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Mas, Juliette & Notizia, Palmiro (eds.). Working at Home in the Ancient Near East. Archaeopress Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology 7. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2020. Pp ii + 116, ISBN: 978-1-78969-591-5 / 978-1-78969-592-2 (eBook)

Widell, M. (2022). Mas, Juliette & Notizia, Palmiro (eds.). Working at Home in the Ancient Near East. Archaeopress Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology 7. Oxford: Archaeopress, 2020. Pp ii + 116, ISBN: 978-1-78969-591-5 / 978-1-78969-592-2 (eBook). DABIR, 9(1), 106-120. doi:10.1163/29497833-00901013

Book Review

Discussions in Assyriology

Widell, M., & Daneshmand, P. (Eds.) (2022). Discussions in Assyriology (Vol. 9, DABIR Journal). Irvine, CA: Samuel Jordan Center for Persian Studies and Culture, University of California, Irvine.



Administrative and Archival Procedures in Early Babylonia. With an Addendum on the Implications on Sealing Practices

Widell, M. (2021). Administrative and Archival Procedures in Early Babylonia. With an Addendum on the Implications on Sealing Practices. In S. Günther, W. Horowitz, & M. Widell (Eds.), Of Rabid Dogs, Hunchbacked Oxen, and Infertile Goats in Ancient Babylonia: Studies Presented to Wu Yuhong on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday (Vol. 7, Supplements to the Journal of Ancient Civilizations, pp. 289-315). Changchun: Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations.


Of Rabid Dogs, Hunchbacked Oxen, and Infertile Goats in Ancient Babylonia: Studies Presented to Wu Yuhong on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday

Günther, S., Horowitz, W., & Widell, M. (Eds.) (2021). Of Rabid Dogs, Hunchbacked Oxen, and Infertile Goats in Ancient Babylonia: Studies Presented to Wu Yuhong on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday (Vol. 7, Supplements to the Journal of Ancient Civilizations). Changchun: Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations.



Destined for Slaughter: Identifying Seasonal Breeding Patterns in Sheep and Goats in Early Babylonia

Widell, M. (2020). Destined for Slaughter: Identifying Seasonal Breeding Patterns in Sheep and Goats in Early Babylonia. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 79(2), 209-223. doi:10.1086/710168

Journal article

Ur III Economy and Bureaucracy: The Neo-Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets in the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College (I)

Widell, M. (2020). Ur III Economy and Bureaucracy: The Neo-Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets in the Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College (I). Orient: Reports of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, 55, 117-154. doi:10.5356/orient.55.117

Journal article


The Administration of Storage in Early Babylonia

WIDELL, M. (2018). The Administration of Storage in Early Babylonia. Orient, 53(0), 23-34. doi:10.5356/orient.53.23

Journal article


Background, Research Design and Structure of the Modeling Program

Wilkinson, T. J., Gibson, M., & Widell, M. (2013). Background, Research Design and Structure of the Modeling Program. In T. J. Wilkinson, M. Gibson, & M. Widell (Eds.), Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes (pp. 1-8). Oxford: Archaeopress.


Discussion and Conclusions

Wilkinson, T. J., Gibson, M., & Widell, M. (2013). Discussion and Conclusions. In T. J. Wilkinson, M. Gibson, & M. Widell (Eds.), Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes (pp. 255-275). Oxford: Archaeopress.


Household & Village in Early Mesopotamia

Widell, M., Gibson, M., Wilkinson, T. J., Studenvent-Hickman, B., & Tenney, J. (2013). Household & Village in Early Mesopotamia. In T. J. Wilkinson, M. Gibson, & M. Widell (Eds.), Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes (pp. 112-129). Oxford: Archaeopress.


Land Use of the Model Communities

Widell, M., Hritz, C., Ur, J. A., & Wilkinson, T. J. (2013). Land Use of the Model Communities. In T. J. Wilkinson, M. Gibson, & M. Widell (Eds.), Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes (pp. 56-80). Oxford: Archaeopress.


Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes: How Small-Scale Processes Contributed to the Growth of Early Civilizations

Wilkinson, T. J., Gibson, M., & Widell, M. (Eds.) (2013). Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes: How Small-Scale Processes Contributed to the Growth of Early Civilizations (Vol. 2552, BAR International Series). Oxford: Archaeopress.


Output from the Agent-Based Modeling Program

Wilkinson, T. J., Christiansen, J., Altaweel, M., & Widell, M. (2013). Output from the Agent-Based Modeling Program. In T. J. Wilkinson, M. Gibson, & M. Widell (Eds.), Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes (pp. 177-203). Oxford: Archaeopress.


Staple Production, Cultivation and Sedentary Life: Model Input Data

Widell, M., Studevent-Hickman, B., Tenney, J., Lauinger, J., Mahoney, D., & Paulette, T. (2013). Staple Production, Cultivation and Sedentary Life: Model Input Data. In T. J. Wilkinson, M. Gibson, & M. Widell (Eds.), Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes (pp. 81-101). Oxford: Archaeopress.


The 'External Economy': Networks and Trade

Branting, S., Wilkinson, T. J., Christiansen, J., Widell, M., Hritz, C., Ur, J. A., . . . Altaweel, M. (2013). The 'External Economy': Networks and Trade. In T. J. Wilkinson, M. Gibson, & M. Widell (Eds.), Models of Mesopotamian Landscapes (pp. 140-151). Oxford: Archaeopress.



Who's Who in 'A balbale to Bau for Šu-Suen' (Šu-Suen A)

Widell, M. (2011). Who's Who in "A balbale to Bau for Su-Suen" (Su-Suen A). JOURNAL OF NEAR EASTERN STUDIES, 70(2), 289-302. doi:10.1086/661045

Journal article


From All the Stacks to the Center of Ur: A Note on the Handling of Finished Garments in the Neo-Sumerian Period

Widell, M. (2010). From All the Stacks to the Center of Ur: A Note on the Handling of Finished Garments in the Neo-Sumerian Period. Orient: Reports of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan, 45, 177-182. doi:10.5356/orient.45.177

Journal article


Schiff und Boot (Ship and Boat). A. In sumerischen Quellen

Widell, M. (2009). Schiff und Boot (Ship and Boat). A. In sumerischen Quellen. In M. P. Streck (Ed.), Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie (Vol. 12, pp. 158-160). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.


Trajectories and Adaptations in the Rain-Fed Agricultural Zone of Upper Mesopotamia in the Context of Severe Environmental and Climatic Fluctuations

Widell, M. (2009). Trajectories and Adaptations in the Rain-Fed Agricultural Zone of Upper Mesopotamia in the Context of Severe Environmental and Climatic Fluctuations.


Two Ur III Texts from Umma: Observations on Archival Practices and Household Management

Widell, M. (2009). Two Ur III Texts from Umma: Observations on Archival Practices and Household Management. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal, 2009(6). Retrieved from

Journal article


H.-D. Viel, The Complete Code of Hammurabi, München 2005

Widell, M. (2008). H.-D. Viel, The Complete Code of Hammurabi, München 2005. eLanguage, 2 pages. Retrieved from

Book Review

The Sumerian Expression igi-kar2 Revisited

Widell, M. (2008). The Sumerian expression igi-kar<sub>2</sub> revisited. Iraq, 70, 131-145. doi:10.1017/s0021088900000917

Journal article

The Ur III Metal Loans from Ur

Widell, M. (2008). The Ur III Metal Loans from Ur. In S. J. Garfinkle, & J. C. Johnson (Eds.), Studies in Ur III Administration: Proceedings of the First and Second Ur III Workshops at the 49th and the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, London July 10, 2003 and Chicago July 19, 2005 (pp. 207-223). Madrid: Editorial CSIC.

Conference Paper

Z. Bahrani, Rituals of War: the Body and Violence in Mesopotamia, New York 2008

Widell, M. (2008). Z. Bahrani, Rituals of War: the Body and Violence in Mesopotamia, New York 2008. Times Higher Education, 2 pages. Retrieved from

Book Review


Urbanization within a Dynamic Environment: Modeling Bronze Age Communities in Upper Mesopotamia

Wilkinson, T. J., Christiansen, J. H., Ur, J., Widell, M., & Altaweel, M. (2007). Urbanization within a dynamic environment: Modeling Bronze Age communities in upper Mesopotamia. AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST, 109(1), 52-68. doi:10.1525/AA.2007.109.1.52

Journal article

Historical Evidence for Climate Instability and Environmental Catastrophes in Northern Syria and the Jazira: the Chronicle of Michael the Syrian

Widell, M. (2007). Historical Evidence for Climate Instability and Environmental Catastrophes in Northern Syria and the Jazira: The Chronicle of Michael the Syrian. Environment and History, 13(1), 47-70. doi:10.3197/096734007779748255

Journal article

Modeling Settlement Systems in a Dynamic Environment: Case Studies from Mesopotamia

Wilkinson, T. J., Gibson, M., Christiansen, J., Widell, M., Schloen, D., Kouchoukos, N., . . . Tenney, J. (2007). Modeling Settlement Systems in a Dynamic Environment: Case Studies from Mesopotamia. In T. A. Kohler, & S. Van der Leeuw (Eds.), The Model-Based Archaeology of Socionatural Systems (pp. 175-208). Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research.

Conference Paper



Widell, M. (2013). SUMERIAN AGRICULTURE AND LAND MANAGEMENT. In SUMERIAN WORLD (pp. 55-67). Retrieved from


F. D'Agostino, F. Pomponio & R. Laurito, Neo-Sumerian Texts from Ur in the British Museum, Messina 2004

Widell, M. (2006). F. D'Agostino, F. Pomponio & R. Laurito, Neo-Sumerian Texts from Ur in the British Museum, Messina 2004. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 126(2), 65-69.

Book Review

M. Molina, Testi amministrativi neosumerici del British Museum BM 13601-14300, Roma 2003

Widell, M. (2006). M. Molina, Testi amministrativi neosumerici del British Museum BM 13601-14300, Roma 2003. Archiv für Orientforschung, 51, 271-273.

Book Review


Seeding and Plowing Practices in Nuzi

Widell, M. (2005). Seeding and Plowing Practices in Nuzi. Studies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians, 15, 169-173.

Journal article

Some Reflections on Babylonian Exchange during the End of the Third Millennium BC

Widell, M. (2005). Some Reflections on Babylonian Exchange during the End of the Third Millennium BC. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 48(3), 388-400. doi:10.1163/156852005774342876

Journal article

The Administrative Texts from the Ur III Period in the Medelhavsmuseet

Widell, M. (2005). The Administrative Texts from the Ur III Period in the Medelhavsmuseet. Medelhavsmuseet. Focus on the Mediterranean, 2, 11-44.

Journal article


Reflections on Some Households and their Receiving Officials in the City of Ur in the Ur III Period

Widell, M. (2004). Reflections on some households and their receiving officials in the city of Ur in the Ur III period. JOURNAL OF NEAR EASTERN STUDIES, 63(4), 283-290. doi:10.1086/426631

Journal article

G.H. Kaplan, Use of Aspect Tense Verbal Forms in Akkadian Texts of the Hammurapi Period, München 2002

Widell, M. (2004). G.H. Kaplan, Use of Aspect Tense Verbal Forms in Akkadian Texts of the Hammurapi Period, München 2002. Language, 80(3), 625-626.

Book Review

Ga-til3-e of Ur and UET 9:1370

WIDELL, M. (2004). Ga-til3-e OF UR AND UET 9:1370. Orient, 39, 111-121. doi:10.5356/orient1960.39.111

Journal article

Some Observations on the Administration, Agriculture and Animal Management of Tell Beydar

Widell, M. (2004). Some Observations on the Administration, Agriculture and Animal Management of Tell Beydar. Ugarit-Forschungen, 35, 717-733.

Journal article

The Calendar of Neo-Sumerian Ur and Its Political Significance

Widell, M. (2004). The Calendar of Neo-Sumerian Ur and Its Political Significance. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal, 2004(2). Retrieved from

Journal article


The Administrative and Economic Ur III Texts from the City of Ur

Widell, M. (2003). The Administrative and Economic Ur III Texts from the City of Ur. Gorgias Press. doi:10.31826/9781463209209


B. Kessler, The Significance of Word Lists, Stanford 2001

Widell, M. (2003). B. Kessler, The Significance of Word Lists, Stanford 2001. Language, 79(2), 442-443.

Book Review

The Ur III Calendar(s) of Turam-ili

Widell, M. (2003). The Ur III Calendar(s) of Turam-ili. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal, 2003(2). Retrieved from

Journal article


A Note on the Sumerian Expression SI-ge4-de3/dam

Widell, M. (2002). A note on the Sumerian expression SI-ge&lt;sub&gt;4&lt;/sub&gt;-de&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;/dam. Sefarad, 62(2), 393-400. doi:10.3989/sefarad.2002.v62.i2.565

Journal article

A Previously Unpublished Lawsuit from Ur III Adab

Widell, M. (2002). A Previously Unpublished Lawsuit from Ur III Adab. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal, 2002(2). Retrieved from

Journal article

M. Sigrist, Neo-Sumerian Archival Texts in the Nies Babylonian Collection, Bethesda 2001

Widell, M. (2002). M. Sigrist, Neo-Sumerian Archival Texts in the Nies Babylonian Collection, Bethesda 2001. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 122(4), 878-881.

Book Review

N. Koslova, Ur III-Texte der St. Petersburger Ermitage, Wiesbaden 2000

Widell, M. (2002). N. Koslova, Ur III-Texte der St. Petersburger Ermitage, Wiesbaden 2000. Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 92, 263-268.

Book Review

Reconstructing the Early History of the Ur III State: Some Methodological Considerations of the Use of Year Names

Widell, M. (2002). Reconstructing the Early History of the Ur III State: Some Methodological Considerations of the Use of Year Names. Journal of Ancient Civilizations, 17, 99-111.

Journal article


Kud-da May Be Innocent! An Ur III Lawsuit Dealing with Sheep Robbery Revised

Widell, M. (2001). Kud-da May Be Innocent! An Ur III Lawsuit Dealing with Sheep Robbery Revised. Journal of Ancient Civilizations, 16, 31-36.

Journal article


Some Considerations on the Meaning of gis bi2-(in)-DU3 in the Royal Inscription of Utu-hegal

Widell, M. (2000). Some Considerations on the Meaning of gis bi2-(in)-DU3 in the Royal Inscription of Utu-hegal. Journal of Ancient Civilizations, 15, 59-68.

Journal article


Der Mondgott Sin in der altakkadischen Periode: einige Bemerkungen über die Erwähnungen in den schriftlichen Quellen und die Darstellungen in der Glyptik

Widell, M. (1999). Der Mondgott Sin in der altakkadischen Periode: einige Bemerkungen über die Erwähnungen in den schriftlichen Quellen und die Darstellungen in der Glyptik. Journal of Ancient Civilizations, 14, 125-143.

Journal article


The Interpretation and Reconstruction of the Double Temple at Hazor

Widell, M. (1997). The Interpretation and Reconstruction of the Double Temple at Hazor. Svensk Exegetisk Arsbok, 62, 27-56.

Journal article