. D. (2010). 'University of Liverpool Networked Simulations Case Studies into Recreating the Past and Shaping the Future'. In 2nd International HELI World Conference (pp. 1-14). Frankfurt: HELI World.

Conference Paper

Advances in Simuation Fidelity Methodology at the University of Liverpool

Perfect, P., Lu, L., White, M. D., & Padfield, G. D. (2010). Advances in Simuation Fidelity Methodology at the University of Liverpool. In The Challenges for Flight Simulation - The Next Steps (pp. 1-15). London: The Royal Aeronuatical Society.

Conference Paper

Integrating Predicted and Perceived Fidelity for Flight Simulators

Perfect, P., White, M. D., & Padfield, G. D. (2010). Integrating Predicted and Perceived Fidelity for Flight Simulators. In 36th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-20). Paris: CEAS.

Conference Paper

Integrating predicted and perceived fidelity for flight simulators

Perfect, P., White, M., Padfield, G. D., Gubbels, A. W., & Berryman, A. (2010). Integrating predicted and perceived fidelity for flight simulators. In 36th European Rotorcraft Forum, ERF 2010 Vol. 2 (pp. 1125-1142).

Conference Paper

Optical tau in boundary-avoidance tracking - a new perspective on pilot-induced oscillations

Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., & Jump, M. (2010). Optical tau in boundary-avoidance tracking - a new perspective on pilot-induced oscillations. In 36th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-18). Paris: RAes.

Conference Paper

Physical Motion But Not Auditory Cues Improve Tracking Performance in a Simulatoed Flight Task

Meyer, G. F., Furber, H., White, M. D., Perfect, P., & Padfield, G. D. (2010). Physical Motion But Not Auditory Cues Improve Tracking Performance in a Simulatoed Flight Task. In 11th International Multi Sensory Research Forum (pp. 1-15). Liverpool: IMSRF.

Conference Paper

Physical motion but not auditory cues improve tracking performance in a simulated flight task

Meyer, G. F., Furber, H., White, M. D., Perfect, P., & Padfield, G. (2010). Physical motion but not auditory cues improve tracking performance in a simulated flight task. 11th International Multisensory Research Forum, 0, 213. Retrieved from

Journal article

Progress in the development of unified fidelity metrics for rotorcraft flight simulators

White, M. D., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., Gubbels, A. W., & Berryman, A. C. (2010). Progress in the development of unified fidelity metrics for rotorcraft flight simulators. In Proceedings of the 66th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society (pp. 1-20). Phoenix: AHS.

Conference Paper

Rotorcraft simulation renovation through system identification

Lu, L., Padfield, G. D., White, M., & Perfect, P. (2010). Rotorcraft simulation renovation through system identification. In 36th European Rotorcraft Forum, ERF 2010 Vol. 2 (pp. 982-996).

Conference Paper


Acceptance testing of a rotorcraft flight simulator for research and teaching: The importance of unified metrics

White, M., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., Gubbels, A. W., & Berryman, A. (2009). Acceptance testing of a rotorcraft flight simulator for research and teaching: The importance of unified metrics. In 35th European Rotorcraft Forum 2009, ERF 2009 Vol. 2 (pp. 1064-1083).

Conference Paper

'Acceptance testing of a rotorcraft flight simulator for research and teaching: the importance of unified metrics'

White, M., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., & Gubbels, A. (2009). 'Acceptance testing of a rotorcraft flight simulator for research and teaching: the importance of unified metrics'. In 35th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-20). Hamburg: CEAS.

Conference Paper

Acceptance Testing of a Rotorcraft Flight Simulator for Research and Teaching: The Importance of Unified Metrics

White, M. D., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., Gubbels, A. W., & Berryman, A. C. (2009). Acceptance Testing of a Rotorcraft Flight Simulator for Research and Teaching: The Importance of Unified Metrics. In 35th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. 1-20). Hamburg: European Rotorcraft Forum.

Conference Paper

Acceptance testing of a rotorcraft flight simulator for research and teaching: the importance of unified metric

White, M., Perfect, P., Padfield, G. D., & Gubbels, A. (2009). Acceptance testing of a rotorcraft flight simulator for research and teaching: the importance of unified metric. In CEAS 2009 (pp. 1-20). Manchester: CEAS.

Conference Paper


Determining Fidelity Standards for Maritime Rotorcraft Simulation

Hodge, S. J., Forrest, J. S., Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2008). Determining Fidelity Standards for Maritime Rotorcraft Simulation. In Maritime Operations of Rotorcraft. London: The Royal Aeronautical Society.

Conference Paper

Virtual Engineering of the Helicopter-Ship Dynamic Interface

Owen, I., Forrest, J. S., White, M. D., & Padfield, G. D. (2008). Virtual Engineering of the Helicopter-Ship Dynamic Interface. In International Conference on Simulation Based Engineering and Sciences (pp. 1-13). Venice: TCN.

Conference Paper


A role for flight simulation in engineering education

White, M., & Padfield, G. (2006). A role for flight simulation in engineering education. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education 2006, EE 2006 (pp. 12-17).

Conference Paper

The Use of Flight Simulation for Research and Teaching in Academia

White, M., & Padfield, G. (2006). The Use of Flight Simulation for Research and Teaching in Academia. In AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2006-6493

Conference Paper


Measuring simulation fidelity through an adaptive pilot model

Padfield, G., & White, M. (2005). Measuring simulation fidelity through an adaptive pilot model. AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 9(5), 400-408. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2005.03.004

Journal article

'Development and Use of the University of Liverpool Moving Base Flight Simulator'

White, M. D., & Padfield, G. D. (2005). 'Development and Use of the University of Liverpool Moving Base Flight Simulator'. In SAE Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee Meeting No. 96. South Carolina: SAE.

Conference Paper

Modelling the dynamic failure of riveted joints in aerospace

Robert, S. B., Laura, V., Mark, D. W., & Michel, M. (2005). Modelling the dynamic failure of riveted joints in aerospace. In N. Jones, & M. Alves (Eds.), International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (pp. 624). Florianopolis: WIT Press.

Conference Paper


Scaling of pulse loaded mild steel plates with different edge restraint

Schleyer, G. K., Hsu, S. S., & White, M. D. (2004). Scaling of pulse loaded mild steel plates with different edge restraint. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 46(9), 1267-1287. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2004.08.010

Journal article

Progress in measuring simulation fidelity using an adaptive pilot model

White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., & Armstrong, R. (2004). Progress in measuring simulation fidelity using an adaptive pilot model. In Annual Forum Proceedings - American Helicopter Society Vol. 1 (pp. 1210-1221).

Conference Paper

'Flight Simulation in Academia Progress With HELIFLIGHT at The University Of Liverpool'

White, M. D., & Padfield, G. D. (2004). 'Flight Simulation in Academia Progress With HELIFLIGHT at The University Of Liverpool'. In Flight Simulation 1929-2029: A Centennial Perspective (pp. Paper 0421). London: RAeS.

Conference Paper

'Progress in Measuring Simulation Fidelity using an Adaptive Pilot Model'

White, M. D., Padfield, G. D., & Armstrong, R. (2004). 'Progress in Measuring Simulation Fidelity using an Adaptive Pilot Model'. In 60th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society (pp. Paper 2 Flight Simulation II). USA: AHS.

Conference Paper


Pulse pressure loading of clamped mild steel plates

Schleyer, G. K., Hsu, S. S., White, M. D., & Birch, R. S. (2003). Pulse pressure loading of clamped mild steel plates. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING, 28(2), 223-247. doi:10.1016/S0734-743X(02)00042-8

Journal article

'Flight Simulation in Academia: HELIFLIGHT in its First Year of Operation'

Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2003). 'Flight Simulation in Academia: HELIFLIGHT in its First Year of Operation'. The Aeronautical Journal, 107(1075), 529-538.

Journal article

'Measuring Simulation Fidelity through an Adaptive Pilot Model'

Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2003). 'Measuring Simulation Fidelity through an Adaptive Pilot Model'. In 29th European Rotorcraft Forum (pp. Paper 59). Germany: ERF.

Conference Paper

Flight simulation in academia HELIFLIGHT in its first year of operation at the University of Liverpool

Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2003). Flight simulation in academia HELIFLIGHT in its first year of operation at the University of Liverpool. AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL, 107(1075), 529-538. Retrieved from

Journal article


'Flight Simulation in Academia: HELIFLIGHT in its First Year of Operation'

Padfield, G. D., & White, M. D. (2001). 'Flight Simulation in Academia: HELIFLIGHT in its First Year of Operation'. In The Challenge of Realistic Rotorcraft Simulation (pp. Paper 20). London: RAeS.

Conference Paper


Obtaining flow diagnostics by analysis of the output signals from an ultrasonic flowmeter

White, M. D., Owen, I., & Sproston, J. L. (2000). Obtaining flow diagnostics by analysis of the output signals from an ultrasonic flowmeter. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fluids Engineering Division (Publication) FED, 251, 265-270.

Journal article

'Obtaining flow diagnostics by analysis of the output signals from an ultrasonic flowmeter'

White, M. D., Owen, I., & Sproston, J. L. (2000). 'Obtaining flow diagnostics by analysis of the output signals from an ultrasonic flowmeter'. In ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting (pp. FEDSM2000-FEDSM11104). USA: ASME.

Conference Paper


A theoretical analysis for the dynamic axial crushing of top-hat and double-hat thin-walled sections

White, M. D., & Jones, N. (1999). A theoretical analysis for the dynamic axial crushing of top-hat and double-hat thin-walled sections. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 213(D4), 307-325. doi:10.1243/0954407991526883

Journal article

Experimental study into the energy absorbing characteristics of top-hat and double-hat sections subjected to dynamic axial crushing

White, M. D., & Jones, N. (1999). Experimental study into the energy absorbing characteristics of top-hat and double-hat sections subjected to dynamic axial crushing. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, 213(D3), 259-278. doi:10.1243/0954407991526856

Journal article

A theoretical analysis for the quasi-static axial crushing of top-hat and double-hat thin-walled sections

White, M. D., Jones, N., & Abramowicz, W. (1999). A theoretical analysis for the quasi-static axial crushing of top-hat and double-hat thin-walled sections. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 41(2), 209-233. doi:10.1016/S0020-7403(98)00048-4

Journal article

Experimental quasi-static axial crushing of top-hat and double-hat thin-walled sections

White, M. D., & Jones, N. (1999). Experimental quasi-static axial crushing of top-hat and double-hat thin-walled sections. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES, 41(2), 179-208. doi:10.1016/S0020-7403(98)00047-2

Journal article


Blast loading of stiffened plates: Experimental, analytical and numerical investigations

Schleyer, G. K., Hsu, S. S., & White, M. D. (1998). Blast loading of stiffened plates: Experimental, analytical and numerical investigations. In American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Vessels and Piping Division (Publication) PVP Vol. 361 (pp. 237-255).

Conference Paper

Blast Loading of Offshore Structural Members Using Novel Experimental Techniques

Hsu, S. S., White, M. D., & Schleyer, G. K. (1998). Blast Loading of Offshore Structural Members Using Novel Experimental Techniques. Thin-Walled Structures Research and Development, 753-760.

Journal article

Blast loading of offshore structural members using novel experimental techniques

Hsu, S. S., White, M. D., & Schleyer, G. K. (1998). Blast loading of offshore structural members using novel experimental techniques. In THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES (pp. 753-760). Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Quasi-static axial crushing of top-hat and double-hat thin-walled sections

Jones, N., & White, M. D. (1998). Quasi-static axial crushing of top-hat and double-hat thin-walled sections. In THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES (pp. 237-244). Retrieved from

Conference Paper