Selected publications
- Networking Fast and Slow: The Role of Speed in Tie Formation (Journal article - 2024)
- Dissonant Ties in Intraorganizational Networks: Why Individuals Seek Problem-Solving Assistance from Difficult Colleagues (Journal article - 2020)
Invisible Iterations: How Formal and Informal Organization Shape Knowledge Networks for Coordination
Brennecke, J., Coutinho, J. A., Gilding, M., Lusher, D., & Schaffer, G. (2025). Invisible Iterations: How Formal and Informal Organization Shape Knowledge Networks for Coordination. Journal of Management Studies, 62(2), 706-747. doi:10.1111/joms.13076
The use of social media in different phases of the new product development process: a systematic literature review
Han, R., Brennecke, J., Borah, D., & Lam, H. K. S. (2025). The use of social media in different phases of the new product development process: a systematic literature review. R&D Management, 55(1), 108-126. doi:10.1111/radm.12687
Entrepreneurship as Networking: Mechanisms, Dynamics, Practices, and Strategies
Brennecke, J. (2023). Entrepreneurship as Networking: Mechanisms, Dynamics, Practices, and Strategies. ORGANIZATION STUDIES. doi:10.1177/01708406231200710
Networking Fast and Slow: The Role of Speed in Tie Formation
Brennecke, J., Ertug, G., & Elfring, T. (2022). Networking Fast and Slow: The Role of Speed in Tie Formation. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT. doi:10.1177/01492063221132483
Ertug, G., Brennecke, J., & Tasselli, S. (2023). THEORIZING ABOUT THE IMPLICATIONS OF MULTIPLEXITY: AN INTEGRATIVE TYPOLOGY. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNALS, 17(2), 626-654. doi:10.5465/annals.2021.0193
Workplace Friendships: Antecedents, Consequences, and New Challenges for Employees and Organizations
David, N. A., Coutinho, J. A., & Brennecke, J. (2023). Workplace Friendships: Antecedents, Consequences, and New Challenges for Employees and Organizations. In Understanding Workplace Relationships (pp. 325-368). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-16640-2_11
Ertug, G., Brennecke, J., Kovacs, B., & Zou, T. (2022). WHAT DOES HOMOPHILY DO? A REVIEW OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF HOMOPHILY. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNALS, 16(1), 38-69. doi:10.5465/annals.2020.0230
Leveraging Middle Managers’ Brokerage for Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Role of Multilevel Social Capital Configurations
Glaser, L., Fourne, S. P. L., Brennecke, J., & Elfring, T. (2021). Leveraging middle managers' brokerage for corporate entrepreneurship: The role of multilevel social capital configurations. LONG RANGE PLANNING, 54(4). doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2020.102068
How the organizational design of R&D units affects individual search intensity – A network study
Brennecke, J., Sofka, W., Wang, P., & Rank, O. N. (2021). How the organizational design of R&D units affects individual search intensity-A network study. RESEARCH POLICY, 50(5). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2021.104219
Advances in Exponential Random Graph Models
Lusher, D., Wang, P., Brennecke, J., Brailly, J., Faye, M., & Gallagher, C. (2020). Advances in Exponential Random Graph Models. In R. Light, & J. Moody (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Networks (pp. 234-253). Oxford University Press.
Extrinsic motivation as a determinant of knowledge exchange in sales teams: A social network approach
David, N., Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. (n.d.). Extrinsic motivation as a determinant of knowledge exchange in sales teams: A social network approach. Human Resource Management. doi:10.1002/hrm.21999
Dissonant Ties in Intraorganizational Networks: Why Individuals Seek Problem-Solving Assistance from Difficult Colleagues
Brennecke, J. (2020). Dissonant Ties in Intraorganizational Networks: Why Individuals Seek Problem-Solving Assistance from Difficult Colleagues. Academy of Management Journal, 63(3), 743-778. doi:10.5465/amj.2017.0399
Network failure: Biotechnology firms, clusters and collaborations far from the world superclusters
Gilding, M., Brennecke, J., Bunton, V., Lusher, D., Molloy, P., & Codoreanu, A. (2020). Network failure: Biotechnology firms, clusters and collaborations far from the world superclusters. Research Policy, 49(2). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2019.103902
Entrepreneurial Attitudes as Drivers of Managers’ Boundary-Spanning Knowledge Ties in the Context of High-tech Clusters
Schierjott, I., Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. N. (2018). Entrepreneurial Attitudes as Drivers of Managers’ Boundary-Spanning Knowledge Ties in the Context of High-tech Clusters. Journal of Small Business Management, 56(S1), 108-131. doi:10.1111/jsbm.12394
The network-performance relationship in knowledge-intensive contexts – A meta-analysis and cross-level comparison
Brennecke, J., & Stoemmer, N. (2018). The network-performance relationship in knowledge-intensive contexts – A meta-analysis and cross-level comparison. Human Resource Management, 57(1), 11-36. doi:10.1002/hrm.21823
Duality beyond Dyads: Multiplex patterning of social ties and cultural meanings
Basov, N., & Brennecke, J. (2017). Duality beyond Dyads: Multiplex patterning of social ties and cultural meanings. In P. Groenewegen, J. Ferguson, C. Moser, J. Mohr, & S. Borgatti (Eds.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 53 “Structure, Content and Meaning of Organizational Networks” (pp. 87-112). Bingley: Emerald. doi:10.1108/S0733-558X20170000053005
Tie heterogeneity in networks of interlocking directorates: a cost–benefit approach to firms’ tie choice
Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. N. (2017). Tie heterogeneity in networks of interlocking directorates: a cost–benefit approach to firms’ tie choice. Business Research, 10(1), 97-122. doi:10.1007/s40685-016-0042-7
The firm’s knowledge network and the transfer of advice among corporate inventors—A multilevel network study
Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. N. (2017). The firm’s knowledge network and the transfer of advice among corporate inventors—A multilevel network study. Research Policy, 46(4), 768-783. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2017.02.002
Informal Managerial Networks and Formal Firm Alliances
Brennecke, J., Schierjott, I., & Rank, O. (2016). Informal Managerial Networks and Formal Firm Alliances. Schmalenbach Business Review, 17(1), 103-125. doi:10.1007/s41464-016-0003-x
Knowledge Networks in High-Tech Clusters: A Multilevel Perspective on Interpersonal and Inter-organizational Collaboration
Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. N. (2016). Knowledge Networks in High-Tech Clusters: A Multilevel Perspective on Interpersonal and Inter-organizational Collaboration. In MULTILEVEL NETWORK ANALYSIS FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES: THEORY, METHODS AND APPLICATIONS (Vol. 12, pp. 273-293). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24520-1_11
The Firm’s Knowledge Network and the Transfer of Advice among Corporate Inventors
Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. N. (2016). The Firm’s Knowledge Network and the Transfer of Advice among Corporate Inventors. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2016 (pp. 11787). Academy of Management. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2016.125
The interplay between formal project memberships and informal advice seeking in knowledge-intensive firms: A multilevel network approach
Brennecke, J., & Rank, O. N. (2016). The interplay between formal project memberships and informal advice seeking in knowledge-intensive firms: A multilevel network approach. SOCIAL NETWORKS, 44, 307-318. doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2015.02.004