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Joint Modelling Workshops

I am co-lead on the regular Joint Modelling workshops run by our department which provide vital methodological training in joint modelling methodology and interpretation to professionals using these methods, such as clinical trials units

Longitudinal Data Analysis

I am lead on the day long Longitudinal Data Analysis course, run twice a year by the Department of Health Data Science, University of Liverpool

Modules for 2024-25

Data and Engineering for Health Research

Module code: DASC509

Role: Teaching


Module code: DASC500

Role: Teaching

High-dimensional Data Structures and Learning Algorithms

Module code: DASC507

Role: Teaching

Prediction Modelling & Joint Longitudinal and Survival Data Analysis

Module code: DASC506

Role: Module Co-ordinator

Statistical Genetics and Pharmacogenomics

Module code: DASC508

Role: Teaching

Statistics for Health Research

Module code: DASC502

Role: Teaching

Supervised Theses