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I obtained my BSc and my MSc in Zoology at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland) working on reintroduction projects and population ecology of dormice (2004). I moved to Liverpool to study for a PhD with Mike Begon and Malcolm Bennett where I studied cowpox infection in field voles in Kielder Forest.

I have worked as a research technician in the Institute of Integrative Biology at the University of Liverpool for over 5 years. I currently work as a technician on a research project investigating immunodynamics and infectious disease in a wild field vole population led by Professors Steve Paterson and Mike Begon, on which I co-manage and lead a group of technical and research staff and students. I manage both the laboratory and fieldwork sides of the project and had a major role in the initial set-up of the project including financial and logistic aspects.