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Julian Chantrey

Professor Julian Chantrey
BSc, BVM+S, PhD, FRCPath, Dipl.ECZM (Wildlife Population Health), FHEA, MRCVS


Squirrelpox Epidemiology and Pathology in both UK squirrel species

The Pathogenesis of Infectious Bronchitis Virus in Poultry

Infectious disease in wildlife or captive exotic species

Research grants

Investigating the epidemiology of squirrelpox virus in grey squirrels and the squirrelpox virus’ European distribution


March 2014 - December 2014

    Research collaborations

    Dr Andy Fenton

    Part of the £1M DEFRA grant application (with Aberdeen, Salford and FERA) looking at modelling of vole and badger mycobacterial infections.

    Dr Tim Littlewood

    Natural History Museum

    Recently (June 2011) submitted NERC grant application for £251,481 in conjunction with NHM and Chester Zoo to investigate the origin, diagnosis and control of pathogenic trematodes in rare and endangered captive birds.

    Prof. Richard Birtles

    The University of Salford

    Recently (July 2011) submitted DEFRA grant application for £1,036,280 in conjunction with Salford and Aberdeen (Dr S.Telfer) Universities and also VLA Weybridge (Dr Chambers) and FERA ecologists (Dr Delahay) on quantifying the role of Mycobacterium microti as a confounder of bovine tuberculosis epidemiology. Of this grant, £102,128 will be allocated for my research here at Liverpool.

    Dr Paul Jepson

    Institute of Zoology

    One of the members of the Cetaceans Strandings investigation programme covering the NW England and North Wales.

    Steve Unwin

    Chester Zoo

    I am the veterinary pathologist for Chester Zoo investigating causes of death in the animals in their collection. Serial case reports on RSV in chimps and renal fluke in exotic doves are to follow as papers and the latter is the basis for the NERC grant application.

    Dr Becki Lawson

    Institute of Zoology

    Investigations into the causes of death and overall population trends in garden bird species. Current diseases being researched include Trichomoniasis and Avian pox. 11 papers published from this collaberation.

    Dr. Ann Laudisoit

    Research collaberation into investigating the epidemiology and pathology of monkeypox virus in DRCongo squirrels. MSc project.

    Dr Phill Watts

    Research collaberation into investigating the genetic variation between squirrelpox virus in British squirrels. MSc project.

    Dr John McGarry

    Research collaberation into investigating the immuno suppressive effects of squirrelpox virus infection on protozoan and helminth parasite burden in squirrels. MSc project

    Prof Mike Begon

    Research collaberation into investigating the epidemiology of squirrelpox virus in Merseyside squirrels. NERC funded case PhD project in association with The National Trust.

    Prof Neil Hall

    Squirrel poxvirus genome sequencing

    Dr Colin McInnes

    Moredun Research Institute

    Squirrel poxvirus genome sequencing