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Professional Activities

2001 FFPH: elected Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the UK, through distinction.

2009: awarded Life membership of the Society of Social Medicine for outstanding contribution to public health.

2017: FMedSci: elected Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, UK.

2021 FHEA, awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, UK.

2018-22: Member of Council of Academy of Medical Sciences, UK.

Member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Health Services, 2002- present
Member of Editorial Board of Critical Public Health, 2010 – present.
Associate Editor, Cochrane Public Health Review Group, 2008-2015

Delivery of recent named lectures and keynotes:
June 2018: Delivery of the Hilda Tracy Annual Lecture: ‘How does low income cause ill-health? The public health perspective. FHLS, University of Liverpool.

September 2019: Delivery of the Archie Cochrane Memorial Lecture: ‘Barely Believable’ or Nakedly Truthful: what is the point of doing research on child poverty and health? UK Society for Social Medicine and Public Health, annual scientific meeting, Cork, Ireland.

November 2019: Delivery of the 102nd Sydney Ball Memorial Lecture: “The Great Leap Backwards”: what is happening with social policy for child health and wellbeing?’ Department of Social Policy and Intervention, Oxford University.

January 2020: Keynote speech to the French National Academy of Medicine, Paris.

September 2020: presentation and Panel member on inequalities in the long-term impact of Covid-19 Virtual SSM Annual Scientific Meeting, Cambridge University.

Service to NATIONAL research and policy community:
2016- 2018 Member of ESRC Grant Assessment Panel D
2016- Member of NIHR Policy Research Programme Commissioning Panel for new
NIHR/DH Policy Research Units
2018 Member of review panel for UK PRI UK Prevention Research initiative
2019 -2020 Member of the NIHR Commissioning Panel for the Heath Inequalities Research
Initiative (3 rounds).
2019 MRC Population and Medicine Board's Subcommittee for Scientific Review of the
MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit in Glasgow
2019 Review Group member of the ESRC: ESS ERIC Host Country Review.
2014 -2021 Member, Public Health England Health Equity Strategy/Health Inequalities Boards.
2019-2022 Member of Council of Academy of Medical Sciences, London.
2022-2023 Chair, Independent Review of Equity in Medical Devices, appointed by the Secretary
of State for Health, DHSC, to submit recommendations in June 2023.

Service to INTERNATIONAL research and policy community:
2006-2012 Member of Population and Public Health Institute Advisory Board of the Canadian
Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), Canada.
2009-12 Member representing Europe on the Advisory Committee of the WHO Centre
for Health Development, Kobe, Japan.
2009- 12 Invited expert advisor on health inequalities strategy to EU Presidencies, including the presidencies of Spain 2009; Portugal 2010; Belgium 2010; and Poland 2011.
2010-15 Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute for Work and Health, Toronto,Canada.
2010-13 Member of Senior Advisory Board of WHO European Region Review of Social
Determinants and the Health Divide (Marmot European Review).
2015 International Assessor for Chair in Public Health Sciences, Centre for Health Equity
Studies, Stockholm University.
2016 Panel member for research programme grants on “Equal living conditions” for the
Swedish research Council for Health, Working life and Welfare (Forte). May-
November 2016.
2018-2020 Chair, WHO Scientific Expert Group (SAGE) for the European Health Equity Status
Report Initiative
2019 WHO Scientific Committee for the WHO European Region High-Level Conference on
Health Equity, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 11-13 June 2019.
2019-2021 Membership of the International Committee on Health Inequalities Initiative:
Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM)/All European Academies

Selected Professional Activities

Professional Body Membership

  • Academy of Medical Sciences (Fellow, 2016 - present) (Professional Body Membership)
  • UK Society for Social Medicine (Lifetime Member, 2004 - present) (Professional Body Membership)
  • Faculty of Public Health of Royal Colleges of Physicians (Fellow, 2001 - present) (Professional Body Membership)


  • International Journal of Health Services (Editorial Board Member, 2008 - present)
  • Critical Public Health (Editorial Board Member, 2007 - present)

Professional Body Memberships

  • Academy of Medical Sciences (Fellow, 2016 - present)
  • UK Society for Social Medicine (Lifetime Member, 2004 - present)
  • Faculty of Public Health of Royal Colleges of Physicians (Fellow, 2001 - present)