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Marina Escolano-Poveda

Dr Marina Escolano-Poveda
Lic, PhD, Fulbright Scholar, FAvH, FHEA, FRHistS

Professional Activities

Conference Roles

  • 73rd ARCE Annual Meeting (Irvine, CA, 2022)
  • Beyond Alexander (provisional title) (Liverpool, 2023)
  • From the Mersey to the Nile: Studying the Rosetta Stone in Liverpool (Liverpool, 2022)
  • II Congreso Iberoamericano de Jóvenes Investigadores en Egiptología, by Invitation (Barcelona, 2023)
  • Seminario de Egiptología: Introducción a los Estudios Demóticos. Lectura y análisis de fuentes escritas, by Invitation (Barcelona (Spain), 2019)
  • Desde la Casa de la Vida: El mundo intellectual de los templos egipcios en Época Grecorromana, by Invitation (Valencia (Spain), 2019 - present)
  • Zosimos aigyptiakos: an Egyptological approach to the imagery of Zosimos of Panopolis in the composition of alchemical recipes, by Invitation (Bologna (Italy), 2019 - present)
  • Completando el puzzle de la literature egipcia: el desciframiento de los papiros de Mallorca, by Invitation (Valencia (Spain), 2017)


  • Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies: Text and Translation. Volume 1 (Invited Editorial Board, 2019 - 2022)
  • Ourania. Journal for the History of Cosmological Thought (Invited Editorial Board, 2023 - present)
  • One Who Loves Knowledge. Studies in Honor of Richard Jasnow. Atlanta: Lockwood Press (Invited Editor, 2017 - 2022)

Event Roles

  • Astrologica Athribitana: Horoscopic Astrology at Turn-of-the-Millennium Athribis, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Tübingen, 2022)
  • Astrologica Athribitana: Four Demotic-Hieratic Horoscopes at the Origins of Astrological Practice in Egypt (Talk/Lecture, Irvine, CA, 2022)
  • Kalasiris, Necromancy, and Egyptian Magic in Helodoros’ Aithiopika, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Manchester, 2022)
  • Astrologica Athribitana: Four Demotic-Hieratic Horoscopes at the Origins of Astrological Practice in Egypt, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Providence, RI, 2022)
  • Alchemy in the Temple: Contextualising the Alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis in Graeco-Roman Egypt, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Manchester, 2022)
  • A mysterious sign in a Demotic sign-entry almanac from Tebtunis, by Invitation (Workshop, Universität Leipzig, 2023)
  • Demotic handbooks of decanal astrology (Talk/Lecture, Universität Leipzig, 2023)
  • A Miscellany of Short Texts on Various Media, from Egypt and Beyond (Workshop, Leiden, 2023)
  • El Pastor y la Diosa: Reconstruyendo y Reinterpretando el Cuento del Pastor, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Valencia, 2023)
  • Reconstructing and Reinterpreting the Ancient Egyptian Tale of the Herdsman, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Durham, 2023)
  • Zodiacal Abbreviations in Demotic Astronomical Texts: a State of the Question, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Ann Arbor, 2023)
  • Zodiacs, Planets, and Papyri: The Practice and Purpose of Astronomy in Graeco-Roman Egypt, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Liverpool, 2023)
  • Demotic and Coptic in the Decipherment of the Rosetta Stone (Talk/Lecture, Liverpool, 2022)
  • An Astrologer’s Table Collection? The Demotic ‘Golden’ Tables, by Invitation (Workshop, Baltimore, 2022)
  • The Interactions of Egyptian- and Greek-Language Astronomy. New Sources and Open Questions, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Online, 2022)
  • The Herdsman, the Goddess, and the Princess: A Re-examination of the Origins of the Egyptian Love Poetry Tradition, and the Place of the Tale of the Herdsman in Egyptian Literature, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Oxford, 2020)
  • Lengua y escrituras egipcias. 4.000 años de historia sobre piedra y papiro, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Alicante, 2020)
  • Astronomica Montserratensia: P. Monts.Roca inv. 314 and the Transmission of Mesopotamian Astronomy to the Graeco-Roman World Through Egypt, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, New York, NY, 2019)
  • The representation of Kalasiris as a priest, and Egyptian magic in the Aithiopika of Heliodoros, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Barcelona (Spain), 2019)
  • Black is Her Hair, More than the Black of the Night. The Tale of the Herdsman, the Stela Louvre C100, and a Reconsideration of the Origins of Egyptian Love Poetry, by Invitation (Talk/Lecture, Cambridge (UK), 2019)

Examination Roles

  • Complutense University of Madrid, Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias de las Religiones (PhD, 2023)

Expert Opinions

  • Scientific Advisor for Book 'The Ancient Egyptians. A Ladybird Book', Invited (Penguin Random House, 2021)

External Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Supervisory Committee Member of the Project Scientific Papyri from Ancient Egypt in Cross-Cultural Perspective (SciPap), Invited (University of Copenhagen, 2022 - present)

Grant Application Assessments

  • Internal Pre-submission (Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), 2021)

Internal Administrative or Committee Roles

  • ACE REF Team Member Leading on Research Environment (Department, 2023 - present)
  • ECR Representative in the ACE EDI Committee (Department, 2022 - present)
  • Digital Strategy Lead (Department, 2022 - present)
  • Digital Lead (Department, 2019 - 2021)
  • Admissions Lead for Egyptology (Department, 2019 - 2021)

Media Appearances

  • SER Historia, Cadema SER (Invited, October 2017)
  • El misterio de Tutankamón: una arqueóloga alicantina en las excavaciones de Karnak, Diario Información (newspaper) (Invited, January 2016)
  • Singulars, TV3 (TV channel) (Invited, December 2009)
  • Una estudiante alicantina descifra los restos egipcios de Elche y Guardamar, Diario Información (Newspaper) (Invited, April 2009)

Publication Reviews

  • Peer Reviewer, Invited (Trabajos de Egiptología. Papers on Ancient Egypt, Pre-publication, 2020)
  • Peer Reviewer, Invited (Journal of Hellenic Studies, Pre-publication, 2021 - present)