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Marcus Walsh

Prof Marcus Walsh
BPhil., MA Oxon., PhD Toronto, FEA, FHEA.

Emeritus Professor of English Literature and Honorary Senior Research Fellow


Selected publications

  1. Jonathan Swift: A Tale of a Tub and Other Works (Scholarly edition - 2010)
  2. Hypotheses, Evidence, Editing, and Explication (Journal article - 1999)
  3. Fragments and Disquisitions: Johnson's Shakespeare in Context (Chapter - 2013)
  4. Shakespeare, Milton and Eighteenth-Century Literary Editing: the Beginnings of Interpretative Scholarship (Book - 1997)
  5. Goodness Nose: Sterne's Slawkenbergius, the Real Presence, and the Shapeable Text (Journal article - 1994)
What type of publication do you want to show?


Addison as Critic and Critical Theorist

Walsh, M. (2021). Addison as Critic and Critical Theorist. In P. Davis (Ed.), Joseph Addison Tercentenary Essays (pp. 95-114). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198814030.0030006






Walsh, M. (2016). Allusion. In J. Lynch (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of British Poetry, 1660-1800 (pp. 649-667). Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Edmond Malone

Walsh, M. (2014). Edmond Malone. In G. Day, & J. Lynch (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660-1789 (pp. 123-124). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.



Candid Interpretations: Hermann Real and our Understanding of the Swiftian Text

Walsh, M. (2013). Candid Interpretations: Hermann Real and our Understanding of the Swiftian Text. In K. Juhas (Ed.), 'The first wit of the age': Essays on Swift and his Contemporaries in Honour of Hermann J. Real (pp. 100-110). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.


Edifying by the margent: echoing voices in Swift's Tale

Lynall, G., & Walsh, M. (2013). Edifying by the margent: echoing voices in Swift's Tale. In Reading Swift: Papers from the Sixth Muenster Symposium on Jonathan Swift (pp. 123-133). Munich: Wilhelm Fink.


Fragments and Disquisitions: Johnson's Shakespeare in Context

Walsh, M. (2013). Fragments and Disquisitions: Johnson's Shakespeare in Context. In H. Weinbrot (Ed.), Samuel Johnson: New Contexts for a New Century. San Marino: Huntington Library Press.


Swift's Tale of a Tub and the mock book

Walsh, M. (2013). Swift's Tale of a Tub and the mock book. In P. Bullard, & J. McLaverty (Eds.), Jonathan Swift and the Eighteenth-Century Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from


Understanding and Explaining the Literary Text: a Return to Interpretation

Walsh, M. (2013). Understanding and Explaining the Literary Text: a Return to Interpretation. In A. Walczuk, & W. Witalisz (Eds.), Old Challenges / New Horizons : PASE 2012 (pp. 10-25). Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press.

Conference Paper


Editing and Publishing Shakespeare

Walsh, M. (2012). Editing and Publishing Shakespeare. In P. Sabor, & F. Ritchie (Eds.), Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century (pp. 21-40). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Edmond Malone

Walsh, M. (2010). Edmond Malone. In C. Rawson, P. Holland, & A. Poole (Eds.), Great Shakespeareans: Dryden, Pope, Johnson, Malone (Vol. 1, pp. 160-199). London: Continuum.


Jonathan Swift: A Tale of a Tub and Other Works

Walsh, M. (Ed.) (2010). Jonathan Swift: A Tale of a Tub and Other Works. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Scholarly edition

Theories of Text, Editorial Theory, and Textual Criticism

Walsh, M. (2010). Theories of Text, Editorial Theory, and Textual Criticism. In M. Suarez, & H. Woudhuysen (Eds.), Oxford Companion to the Book (Vol. 1, pp. 156-163). Oxford: Oxford University Press.



Classical, patristic and vernacular literary scholarship in the eighteenth century

Walsh, M. (2009). Classical, patristic and vernacular literary scholarship in the eighteenth century. In M. Suarez, & M. Turner (Eds.), The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain 1695-1830 (Vol. 5, pp. 1-15). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Scriblerian satire, A Political Romance, the "Rabelaisian Fragment", and the origins of Tristram Shandy

Walsh, M. (2009). Scriblerian satire, A Political Romance, the "Rabelaisian Fragment", and the origins of Tristram Shandy. In T. Keymer (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Laurence Sterne (pp. 21-33). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



George Steevens and the 1778 Variorum: a hermeneutics and a social economy of annotation

Walsh, M. (2008). George Steevens and the 1778 Variorum: a hermeneutics and a social economy of annotation. In P. Sabor (Ed.), Shakespeare and the Eighteenth Century (pp. 155-166). London: Ashgate.


Telling Tales and Gathering Fragments: Swift's Tale of a Tub

Walsh, M. (2008). Telling Tales and Gathering Fragments: Swift's Tale of a Tub. In H. J. Real (Ed.), Reading Swift: Papers from the Fifth Muenster Symposium on Jonathan Swift (pp. 151-163). Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.



RAE 2008: Some Thoughts and Some Questions

Walsh, M. (2005). RAE 2008: Some Thoughts and Some Questions. CCUE News, 6-11.

Journal article


Form and function in the English eighteenth-century literary edition: the case of Edward Capell

Walsh, M. (2003). Form and function in the English eighteenth-century literary edition: the case of Edward Capell. Studies in Bibliography, 54, 225-241.

Journal article

Swift and Religion

Walsh, M. (2003). Swift and Religion. In C. Fox (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Jonathan Swift (pp. 161-176). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Go figure: metaphors of textuality

Walsh, M. (2002). Go figure: metaphors of textuality. Variants: the Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, 1, 1-17.

Journal article

Laurence Sterne

Walsh, M. (Ed.) (2002). Laurence Sterne. London: Longman.



Literary scholarship and the life of editing

Walsh, M. (2001). Literary scholarship and the life of editing. In I. Rivers (Ed.), Books and their Readers in the Eighteenth Century (pp. 191-215). London and New York: Leicester University Press.



'Community of Mind': Christopher Smart and the Poetics of Allusion

Walsh, M. (1999). 'Community of Mind': Christopher Smart and the Poetics of Allusion. In C. Hawes (Ed.), Christopher Smart and the Enlightenment (pp. 29-46). New York: St Martins.


Hypotheses, Evidence, Editing, and Explication

Walsh, M. (1999). Hypotheses, Evidence, Editing, and Explication. Yearbook of English Studies, 29, 24-42.

Journal article

Swift and Anglican Rationalism and the Grounds of Interpretation

Walsh, M. (1999). Swift and Anglican Rationalism and the Grounds of Interpretation. Swift Studies, 14, 21-28.

Journal article


A Very Peculiar Practice: Christopher Smart and the Poetic Language of 'Early Romanticism'

Walsh, M. (1998). A Very Peculiar Practice: Christopher Smart and the Poetic Language of 'Early Romanticism'. In T. Woodman (Ed.), Early Romantics: Perspectives in British Poetry from Pope to Wordsworth (pp. 151-165). London: Macmillan.


Eighteenth-century Editing, 'Appropriation', and Interpretation

Walsh, M. (1998). Eighteenth-century Editing, 'Appropriation', and Interpretation. Shakespeare Survey, 51, 125-139.

Journal article

Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Christopher Smart and the Lexis of the Peculiar

Walsh, M. (1998). Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Christopher Smart and the Lexis of the Peculiar. Yearbook of English Studies, 28, 144-162.

Journal article


Biblical Scholarship and Literary Criticism

Walsh, M. (1997). Biblical Scholarship and Literary Criticism. In H. Nisbet, & C. Rawson (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: The Eighteenth Century (Vol. 4, pp. 758-777). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Shakespeare, Milton and Eighteenth-Century Literary Editing: the Beginnings of Interpretative Scholarship

Walsh, M. (1997). Shakespeare, Milton and Eighteenth-Century Literary Editing: the Beginnings of Interpretative Scholarship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



Profession and Authority: The Interpretation of the Bible in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

Walsh, M. (1995). Profession and Authority: The Interpretation of the Bible in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Literature and Theology, 9, 383-398.

Journal article


Goodness Nose: Sterne's Slawkenbergius, the Real Presence, and the Shapeable Text

Walsh, M. (1994). Goodness Nose: Sterne's Slawkenbergius, the Real Presence, and the Shapeable Text. British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 17, 55-63.

Journal article


Context in Eighteenth-Century Usage

Walsh, M. (1993). Context in Eighteenth-Century Usage. British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 40, 308-310.

Journal article

The Fluid Text and the Orientations of Editing

Walsh, M. (1993). The Fluid Text and the Orientations of Editing. In W. Chernaik, M. Deegan, & C. Davis (Eds.), The Politics of the Electronic Text (pp. 31-39). Oxford: Office for Humanities Communication.



Editing Then

Walsh, M. (1992). Editing Then. Essays in Criticism, 42, 243-251.

Journal article

The Superfoetation of Literature: Attitudes to the Printed Book in the Eighteenth-Century

Walsh, M. (1992). The Superfoetation of Literature: Attitudes to the Printed Book in the Eighteenth-Century. British Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 15, 151-161.

Journal article


Bentley our Contemporary: or, Editors, Ancient and Modern

Walsh, M. (1991). Bentley our Contemporary: or, Editors, Ancient and Modern. In M. Walsh, & I. C. Small (Eds.), The Theory and Practice of Text-Editing: Essays in Honour of James T Boulton (pp. 157-185). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Editing Johnson's Dictionary: some Editorial and Textual Considerations

Walsh, M., & McDermott, A. C. (1991). Editing Johnson's Dictionary: some Editorial and Textual Considerations. In M. Walsh, & I. C. Small (Eds.), The Theory and Practice of Text-Editing: Essays in Honour of James T Boulton (pp. 34-61). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


The Theory and Practice of Text-Editing: Essays in Honour of James T Boulton

Walsh, M., & Small, I. C. (Eds.) (1991). The Theory and Practice of Text-Editing: Essays in Honour of James T Boulton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



A Cambridge College Library in the Eighteenth Century: Christopher Smart's Borrowings at Pembroke

Walsh, M. (1990). A Cambridge College Library in the Eighteenth Century: Christopher Smart's Borrowings at Pembroke. The Library, 12, 34-49.

Journal article

Text, 'Text', and Swift's A Tale of a Tub

Walsh, M. (1990). Text, 'Text', and Swift's A Tale of a Tub. Modern Language Review, 85, 290-303.

Journal article

The Uses of Literary Evidence: Christopher Smart's 'Knowledge' of Hebrew

Walsh, M. (1990). The Uses of Literary Evidence: Christopher Smart's 'Knowledge' of Hebrew. English Studies, 71, 353-360.

Journal article


Samuel Johnson on Poetic Lice and Fleas

Walsh, M. (1989). Samuel Johnson on Poetic Lice and Fleas. Notes and Queries, 36, 470.

Journal article


Literary Annotation and Biblical Commentary: the Case of Patrick Hume's Annotations on Paradise Lost

Walsh, M. (1988). Literary Annotation and Biblical Commentary: the Case of Patrick Hume's Annotations on Paradise Lost. Milton Quarterly, 22, 109-114.

Journal article


Christopher Smart: Poetical Works: A Translation of the Psalms of David.

Walsh, M. (Ed.) (1987). Christopher Smart: Poetical Works: A Translation of the Psalms of David.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scholarly edition


Editing Poetry: Theory and Practice

Walsh, M. (1986). Editing Poetry: Theory and Practice. In M. Coulthard (Ed.), Talking about Text (pp. 75-87). Birmingham: English Language Research.


Smart's Pillars and the Hutchinsonians

Walsh, M. (1986). Smart's Pillars and the Hutchinsonians. Notes and Queries, 33, 67-70.

Journal article


Christopher Smart: Poetical Works: Religious Poetry, 1763-71.

Walsh, M., & Williamson, K. (Eds.) (1983). Christopher Smart: Poetical Works: Religious Poetry, 1763-71.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scholarly edition


Christopher Smart: Selected Poems

Walsh, M. (Ed.) (1979). Christopher Smart: Selected Poems. Manchester: Carcanet.


John Gay: Selected Poems

Walsh, M. (Ed.) (1979). John Gay: Selected Poems. Manchester: Carcanet.



Another Edition of the 'Proposals' for Christopher Smart's Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs

Walsh, M. (1977). Another Edition of the 'Proposals' for Christopher Smart's Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs. Notes and Queries, 24, 264.

Journal article