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Joseph Camm

Dr Joseph Camm
MEng DPhil CEng MIMechE FHEA


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Investigation of fuel volatility on the heat transfer dynamics on piston surface due to the pulsed spray impingement

Zhou, Z. -F., Liang, L., Murad, S. H. M., Camm, J., & Davy, M. (2021). Investigation of fuel volatility on the heat transfer dynamics on piston surface due to the pulsed spray impingement. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 170. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.121008

Journal article

Effect of Liquid Break-Up Model Selection on Simulated Diesel Spray and Combustion Characteristics

Nicholson, L., Davy, M., Camm, J., & Ayyapureddi, S. (n.d.). Effect of Liquid Break-Up Model Selection on Simulated Diesel Spray and Combustion Characteristics. In SAE Technical Paper Series. SAE International. doi:10.4271/2021-01-0546

Conference Paper

The Effect of Droplet Temperature Model Choice on Gasoline Droplet and Spray Simulation

Camm, J. (n.d.). The Effect of Droplet Temperature Model Choice on Gasoline Droplet and Spray Simulation. In SAE Technical Paper Series. SAE International. doi:10.4271/2021-01-0551

Conference Paper


Cycle-to-Cycle Variation Analysis of Two-Colour PLIF Temperature Measurements Calibrated with Laser Induced Grating Spectroscopy in a Firing GDI Engine

Willman, C., Stone, R., Davy, M., Williams, B. A. O., Ewart, P., Shen, L., . . . Camm, J. (n.d.). Cycle-to-Cycle Variation Analysis of Two-Colour PLIF Temperature Measurements Calibrated with Laser Induced Grating Spectroscopy in a Firing GDI Engine. SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility, 1(4), 1404-1419. doi:10.4271/2019-01-0722

Journal article

Spray development with in-cylinder pressure and particulate matter measurements in a GDI engine with optical access: Effects of fuel volatility

Harris, S., Davy, M., Stone, R., & Camm, J. (2019). Spray development with in-cylinder pressure and particulate matter measurements in a GDI engine with optical access: Effects of fuel volatility. In Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Fuel Systems Engines Conference 2018 (pp. 131-140).

Conference Paper


Numerical Studies of Combustion Recession on ECN Diesel Spray A

Fang, X., Ismail, R., Davy, M. H., & Camm, J. (2019). Numerical Studies of Combustion Recession on ECN Diesel Spray A. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASME INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FALL TECHNICAL CONFERENCE, 2018, VOL 2. Retrieved from

Conference Paper

Experimental investigation on heat transfer of <i>n</i>-pentane spray impingement on piston surface

Zhou, Z. -F., Murad, S. H. M., Tian, J. -M., Camm, J., & Stone, R. (2018). Experimental investigation on heat transfer of <i>n</i>-pentane spray impingement on piston surface. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 138, 197-206. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.04.059

Journal article

Comparison of Transient Diesel Spray Break-Up between Two Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes

Nicholson, L., Fang, X., Camm, J., Davy, M., & Richardson, D. (n.d.). Comparison of Transient Diesel Spray Break-Up between Two Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes. In SAE Technical Paper Series. SAE International. doi:10.4271/2018-01-0307

Conference Paper

The Oxford Cold Driven Shock Tube (CDST) for Fuel Spray and Chemical Kinetics Research

Camm, J., Davy, M., Fang, X., Doherty, L., McGilvray, M., & Foerster, F. (n.d.). The Oxford Cold Driven Shock Tube (CDST) for Fuel Spray and Chemical Kinetics Research. In SAE Technical Paper Series. SAE International. doi:10.4271/2018-01-0222

Conference Paper


High precision measurement of combustion parameters in flames and engines using Laser Induced Grating Scattering, LIGS

Luers, A., Sahlberg, A. -L., Förster, F., Willman, C., Camm, J., Stone, R., . . . Ewart, P. (2017). High precision measurement of combustion parameters in flames and engines using Laser Induced Grating Scattering, LIGS. In Light, Energy and the Environment (pp. ETh2A.2). OSA. doi:10.1364/ee.2017.eth2a.2

Conference Paper


Spray Behaviour and Particulate Matter Emissions with M15 Methanol/Gasoline Blends in a GDI Engine

Mohd Murad, S. H., Camm, J., Davy, M., Stone, R., & Richardson, D. (n.d.). Spray Behaviour and Particulate Matter Emissions with M15 Methanol/Gasoline Blends in a GDI Engine. In SAE Technical Paper Series. SAE International. doi:10.4271/2016-01-0991

Conference Paper


The Effect of Non-Ideal Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium and Non-Ideal Liquid Diffusion on Multi-Component Droplet Evaporation for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines

Camm, J., Stone, R., Davy, M., & Richardson, D. (n.d.). The Effect of Non-Ideal Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium and Non-Ideal Liquid Diffusion on Multi-Component Droplet Evaporation for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines. In SAE Technical Paper Series. SAE International. doi:10.4271/2015-01-0924

Conference Paper