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Luigi Di Sarno

Dr Luigi Di Sarno
Laurea (cum Laude), DIC, MSc, PhD, IStructE


Multi-hazard analysis, design and retrofitting of critical structures and infrastructure, including soil-structrure interaction

Non-structural components and building contents

Resilient and sustanaible structural solutions to achieve Net Zero and UN Sustainable Development Goals (design-by-testing approach)

Research grants

Informed mining: risk reduction through enhanced public and institutional risk awareness (IM AWARE)


November 2019 - March 2023

    Research collaborations

    Norberto Rojas Mercedes

    Seismic Risk Analysis of Existing Bridges with Ageing Effects in Dominican Republic (SERINGES) - Fondo Nacional de Innovacion y Desarllo Cientifico y Technologico (FONDOSCYT) del Ministerio de Education Superior Ciencia y Tecnologia (MESCYT)

    Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), Dominican Republic

    Project Partner (Co-I)

    Fabio Freddi

    SERA - H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017/H2020-INFRAIA-2016-1 HybrId Testing of an Existing Steel FRAme with Infills under Multiple EarthquakeS (HITFRAMES)

    University College London, UK

    Project PI

    Michalis Fragiadakis

    SERA - H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017/H2020-INFRAIA-2016-1 SEismic REsilience of Museum contEnts (SEREME)

    National Technical University of Athens, Greece

    Project Partner (Co-I)

    Bursi Oreste

    H2020 - MSCA - ITN for Extreme loading analysis of petrolchemicals plants and design of metamaterial-based shields for enhanced resilience (XP-Resilience)

    University of Trento, Italy

    Project Partner (Co-I)

    Kwon Oh-Sung

    H2020 - MSCA - RISE - Experimental & Computational Hybrid Assessment of Natural Gas Pipelines Exposed to Seismic Risk (Exchange-Risk)

    University of Toronto, Canada

    Project Partner (Co-I)

    Sextos Anastasios

    H2020 - MSCA - RISE - Project Partner for Experimental & Computational Hybrid Assessment of Natural Gas Pipelines Exposed to Seismic Risk (Exchange-Risk)

    University of Bristol, UK

    Project Partner (Co-I)