Metaphor and Organization Studies: Going beyond resonance to further theory and practice
Biscaro, C., Bruni, E., Cornelissen, J., & Oswick, C. (n.d.). Metaphor and Organization Studies: Going beyond resonance to further theory and practice. Organization Studies. doi:10.1177/01708406251314572
Upbeat or Off‐the‐Mark? How Work Rhythms Affect Strategic Change
Stephenson, K. A., Cornelissen, J. P., & Khapova, S. N. (2024). Upbeat or Off‐the‐Mark? How Work Rhythms Affect Strategic Change. Journal of Management Studies, 61(8), 3653-3683. doi:10.1111/joms.13018
Unlocking the power of diversity for supply chain knowledge: Is pluralism in theorizing styles the key?
Cornelissen, J., Stephens, V., & Matthews, L. (2024). Unlocking the power of diversity for supply chain knowledge: Is pluralism in theorizing styles the key?. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 60(3), 3-17. doi:10.1111/jscm.12328
Panacea or Dangerous Practice: A Counterpoint to Hanisch's Argument for Prescriptive Theorizing
Horner, S., Cornelissen, J., & Zundel, M. (2024). Panacea or Dangerous Practice: A Counterpoint to Hanisch's Argument for Prescriptive Theorizing. Journal of Management Studies, 61(4), 1717-1730. doi:10.1111/joms.13039
Reconceptualizing Conceptual Engineering
Oswick, C., Biscaro, C., Bruni, E., & Cornelissen, J. (2024). Reconceptualizing Conceptual Engineering. Academy of Management Review, 49(2), 429-431. doi:10.5465/amr.2021.0031
Pluralism <i>and</i> Triangulation: A Reply to Willmott’s “Pluralism Not Triangulation”
Cornelissen, J. (n.d.). Pluralism <i>and</i> Triangulation: A Reply to Willmott’s “Pluralism Not Triangulation”. Academy of Management Review. doi:10.5465/amr.2024.0057
Redefining concepts to build theory: A repertoire for conceptual innovation
Solinger, O. N., Heusinkveld, S., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2024). Redefining concepts to build theory: A repertoire for conceptual innovation. Human Resource Management Review, 34(1), 100988. doi:10.1016/j.hrmr.2023.100988
Defining the Role of Metaphor in Organization Studies
Cornelissen, J. (n.d.). Defining the Role of Metaphor in Organization Studies. In The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies (pp. 43-56). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192895707.013.2
Entrepreneurial Pitching: A Critical Review and Integrative Framework
Kalvapalle, S. G., Phillips, N., & Cornelissen, J. (2024). Entrepreneurial Pitching: A Critical Review and Integrative Framework. Academy of Management Annals, 18(2), 550-599. doi:10.5465/annals.2022.0066
Large Language Models and the Future of Organization Theory
Cornelissen, J., Höllerer, M. A., Boxenbaum, E., Faraj, S., & Gehman, J. (2024). Large Language Models and the Future of Organization Theory. Organization Theory, 5(1). doi:10.1177/26317877241239056
The Problem with Propositions: Theoretical Triangulation to Better Explain Phenomena in Management Research
Cornelissen, J. P. (n.d.). The Problem with Propositions: Theoretical Triangulation to Better Explain Phenomena in Management Research. Academy of Management Review. doi:10.5465/amr.2022.0297
Theorising the dark side of interorganizational relationships: an extension
Pillai, K. G., Sharma, P., Cornelissen, J., Zhang, Y., & Nair, S. R. (2023). Theorising the dark side of interorganizational relationships: an extension. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING. doi:10.1108/JBIM-01-2021-0041
Beyond Information Disclosure: A Communication Perspective on Corporate Sustainability
Wang, W., Weber, K., Cornelissen, J., Etzion, D., Kim, E. -H., & Pfarrer, M. (2023). Beyond Information Disclosure: A Communication Perspective on Corporate Sustainability. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1). doi:10.5465/amproc.2023.16409symposium
Celebrating the Scholarly Life and Contributions of Steven Floyd
Ahn, Y., Reuter, E., Wolf, C., Balogun, J., Cornelissen, J., Laamanen, T. M. M., . . . Wooldridge, W. (2023). Celebrating the Scholarly Life and Contributions of Steven Floyd. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1). doi:10.5465/amproc.2023.18276symposium
Towards Stronger Causal Claims in Management Research: Causal Triangulation Instead of Causal Identification
Cornelissen, J., & Kaandorp, M. (2023). Towards Stronger Causal Claims in Management Research: Causal Triangulation Instead of Causal Identification. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 60(4), 834-860. doi:10.1111/joms.12897
Foreword by Joep Cornelissen
Cornelissen, J. (2023). Foreword by Joep Cornelissen.
Disequilibrium and complexity across scales: a patch-dynamics framework for organizational ecology.
Xu, J., & Cornelissen, J. (2023). Disequilibrium and complexity across scales: a patch-dynamics framework for organizational ecology.. Humanities & social sciences communications, 10(1), 211. doi:10.1057/s41599-023-01730-x
The Relational Dimension of Feedback Interactions: A Study of Early Feedback Meetings Between Entrepreneurs and Potential Mentors
van Werven, R., Cornelissen, J., & Bouwmeester, O. (2023). The Relational Dimension of Feedback Interactions: A Study of Early Feedback Meetings Between Entrepreneurs and Potential Mentors. British Journal of Management, 34(2), 873-897. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.12615
Fictional Inquiry
Schoeneborn, D., & Cornelissen, J. (2023). Fictional Inquiry. In Handbooks in Philosophy (pp. 1-20). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48352-8_54-2
Let’s Profitably Fight Poverty, Shall We? How Managers Use Emotional Framing to Develop Base of the Pyramid Ventures Inside a Large Fast-moving Consumer Goods Company
Geradts, T., Jansen, J., & Cornelissen, J. (2022). Let’s Profitably Fight Poverty, Shall We? How Managers Use Emotional Framing to Develop Base of the Pyramid Ventures Inside a Large Fast-moving Consumer Goods Company. Organization & Environment, 35(4), 579-606. doi:10.1177/10860266221095253
Making Sense of Subjective Experiences with Metaphors
Meziani, N., Cabantous, L., & Cornelissen, J. (2022). Making Sense of Subjective Experiences with Metaphors. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1). doi:10.5465/ambpp.2022.371
Pitching to Win Hearts: The Effects of Relational Communication on Entrepreneurial Funding Pitches
Kalvapalle, S., Cornelissen, J., & Cholakova, M. (2022). Pitching to Win Hearts: The Effects of Relational Communication on Entrepreneurial Funding Pitches. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1). doi:10.5465/ambpp.2022.17265abstract
Practicing Strategy and Entrepreneurship: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Jenkins, A. S., R. S. T. A. Elias, S., Spee, A. P., Thompson, N. A., Cornelissen, J., Dimov, D. P., . . . Steyaert, C. (2022). Practicing Strategy and Entrepreneurship: Two Sides of the Same Coin?. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1). doi:10.5465/ambpp.2022.10393symposium
Collective sensemaking in the local response to a grand challenge: Recovery, alleviation and change-oriented responses to a refugee crisis
van der Giessen, M., Langenbusch, C., Jacobs, G., & Cornelissen, J. (2022). Collective sensemaking in the local response to a grand challenge: Recovery, alleviation and change-oriented responses to a refugee crisis. HUMAN RELATIONS, 75(5), 903-930. doi:10.1177/00187267211004688
Connecting content and structure: A review of mechanisms in entrepreneurs' social networks
van Burg, E., Elfring, T., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2022). Connecting content and structure: A review of mechanisms in entrepreneurs' social networks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS, 24(2), 188-209. doi:10.1111/ijmr.12272
Rigor With or Without Templates? The Pursuit of Methodological Rigor in Qualitative Research
Harley, B., & Cornelissen, J. (2022). Rigor With or Without Templates? The Pursuit of Methodological Rigor in Qualitative Research. Organizational Research Methods, 25(2), 239-261. doi:10.1177/1094428120937786
Theorizing the Role of Metaphors in Co-orienting Collective Action Toward Grand Challenges: The Example of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Schoeneborn, D., Vásquez, C., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2022). Theorizing the Role of Metaphors in Co-orienting Collective Action Toward Grand Challenges: The Example of the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Research in the Sociology of Organizations (pp. 69-91). Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/s0733-558x20220000079005
Corporate Brand Narratives
Cornelissen, J. (2022). Corporate Brand Narratives. In The Routledge Companion to Corporate Branding (pp. 338-342). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003035749-24
Questioning Impact: A Cross-Disciplinary Review of Certification Standards for Sustainability
Jellema, S. F., Werner, M. D., Rasche, A., & Cornelissen, J. (2022). Questioning Impact: A Cross-Disciplinary Review of Certification Standards for Sustainability. BUSINESS & SOCIETY, 61(5), 1042-1082. doi:10.1177/00076503211056332
Advancing Qualitative Entrepreneurship Research: Leveraging Methodological Plurality for Achieving Scholarly Impact
Van Burg, E., Cornelissen, J., Stam, W., & Jack, S. (2022). Advancing Qualitative Entrepreneurship Research: Leveraging Methodological Plurality for Achieving Scholarly Impact. ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE, 46(1), 3-20. doi:10.1177/1042258720943051
Building Novel Supply Chain Theory Using “Metaphorical Imagination”
Stephens, V., Matthews, L., Cornelissen, J. P., & Rowlands, H. (2022). Building Novel Supply Chain Theory Using “Metaphorical Imagination”. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 58(1), 124-139. doi:10.1111/jscm.12257
Fictional Inquiry
Schoeneborn, D., & Cornelissen, J. (2022). Fictional Inquiry. In Handbooks in Philosophy (pp. 1-20). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48352-8_54-1
Fictional Inquiry
Schoeneborn, D., & Cornelissen, J. (2022). Fictional Inquiry. In Handbooks in Philosophy (pp. 139-158). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-76606-1_54
Profits Uber everything? The gig economy and the morality of category work
Cornelissen, J., & Cholakova, M. (2021). Profits Uber everything? The gig economy and the morality of category work. Strategic Organization, 19(4), 722-731. doi:10.1177/1476127019894506
Building Character: The Formation of a Hybrid Organizational Identity in a Social Enterprise
Cornelissen, J. P., Akemu, O., Jonkman, J. G. F., & Werner, M. D. (2021). Building Character: The Formation of a Hybrid Organizational Identity in a Social Enterprise. JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, 58(5), 1294-1330. doi:10.1111/joms.12640
What Theory Is and Can Be: Forms of Theorizing in Organizational Scholarship
Cornelissen, J., Höllerer, M. A., & Seidl, D. (2021). What Theory Is and Can Be: Forms of Theorizing in Organizational Scholarship. Organization Theory, 2(3). doi:10.1177/26317877211020328
Culture, innovation and entrepreneurship
Lounsbury, M., Cornelissen, J., Granqvist, N., & Grodal, S. (2021). Culture, innovation and entrepreneurship. In Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (pp. 1-12). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003121749-1
Modelling the network economy: A population ecology perspective on network dynamics
Xu, J., Peng, B., & Cornelissen, J. (2021). Modelling the network economy: A population ecology perspective on network dynamics. Technovation, 102, 102212. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2020.102212
Gesture Analysis and Organizational Research: The Development and Application of a Protocol for Naturalistic Settings
Clarke, J. S., Llewellyn, N., Cornelissen, J., & Viney, R. (2021). Gesture Analysis and Organizational Research: The Development and Application of a Protocol for Naturalistic Settings. Organizational Research Methods, 24(1), 140-171. doi:10.1177/1094428119877450
Social entrepreneurship and values work: The role of practices in shaping values and negotiating change
Chatterjee, I., Cornelissen, J., & Wincent, J. (2021). Social entrepreneurship and values work: The role of practices in shaping values and negotiating change. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING, 36(1). doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2020.106064
The Rhythmic Work of Strategic Change
Stephenson, K. A., & Cornelissen, J. (2020). The Rhythmic Work of Strategic Change. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1), 14940. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2020.14940abstract
The Emergence of Moral Leadership
Solinger, O. N., Jansen, P. G. W., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2020). The Emergence of Moral Leadership. Academy of Management Review, 45(3), 504-527. doi:10.5465/amr.2016.0263
(Un)Mind the gap: How organizational actors cope with an identity–strategy misalignment
Wenzel, M., Cornelissen, J. P., Koch, J., Hartmann, M., & Rauch, M. (2020). (Un)Mind the gap: How organizational actors cope with an identity–strategy misalignment. Strategic Organization, 18(1), 212-244. doi:10.1177/1476127019856524
Power in Sensemaking Processes
Schildt, H., Mantere, S., & Cornelissen, J. (2020). Power in Sensemaking Processes. Organization Studies, 41(2), 241-265. doi:10.1177/0170840619847718
An Open and Inclusive Space for Theorizing: Introducing <i>Organization Theory</i>
Cornelissen, J., & Höllerer, M. A. (2020). An Open and Inclusive Space for Theorizing: Introducing <i>Organization Theory</i>. Organization Theory, 1(1). doi:10.1177/2631787719887980
How organizational actors live out paradoxical tensions through power relations: The case of a youth prison
Wenzel, M., Koch, J., Cornelissen, J. P., Rothmann, W., & Senf, N. N. (2019). How organizational actors live out paradoxical tensions through power relations: The case of a youth prison. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 155, 55-67. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2019.03.001
The sense of it all: Framing and narratives in sensegiving about a strategic change
Logemann, M., Piekkari, R., & Cornelissen, J. (2019). The sense of it all: Framing and narratives in sensegiving about a strategic change. Long Range Planning, 52(5), 101852. doi:10.1016/j.lrp.2018.10.002
Identifying design principles for business incubation in the European space sector
Sagath, D., van Burg, E., Cornelissen, J. P., & Giannopapa, C. (2019). Identifying design principles for business incubation in the European space sector. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 11, e00115. doi:10.1016/j.jbvi.2019.e00115
Pitching a business idea to investors: How new venture founders use micro-level rhetoric to achieve narrative plausibility and resonance
van Werven, R., Bouwmeester, O., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2019). Pitching a business idea to investors: How new venture founders use micro-level rhetoric to achieve narrative plausibility and resonance. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 37(3), 193-214. doi:10.1177/0266242618818249
Chapter 3 Reframing Rigor as Reasoning: Challenging Technocratic Conceptions of Rigor in Management Research
Harley, B., & Cornelissen, J. (2019). Chapter 3 Reframing Rigor as Reasoning: Challenging Technocratic Conceptions of Rigor in Management Research. In Research in the Sociology of Organizations (pp. 59-76). Emerald Publishing Limited. doi:10.1108/s0733-558x20190000059004
Actions Speak Louder than Words: How Figurative Language and Gesturing in Entrepreneurial Pitches Influences Investment Judgments
Clarke, J. S., Cornelissen, J. P., & Healey, M. P. (2019). Actions Speak Louder than Words: How Figurative Language and Gesturing in Entrepreneurial Pitches Influences Investment Judgments. Academy of Management Journal, 62(2), 335-360. doi:10.5465/amj.2016.1008
Culture, innovation and entrepreneurship
Lounsbury, M., Cornelissen, J., Granqvist, N., & Grodal, S. (2019). Culture, innovation and entrepreneurship. Innovation, 21(1), 1-12. doi:10.1080/14479338.2018.1537716
Imagining Futures for Organization Studies: The Role of Theory and of Having Productive Conversations towards Theory Change
Cornelissen, J. (2019). Imagining Futures for Organization Studies: The Role of Theory and of Having Productive Conversations towards Theory Change. Organization Studies, 40(1), 55-58. doi:10.1177/0170840618767468
Sociocognitive Perspectives in Strategic Management
Pfarrer, M. D., Devers, C. E., Corley, K., Cornelissen, J. P., Lange, D., Makadok, R., . . . Weber, L. (2019). Sociocognitive Perspectives in Strategic Management. Academy of Management Review, 44(4), 767-774. doi:10.5465/amr.2019.0185
Fiction and Organization Studies
Savage, P., Cornelissen, J. P., & Franck, H. (2018). Fiction and Organization Studies. Organization Studies, 39(7), 975-994. doi:10.1177/0170840617709309
The Formation of Organizational Reputation
Ravasi, D., Rindova, V., Etter, M., & Cornelissen, J. (2018). The Formation of Organizational Reputation. Academy of Management Annals, 12(2), 574-599. doi:10.5465/annals.2016.0124
Construindo pontes entre a Comunicação Organizacional e a Comunicação Corporativa: revisão, desenvolvimento e olhares para o futuro
Christensen, L. T., & Cornelissen, J. (n.d.). Construindo pontes entre a Comunicação Organizacional e a Comunicação Corporativa: revisão, desenvolvimento e olhares para o futuro. Mediapolis – Revista de Comunicação, Jornalismo e Espaço Público, (4), 39-69. doi:10.14195/2183-6019_4_2
Reasoning by Analogy and the Progress of Theory
Ketokivi, M., Mantere, S., & Cornelissen, J. (2017). Reasoning by Analogy and the Progress of Theory. Academy of Management Review, 42(4), 637-658. doi:10.5465/amr.2015.0322
Advances in Cultural Entrepreneurship: Looking Back and Moving Forward
Glaser, V., Mauskapf, M., Ometto, M. P., Soublière, J. -F., Dowd, T. J., Glynn, M. A., . . . Sarasvathy, S. (2017). Advances in Cultural Entrepreneurship: Looking Back and Moving Forward. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), 14466. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2017.14466symposium
Call for papers for a special issue on culture, innovation and entrepreneurship
Cornelissen, J., Granqvist, N., Grodal, S., & Lounsbury, M. (2017). Call for papers for a special issue on culture, innovation and entrepreneurship. Innovation, 19(3), 400-402. doi:10.1080/14479338.2017.1331556
Metatheories and Metaphors of Organizational Identity: Integrating Social Constructionist, Social Identity, and Social Actor Perspectives within a Social Interactionist Model
Haslam, S. A., Cornelissen, J. P., & Werner, M. D. (2017). Metatheories and Metaphors of Organizational Identity: Integrating Social Constructionist, Social Identity, and Social Actor Perspectives within a Social Interactionist Model. In International Journal of Management Reviews Vol. 19 (pp. 318-336). Wiley. doi:10.1111/ijmr.12150
Preserving Theoretical Divergence in Management Research: Why the Explanatory Potential of Qualitative Research Should Be Harnessed Rather than Suppressed
Cornelissen, J. P. (2017). Preserving Theoretical Divergence in Management Research: Why the Explanatory Potential of Qualitative Research Should Be Harnessed Rather than Suppressed. Journal of Management Studies, 54(3), 368-383. doi:10.1111/joms.12210
“Buying” Corporate Social Responsibility: Organisational Identity Orientation as a Determinant of Practice Adoption
Wickert, C., Vaccaro, A., & Cornelissen, J. (2017). “Buying” Corporate Social Responsibility: Organisational Identity Orientation as a Determinant of Practice Adoption. Journal of Business Ethics, 142(3), 497-514. doi:10.1007/s10551-015-2740-z
CSR and Reputation: Too Much of a Good Thing?
Wickert, C., & Cornelissen, J. (n.d.). CSR and Reputation: Too Much of a Good Thing?. In Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 328-349). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316335529.020
Editor’s Comments: Developing Propositions, a Process Model, or a Typology? Addressing the Challenges of Writing Theory Without a Boilerplate
Cornelissen, J. (2017). Editor’s Comments: Developing Propositions, a Process Model, or a Typology? Addressing the Challenges of Writing Theory Without a Boilerplate. Academy of Management Review, 42(1), 1-9. doi:10.5465/amr.2016.0196
Nurturing the future: Business incubation practices and mechanisms in the European space sector
Sagath, D., Van Burg, E., Cornelissen, J., & Giannopapa, C. (2017). Nurturing the future: Business incubation practices and mechanisms in the European space sector. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC Vol. 19 (pp. 12621-12640).
The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Processes
Schober, M. F., Rapp, D. N., & Britt, M. A. (Eds.) (n.d.). The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Processes. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315687384
Translating Management Concepts: Towards a Typology of Alternative Approaches
van Grinsven, M., Heusinkveld, S., & Cornelissen, J. (2016). Translating Management Concepts: Towards a Typology of Alternative Approaches. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18(3), 271-289. doi:10.1111/ijmr.12106
Imagining organization through metaphor and metonymy: Unpacking the process-entity paradox
Schoeneborn, D., Vásquez, C., & Cornelissen, J. (2016). Imagining organization through metaphor and metonymy: Unpacking the process-entity paradox. Human Relations, 69(4), 915-944. doi:10.1177/0018726715612899
Deconstructing the Theoretical Language of Process Research: Metaphor and Metonymy in Interaction
Cornelissen, J., Schoeneborn, D., & Vsquez, C. (2016). Deconstructing the Theoretical Language of Process Research: Metaphor and Metonymy in Interaction. In The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies (pp. 607-615). SAGE Publications Ltd. doi:10.4135/9781473957954.n39
Entrepreneurial practices in highly institutionalized European space sector
Sagath, D., Van Burg, E., Cornelissen, J., & Giannopapa, C. (2016). Entrepreneurial practices in highly institutionalized European space sector. In Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC Vol. 0.
New Venture Founder’s Responses to Third-Party Feedback
van Werven, R., Cornelissen, J., & Bouwmeester, O. (2016). New Venture Founder’s Responses to Third-Party Feedback. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1), 16343. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2016.16343abstract
Organization as Communication
Blaschke, S. (n.d.). Organization as Communication. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315624297
Seeing the World Anew: Merleau-Ponty and the Creation of Sense in Sensemaking
Korchagina, N., & Cornelissen, J. (2016). Seeing the World Anew: Merleau-Ponty and the Creation of Sense in Sensemaking. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1), 16568. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2016.16568abstract
Explaining Employees’ Reactions towards a Cross-Border Merger: The Role of English Language Fluency
Kroon, D. P., Cornelissen, J. P., & Vaara, E. (2015). Explaining Employees’ Reactions towards a Cross-Border Merger: The Role of English Language Fluency. Management International Review, 55(6), 775-800. doi:10.1007/s11575-015-0259-2
Sensemaking in strategy as practice: a phenomenon or a perspective?
Cornelissen, J., & Schildt, H. (2015). Sensemaking in strategy as practice: a phenomenon or a perspective?. In Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice (pp. 345-364). Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/cbo9781139681032.021
How Entrepreneurs Become Skilled Cultural Operators
Überbacher, F., Jacobs, C. D., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2015). How Entrepreneurs Become Skilled Cultural Operators. Organization Studies, 36(7), 925-951. doi:10.1177/0170840615575190
The power of arguments: How entrepreneurs convince stakeholders of the legitimate distinctiveness of their ventures
van Werven, R., Bouwmeester, O., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2015). The power of arguments: How entrepreneurs convince stakeholders of the legitimate distinctiveness of their ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, 30(4), 616-631. doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2014.08.001
Organizational transparency as myth and metaphor
Christensen, L. T., & Cornelissen, J. (2015). Organizational transparency as myth and metaphor. European Journal of Social Theory, 18(2), 132-149. doi:10.1177/1368431014555256
The Mind in the Middle: Taking Stock of Affect and Cognition Research in Entrepreneurship
Grégoire, D. A., Cornelissen, J., Dimov, D., & van Burg, E. (2015). The Mind in the Middle: Taking Stock of Affect and Cognition Research in Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Management Reviews, 17(2), 125-142. doi:10.1111/ijmr.12060
Knightian Uncertainty in Strategy & Entrepreneurship
Cornelissen, J., Alvarez, S., Dequech, D., Klein, P. G., & Miller, K. D. (2015). Knightian Uncertainty in Strategy & Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1), 17631. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2015.17631symposium
Putting Communication Front and Center in Institutional Theory and Analysis
Cornelissen, J. P., Durand, R., Fiss, P. C., Lammers, J. C., & Vaara, E. (2015). Putting Communication Front and Center in Institutional Theory and Analysis. Academy of Management Review, 40(1), 10-27. doi:10.5465/amr.2014.0381
Seeing Entrepreneurs in Action: Using Video-based Gesture Analysis in Entrepreneurship
Clarke, J. S., Cornelissen, J., & Viney, R. (2015). Seeing Entrepreneurs in Action: Using Video-based Gesture Analysis in Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1), 11921. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2015.11921abstract
Sensemaking in strategy as practice: A phenomenon or a perspective?
Cornelissen, J., & Schildt, H. (2015). Sensemaking in strategy as practice: A phenomenon or a perspective?. In Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice, Second Edition (pp. 345-364). doi:10.1017/CCO9781139681032.021
Words and Talk: Linking Communicative Content and Process
Cornelissen, J., Höllerer, M. A., Ocasio, W., & Vaara, E. (2015). Words and Talk: Linking Communicative Content and Process. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015(1), 13165. doi:10.5465/ambpp.2015.13165symposium
Imagining and Rationalizing Opportunities: Inductive Reasoning and the Creation And Justification of New Ventures
Cornelissen, J. P., & Clarke, J. S. (2014). Imagining and Rationalizing Opportunities: Inductive Reasoning and the Creation And Justification of New Ventures. In Driving Desired Futures (pp. 184-207). DE GRUYTER. doi:10.1515/9783038212843.184
Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition
Mitchell, J. R., Mitchell, R. K., & Randolph-Seng, B. (Eds.) (2014). Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781781006597
How language shapes thought: new vistas for entrepreneurship research
Clarke, J. S., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2014). How language shapes thought: new vistas for entrepreneurship research. In Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781781006597.00021
Sensemaking revisited
Holt, R., & Cornelissen, J. (2014). Sensemaking revisited. MANAGEMENT LEARNING, 45(5), 525-539. doi:10.1177/1350507613486422
Framing the Change: Switching and Blending Frames and their Role in Instigating Institutional Change
Werner, M. D., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2014). Framing the Change: Switching and Blending Frames and their Role in Instigating Institutional Change. Organization Studies, 35(10), 1449-1472. doi:10.1177/0170840614539314
The role of business media in constructing rational myths of organizations
The role of business media in constructing rational myths of organizations (2014). In Organizations and the Media (pp. 35-54). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203068052-11
Moving Forward: Developing Theoretical Contributions in Management Studies
Cornelissen, J. P., & Durand, R. (2014). Moving Forward: Developing Theoretical Contributions in Management Studies. Journal of Management Studies, 51(6), 995-1022. doi:10.1111/joms.12078
Putting Framing in Perspective: A Review of Framing and Frame Analysis across the Management and Organizational Literature
Cornelissen, J. P., & Werner, M. D. (2014). Putting Framing in Perspective: A Review of Framing and Frame Analysis across the Management and Organizational Literature. Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 181-235. doi:10.5465/19416520.2014.875669
Putting Framing in Perspective: A Review of Framing and Frame Analysis across the Management and Organizational Literature
Cornelissen, J. P., & Werner, M. D. (2014). Putting Framing in Perspective: A Review of Framing and Frame Analysis across the Management and Organizational Literature. The Academy of Management Annals, 8(1), 181-235. doi:10.1080/19416520.2014.875669
The Contraction of Meaning: The Combined Effect of Communication, Emotions, and Materiality on Sensemaking in the Stockwell Shooting
Cornelissen, J. P., Mantere, S., & Vaara, E. (2014). The Contraction of Meaning: The Combined Effect of Communication, Emotions, and Materiality on Sensemaking in the Stockwell Shooting. Journal of Management Studies, 51(5), 699-736. doi:10.1111/joms.12073
Variety, Novelty, and Perceptions of Scholarship in Research on Management and Organizations: An Appeal for Ambidextrous Scholarship
Corbett, A., Cornelissen, J., Delios, A., & Harley, B. (2014). Variety, Novelty, and Perceptions of Scholarship in Research on Management and Organizations: An Appeal for Ambidextrous Scholarship. Journal of Management Studies, 51(1), 3-18. doi:10.1111/joms.12032
Strategizing and Operating Through Our Values: <i><scp>JMS</scp></i> at 50
Corbett, A., Cornelissen, J., Delios, A., & Harley, B. (2013). Strategizing and Operating Through Our Values: <i><scp>JMS</scp></i> at 50. Journal of Management Studies, 50(8), 1349-1357. doi:10.1111/joms.12041
The advance of public relations as a discipline: Retrospect and prospect
Cornelissen, J., Moss, D., & Harris, P. (2013). The advance of public relations as a discipline: Retrospect and prospect. In Communication Research and Media Science in Europe: Perspectives for Research and Academic Training in Europe's Changing Media Reality (pp. 409-424).
Institutional Work in <i>The Wire</i>
Zundel, M., Holt, R., & Cornelissen, J. (2013). Institutional Work in <i>The Wire</i>. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(1), 102-120. doi:10.1177/1056492612440045
Corporate brands and identity: developing stronger theory and a call for shifting the debate
Cornelissen, J., Thøger Christensen, L., & Kinuthia, K. (2012). Corporate brands and identity: developing stronger theory and a call for shifting the debate. European Journal of Marketing, 46(7/8), 1093-1102. doi:10.1108/03090561211230214
Sensegiving in entrepreneurial contexts: The use of metaphors in speech and gesture to gain and sustain support for novel business ventures
Cornelissen, J. P., Clarke, J. S., & Cienki, A. (2012). Sensegiving in entrepreneurial contexts: The use of metaphors in speech and gesture to gain and sustain support for novel business ventures. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 30(3), 213-241. doi:10.1177/0266242610364427
More Than Just Novelty: Conceptual Blending and Causality
Cornelissen, J., & Durand, R. (2012). More Than Just Novelty: Conceptual Blending and Causality. Academy of Management Review, 37(1), 152-154. doi:10.5465/amr.2011.0129
Sensemaking Under Pressure: The Influence of Professional Roles and Social Accountability on the Creation of Sense
Cornelissen, J. P. (2012). Sensemaking Under Pressure: The Influence of Professional Roles and Social Accountability on the Creation of Sense. Organization Science, 23(1), 118-137. doi:10.1287/orsc.1100.0640
The Role of Analogy and Metaphor in the Framing and Legitimization of Strategic Change
Cornelissen, J. P., Holt, R., & Zundel, M. (2011). The Role of Analogy and Metaphor in the Framing and Legitimization of Strategic Change. Organization Studies, 32(12), 1701-1716. doi:10.1177/0170840611425729
Language, Communication, and Socially Situated Cognition in Entrepreneurship
Clarke, J., & Cornelissen, J. (2011). Language, Communication, and Socially Situated Cognition in Entrepreneurship. Academy of Management Review, 36(4), 776-778. doi:10.5465/amr.2011.0192
Communication, Organizing and Organization: An Overview and Introduction to the Special Issue
Cooren, F., Kuhn, T., Cornelissen, J. P., & Clark, T. (2011). Communication, Organizing and Organization: An Overview and Introduction to the Special Issue. Organization Studies, 32(9), 1149-1170. doi:10.1177/0170840611410836
Bridging Corporate and Organizational Communication: Review, Development and a Look to the Future
Thøger Christensen, L., & Cornelissen, J. (2011). Bridging Corporate and Organizational Communication: Review, Development and a Look to the Future. Management Communication Quarterly, 25(3), 383-414. doi:10.1177/0893318910390194
Processes and Practices of Strategizing and Organizing: Review, Development, and the Role of Bridging and Umbrella Constructs
Floyd, S. W., Cornelissen, J. P., Wright, M., & Delios, A. (2011). Processes and Practices of Strategizing and Organizing: Review, Development, and the Role of Bridging and Umbrella Constructs. Journal of Management Studies, 48(5), 933-952. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2010.01000.x
Imagining and Rationalizing Opportunities: Inductive Reasoning and the Creation and Justification of New Ventures
Cornelissen, J. P., & Clarke, J. S. (2010). Imagining and Rationalizing Opportunities: Inductive Reasoning and the Creation and Justification of New Ventures. Academy of Management Review, 35(4), 539-557. doi:10.5465/amr.35.4.zok539
Great Strides in Management Studies: Introducing a New Series of Reflections on Classic <i>JMS</i> Articles
Great Strides in Management Studies: Introducing a New Series of Reflections on Classic <i>JMS</i> Articles (2010). Journal of Management Studies, 47(3), 533-536. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2010.00907.x
Media, Organizations and Identity
Chouliaraki, L., & Morsing, M. (Eds.) (2010). Media, Organizations and Identity. In . Palgrave Macmillan UK. doi:10.1057/9780230248397
New tensions and challenges in integrated communications
Thøger Christensen, L., Fuat Fırat, A., & Cornelissen, J. (2009). New tensions and challenges in integrated communications. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 14(2), 207-219. doi:10.1108/13563280910953870
The Future Ahead: Imagination, Rigour and the Advancement of Management Studies
Cornelissen, J., & Floyd, S. W. (2009). The Future Ahead: Imagination, Rigour and the Advancement of Management Studies. Journal of Management Studies, 46(1), 10-15. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2008.00810.x
Metaphors and Theory Building in Organization Theory: What Determines the Impact of a Metaphor on Theory?<sup>*</sup>
Cornelissen, J. P., & Kafouros, M. (2008). Metaphors and Theory Building in Organization Theory: What Determines the Impact of a Metaphor on Theory?<sup>*</sup>. British Journal of Management, 19(4), 365-379. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2007.00550.x
Organization Studies
Organization Studies (2008). Organization Studies, 29(7), 1075-1076. doi:10.1177/0170840608095143
The Emergent Organization: Primary and Complex Metaphors in Theorizing about Organizations
Cornelissen, J. P., & Kafouros, M. (2008). The Emergent Organization: Primary and Complex Metaphors in Theorizing about Organizations. Organization Studies, 29(7), 957-978. doi:10.1177/0170840608090533
Special Issue on “New Directions in Organizational Communication Research”
Clark, T., Cooren, F., Cornelissen, J., & Kuhn, T. (2008). Special Issue on “New Directions in Organizational Communication Research”. Organization Studies, 29(5), 815-816. doi:10.1177/0170840608092743
Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication and Reputation
Melewar, T. (Ed.) (n.d.). Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication and Reputation. In . Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203931943
Special Issue on “New Directions in Organizational Communication Research”
Clark, T., Cooren, F., Cornelissen, J., & Kuhn, T. (2008). Special Issue on “New Directions in Organizational Communication Research”. Organization Studies, 29(2), 305-306. doi:10.1177/0170840608088955
Metaphor in Organizational Research: Context, Modalities and Implications for Research — Introduction
Cornelissen, J. P., Oswick, C., Thøger Christensen, L., & Phillips, N. (2008). Metaphor in Organizational Research: Context, Modalities and Implications for Research — Introduction. Organization Studies, 29(1), 7-22. doi:10.1177/0170840607086634
Metonymy in Language about Organizations: A Corpus‐Based Study of Company Names
Cornelissen, J. P. (2008). Metonymy in Language about Organizations: A Corpus‐Based Study of Company Names. Journal of Management Studies, 45(1), 79-99. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2007.00737.x
Organization Studies
Clark, T., Cooren, F., Cornelissen, J., & Kuhn, T. (2008). Organization Studies. Organization Studies, 29(6), 921-922. doi:10.1177/0170840608094229
Special Issue on “New Directions in Organizational Communication Research”
Clark, T., Cooren, F., Cornelissen, J., & Kuhn, T. (2008). Special Issue on “New Directions in Organizational Communication Research”. Organization Studies, 29(1), 161-162. doi:10.1177/0170840607088304
Corporate Communications: Theory and Practice
Cornelissen, J. (2007). Corporate Communications: Theory and Practice. Strategic Direction, 23(8). doi:10.1108/sd.2007.05623hae.001
Correspondence: Corporate communications and its receptions
Christensen, L. T., Cornelissen, J., & Morsing, M. (2007). Correspondence: Corporate communications and its receptions. Human Relations, 60(4), 653-661. doi:10.1177/0018726707078356
Social Identity, Organizational Identity and Corporate Identity: Towards an Integrated Understanding of Processes, Patternings and Products
Cornelissen, J. P., Haslam, S. A., & Balmer, J. M. T. (2007). Social Identity, Organizational Identity and Corporate Identity: Towards an Integrated Understanding of Processes, Patternings and Products. British Journal of Management, 18(s1). doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2007.00522.x
Organization Studies
Clark, T., Cooren, F., Cornelissen, J., & Kuhn, T. (2007). Organization Studies. Organization Studies, 28(11), 1795-1796. doi:10.1177/0170840607085936
Making Sense of Theory Construction: Metaphor and Disciplined Imagination
Cornelissen, J. P. (2006). Making Sense of Theory Construction: Metaphor and Disciplined Imagination. Organization Studies, 27(11), 1579-1597. doi:10.1177/0170840606068333
Integrated Organisational Communication
Integrated Organisational Communication (2006). Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 11(4), 424-426. doi:10.1108/13563280610713888
Anti-corporate movements and public relations
Karagianni, K. S., & Cornelissen, J. (2006). Anti-corporate movements and public relations. Public Relations Review, 32(2), 168-170. doi:10.1016/j.pubrev.2006.02.009
Corporate Communications: A Practice-based Theoretical Conceptualization
Cornelissen, J., Bekkum, T. V., & Ruler, B. V. (2006). Corporate Communications: A Practice-based Theoretical Conceptualization. Corporate Reputation Review, 9(2), 114-133. doi:10.1057/palgrave.crr.1550015
Metaphor and the Dynamics of Knowledge in Organization Theory: A Case Study of the Organizational Identity Metaphor*
Cornelissen, J. P. (2006). Metaphor and the Dynamics of Knowledge in Organization Theory: A Case Study of the Organizational Identity Metaphor*. Journal of Management Studies, 43(4), 683-709. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2006.00607.x
Metaphorical images of organization: How organizational researchers develop and select organizational metaphors
Cornelissen, J. P., Kafouros, M., & Lock, A. R. (2005). Metaphorical images of organization: How organizational researchers develop and select organizational metaphors. Human Relations, 58(12), 1545-1578. doi:10.1177/0018726705061317
Beyond Compare: Metaphor In Organization Theory
Cornelissen, J. P. (2005). Beyond Compare: Metaphor In Organization Theory. Academy of Management Review, 30(4), 751-764. doi:10.5465/amr.2005.18378876
The uses of marketing theory: Constructs, research propositions, and managerial implications
Cornelissen, J. P., & Lock, A. R. (2005). The uses of marketing theory: Constructs, research propositions, and managerial implications. Marketing Theory, 5(2), 165-184. doi:10.1177/1470593105052469
What Are We Playing at? Theatre, Organization, and the Use of Metaphor
Cornelissen, J. P. (2004). What Are We Playing at? Theatre, Organization, and the Use of Metaphor. Organization Studies, 25(5), 705-726. doi:10.1177/0170840604042411
Managing corporate identity: an integrative framework of dimensions and determinants
Cornelissen, J. P., & Elving, W. J. L. (2003). Managing corporate identity: an integrative framework of dimensions and determinants. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 8(2), 114-120. doi:10.1108/1356328031047553
Metaphor as a method in the domain of marketing
Cornelissen, J. P. (2003). Metaphor as a method in the domain of marketing. Psychology & Marketing, 20(3), 209-225. doi:10.1002/mar.10068
Change, continuity and progress: the concept of integrated marketing communications and marketing communications practice
Cornelissen, J. P. (2003). Change, continuity and progress: the concept of integrated marketing communications and marketing communications practice. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11(4), 217-234. doi:10.1080/0965254032000159045
Academic and Practitioner Theories of Marketing
Cornelissen, J. (2002). Academic and Practitioner Theories of Marketing. Marketing Theory, 2(1), 133-143. doi:10.1177/1470593102002001647
Advertising Research and its Influence on Managerial Practice
Cornelissen, J. P., & Lock, A. R. (2002). Advertising Research and its Influence on Managerial Practice. Journal of Advertising Research, 42(3), 50-54. doi:10.2501/jar-42-3-50-55
Metaphorical Reasoning and Knowledge Generation
Cornelissen, J. P. (2002). Metaphorical Reasoning and Knowledge Generation. Journal of Political Marketing, 1(1), 193-208. doi:10.1300/j199v01n01_09
On the ‘Organizational Identity’ Metaphor
Cornelissen, J. P. (2002). On the ‘Organizational Identity’ Metaphor. British Journal of Management, 13(3), 259-268. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.00242
The Merit and Mischief of Metaphor: A Reply to Gioia, Schultz and Corley
Cornelissen, J. P. (2002). The Merit and Mischief of Metaphor: A Reply to Gioia, Schultz and Corley. British Journal of Management, 13(3), 277-279. doi:10.1111/1467-8551.00244
The appeal of integration: managing communications in modern organisations
Cornelissen, J. P., & Lock, A. R. (2001). The appeal of integration: managing communications in modern organisations. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 19(6), 425-431. doi:10.1108/eum0000000006110
The Corporate Identity Metaphor: Perspectives, Problems And Prospects
Cornelissen, J., & Harris, P. (2001). The Corporate Identity Metaphor: Perspectives, Problems And Prospects. Journal of Marketing Management, 17(1-2), 49-71. doi:10.1362/0267257012571456
Integrated marketing communications and the language of marketing development
Cornelissen, J. P. (2001). Integrated marketing communications and the language of marketing development. International Journal of Advertising, 20(4), 483-498. doi:10.1080/02650487.2001.11104907
The organisation of external communication disciplines: an integrative framework of dimensions and determinants
Cornelissen, J. P., Lock, A. R., & Gardner, H. (2001). The organisation of external communication disciplines: an integrative framework of dimensions and determinants. International Journal of Advertising, 20(1), 67-88. doi:10.1080/02650487.2001.11104877
Corporate image: an audience centred model
Cornelissen, J. (2000). Corporate image: an audience centred model. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 5(2), 119-125. doi:10.1108/13563280010372540
The organizational relationship between marketing and public relations: exploring paradigmatic viewpoints
Cornelissen, J. P., & Lock, A. R. (2000). The organizational relationship between marketing and public relations: exploring paradigmatic viewpoints. Journal of Marketing Communications, 6(4), 231-245. doi:10.1080/135272600750036355
Theoretical Concept or Management Fashion?
Conrnelissen, J. P., & Lock, A. R. (2000). Theoretical Concept or Management Fashion?. Journal of Advertising Research, 40(5), 1-8. doi:10.2501/jar-40-5-7-15
Toward an understanding of the use of academic theories in public relations practice
Cornelissen, J. P. (2000). Toward an understanding of the use of academic theories in public relations practice. Public Relations Review, 26(3), 315-326. doi:10.1016/s0363-8111(00)00050-3