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Laura Harkness-Brennan

Professor Laura Harkness-Brennan
PhD MPhys PGCert MInstP FHEA

Professor of Physics and Associate pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Impact for Science & Engineering

Professional Activities

2023-present National Physical Laboratory (NPL) Science and Technology Advisory Council member
2023-present UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College (IAC) Chair
2023 -present IPEM-IOP Series in Physics and Engineering in Medicine and Biology Editorial board member
2023-present STFC Late Stage Research and Development Panel Member
2023-2024 STFC Technology Department External Review Board Chair
2023 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) German Excellence Strategy Clusters of Excellence Panel Member
2023 UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Panel
2021-present FCT (Portugal) Physics R and D Projects Evaluation Panel Member
2021-present Cockcroft Institute Board Member
2020-present STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship Panel (Nuclear Physics Chair 2023-2024)
2020-2021 UKRI Develop basic technologies in sensing and imaging Panel Co-Chair
2019-2023 STFC Project Peer Review panel member
2018 STFC Newton Malaysia panel member
2017-2018 STFC Global Challenges Research Fund panel member
2016-2018 NuPECC Long Range Plan Working Group Member.
2016-2018 STFC Industrial CASE studentships panel member
2015-2019 Committee member of the IOP Nuclear Physics Group
2014-2016 Committee member of the IOP Physics Communicators Group
2013-present Journal reviewer for IOP Journal of Instrumentation
2012-present Journal reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
2009-present Journal reviewer for Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A

Conference Roles

  • Enhanced Waste Assay, invited plenary talk , by Invitation (2nd International Conference on Dosimetry and Applications, University of Surrey, 2016)
  • Point-like contact germanium detectors for high-resolution gamma spectroscopy, invited plenary talk, TASCA Workshop, by Invitation (GSI, 2015)
  • Novel techniques to enhance gamma-ray spectrometry for the nuclear industry, invited plenary talk, Conference on Applied Radiation Metrology, by Invitation (CARM2015, National Physical Laboratory, 2015)
  • Invited plenary talk "A new detector for gamma-ray spectroscopy and imaging", by Invitation (Institute of Physics Nuclear Physics Conference, 2015)
  • Interview for "The half life of strontium 90" programme, by Invitation (BBC Radio 4, 2015)
  • Public Lecture "Gamma-rays: imaging the invisible", by Invitation (STFC Daresbury Laboratory Talking Science, 2015)
  • "The role of nuclear physics in medicine", by Invitation (STFC RAL Teach the Teachers , 2014)
  • "Imaging the Invisible", by Invitation (IOP Teachers Conference, 2014)
  • What GAMOS can do for nuclear physicists, by Invitation (Institute of Physics meeting on Geant4 in Nuclear Physics, 2013)
  • An Introduction to Broad Energy Germanium detectors, by Invitation (University of Jyvaskyla, 2013)
  • Compton imaging with semiconductor detectors, by Invitation (Canberra, USA, 2013)
  • "Broad Energy Germanium (BEGe detectors)", by Invitation (University of York Nuclear Physics Seminar, 2013)
  • Invited Seminar - "Compton Imaging: From Concept to Application", by Invitation (IFAE, Barcelona, 2011)

Examination Roles

  • University of Glasgow, PhD Candidate (2018)
  • University of Surrey, PhD candidate (2018)

Organisations I have been associated with

  • Kromek Ltd (2012 - present)
  • Canberra Industries (2012 - present)
  • Institute of Physics
  • STEM Ambassador

Professional Body Memberships

  • Higher Education Academy (Fellow, 2014 - present)
  • Institute of Physics (IOP) (Member Institute of Physics, 2007 - present)

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Physics Impact Lead
  • Member of the Early Career Researchers Forum for the Faculty of Science and Engineering