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Laurence Bouchenoire

Dr Laurence Bouchenoire


(+)334 7688 2436


Research collaborations

Richard Morris

University of Warwick

Development of new x-ray phase-retarder silicon crystals for sub 3 keV synchrotron application. Our collaboration covers the specification, fabrication, characterization and real test experiments of the crystals. The collected data are now being analyzed and a paper is being written up.

Thomas Hase

University of Warwick

Study of the magnetic behavior of the polarized Pd layer in FePd magnetic quantum wells using x-ray resonant scattering at the Pd L3 edge.

Alessandro Mirone


A computer code using a phenomenological approach needed to be written to analyze x-ray scattering data measured on rare-earth holmium metal.

Markys Cain

National Physical Laboratory

Development of a phase-retarder oscillator using piezos