Selected publications
- Tackling poor mental health and self-harming tendencies among students: Indicative evidence of the effectiveness of a novel partnership-based approach to intervention (Journal article - 2024)
- 'Holding the door open' for continuing education in the UK: Strategies for survival until its time comes again. (Journal article - 2020)
- Critical Pedagogy and assessment in British higher education: the ideal of ‘authenticity’ in learning’ (Journal article - 2018)
- Just Managing? (Book - 2017)
- Distributional impact assessments and the record of the Coalition Government: the tyranny of numbers without interpretation (Journal article - 2016)
- Assessing Critical Pedagogy: 'Non-traditional Learning' and Module Assessment (Report - 2015)
Tackling poor mental health and self-harming tendencies among students: Indicative evidence of the effectiveness of a novel partnership-based approach to intervention
O'Brien, M., & Worsley, J. (n.d.). Tackling poor mental health and self-harming tendencies among students: Indicative evidence of the effectiveness of a novel partnership-based approach to intervention. Abuse: An International Impact Journal, 5(1), 61-71. doi:10.37576/abuse.2024.057
'Holding the door open' for continuing education in the UK: Strategies for survival until its time comes again.
O'Brien, M. (2020). 'Holding the door open' for continuing education in the UK: Strategies for survival until its time comes again.. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 22(1), 146-157. doi:10.5456/wpll.22.1.146
British trade unions and the emergence of “legal unionism”: the structural limits of the “official lefts”
O'Brien, M. (2020). British trade unions and the emergence of “legal unionism”: the structural limits of the “official lefts”. International Socialism Journal, 166(Winter). Retrieved from
Breaking points and rank and file moments: reaching the limits of “legalism” in industrial action
O'Brien, M. (2019). Breaking points and rank and file moments: reaching the limits of “legalism” in industrial action. International Socialism Journal, 161(Winter).
Green and Orange Ribbons Twined
O'Brien, M. (2019). Green and Orange Ribbons Twined. In R. Page (Ed.), Resist (pp. 23-32). Comma Press.
Critical Pedagogy and assessment in British higher education: the ideal of ‘authenticity’ in learning’
O'Brien, M., Whyte, D., Serrano, M., & Roberts, K. (2018). Critical Pedagogy and assessment in British higher education: the ideal of ‘authenticity’ in learning’. Active Learning in Higher Education, 19(1), 9-21. doi:10.1177/1469787417723244
What Has Happened to the British Labour Movement and What Does it Mean for the Left in the Unions?
O'Brien, M. (2018). What Has Happened to the British Labour Movement and What Does it Mean for the Left in the Unions?. International Socialism Journal, 157(Winter).
Just Managing?
O'Brien, M., & Kyprianou, P. (2017). Just Managing?. Open Book Publishers. doi:10.11647/obp.0112
Distributional impact assessments and the record of the Coalition Government: the tyranny of numbers without interpretation
O'Brien, M. (2016). Distributional impact assessments and the recordof the Coalition Government: the tyranny ofnumbers without interpretation. Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 38(4), 413-429.
Revolutionaries in the unions: The reality of the Strike
O'Brien, M. (2015). Revolutionaries in the unions: The reality of the Strike. International Socialism Journal, 147(Summer), 68-78. Retrieved from
Embedded Evaluation: strategy and technique
O'Brien, M. (2015). Embedded Evaluation: strategy and technique. The Evaluator, 1.
Widening Participation and Fair Access at the University of Liverpool: Realistic evaluation for an HE setting
O'Brien, M. (2015). Widening Participation and Fair Access at the University of Liverpool: Realistic evaluation for an HE setting: Widening Participation and Fair Access at the University of Liverpool: Realistic evaluation for an HE setting (7).
Directions in Evaluation Theory and Practice
O'Brien, M. (2015). Directions in Evaluation Theory and Practice. The Evaluator, 1.
Assessing Critical Pedagogy: 'Non-traditional Learning' and Module Assessment
O'Brien, M., Whyte, D., Roberts, K., & Martinez Serrano, M. (2015). Assessing Critical Pedagogy: 'Non-traditional Learning' and Module Assessment: Assessing Critical Pedagogy: 'Non-traditional Learning' and Module Assessment (1).
Student finance, progression and 'inclusivity': indicative data from the University of Liverpool
O'Brien, M. (2015). Student finance, progression and 'inclusivity': indicative data from the University of Liverpool. Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17(3), 74-88.
The Problem of the One Day Strike
O'Brien, M. (2014). The Problem of the One Day Strike. International Socialism Journal, 142(Spring).
Diagrammatic Elicitation: Defining the Use of Diagrams in Data Collection
Umoquit, M., Tso, P., Varga-Atkins, T., O'Brien, M., & Wheeldon, J. (n.d.). Diagrammatic Elicitation: Defining the Use of Diagrams in Data Collection. The Qualitative Report. doi:10.46743/2160-3715/2013.1487
Marcuse and the language of power: the unfair discourse of 'fairness' in the Coalition Government's policy presentation
O'Brien, M. (2013). Marcuse and the language of power: the unfair discourse of 'fairness' in the Coalition Government's policy presentation. Radical Philosophy Review, 16(1).
Repositioning the subject discipline for an 'academic-enhancement' model of widening participation: a philosophical sketch
O'Brien, M. (2013). Repositioning the subject discipline for an 'academic-enhancement' model of widening participation: a philosophical sketch. Active Learning in Higher Education.
Cultural–historical activity theory and ‘the visual’ in research: exploring the ontological consequences of the use of visual methods
O'Brien, M., Varga-Atkins, T., Umoquit, M., & Tso, P. (2012). Cultural–historical activity theory and ‘the visual’ in research: exploring the ontological consequences of the use of visual methods. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 35(3), 251-268. doi:10.1080/1743727x.2012.717433
The Liverpool Transport Strike of 1911: ‘Overcomings’, Transformations, and the ‘New Mentalities’ of the Liverpool Working Class
O'Brien, M. (2012). The Liverpool Transport Strike of 1911: ‘Overcomings’, Transformations, and the ‘New Mentalities’ of the Liverpool Working Class. Historical Studies in Industrial Relations, (33), 39-60. doi:10.3828/hsir.2012.33.4
Fairness and the City'. Public-sector cuts, welfare reform and risks to the population of Liverpool and its wider region
O'Brien, M. (2012). Fairness and the City'. Public-sector cuts, welfare reform and risks to the population of Liverpool and its wider region: 'Fairness and the City'. Public-sector cuts, welfare reform and risks to the population of Liverpool and its wider region.' (18).
Schools-based health interventions: Mums and babies in the classroom and different responses from teachers and health workers
O'Brien, M. (2012). Schools-based health interventions: Mums and babies in the classroom and different responses from teachers and health workers. Education and Health, 30(1), 5.
Peer research for community evaluations: what does accreditation have to offer?
O'Brien, M. (2011). Peer research for community evaluations: what does accreditation have to offer?. The Evaluator, 3.
Liverpool 1911 and its era: foundational myth or authentic tradition?
O'Brien, M. (2011). Liverpool 1911 and its era: foundational myth or authentic tradition?. In J. Belcham, & B. Biggs (Eds.), City of Radicals (pp. 140-158). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Convergence at the surface; divergence beneath. Cross-agency working within a small-scale, schools-based project in a setting of urban deprivation in the UK
O'Brien, M. (2011). Convergence at the surface; divergence beneath. Cross-agency working within a small-scale, schools-based project in a setting of urban deprivation in the UK. Journal of Child Health Care.
Developing a 'semi-systematic' approach to using large-scale data-sets for small-scale interventions: the 'Baby Matterz' initiative as a case study
O'Brien, M. (2011). Developing a 'semi-systematic' approach to using large-scale data-sets for small-scale interventions: the 'Baby Matterz' initiative as a case study. The Urban Review, 43(2).
Modelling an approach to cost-benefit analysis for a small-scale, schools-based service innovation involving parents and babies in a data-scarce environment: a case study
O'Brien, M. (2010). Modelling an approach to cost-benefit analysis for a small-scale, schools-based service innovation involving parents and babies in a data-scarce environment: a case study. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 13(3).
The importance of interplay between school-based and networked professional development: School professionals’ experiences of inter-school collaborations in learning networks
Varga-Atkins, T., O’Brien, M., Burton, D., Campbell, A., & Qualter, A. (2010). The importance of interplay between school-based and networked professional development: School professionals’ experiences of inter-school collaborations in learning networks. Journal of Educational Change, 11(3), 241-272. doi:10.1007/s10833-009-9127-9
School professionals’ attitudes to professional development in a networked context: developing the model of ‘believers, seekers and sceptics’
Varga‐Atkins, T., Qualter, A., & O’Brien, M. (2009). School professionals’ attitudes to professional development in a networked context: developing the model of ‘believers, seekers and sceptics’. Professional Development in Education, 35(3), 321-340. doi:10.1080/19415250902846815
From drawings to diagrams: maintaining researcher control during graphic elicitation in qualitative interviews
Varga‐Atkins, T., & O’Brien, M. (2009). From drawings to diagrams: maintaining researcher control during graphic elicitation in qualitative interviews. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 32(1), 53-67. doi:10.1080/17437270902759998
Social inclusion and learning networks: a 'wider notion of learning' or taking things in a different direction?
O'Brien, M., Atkinson, A., Burton, D., Campbell, A., Qualter, A., & Varga-Atkins, T. (2009). Social inclusion and learning networks: a 'wider notion of learning' or taking things in a different direction?. RESEARCH PAPERS IN EDUCATION, 24(1), 57-75. doi:10.1080/02671520801945818
Heresy, Rebellion and Utopian Courage: The English Peasant Rising of 1381
O'Brien, M. (2009). Heresy, Rebellion and Utopian Courage: The English Peasant Rising of 1381. In M. Davies, & B. Bowden (Eds.), Riot: Resistance and Rebellion in Britain and France, 1381 to the Present (pp. 21). Sydney: Palgrave.
Perish the Privileged Orders
O'Brien, M. (2009). Perish the Privileged Orders. London: New Clarion Press.
Power in Research And The Theory and Practice Conundrum: The Experience Of Working With A Local Authority
O'Brien, M., Clayton, S., Varga-Atkins, T., & Qualter, A. (2008). Power in Research And The Theory and Practice Conundrum: The Experience Of Working With A Local Authority. Evidence and Policy, 4(4).
How are the perceptions of learning networks amongst school professionals shaped at an early stage in their introduction? What does this mean for their implementation?
O'Brien, M., Burton, D., Campbell, A., Qualter, A., & Varga-Atkins, T. (2008). How are the perceptions of learning networks amongst school professionals shaped at an early stage in their introduction? What does this mean for their implementation?. International Review of Education, 54(2). doi:10.1007/s11159-008-9084-1
"I know its not proper research but …": How professionals' understandings of research can frustrate its potential for CPD
Clayton, S., O'Brien, M., Burton, D., Campbell, A., Qualter, A., & Varga-Atkins, T. (2008). "I know its not proper research but …": How professionals' understandings of research can frustrate its potential for CPD. Education Action Research Journal, 16(1).
Cost-benefit analysis and small scale service intervention involving parents and babies: the Liverpool Baby Matterz initiative as a pilot case study
O'Brien, M. (2008). Cost-benefit analysis and small scale service intervention involving parents and babies: the Liverpool Baby Matterz initiative as a pilot case study. Liverpool: Educational Development Division, University of Liverpool.
O'Brien, M. (2008) Dialogue and the Discursive Character of the Academic Discipline (foreword by Mary Midgley)
O'Brien, M., & Midgley, M. (2008). O'Brien, M. (2008) Dialogue and the Discursive Character of the Academic Discipline (foreword by Mary Midgley) [Monograph].
Parents, babies and cross-agency working within schools: the case of the Liverpool Baby Matterz initiative
O'Brien, M. (2008). Parents, babies and cross-agency working within schools: the case of the Liverpool Baby Matterz initiative. Liverpool: Educational Development Division, University of Liverpool.
Parents, babies, schools and national statistics: the Millennium Cohort Study and the 'Baby Matterz' initiative
O'Brien, M. (2008). Parents, babies, schools and national statistics: the Millennium Cohort Study and the 'Baby Matterz' initiative. Liverpool: Educational Development Division, University of Liverpool.
Robert Owen and the Grand National Consolidated Trades Union
O'Brien, M. (2008). Robert Owen and the Grand National Consolidated Trades Union. In M. Scott Cato, & R. Bickle (Eds.), A New View of Society: Robert Owen for the 21st Century (pp. 18). Edinburgh: Scottish Left review Press..
Labour internationalism and labour revitalisation (An analysis of the relationship between labour internationalism and strategies of trade union revitalisation)
O'Brien, M. (2007). Labour internationalism and labour revitalisation (An analysis of the relationship between labour internationalism and strategies of trade union revitalisation). (PhD Thesis, The University of Liverpool).
The Liverpool Learning Networks: growing, deepening, delivering
Varga-Atkins, T., Qualter, A., & O'Brien, M. (2007). The Liverpool Learning Networks: growing, deepening, delivering. Liverpool: Educational Development Division of the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
'Promises, Promises': The Experience of the Voluntary and Community Sector Within the Liverpool Children's Fund
O'Brien, M. (2006). 'Promises, Promises': The Experience of the Voluntary and Community Sector Within the Liverpool Children's Fund. Public Policy and Administration,, 21(4).
Learning networks for schools: keeping up with the times or a leap into the unknown?
O'Brien, M., Burton, D., Campbell, A., Qualter, A., & Varga‐Atkins, T. (2006). Learning networks for schools: keeping up with the times or a leap into the unknown?. The Curriculum Journal, 17(4), 397-411. doi:10.1080/09585170601081438
The Liverpool Learning Networks: from concept to implementation
O'Brien, M., Qualter, A., & Varga-Atkins, T. (2006). The Liverpool Learning Networks: from concept to implementation. Liverpool: Educational Development Division of the Centre for Lifelong Learning.
Global Unions? Theories and Strategies of Organised Labour in the Global Political Economy
O'Brien, M. (2005). Global Unions? Theories and Strategies of Organised Labour in the Global Political Economy. Historical Materialism, 14.
Mainstreaming and the Liverpool Children's Fund
O'Brien, M. (2005). Mainstreaming and the Liverpool Children's Fund. Liverpool: Centre for the Study of the Child the Family and the Law, University of Liverpool.
Transformations': Changing careers, meanings and experiences of women's political activism
O'Brien, M., Featherstone, D., Colls, R., & Sadler, D. (2005). Transformations': Changing careers, meanings and experiences of women's political activism. Liverpool: Department of Geography, University of Liverpool.
Working Class Internationalism
O'Brien, M. (2005). Working Class Internationalism. In G. Blakeley, & V. Bryson (Eds.), Marx and Other Four letter Words: Classic Concepts of the Left (pp. 19). London: Pluto Press.
Breaking Down Walls, Evaluation of the Liverpool Children's Fund 2001-2004
O'Brien, M., Jones, C., Lyon, C., & Woolfall, K. (2004). Breaking Down Walls, Evaluation of the Liverpool Children's Fund 2001-2004. Liverpool: Centre for the Study of the Child, the Family and the Law, University of Liverpool..
When Adam Delved and Eve Span
O'Brien, M. (2004). When Adam Delved and Eve Span. London: New Clarion Press.
Class Struggle and the English Poor Laws
O'Brien, M. (2000). Class Struggle and the English Poor Laws. In M. Lavalette, & G. Mooney (Eds.), Class Struggle and Social Welfare (pp. 23). London: Routledge.
Post-Modernism and British Labour History
O'Brien, M. (1998). Post-Modernism and British Labour History. In J. Rees (Ed.), Essays on Historical Materialism (pp. 27). London: Bookmarks.