Selected publications
- Mapping the Pains of Neo-Colonialism: A Critical Elaboration of Southern Criminology (Journal article - 2021)
- From shame to blame: institutionalising oppression through the moralisation of mental distress in austerity England (Journal article - 2020)
- Between containment and crackdown in Geylang, Singapore: Urban crime control as the statecrafting of migrant exclusion (Journal article - 2022)
- Reproduction, discipline, inequality: Critiquing East-Asian developmentalism through a strategic-relational examination of Singapore's Central Provident Fund (Journal article - 2022)
- Regimes of Extreme Permission in Southeast Asia: Theorizing State-Corporate Crime in the Global South (Journal article - 2023)
Value, logistics and violence: Contemporizing imperialism for a critical Southern criminology
Ciocchini, P., & Greener, J. (2024). Value, logistics and violence: Contemporizing imperialism for a critical Southern criminology. Sociology Compass, 18(7). doi:10.1111/soc4.13238
Human Rights for Southern Criminology: Neoliberal Colonialism and Rights from Below
Ciocchini, P., & Greener, J. (2024). Human Rights for Southern Criminology: Neoliberal Colonialism and Rights from Below. In Palgrave Critical Studies in Human Rights and Criminology (pp. 111-128). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-46289-4_8
Regimes of Extreme Permission in Southeast Asia: Theorizing State-Corporate Crime in the Global South
Ciocchini, P., & Greener, J. (2023). Regimes of Extreme Permission in Southeast Asia: Theorizing State-Corporate Crime in the Global South. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY, 63(5), 1309-1326. doi:10.1093/bjc/azac091
A Cultural Political Economy case study of Singapore’s Central Provident Fund: critiquing welfare policy in the reproduction of subordination and inequality
Yeo, E., & Greener, J. (2023). A Cultural Political Economy case study of Singapore’s Central Provident Fund: critiquing welfare policy in the reproduction of subordination and inequality. In Social Policy Review 35 (pp. 220-238). Policy Press. doi:10.56687/9781447369219-014
Southern disorders
Ciocchini, P., & Greener, J. (2023). Southern disorders. In The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice (pp. 56-66). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003176619-7
“Truth” and “Consent” in Sexual Violence Reporting in Criminal Justice and Legal Contexts in Singapore
Greener, J., & Ooi, S. (2023). “Truth” and “Consent” in Sexual Violence Reporting in Criminal Justice and Legal Contexts in Singapore. In Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies (pp. 171-188). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17918-1_9
Reproduction, discipline, inequality: Critiquing East-Asian developmentalism through a strategic-relational examination of Singapore's Central Provident Fund
Greener, J., & Yeo, E. (2022). Reproduction, discipline, inequality: Critiquing East-Asian developmentalism through a strategic-relational examination of Singapore's Central Provident Fund. GLOBAL SOCIAL POLICY, 22(3), 483-502. doi:10.1177/14680181211059971
Between containment and crackdown in Geylang, Singapore: Urban crime control as the statecrafting of migrant exclusion
Greener, J., & Naegler, L. (2022). Between containment and crackdown in Geylang, Singapore: Urban crime control as the statecrafting of migrant exclusion. URBAN STUDIES, 59(12), 2565-2581. doi:10.1177/00420980211034681
Moralising racial regimes: surveillance and control after Singapore’s ‘Little India riots’
Greener, J. (2022). Moralising racial regimes: surveillance and control after Singapore’s ‘Little India riots’. Race & Class, 64(1), 46-62. doi:10.1177/03063968221095733
Mapping the Pains of Neo-Colonialism: A Critical Elaboration of Southern Criminology
Ciocchini, P., & Greener, J. (2021). Mapping the Pains of Neo-Colonialism: A Critical Elaboration of Southern Criminology. BRITISH JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY, 61(6), 1612-1629. doi:10.1093/bjc/azab041
Using AlphaFold for Rapid and Accurate Fixed Backbone Protein Design
Performative Compliance and the State–Corporate Structuring of Neglect in a Residential Care Home for Older People
Greener, J. (2020). Performative Compliance and the State–Corporate Structuring of Neglect in a Residential Care Home for Older People. Critical Criminology, 28(4), 651-668. doi:10.1007/s10612-019-09467-3
Ultrafast end-to-end protein structure prediction enables high-throughput exploration of uncharacterised proteins
Desmitificar lo colonial en la criminología: Tres oportunidades para una criminología crítica descoloni
Ciocchini, P., & Greener, J. (2020). Desmitificar lo colonial en la criminología: Tres oportunidades para una criminología crítica descoloni. In E. Kostenwein (Ed.), El imperio de castigar: Contribuciones desde la sociología de la justicia penal (pp. 103-136). Argentina: Editores del Sur.
From shame to blame: institutionalising oppression through the moralisation of mental distress in austerity England
Greener, J., & Moth, R. (2020). From shame to blame: institutionalising oppression through the moralisation of mental distress in austerity England. Social Theory & Health. doi:10.1057/s41285-020-00148-8
Resist the Punitive State Grassroots Struggles Across Welfare, Housing, Education and Prisons
Hart, E. L., Greener, J., & Moth, R. (2019). Resist the Punitive State Grassroots Struggles Across Welfare, Housing, Education and Prisons.
Resisting the Punitive State-Corporate Nexus: Activist strategy and the integrative transitional approach
Greener, J., Hart, E. L., & Moth, R. (2019). Resisting the Punitive State-Corporate Nexus: Activist strategy and the integrative transitional approach. In E. L. Hart, J. Greener, & R. Moth (Eds.), Resist the Punitive State: Grassroots struggles across welfare, housing, education and prisons. London: Pluto Press. Retrieved from
Prediction of inter-residue contacts with DeepMetaPSICOV in CASP13
Participatory social policy in a large EU research project
Greener, J., & Lavalette, M. (2018). Participatory social policy in a large EU research project. In Social Policy First Hand: An International Introduction to Participatory Social Welfare. Policy Press.
Psychopolitics in the twenty first century
Spandler, H., Moth, R., McKeown, M., & Greener, J. (2016). Psychopolitics in the twenty first century (Vol. 4).
Embedded neglect, entrenched abuse: market failure and mistreatment in elderly residential care
Greener, J. (2015). Embedded neglect, entrenched abuse: market failure and mistreatment in elderly residential care. In Social policy review 27: Analysis and debate in social policy, 2015 (pp. 131-151). Bristol: Policy Press.
Book Reviews
Mooney, G., Meehan, L., & Greener, J. (2015). Book Reviews. Critical and Radical Social Work, 3(2), 321-332. doi:10.1332/204986015x14251187358460
Crisis and resistance in mental health services in England
Moth, R., Greener, J., & Stoll, T. (2015). Crisis and resistance in mental health services in England. Critical and Radical Social Work, 3(1), 89-101. doi:10.1332/204986015x14223580546546
Embedded neglect, entrenched abuse: Market failure and mistreatment in elderly residential care
Greener, J. (2015). Embedded neglect, entrenched abuse: Market failure and mistreatment in elderly residential care. In Social Policy Review 27: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2015 (pp. 149-313).
The role of immigration policies in the exploitation of migrant care workers: an ethnographic exploration
Greener, J. (2013). The role of immigration policies in the exploitation of migrant care workers: an ethnographic exploration. In Race, Racism and Social Work (pp. 243-256). Policy Press. doi:10.1332/policypress/9781447307082.003.0014
Services just for men? Insights from a national study of the well men services pilots
Douglas, F. C. G., Greener, J., van Teijlingen, E., & Ludbrook, A. (2013). Services just for men? Insights from a national study of the well men services pilots. BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 13. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-425
The Frontline Costs of the Southern Cross Decline
Greener, J. (2013). The Frontline Costs of the Southern Cross Decline. In Body/Sex/Work (pp. 93-109). Macmillan Education UK. doi:10.1007/978-1-137-02191-5_6
Obesity dilemmas: Narrations of the "fat" body amongst the self-identified overweight and obese
Greener, J., Douglas, F., & van Teijlingen, E. (2012). Obesity dilemmas: Narrations of the "fat" body amongst the self-identified overweight and obese. In Obesity and Weight Management: Challenges, Practices and Health Implications (pp. 93-108).
More of the same? Conflicting perspectives of obesity causation and intervention amongst overweight people, health professionals and policy makers
Greener, J., Douglas, F., & van Teijlingen, E. (2010). More of the same? Conflicting perspectives of obesity causation and intervention amongst overweight people, health professionals and policy makers. SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE, 70(7), 1042-1049. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.11.017
'Ask me why I'm fat'! The need to engage with potential recipients of health promotion policy to prevent obesity
Douglas, F., Greener, J., & van Teijlingen, E. (2008). 'Ask me why I'm fat'! The need to engage with potential recipients of health promotion policy to prevent obesity. AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, 41(1), 72-77. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8462.2008.00490.x