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John Kavanagh

Mr John Kavanagh
BSc (hons) Geology


+44 (0)151 794 5189

Professional Activities

Other Administrative or Committee Roles

  • Jane Herdman Map Collection Librarian;
  • Jane Herdman Teaching Collections;
  • Demonstrator: Sedimentology & Stratigraphy; Igneous Petrology; Mineralogy; And Palaeontology;
  • Field Class Demonstrator: Geology;
  • Field Class Teacher/Demonstrator : Glacial Geomorphology;
  • GIS;
  • Cartography;
  • GPS Mapping;
  • Microscope Maintenance;
  • Optics Lab And Equipment;
  • Photomicroscopy;
  • Core Photography;
  • Rock Cutting And Polishing;
  • Sediment Sample Preparation;
  • Model/ Tank/Rig Building;
  • First Aider;
  • Fire Warden;
  • Driving;