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My research focuses on developing validation methodologies to build confidence in predictions of computational models. I study image decomposition (or orthogonal decomposition) techniques and statistical methods to compare outcomes from simulations, for example displacement fields, with full-field measurements. These techniques are applicable to a variety of disciplines and sectors where data can be represented as a map; currently, I am concentrating on applications in aerospace and nuclear engineering. The challenges I am addressing are the standardisation of the validation methods, effective use of the measured data in the validation process and interpretation of the validation outcomes to support decisions based on the predictions of the computational models.

Validation metrics. Experimental and computational mechanics.

Validation of computational solid mechanics models. Integrating orthogonal decomposition and correlation techniques to study macro-scale structural behaviour across engineering sectors.

Research grants

Harnessing image decomposition based validation to support the development of high fidelity computer models


November 2022 - November 2025

    Research collaborations

    Dr David Backman

    Institute for Aerospace Research NRC (Canada)

    Institute for Aerospace Research NRC (Canada)