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2021 – Present: Post-Doctoral Research Associate Bioarchaeology for the project “What’s in a House? Exploring the Kinship Structure of the World´s First Houses”. PI: Dr. Eva Fernandez-Dominguez, Durham University; Co-I: Dr. Jessica Pearson, University of Liverpool.

2016 - Present: Guest researcher. Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University.

2016 - 2021: Doctoral research “Uncovering a Community: Investigating Lifestyles and Death Ways at Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria”. Supervisory team: Prof Douglas Baird, Dr Jessica Pearson, and Dr Eleni Asouti. Department of Archaeology, Classics, and Egyptology, University of Liverpool.

2014 - 2016: Research assistant for the research project “Consolidating Empire - Reconstructing Hegemonic Practices of the Middle Assyrian Empire at the Late Bronze Age Fortified Estate of Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria, ca. 1230 – 1180 BC”, jointly responsible for the drafting and publication of the final report on the Late Bronze Age settlement of Tell Sabi Abyad I. PI: Dr Bleda Düring, Leiden University.

2013 - 2014: MA research project “Keepsakes: Burial Goods as the Materialization of Relationships at Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria”. Supervisor: Dr Olivier Nieuwenhuyse, Leiden University.

2012 - 2013: KNAW (The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences) academy assistant, research project “Neolithic Burials at Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria: 14C Dating, Population Health, and Climate Change”. Supervisory team: Prof Peter Akkermans & Prof Hans van der Plicht. Leiden University.