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Leon Bassi

Mr Leon Bassi
MSc, Dip Dent Paed (DT) RCS Edin, Dip DTh, FHEA, FDT FEd (RCS Ed)

Clinical Lecturer, Restorative Dentistry (Dental Therapy)
School of Dentistry


Leon is a clinical lecturer for both undergraduate programmes in the School of Dentistry, the programmes are the BSc in Dental Therapy and the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS).

He is the co-lead for the Year 1 of the Collaborative Learning Core of the Centennial Curriculum, which teaches both BSc and BDS students together.
Leon is co-lead for Patient care observation components (PCO), which spans through the 5 years of the centennial curriculum. Leon co leads Patient Care Provision(PCP) for the restorative department for years one and two of the centennial curriculum, which sits in juxtaposition to integrated skills development. Leon delivers both simulated and clinical teaching, as well as didactic teaching including small group teaching and lecture delivery. Leon is an academic advisor to both dental and dental therapy students on the new curriculum.

Paediatric dentistry in primary dental care ( Externally )

Conscious sedation for the paediatric patient ( Externally )

Carious lesion management in primary dental care for the dental team, with special focus on the Dental Care Professional groups