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John Belchem

Prof John Belchem
B.A., D.Phil, F.R.Hist.S, FRSA


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J<scp>effrey</scp> H<scp>ill</scp>. <i>Learie Constantine and Race Relations in Britain and the Empire</i>.

Belchem, J. (2021). J<scp>effrey</scp> H<scp>ill</scp>. <i>Learie Constantine and Race Relations in Britain and the Empire</i>.. The American Historical Review, 126(1), 384-385. doi:10.1093/ahr/rhab073

Journal article


Book Reviews

Belchem, J., Louvier, F., Reid, A. J., Outram, Q., & Renshaw, D. (2020). Book Reviews. Labour History Review, 85(1), 85-98. doi:10.3828/lhr.2020.4

Journal article


Roundtable on Asa Briggs’s Legacy

Belchem, J., McWilliam, R., Price, R. N., & Yeo, E. (2016). Roundtable on Asa Briggs’s Legacy. Labour History Review, 81(3), 259-277. doi:10.3828/lhr.2016.13

Journal article


Liverpool: City of Radicals

Belchem, J. C., & Biggs, B. (Eds.) (2011). Liverpool: City of Radicals. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Patterns of mobility: Irish and Polish migration in comparative historical pespective

Belchem, J. C. (2011). Patterns of mobility: Irish and Polish migration in comparative historical pespective. In S. Egger (Ed.), Polish-Irish Encounters in the New and Old Europe (pp. 3-8). Oxford: Peter Lang.


Port cities, cosmopolitanism and otherness: the (mis)representation of Liverpool

Belchem, J. C. (2011). Port cities, cosmopolitanism and otherness: the (mis)representation of Liverpool. In J. Harris, & R. Williams (Eds.), Regenerating Culture and Society: Art, Architecture and Urban Style within the Global Politics of City-Branding (pp. 281-293). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Radical Prelude: 1911

Belchem, J. C. (2011). Radical Prelude: 1911. In Liverpool: City of Radicals (pp. 14-40). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


The cultural capital of Liverpool

Belchem, J. C. (2011). The cultural capital of Liverpool. In M. Benbough-Jackson, & S. Davies (Eds.), Merseyside: Culture and Place (pp. 22-36). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.



Hub and diaspora: Liverpool and transnational labour

Belchem, J. C. (2010). Hub and diaspora: Liverpool and transnational labour. Labour History Review, 75, 20-29.

Journal article


Celebrating the Liverpool Waterfront

Belchem, J. C. (2008). Celebrating the Liverpool Waterfront. In L. Baxter, & G. Woodland (Eds.), Liverpool: World Waterfront City (pp. 98-100). Liverpool: 21st Century Cities.


The Irish Connection

Belchem, J. C. (2008). The Irish Connection. The Tablet, 54-56.

Journal article


'Liverpool: world city?'

Belchem, J. C. (2007). 'Liverpool: world city?'. History Today, 48-55.

Journal article

A city apart: Liverpool, Merseyside and the North West region

Belchem, J. C. (2007). A city apart: Liverpool, Merseyside and the North West region. In D. Newton, & N. Vall (Eds.), An Agenda for Regional History (pp. 321-336). Newcastle: Northumbria University Press.


Irish, Catholic and Scouse: The History of the Liverpool-Irish, 1800-1939

Belchem, J. C. (2007). Irish, Catholic and Scouse: The History of the Liverpool-Irish, 1800-1939. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Pride of the Mersey

Belchem, J. C., & Attar, R. (2007). Pride of the Mersey. BBC History Magazine, 22-23.

Journal article

The new Livercool: history, culture and identity on Merseyside

Belchem, J. C. (2007). The new Livercool: history, culture and identity on Merseyside. In C. Ehland (Ed.), Thinking Northern: Textures of Identity in the North of England (pp. 217-238). Amsterdam: Rodopi.


Warrington: the nursery of innovation

Belchem, J. C. (2007). Warrington: the nursery of innovation. In I. Wray (Ed.), Mersey: the river that changed the world (pp. 20-27). Liverpool: Bluecoat Press.



'The new "Livercool"'

Belchem, J. C. (2006). 'The new "Livercool"'. Anglo Files, (141), 24-33.

Journal article

Celebrating Liverpool

Belchem, J. C. (2006). Celebrating Liverpool. In J. C. Belchem (Ed.), Liverpool 800: culture, character and history (pp. 9-57). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Cosmopolitan Liverpool

Belchem, J. C., & MacRaild, D. M. (2006). Cosmopolitan Liverpool. In J. C. Belchem (Ed.), Liverpool 800: culture, character and history (pp. 311-391). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Liverpool 800: Culture, Character and History

Belchem, J. C. (Ed.) (2006). Liverpool 800: Culture, Character and History. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Merseypride: essays in Liverpool exceptionalism. Revised edition with new introduction, 'The new Livercool'

Belchem, J. (2006). Merseypride: essays in Liverpool exceptionalism. Revised edition with new introduction, 'The new Livercool'. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.



Priests, Publicans and the Irish Poor: Ethnic Enterprise and Migrant Networks in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Liverpool

Belchem, J. (2005). Priests, Publicans and the Irish Poor: Ethnic Enterprise and Migrant Networks in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Liverpool. Immigrants &amp; Minorities, 23(2-3), 207-231. doi:10.1080/02619280500188278

Journal article

'Lancashire and Cheshire'

Belchem, J. C. (2005). 'Lancashire and Cheshire'. In P. Clark (Ed.), The Lefties Guide to Britain (pp. 225-252). London: Politico's.


'Radical language, meaning and identity in the age of the Chartists'

Belchem, J. C. (2005). 'Radical language, meaning and identity in the age of the Chartists'. Journal of Victorian Culture, 10(1), 1-14.

Journal article

'The Irish Diaspora: the complexities of mass migration'

Belchem, J. C. (2005). 'The Irish Diaspora: the complexities of mass migration'. Przeglad Polonijny, 31(1), 87-98.

Journal article

'Whiteness and the Liverpool-Irish'

Belchem, J. C. (2005). 'Whiteness and the Liverpool-Irish'. Journal of British Studies, 44(1), 146-152.

Journal article


Irish and Polish Migration in Comparative Perspective

Belchem, J. C., & Tenfelde, K. (Eds.) (2003). Irish and Polish Migration in Comparative Perspective. Essen: Klartext.


Irish and Polish Migration: some preliminary comparative analysis

Belchem, J. C. (2003). Irish and Polish Migration: some preliminary comparative analysis. In J. C. Belchem, & K. Tenfelde (Eds.), Irish and Polish Migration in Comparative Perspective (pp. 11-25). Essen: Klartext.



'Le sentiment de "Britishness" et les révolutions européennes de 1848: le "Printemps des peoples" au Royaume-Uni'

Belchem, J. C. (2002). 'Le sentiment de "Britishness" et les révolutions européennes de 1848: le "Printemps des peoples" au Royaume-Uni'. In J. -L. Mayaud (Ed.), 1848: actes du colloque international du cent cinquantenaire, tenu &agrave; l&#8217;Assembl&eacute;e nationale &agrave; Paris, les 23-25 f&eacute;vrier 1998 (pp. 519-525). Paris: Créaphis.


Britishness, asylum seekers and the northern working class: 1851

Belchem, J. C. (2002). Britishness, asylum seekers and the northern working class: 1851. Northern History, xxxix(1), 59-74.

Journal article

`Ethnicity and labour history: with special reference to Irish migration'

Belchem, J. C. (2002). `Ethnicity and labour history: with special reference to Irish migration'. In L. Heerma van Voss, & M. van der Linden (Eds.), Class and Other Identities: gender, religion and ethnicity in the writing of European labour history (pp. 88-101). Oxford: Berghahn.



A New History of the Isle of Man: The Modern Period 1830-1999

Belchem, J. C. (Ed.) (2000). A New History of the Isle of Man: The Modern Period 1830-1999 (Vol. 5). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.


Merseypride: Essays in Liverpool Exceptionalism

Belchem, J. C. (2000). Merseypride: Essays in Liverpool Exceptionalism. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
