Selected publications
- European Consensus and the Legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights (Book - 2015)
- Mission Impossible? Addressing Non-Execution through Infringement Proeedings in the European Court of Human Rights (Journal article - 2017)
- Great Debates on the European Convention on Human Rights (Book - 2018)
- Can the European Court of Human Rights Shape European Public Order? Introduction (Chapter - 2021)
- Conversations with friends: 'friends of the Court' interventions of the state parties to the European Convention on Human Rights (Journal article - 2023)
Russia, the Council of Europe and the European Convention on Human Rights A Troubled Membership and Its Legacy
Bates, E., Dzehtsiarou, K., & Forde, A. (2025). Russia, the Council of Europe and the European Convention on Human Rights A Troubled Membership and Its Legacy. Bristol University Press. Retrieved from
KlimaSeniorinnen Revolution’: The New Approach to Standing
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2024). KlimaSeniorinnen Revolution’: The New Approach to Standing. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 5(4), 423-431. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10110
The Use of Scholarship by the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Ridi, N. (2024). The Use of Scholarship by the European Court of Human Rights. International and Comparative Law Quarterly. doi:10.1017/S0020589324000162
The United Kingdom and the European Convention on Human Rights: Together Until the End?
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2024). The United Kingdom and the European Convention on Human Rights: Together Until the End?. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 5(1), 1-7. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10086
Conversations with friends: 'friends of the Court' interventions of the state parties to the European Convention on Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2023). Conversations with friends: 'friends of the Court' interventions of the state parties to the European Convention on Human Rights. LEGAL STUDIES, 43(3), 381-401. doi:10.1017/lst.2022.54
Reforming the Election Process of Judges of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2023). Reforming the Election Process of Judges of the European Court of Human Rights. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 4(3), 231-239. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10069
The Brownian Motion of Legal Terms in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2023). The Brownian Motion of Legal Terms in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights. In Reflections on International Law (pp. 57-69). Brill | Nijhoff. doi:10.1163/9789004545946_005
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Role of the President of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2023). Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Role of the President of the European Court of Human Rights. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 4(1), 1-6. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10058
Keep Me in the Loop: Feedback Exchange between the European Court of Human Rights and States
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2023). Keep Me in the Loop: Feedback Exchange between the European Court of Human Rights and States. Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 22(3), 591-622. doi:10.1163/15718034-bja10101
Key Challenges for the Next Era of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2022). Key Challenges for the Next Era of the European Court of Human Rights. In LIBER AMICORUM ROBERT SPANO. Paris: Eleven Anthemis.
A Thorny Road to Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Ukraine and the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Tzevelekos, V. P. (2022). A Thorny Road to Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Ukraine and the European Court of Human Rights. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 3(4), 427-434. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10050
The Judicial Discretion of the European Court of Human Rights: The Years of Plenty, and the Lean Years
Tzevelekos, V. P., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2022). The Judicial Discretion of the European Court of Human Rights: The Years of Plenty, and the Lean Years. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 3(3), 285-292. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10049
The Aggression Against Ukraine and the Effectiveness of Inter-state Cases in Case of War
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Tzevelekos, V. P. (2022). The Aggression Against Ukraine and the Effectiveness of Inter-state Cases in Case of War. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 3(2), 165-173. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10041
Can human rights law live up to its promises?
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2022). Can human rights law live up to its promises?. European Human Rights Law Review.
Climate Change: The World and the ECtHR in Unchartered Waters
Tzevelekos, V. P., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2022). Climate Change: The World and the ECtHR in Unchartered Waters. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 3(1), 1-7. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10036
Freedom of Commercial Expression and Public Health Protection at the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiaroui, K., & Garde, A. (2022). Freedom of Commercial Expression and Public Health Protection at the European Court of Human Rights. JOURNAL OF LAW MEDICINE & ETHICS, 50(2), 250-258. doi:10.1017/jme.2022.49
Can the European Court of Human Rights Shape European Public Order?
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2022). Can the European Court of Human Rights Shape European Public Order?. doi:10.1017/9781108608794
Can the European Court of Human Rights Shape European Public Order? Introduction
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2022). Can the European Court of Human Rights Shape European Public Order? Introduction. In CAN THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS SHAPE EUROPEAN PUBLIC ORDER? (pp. 1-21). Retrieved from
Practical tools from formal models
Atkinson, K., Collenette, J., Bench-Capon, T., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2021). Practical tools from formal models. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (pp. 170-174). ACM. doi:10.1145/3462757.3466095
Georgia v. Russia (II)
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2021). Georgia v. Russia (II). American Journal of International Law. doi:10.1017/ajil.2021.7
Interim Measures: Are Some Opportunities Worth Missing?
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Tzevelekos, V. P. (2021). Interim Measures: Are Some Opportunities Worth Missing?. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 2(1), 1-10. doi:10.1163/26663236-bja10017
Human Rights in Action. Assessing the Positive Impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 in the UK
Normal as Usual? Human Rights in Times of covid-19
Tzevelekos, V. P., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2020). Normal as Usual? Human Rights in Times of covid-19. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 1(2), 141-149. doi:10.1163/26663236-00102001
The Conscience of Europe that Landed in Strasbourg: A Circle of Life of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Tzevelekos, V. P. (2020). The Conscience of Europe that Landed in Strasbourg: A Circle of Life of the European Court of Human Rights. The European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 1(1), 1-6. doi:10.1163/26663236-00101005
Mammadov v. Azerbaijan (Eur. Ct. H.R.)
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2020). Mammadov v. Azerbaijan (Eur. Ct. H.R.). International Legal Materials, 59(1), 35-88. doi:10.1017/ilm.2020.1
Article 15 derogations: Are they really necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2020). Article 15 derogations: Are they really necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic?. European Human Rights Law Review, 2020(4), 359-371.
Electing Team Strasbourg: Professional Diversity on the European Court of Human Rights and Why it Matters
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Alex, S. (2020). Electing Team Strasbourg: Professional Diversity on the European Court of Human Rights and Why it Matters. German Law Journal, 21(4), 621-643. doi:10.1017/glj.2020.36
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2020). INTRODUCTORY NOTE TO MAMMADOV V. AZERBAIJAN (EUR. CT. H.R.). ASIL International Legal Materials.
Suspension and Expulsion of the Members of the Council of Europe: Difficult Decisions in Troubled Times
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Coffey, D. K. (2019). Suspension and Expulsion of the Members of the Council of Europe: Difficult Decisions in Troubled Times. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 68(2), 443-476. doi:10.1017/S0020589319000101
European consensus: New horizons
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2019). European consensus: New horizons. In Building Consensus on European Consensus: Judicial Interpretation of Human Rights in Europe and Beyond (pp. 29-41).
Unprincipled Disobedience to International Decisions: A Primer from the Russian Constitutional Court
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Fontanelli, F. (2018). Unprincipled Disobedience to International Decisions: A Primer from the Russian Constitutional Court. Unknown Journal, 319-342. doi:10.1017/9781780688008.014
Great Debates on the European Convention on Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K., & de Londras, F. (2018). Great Debates on the European Convention on Human Rights. Palgrave.
What Is Law for the European Court of Human Rights?
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2017). What Is Law for the European Court of Human Rights?. Georgetown Journal of International Law, 49(1 (Fall 2017)), 89-134. Retrieved from
Dialogue or Dictat?: The nature of the interaction between national courts and the European Court of Human Rights and how it influences criticism of the Human Rights Act
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2017). Dialogue or Dictat?: The nature of the interaction between national courts and the European Court of Human Rights and how it influences criticism of the Human Rights Act. In F. Cowell (Ed.), Critically Examining the Case against the 1998 Human Rights Act. Routledge. Retrieved from
The Theory, Potential and Practice of Procedural Dialogue in the European Convention on Human Rights System
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2017). The Theory, Potential and Practice of Procedural Dialogue in the European Convention on Human Rights System. HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW, 17(3), 596-599. doi:10.1093/hrlr/ngx024
Prisoner voting saga
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2017). Prisoner voting saga. In Electoral Rights in Europe (pp. 92-110). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315470498-6
Prisoner voting saga Reasons for challenges
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2017). Prisoner voting saga Reasons for challenges. In ELECTORAL RIGHTS IN EUROPE: ADVANCES AND CHALLENGES (pp. 92-110). Retrieved from
Relation of Constitutional Courts / Supreme Courts to ECtHR
Kanstantsin, D., & Natasa, M. (2016). Relation of Constitutional Courts / Supreme Courts to ECtHR. doi:10.1093/law-mpeccol/e572.013.572
Mission Impossible? Addressing Non-Execution through Infringement Proeedings in the European Court of Human Rights
De Londras, F., & Dzehtsiarou, K. A. N. S. T. A. N. T. S. I. N. (2017). Mission Impossible? Addressing Non-Execution through Infringement Proeedings in the European Court of Human Rights. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 66(2), 467-490. doi:10.1017/S002058931700001X
Brexit and the British Bill of Rights
Lock, T., Daly, T. G., Bates, E., Bell, C., Dzehtsiarou, K., Edward, D., . . . Smith, A. (2017). Brexit and the British Bill of Rights. SSRN.
International Custom Making and the ECtHR’s European Consensus Method of Interpretation
Tzevelekos, V., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2016). International Custom Making and the ECtHR’s European Consensus Method of Interpretation. European Yearbook of Human Rights, 16, 313-344.
Can the European Court of Human Rights Prevent War? Interim Measures in Inter-State Cases
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2016). Can the European Court of Human Rights Prevent War? Interim Measures in Inter-State Cases. Public Law.
Managing Judicial Innovation in the European Court of Human Rights
de Londras, F., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2015). Managing Judicial Innovation in the European Court of Human Rights. Human Rights Law Review, 15(3), 523-547. doi:10.1093/hrlr/ngv020
Family Visits for Life Long Prisoners: Written Comments in Khoroshenko v Russia
Dzehtsiarou, K., Baker, R. R. B., Fontanelli, F., Ioannidou, M., Jago, R., Konstadinides, T., & Sarvarian, A. (2015). Family Visits for Life Long Prisoners: Written Comments in Khoroshenko v Russia.
The Legal Implications of a Repeal of the Human Rights Act 1998 and Withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K., Lock, T., Johnson, P., de Londras, F., Greene, A., & Bates, E. (2015). The Legal Implications of a Repeal of the Human Rights Act 1998 and Withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights.
European Consensus and the Legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2015). European Consensus and the Legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139644471
Legitimacy of the Court and legitimacy of its judgments
Legitimacy of the Court and legitimacy of its judgments (2015). In European Consensus and the Legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights (pp. 143-176). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139644471.007
Family Visits and the Right to Hope—Vinter is Coming (Back)
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Fontanelli, F. (2015). Family Visits and the Right to Hope—Vinter is Coming (Back). European Human Rights Law Reveiw, 2, 163-173. Retrieved from
Advisory jurisdiction and the European Court of Human Rights: a magic bullet for dialogue and docket-control?
Dzehtsiarou, K., & O'Meara, N. (2014). Advisory jurisdiction and the European Court of Human Rights: a magic bullet for dialogue and docket-control?. Legal Studies, 34(3), 444-468. doi:10.1111/lest.12025
Legitimacy and Independence of International Tribunals: An Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Coffey, D. (2014). Legitimacy and Independence of International Tribunals: An Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights. Hastings International and Comparative Law Reveiw.
European Consensus and the EU Accession to the ECHR
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Repyeuski, P. (2014). European Consensus and the EU Accession to the ECHR. In The EU Accession to the ECHR (pp. 309-326).
Human Rights Law in Europe: The Influence, Overlaps and Contradictions of the EU and the ECHR
Dzehtsiarou, K., Konstadinides, T., Lock, T., & O'Meara, N. (Eds.) (n.d.). Human Rights Law in Europe. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203538029
Interaction between the European Court of Human Rights and member States: European consensus, advisory opinions and the question of legitimacy
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2013). Interaction between the European Court of Human Rights and member States: European consensus, advisory opinions and the question of legitimacy. In EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND ITS DISCONTENTS: TURNING CRITICISM INTO STRENGTH (pp. 116-134). Retrieved from
Evolutive Interpretation of Rights Provisions: A Comparison of the European Court of Human Rights and the US Supreme Court
O'Mahony, C., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2013). Evolutive Interpretation of Rights Provisions: A Comparison of the European Court of Human Rights and the US Supreme Court.
de Londras, F., & Dzehtsiarou, K. (2013). II. GRAND CHAMBER OF THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS, <i>A</i>, <i>B</i> & <i>C v IRELAND</i>, DECISION OF 17 DECEMBER 2010. INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW QUARTERLY, 62(1), 250-262. doi:10.1017/S0020589312000620
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Lukashevich, V. (2012). INFORMED DECISION-MAKING: THE COMPARATIVE ENDEAVOURS OF THE STRASBOURG COURT. NETHERLANDS QUARTERLY OF HUMAN RIGHTS, 30(3), 272-298. doi:10.1177/016934411203000303
European Consensus and the Evolutive Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2011). European Consensus and the Evolutive Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights. German Law Journal, 12(10), 1730-1745. doi:10.1017/s2071832200017533
Legitimacy and the Future of the European Court of Human Rights: Critical Perspectives from Academia and Practitioners
Dzehtsiarou, K., & Greene, A. (2011). Legitimacy and the Future of the European Court of Human Rights: Critical Perspectives from Academia and Practitioners. German Law Journal, 12(10), 1707-1715. doi:10.1017/s207183220001751x
Does Consensus Matter? Legitimacy of European Consensus in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2011). Does Consensus Matter? Legitimacy of European Consensus in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights.
Comparative Law in the Reasoning of the European Court of Human Rights
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2010). Comparative Law in the Reasoning of the European Court of Human Rights. University College Dublin Law Review, 10, 109-140.
Consensus from within the Palace Walls
Dzehtsiarou, K. (n.d.). Consensus from within the Palace Walls. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.1678424
European Consensus: A Way of Reasoning
Dzehtsiarou, K. (2009). European Consensus: A Way of Reasoning. University College Dublin Law Research Paper, (11).