Why Parties Gain Votes When the Public Perceives Them Shifting to the Right
Adams, J., Bernardi, L., Ezrow, L., & Somer-Topcu, Z. (2023). Why Parties Gain Votes When the Public Perceives Them Shifting to the Right. POLITICAL STUDIES. doi:10.1177/00323217231178979
Voting Propensity and Parental Depression
Bernardi, L., Bridger, E., & Mattila, M. (2024). Voting Propensity and Parental Depression. Electoral Studies.
Depressive rumination and political engagement
Bernardi, L., Gotlib, I. H., & Bernardi, F. (2023). Depressive rumination and political engagement. JOURNAL OF ELECTIONS PUBLIC OPINION AND PARTIES. doi:10.1080/17457289.2023.2246371
Not in the mood for party: Symptoms of depression reduce the weight of partisanship on vote choice
Bernardi, L., Rico, G., & Anduiza, E. (n.d.). Not in the mood for party: Symptoms of depression reduce the weight of partisanship on vote choice. Political Psychology. Retrieved from
A Cognitive Model of Depression and Political Attitudes
Bernardi, L., Sala, G., & Gotlib, I. H. (2023). A Cognitive Model of Depression and Political Attitudes. Electoral Studies. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102737
Depression and the gender gap in political interest
Ojeda, C., Bernardi, L., & Landwehr, C. (2023). Depression and the gender gap in political interest. ELECTORAL STUDIES, 82. doi:10.1016/j.electstud.2023.102598
Down But Not Yet Out: Depression, Political Efficacy, and Voting
Bernardi, L., Mattila, M., Papageorgiou, A., & Rapeli, L. (2023). Down But Not Yet Out: Depression, Political Efficacy, and Voting. POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY, 44(2), 217-233. doi:10.1111/pops.12837
COVID-19 stressors, mental/emotional distress and political support
Bernardi, L., & Gotlib, I. H. (2022). COVID-19 stressors, mental/emotional distress and political support. WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS, 46(2), 425-436. doi:10.1080/01402382.2022.2055372
Understanding change and stability in module design in the U.K. before and during COVID-19: Evidence from an academic survey
Bernardi, L. (2023). Understanding change and stability in module design in the U.K. before and during COVID-19: Evidence from an academic survey. Developing Academic Practice, 2023(Special), 109-129. doi:10.3828/dap.2023.8
The impact of COVID-19 stressors on mental health and political engagement in the UK
Bernardi, L., & Fleischer, L. (n.d.). The impact of COVID-19 stressors on mental health and political engagement in the UK (Heseltine Institute Policy Briefing 2(13)). Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place.
Depression and political predispositions: Almost blue?
Bernardi, L. (2021). Depression and political predispositions: Almost blue?. PARTY POLITICS, 27(6), 1132-1143. doi:10.1177/1354068820930391
Effects of COVID-19-related life changes on mental health in Syrian refugees in Turkey.
Bernardi, L., Gotlib, I. H., & Zihnioğlu, Ö. (2021). Effects of COVID-19-related life changes on mental health in Syrian refugees in Turkey.. BJPsych open, 7(6), e182. doi:10.1192/bjo.2021.1009
The Simplest Government Heuristic of All: Citizens Infer that Governing Parties are Pro-European Union
Adams, J., Bernardi, L., & Phillips, C. M. (n.d.). The Simplest Government Heuristic of All: Citizens Infer that Governing Parties are Pro-European Union. Comparative Political Studies, 0. doi:10.1177/0010414020970220
Depression and attitudes to change in referendums: The case of Brexit
Bernardi, L., & Johns, R. (2021). Depression and attitudes to change in referendums: The case of Brexit. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL RESEARCH, 60(2), 339-358. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12398
The public, the protester, and the bill: do legislative agendas respond to public opinion signals?
Bernardi, L., Bischof, D., & Wouters, R. (2021). The public, the protester, and the bill: do legislative agendas respond to public opinion signals?. JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY, 28(2), 289-310. doi:10.1080/13501763.2020.1729226
Mental Health and Political Representation: A Roadmap
Bernardi, L. (2021). Mental Health and Political Representation: A Roadmap. FRONTIERS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, 2. doi:10.3389/fpos.2020.587588
The Syrian Refugee Mental Health Panel Study: The COVID-19 Report
Bernardi, L., Zihnioglu, O., & Gotlib, I. H. (n.d.). The Syrian Refugee Mental Health Panel Study: The COVID-19 Report: The Syrian Refugee Mental Health Panel Study: The COVID-19 Report.
Social Welfare Policy Outputs and Governing Parties’ Left-Right Images: Do Voters Respond?
Adams, J., Bernardi, L., & Wlezien, C. (2020). Social Welfare Policy Outputs and Governing Parties’ Left-Right Images: Do Voters Respond?. The Journal of Politics, 82(3), 1161-1165. doi:10.1086/707523
Policy Responsiveness and Electoral Incentives: A (Re)assessment
Bernardi, L. (2020). Policy Responsiveness and Electoral Incentives: A (Re)assessment. Political Behavior, 42, 165-188. doi:10.1007/s11109-018-9490-4
A problem with empirical studies of party policy shifts: Alternative measures of party shifts are uncorrelated
Adams, J., Bernardi, L., Ezrow, L., Gordon, O. B., Tau-Ping, L., & Phillips, M. C. (2019). A problem with empirical studies of party policy shifts: Alternative measures of party shifts are uncorrelated. European Journal of Political Research, 58(4), 1019-1256. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12324
Does Government Support Respond to Governments’ Social Welfare Rhetoric or their Spending? An Analysis of Government Support in Britain, Spain and the United States
Bernardi, L., & Adams, J. (2019). Does Government Support Respond to Governments’ Social Welfare Rhetoric or their Spending? An Analysis of Government Support in Britain, Spain and the United States. British Journal of Political Science, 49(4), 1407-1429. doi:10.1017/S0007123417000199
Governing Coalition Partners’ Images Shift in Parallel but Do Not Converge
Adams, J., & Bernardi, L. (n.d.). Governing Coalition Partners’ Images Shift in Parallel but Do Not Converge. The Journal of Politics, 81(4), 1500-1511. doi:10.1086/704700
From popularity to vulnerability: An application to dynamic representation in coalition governments
Bernardi, L. (2018). From popularity to vulnerability: An application to dynamic representation in coalition governments. Party Politics, 26(4), 459-470. doi:10.1177/1354068818790117
The effects of the Fukushima disaster on nuclear energy debates and policies: a two-step comparative examination
Bernardi, L., Morales, L., Lühiste, M., & Bischof, D. (2018). The effects of the Fukushima disaster on nuclear energy debates and policies: a two-step comparative examination. Environmental Politics, 27(01), 42-68. doi:10.1080/09644016.2017.1383007
Challenges of political participation and intra-party democracy: Bittersweet symphony from party membership and primary elections in Italy
Bernardi, L., Sandri, G., & Seddone, A. (2017). Challenges of political participation and intra-party democracy: Bittersweet symphony from party membership and primary elections in Italy. Acta Politica, 52, 218-240. doi:10.1057/ap.2016.4
Vox Populi Vox Dei? Electoral Competition and Government Responsiveness in Advanced Democracies
Bernardi, L. (2016). Vox Populi Vox Dei? Electoral Competition and Government Responsiveness in Advanced Democracies.
C'avrà il suo interesse... Quanto conta la politica per i partecipanti alle primarie?
Bernardi, L. (2013). C'avrà il suo interesse... Quanto conta la politica per i partecipanti alle primarie?. In C&LS Candidate and Leader Selection (Ed.), Forza Doria. Divertissements seri sulle elezioni primarie (pp. 33-36). Edizioni Epoké.
Le primarie di Cagliari del 2011: scenario di una disfatta, preludio di una conquista
Bernardi, L., & Rombi, S. (2013). Le primarie di Cagliari del 2011: scenario di una disfatta, preludiodi una conquista. In A. Seddone, & M. Valbruzzi (Eds.), Le primarie da vicino. Analisi e bilanci sulle primarie comunali in Italia. Edizioni Epoké.
Nella testa dei selettori. Gli orientamenti di voto tra primo e secondo turno
Bernardi, L., & Rombi, S. (2013). Nella testa dei selettori. Gli orientamenti di voto tra primo e secondo turno. In B. Gelli, T. Mannarini, & C. Talò (Eds.), Perdere vincendo. Dal successo delle primarie 2012 all'impasse post-elettorale (pp. 189-207). FrancoAngeli.
Fare, disfare e malfare le elezioni primarie: il ruolo dei partiti
Bernardi, L., & Valbruzzi, M. (2012). Fare, disfare e malfare le elezioni primarie: il ruolo dei partiti. In A. Seddone, & M. Valbruzzi (Eds.), Primarie per il sindaco. Partiti, candidati, elettori (pp. 49-76). Egea.