Selected publications
- Resistance and the Radical Imagination: A Reflection on the Role of the Critical Criminologist in Social Movements (Journal article - 2022)
- Between containment and crackdown in Geylang, Singapore: Urban crime control as the statecrafting of migrant exclusion (Journal article - 2022)
- Prefigurative Politics as Resistance to State-Corporate Harm. Fighting Gentrification in post-Occupy New York City (Chapter - 2020)
- ‘Goldman-Sachs doesn’t care if you raise chicken’: the challenges of resistant prefiguration (Journal article - 2018)
“You need to put on your own oxygen mask first”: considering extinction rebellion’s regenerative culture as a mode of constructive resistance
Naegler, L., Mythen, G., Leeks, T., & French, A. (n.d.). “You need to put on your own oxygen mask first”: considering extinction rebellion’s regenerative culture as a mode of constructive resistance. Journal of Political Power, 1-20. doi:10.1080/2158379x.2025.2462306
‘This is not a case of gender inequality. This is a case of injustice’: Perceptions of online resistance to camera sexual voyeurism
Vitis, L., Naegler, L., & Salehin, A. (2022). ‘This is not a case of gender inequality. This is a case of injustice’: Perceptions of online resistance to camera sexual voyeurism. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 18(4), 491-508. doi:10.1177/17416590211027337
Between containment and crackdown in Geylang, Singapore: Urban crime control as the statecrafting of migrant exclusion
Greener, J., & Naegler, L. (2022). Between containment and crackdown in Geylang, Singapore: Urban crime control as the statecrafting of migrant exclusion. URBAN STUDIES, 59(12), 2565-2581. doi:10.1177/00420980211034681
Resistance and the Radical Imagination: A Reflection on the Role of the Critical Criminologist in Social Movements
Naegler, L. (n.d.). Resistance and the Radical Imagination: A Reflection on the Role of the Critical Criminologist in Social Movements. Critical Criminology. doi:10.1007/s10612-021-09577-x
Public Responses to Online Resistance: Bringing Power into Confrontation
Vitis, L., & Naegler, L. (2021). Public Responses to Online Resistance: Bringing Power into Confrontation. In The Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Violence and Technology (pp. 693-709). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-83734-1_34
Prefigurative Politics as Resistance to State-Corporate Harm. Fighting Gentrification in post-Occupy New York City
Naegler, L. (2020). Prefigurative Politics as Resistance to State-Corporate Harm. Fighting Gentrification in post-Occupy New York City. In E. L. Hart, J. Greener, & R. Moth (Eds.), Resist the Punitive State. Grassroots Struggles Across Welfare, Housing, Education and Prison (pp. 28-45). London: Pluto Press.
Die fotodokumentarische Tradition: Auf Abwegen zu einer sinnlicheren Kriminologie. Translation of Jeff Ferrell (2018), The Photodocumentary Tradition: Drifting toward a more sensual criminology
Naegler, L., Egbert, S., & Paul, B. (2020). Die fotodokumentarische Tradition: Auf Abwegen zu einer sinnlicheren Kriminologie. Translation of Jeff Ferrell (2018), The Photodocumentary Tradition: Drifting toward a more sensual criminology. Kriminologisches Journal, 52(1).
Cultural Criminology and Female Offending
Naegler, L., & Salman, S. (n.d.). Cultural Criminology and Female Offending. In Unknown Book (pp. 1-4). Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118929803.ewac0079
‘Goldman-Sachs doesn’t care if you raise chicken’: the challenges of resistant prefiguration
Naegler, L. (2018). ‘Goldman-Sachs doesn’t care if you raise chicken’: the challenges of resistant prefiguration. Social Movement Studies, 17(5), 507-523. doi:10.1080/14742837.2018.1495074
Cultural Criminology and Gender Consciousness: Moving Feminist Theory From Margin to Center
Naegler, L., & Salman, S. (2016). Cultural Criminology and Gender Consciousness. Feminist Criminology, 11(4), 354-374. doi:10.1177/1557085116660609
Jock Young and social bulimia: Crime and the contradictions of capitalism
Brotherton, D. C., & Naegler, L. (2014). Jock Young and social bulimia: Crime and the contradictions of capitalism. Theoretical Criminology, 18(4), 441-449. doi:10.1177/1362480614557194
The Ritual of Insurrection and the ‘Thrill-Seeking Youth’. An Instant Ethnography of Inner-City Riots in Germany
Naegler, L. (2014). The Ritual of Insurrection and the ‘Thrill-Seeking Youth’. An Instant Ethnography of Inner-City Riots in Germany. In Riot, Unrest and Protest on the Global Stage (pp. 151-168). Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1007/978-1-137-30553-4_9
Vom widerständigen Raum zum kommerzialisierten Raum: Gentrifizierungswiderstand im Hamburger Schanzenviertel
Naegler, L. K. (2013). Vom widerständigen Raum zum kommerzialisierten Raum: Gentrifizierungswiderstand im Hamburger Schanzenviertel. Kriminologisches Journal.
Gentrification and Resistance Cultural Criminology, Control, and the Commodification of Urban Protest in Hamburg
Naegler, L. (2012). Gentrification and Resistance Cultural Criminology, Control, and the Commodification of Urban Protest in Hamburg. LIT Verlag Münster.
Städtische Soziale Bewegungen - Soziale Bewegungen in der Stadt
Naegler, L., Neef, R., & Neumann, U. (2012). Städtische Soziale Bewegungen - Soziale Bewegungen in der Stadt.
Urbanität und Protest: Neue Perspektiven der Stadt- und Bewegungsforschung
Naegler, L., Neef, R., & Neumann, U. (2012). Urbanität und Protest: Neue Perspektiven der Stadt- und Bewegungsforschung.