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Jonathan Rushton

Professor Jonathan Rushton


+44 (0)151 794 6113

Professional Activities

• Adjunct Professor, Institute of Rural Future, University of New England, Armidale, Australia
• Rapporteur on the economics of animal health for OIE’s General Session 2016
• Economics advisor for FAO’s Asia work on the use of antimicrobials in livestock
• Requested to review documents on antimicrobial use and AMR for OECD and DFID
• Part of a team to provide a scoping study on the value of livestock development projects by the Swedish Government
• Economics advisor to the OECD on antimicrobial use in livestock and AMR and on the impact of animal diseases
• Invited guest editor for OIE’s Rev Tech Sci on the use of economics in animal health
• Non-executive of the Animal Health and Welfare Board for England Feb 2012 to Sept 2014
• Non executive member on DEFRA’s Exotic Disease Policy Programme 2009 to 2011
• Reviewer of Scottish government investments in animal health 2010 and 2015
• Economics advisor to the global strategies on FMD and PPR eradication programmes 2010-2015
• Regular contributor to meetings and debate on the global One Health strategy development
• Invited conference speaker at AVTRW (2009), ECVPH (2009), ICEID (2010), SOAS Food Forum (2010), One Health Australia (2011), Pig Veterinary Society (2011), One Health South Africa (2011), Feed Technology Conference (2011), BCVA (2011), World Poultry Congress (2012), One Health, The Netherlands (2015), Bio Threats, OIE (2015), ISVEE (2015), One Health, ZSL, London (2016), International Pig Veterinary Society (2016), OIE general session technical speaker (2016), Veterinary Education meeting, Bangkok (2016), One Health, Melbourne, Australia (2016)
• External PhD examiner at London School of Economics, Toulouse Business School, Wageningen University, Reading University, Liverpool University