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Lindsay Davies

Ms Lindsay Davies

SoES Management Services Team Leader
School of Environmental Sciences


+44 (0)151 795 0618


The Management Services Team's operational remit for the School is large and varied and includes PA support, event management, student recruitment activities and support, marketing and communications (including digital), estates and facilities management and logistics, resource planning (including Academic Portfolio Planning support), EDI and wellbeing, and project management support e.g. Athena Swan. The Team also supports all of the Human Resources administration within the School including the administration for the recruitment and appointment process, induction and leavers, PDR support and annual review which allows us to work closey with the Human Resources Department.

Broadly speaking we support People and Environment and Communications, as a team we want to help to make School staff feel valued and provide a high level if support, maintain the school’s estates and facilities and promote reputation and brand through our Communications. Supporting the well-being of our staff and students and making us all feel safe is an important part of the Management Services Team.

The team overall looks at People and Culture, School Operations and Digital Communications: we can help support you from the physical environment you are working in to any visits, conference, forum internal, open days, discovery and national/international conferences.

The Management Service Team consists of:
-Artemis Mermigki, Colette Campbell, Matthew Davies, Rebecca Prescott - this team can be contacted via
-Alison Barkley, Jamie Hughes can be contacted via
-Tinho Da Cruz - Map Curator can be contacted via

If there is anything you feel is confidential and you just need to chat with someone please feel free to contact me personally or Rebecca via