Fully Bayesian Wideband Direction-of-Arrival Estimation and Detection via RJMCMC
An end-to-end tracking framework via multi-view and temporal feature aggregation
Yang, Y., Xu, M., Ralph, J. F., Ling, Y., & Pan, X. (2024). An end-to-end tracking framework via multi-view and temporal feature aggregation. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 249, 104203. doi:10.1016/j.cviu.2024.104203
Target tracking in a complex simulated world
Griffith, E. J., Phillips, A. M., Mai, L. P., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2024). Target tracking in a complex simulated world. In D. L. Hickman, H. Bürsing, P. J. Soan, & O. Steinvall (Eds.), Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications XXI (pp. 20). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.3031696
Sonar Path Planning Using Reinforcement Learning
Wakefield, J. J., Neal, A., Haslinger, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2024). Sonar Path Planning Using Reinforcement Learning. In 2024 27th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. doi:10.23919/fusion59988.2024.10706484
Bayesian estimation for Bell state rotations
Anastassiou, L., Ralph, J. F., Maskell, S., & Kok, P. (2023). Bayesian estimation for Bell state rotations. AVS Quantum Science, 5(2). doi:10.1116/5.0147878
Information fusion and tracking using Bernoulli filters for maritime surveillance
Ransom, M. J., Ralph, J. F., & Maskell, S. (2023). Information fusion and tracking using Bernoulli filters for maritime surveillance. In IET Conference Proceedings Vol. 2022 (pp. 477-482). Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET). doi:10.1049/icp.2022.2364
Using hybrid multiobjective machine learning to optimise sonobuoy placement patterns
Taylor, C. M., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2023). Using hybrid multiobjective machine learning to optimise sonobuoy placement patterns. IET RADAR SONAR AND NAVIGATION, 17(3), 374-387. doi:10.1049/rsn2.12347
Joint optimization of sonar waveform selection and sonobuoy placement
Taylor, C. M., Maskell, S., Narykov, A., & Ralph, J. F. (2023). Joint optimization of sonar waveform selection and sonobuoy placement. In 2023 SENSOR SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR DEFENCE CONFERENCE, SSPD (pp. 86-90). doi:10.1109/SSPD57945.2023.10256991
Cold atom inertial sensors for navigation applications
Wright, M. J., Anastassiou, L., Mishra, C., Davies, J. M., Phillips, A. M., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (n.d.). Cold atom inertial sensors for navigation applications. Frontiers in Physics, 10. doi:10.3389/fphy.2022.994459
A Geometric Approach to Passive Localisation
Triommatis, T., Potapov, I., Rees, G., & Ralph, J. F. (2022). A Geometric Approach to Passive Localisation. In 2022 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION 2022). Retrieved from
Double Deep Q Networks for Sensor Management in Space Situational Awareness
Oakes, B., Richards, D., Barr, J., & Ralph, J. (2022). Double Deep Q Networks for Sensor Management in Space Situational Awareness. In 2022 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION 2022). Retrieved from
Gaussian trajectory PMBM filter with nonlinear measurements based on posterior linearisation
Garcia-Fernandez, A. F., Ralph, J., Horridge, P., & Maskell, S. (2022). Gaussian trajectory PMBM filter with nonlinear measurements based on posterior linearisation. In 2022 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION 2022). Retrieved from
Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filtering with an active sonar using BELLHOP simulation
Narykov, A., Wright, M., Garcia-Fernandez, A. F., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2022). Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture filtering with an active sonar using BELLHOP simulation. In 2022 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION 2022). Retrieved from
Position fixing with cold atom gravity gradiometers
Phillips, A. M., Wright, M. J., Riou, I., Maddox, S., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2022). Position fixing with cold atom gravity gradiometers. AVS Quantum Science, 4(2). doi:10.1116/5.0095677
Classical Tracking for Quantum Trajectories
Classical Tracking for Quantum Trajectories
Ralph, J. F., Maskell, S., Ransom, M., & Ulbricht, H. (2022). Classical Tracking for Quantum Trajectories. In IEEE 24th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 2021, pp. 1-8. Retrieved from
Optimal Bernoulli point estimation with applications
Narykov, A., Uney, M., & Ralph, J. F. (2022). Optimal Bernoulli point estimation with applications. In 2022 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference (SSPD) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. doi:10.1109/sspd54131.2022.9896190
Optimizing sonobuoy placement using multiobjective machine learning
Taylor, C. M., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2022). Optimizing sonobuoy placement using multiobjective machine learning. In 2022 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence Conference (SSPD) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. doi:10.1109/sspd54131.2022.9896216
Classical Tracking for Quantum Trajectories
Ralph, J. F., Maskell, S., Ransom, M., & Ulbricht, H. (2021). Classical Tracking for Quantum Trajectories. In 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. doi:10.23919/fusion49465.2021.9626966
Track-before-detect Bernoulli filters for combining passive and active sensors
Ransom, M. J., Hernandez, M. L., Ralph, J. F., & Maskell, S. (2021). Track-before-detect Bernoulli filters for combining passive and active sensors. In 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. doi:10.23919/fusion49465.2021.9626922
A Gaussian Filtering Method for Multitarget Tracking With Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Measurements
Garcia-Fernandez, A. F., Ralph, J., Horridge, P., & Maskell, S. (2021). A Gaussian Filtering Method for Multitarget Tracking With Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian Measurements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 57(5), 3539-3548. doi:10.1109/TAES.2021.3074200
Modelling bi-static uncertainties in sequential Monte Carlo with the GLMB model
Uney, M., Narykov, A., Ralph, J., & Maskell, S. (2021). Modelling bi-static uncertainties in sequential Monte Carlo with the GLMB model. In 2021 SENSOR SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR DEFENCE CONFERENCE (SSPD) (pp. 85-89). doi:10.1109/SSPD51364.2021.9541502
Gaussian Tracking With Kent-Distributed Direction-of-Arrival Measurements
Garcia-Fernandez, A., Maskell, S., Horridge, P., & Ralph, J. (2021). Gaussian Tracking With Kent-Distributed Direction-of-Arrival Measurements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, 70(7), 7249-7254. doi:10.1109/TVT.2021.3086558
Classical Tracking for Quantum Trajectories
Ralph, J. F., Maskell, S., Ransom, M., & Ulbricht, H. (2021). Classical Tracking for Quantum Trajectories. In 2021 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION) (pp. 869-876). Retrieved from
Track-before-detect Bernoulli filters for combining passive and active sensors
Ransom, M. J., Hernandez, M. L., Ralph, J. F., & Maskell, S. (2021). Track-before-detect Bernoulli filters for combining passive and active sensors. In 2021 IEEE 24TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION) (pp. 885-892). Retrieved from
Augmented inertial navigation using cold atom sensing
Phillips, A. M., Wright, M. J., Kiss-Toth, M., Read, I., Riou, I., Maddox, S., . . . Ralph, J. F. (2020). Augmented inertial navigation using cold atom sensing. In Cold Atoms for Quantum Technologies. SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2583999
Integrated Expected Likelihood Particle Filters
Ransom, M. J., Vladimirov, L., Horridge, P. R., Ralph, J. F., & Maskell, S. (2020). Integrated Expected Likelihood Particle Filters. In 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) (pp. 1-8). IEEE. doi:10.23919/fusion45008.2020.9190387
Integrated Expected Likelihood Particle Filters
Ransom, M. J., Vladimirov, L., Horridge, P. R., Ralph, J. F., & Maskell, S. (2020). Integrated Expected Likelihood Particle Filters. In PROCEEDINGS OF 2020 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION 2020) (pp. 849-856). Retrieved from
Weather Effects on Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Car
Song, R., Wetherall, J., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. (2020). Weather Effects on Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Car. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (pp. 331-341). SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. doi:10.5220/0009354500002550
Weather Effects on Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Car
Song, R., Wetherall, J., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2020). Weather Effects on Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Car. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY AND INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS (VEHITS) (pp. 331-341). doi:10.5220/0009354503310341
Efficient Estimation of Probability of Conflict Between Air Traffic Using Subset Simulation
Mishra, C., Maskell, S., Au, S. -K., & Ralph, J. F. (2019). Efficient Estimation of Probability of Conflict Between Air Traffic Using Subset Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 55(6), 2719-2742. doi:10.1109/TAES.2019.2899714
A Multi-Sensor Simulation Environment for Autonomous Cars
Song, R., Horridge, P., Pemberton, S., Wetherall, J., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. (2019). A Multi-Sensor Simulation Environment for Autonomous Cars. In 2019 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION 2019). doi:10.23919/fusion43075.2019.9011278
Convolutional Neural Networks for Aerial Vehicle Detection and Recognition
Soleimani, A., Nasrabadi, N. M., Griffith, E., Ralph, J., & Maskell, S. (2018). Convolutional Neural Networks for Aerial Vehicle Detection and Recognition. In NAECON 2018 - IEEE NATIONAL AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (pp. 186-191). Retrieved from
Comparing interrelationships between features and embedding methods for multiple-view fusion
Piroddi, R., Goulermas, Y., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. (2018). Comparing interrelationships between features and embedding methods for multiple-view fusion. In 2018 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION) (pp. 1503-1510). Retrieved from
Convolutional Neural Networks for Aerial Vehicle Detection and Recognition
Comparing Interrelationships Between Features and Embedding Methods for Multiple-View Fusion.
Piroddi, R., Goulermas, J. Y., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2018). Comparing Interrelationships Between Features and Embedding Methods for Multiple-View Fusion.. In FUSION (pp. 1-5). IEEE. Retrieved from
A System for the Generation of Synthetic Wide Area Aerial Surveillance Imagery
Griffith, E., Mishra, C., Ralph, J. F., & Maskell, S. (2018). A System for the Generation of Synthetic Wide Area Aerial Surveillance Imagery. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 84, 286-308. doi:10.1016/j.simpat.2018.03.003
Real-Time Kalman Filter: Cooling of an Optically Levitated Nanoparticle
Setter, A., Toroš, M., Ralph, J. F., & Ulbricht, H. (2018). Real-Time Kalman Filter: Cooling of an Optically Levitated Nanoparticle. Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics), 97(3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.97.033822
Efficient estimation of probability of conflict between air traffic using Subset Simulation
Mishra, C., Maskell, S., Au, S. -K., & Ralph, J. F. (n.d.). Efficient estimation of probability of conflict between air traffic using Subset Simulation. Retrieved from
A System for the Generation of Synthetic Wide Area Aerial Surveillance Imagery
Controlled modification of resonant tunneling in metal-insulator-insulator-metal structures
Mitrovic, I. Z., Weerakkody, D. A. D. C., Sedghi, N., Ralph, J. F., Hall, S., Dhanak, V. R., . . . Beeby, S. (2018). Controlled modification of resonant tunneling in metal-insulator-insulator-metal structures. Applied Physics Letters, 112, 5 pages. doi:10.1063/1.4999258
Superimposed multi-resolution imaging
Carles, G., Babington, J., Wood, A., Ralph, J. F., & Harvey, A. (2017). Superimposed multi-resolution imaging. Optics Express, 25(26), 33043-33055. doi:10.1364/OE.25.033043
Real-Time Kalman Filter: Cooling of an Optically Levitated Nanoparticle
Dynamical model selection near the quantum-classical boundary
Ralph, J. F., Toros, M., Maskell, S., Jacobs, K., Rashid, M., Setter, A. J., & Ulbricht, H. (2018). Dynamical model selection near the quantum-classical boundary. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 98(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.98.010102
Dynamical model selection near the quantum-classical boundary
Multiparameter estimation along quantum trajectories with sequential Monte Carlo methods
Ralph, J. F., Maskell, S., & Kacobs, K. (2017). Multiparameter estimation along quantum trajectories with sequential Monte Carlo methods. Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics), 96. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.96.052306
The simplicity, complexity and benefits of multi-aperture imaging in the thermal infrared
Harvey, A. R., Carles, G., Cowan, L., Preciado, M., Ralph, J., Babington, J., & Wood, A. (2017). The simplicity, complexity and benefits of multi-aperture imaging in the thermal infrared. In EMERGING IMAGING AND SENSING TECHNOLOGIES FOR SECURITY AND DEFENCE II Vol. 10438. doi:10.1117/12.2278492
Nonlinear Kinematics for Improved Helicopter Tracking
Clark, E. J., Griffith, E. J., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2017). Nonlinear Kinematics for Improved Helicopter Tracking. In 2017 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION) (pp. 1013-1018). Retrieved from
Multi-parameter estimation along quantum trajectories with Sequential Monte Carlo methods
Atom Interferometry for Dark Contents of the Vacuum Searches
Role of entanglement in calibrating optical quantum gyroscopes
Kok, P., Dunningham, J., & Ralph, J. F. (2017). Role of entanglement in calibrating optical quantum gyroscopes. Physical Review A, 95(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.95.012326
Observing quantum chaos with noisy measurements and highly mixed states
Ralph, J. F., Jacobs, K., & Everitt, M. J. (2017). Observing quantum chaos with noisy measurements and highly mixed states. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 95(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.95.012135
Observing quantum chaos with noisy measurements and highly mixed states
Geometric Separation of Superimposed Images
Mehta, M. M., Griffith, E. J., Maskell, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2016). Geometric Separation of Superimposed Images. In 2016 19TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION) (pp. 1244-1251). Retrieved from
Coupling rotational and translational motion via a continuous measurement in an optomechanical sphere
Ralph, J. F., Jacobs, K., & Coleman, J. (2016). Coupling rotational and translational motion via a continuous measurement in an optomechanical sphere. Physical Review A, 94(3). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.94.032108
Coupling rotational and translational motion via a continuous measurement in an optomechanical sphere
Tunnel-Barrier Rectifiers for Optical Nantennas
Mitrovic, I. Z., Weerakkody, A. D., Sedghi, N., Hall, S., Ralph, J. F., Wrench, J. S., . . . Beeby, S. (2016). Tunnel-Barrier Rectifiers for Optical Nantennas. DIELECTRICS FOR NANOSYSTEMS 7: MATERIALS SCIENCE, PROCESSING, RELIABILITY, AND MANUFACTURING, 72(2), 287-299. doi:10.1149/07202.0287ecst
Efficient estimation of probability of conflict between air traffic using Subset Simulation
(Invited) Tunnel-Barrier Rectifiers for Optical Nantennas
Mitrovic, I. Z., Weerakkody, A. D., Sedghi, N., Hall, S., Ralph, J. F., Wrench, J. S., . . . Beeby, S. (2016). (Invited) Tunnel-Barrier Rectifiers for Optical Nantennas. ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2016-01(16), 1011. doi:10.1149/ma2016-01/16/1011
Local versus Global Strategies in Multi-parameter Estimation
Knott, P. A., Proctor, T. J., Hayes, A. J., Ralph, J. F., Kok, P., & Dunningham, J. A. (2016). Local versus global strategies in multiparameter estimation. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 94(6). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.94.062312
Local versus Global Strategies in Multi-parameter Estimation
Binary Data Embedding Framework for Multiclass Classification
Chi, Y., Griffith, E. J., Goulermas, J. Y., & Ralph, J. F. (2015). Binary Data Embedding Framework for Multiclass Classification. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS, 45(4), 453-464. doi:10.1109/THMS.2015.2404913
The role of entanglement in calibrating optical quantum gyroscopes
Engineered Ta2O5/Al2O3 and Nb2O5/Al2O3 tunnel barriers for next-generation low turn-on voltage high-speed rectifiers
Mitrovic, I., Sedghi, N., Weerakkody, D., Ralph, J. F., Hall, S., Wrench, J., & Chalker, P. R. (n.d.). Engineered Ta2O5/Al2O3 and Nb2O5/Al2O3 tunnel barriers for next-generation low turn-on voltage high-speed rectifiers. Poster session presented at the meeting of European Materials Research Society (EMRS 2015). Lille, France.
Efficient quantum filtering for quantum feedback control
Rouchon, P., & Ralph, J. F. (2015). Efficient quantum filtering for quantum feedback control. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 91(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.91.012118
Low Bit Depth Images for Small & Micro-Scale UAVs
Yuan Chi., Griffith, E. J., & Ralph, J. F. (2015). Low Bit Depth Images for Small & Micro-Scale UAVs. In 6th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Prevention and Detection (ICDP-15) (pp. 17 (6 .)). Institution of Engineering and Technology. doi:10.1049/ic.2015.0115
Efficient Quantum Filtering for Quantum Feedback Control
Geometric Separation of Superimposed Images with Varying Fields-of-view
Mehta, M., Griffith, E. J., & Ralph, J. F. (2014). Geometric Separation of Superimposed Images with Varying Fields-of-view. In 2014 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION). Retrieved from
Unmanned weapons systems and just wars The psychological dimension
Power, N., Alison, L., & Ralph, J. (2015). Unmanned weapons systems and just wars The psychological dimension. In Unknown Book (pp. 188-205). Retrieved from
Zero Bias Resonant Tunnelling Diode for Use in THz Rectenna
Sedghi, N., Mitrovic, I. Z., Ralph, J. F., & Hall, S. (2014). Zero Bias Resonant Tunnelling Diode for Use in THz Rectenna. Cork, Ireland.
Energy Harvesting Using THz Electronics
Hall, S., Mitrovic, I. Z., Sedghi, N., Shen, Y. -C. C., Huang, Y., & Ralph, J. F. (2014). Energy Harvesting Using THz Electronics. In FUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS AND DEVICES FOR ELECTRONICS, SENSORS AND ENERGY HARVESTING (pp. 241-265). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08804-4_12
Erratum to: Energy Harvesting Using THz Electronics
Hall, S., Mitrovic, I. Z., Sedghi, N., Shen, Y. -C., Huang, Y., & Ralph, J. F. (2014). Erratum to: Energy Harvesting Using THz Electronics. In Engineering Materials (pp. E1). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08804-4_21
Functional Nanomaterials and Devices for Electronics, Sensors and Energy Harvesting
Nazarov, A., Balestra, F., Kilchytska, V., & Flandre, D. (Eds.) (2014). Functional Nanomaterials and Devices for Electronics, Sensors and Energy Harvesting. In . Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-08804-4
Equivalence of BRISK Descriptors for the Registration of Variable Bit-depth Aerial Imagery
Griffith, E. J., Chi, Y., Jump, M., & Ralph, J. F. (2013). Equivalence of BRISK Descriptors for the Registration of Variable Bit-depth Aerial Imagery. 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2013), 2587-2592. doi:10.1109/SMC.2013.442
Dislocation dynamics during plastic deformations of complex plasma crystals
Durniak, C., Samsonov, D., Ralph, J. F., Zhdanov, S., & Morfill, G. (2013). Dislocation dynamics during plastic deformations of complex plasma crystals. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 88(5). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.053101
Doing the Right Thing: Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Air Vehicles
Mishra, C., Mehta, M., Griffith, E. J., & Ralph, J. F. (2013). Doing the Right Thing: Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Air Vehicles. In 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2013) (pp. 2581-2586). doi:10.1109/SMC.2013.441
Ideal Gas Behavior of a Strongly Coupled Complex (Dusty) Plasma
Oxtoby, N. P., Griffith, E. J., Durniak, C., Ralph, J. F., & Samsonov, D. (2013). Ideal Gas Behavior of a Strongly Coupled Complex (Dusty) Plasma. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 111(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.015002
Electron trapping at the high-κ/GeO<sub>2</sub> interface: The role of bound states
Sedghi, N., Ralph, J. F., Mitrovic, I. Z., Chalker, P. R., & Hall, S. (2013). Electron trapping at the high-κ/GeO<sub>2</sub> interface: The role of bound states. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 102(9). doi:10.1063/1.4794544
Bound states within the notch of the HfO2/GeO2/Ge stack
Wang, Z., Ralph, J., Sedghi, N., Mitrovic, I. Z., & Hall, S. (2013). Bound states within the notch of the HfO2/GeO2/Ge stack. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena, 31(2). doi:10.1116/1.4794378
'Solar energy harvesting using THz electronics.' (Invited)
Hall, S., Sedghi, N., Mitrovic, I., Ralph, J., & Huang, Y. (2013). 'Solar energy harvesting using THz electronics.' (Invited). In F. Balestra, & A. N. Nazarov (Eds.), Functional Nanomaterials and Devices (pp. 2). Kyiv: TBA.
'Towards Rectennas for Solar Energy Harvesting'
Sedghi, N., Zhang, J. W., Ralph, J. F., Huang, Y., Mitrovic, I. Z., & Hall, S. (2013). 'Towards Rectennas for Solar Energy Harvesting'. In ESSDERC (pp. 4). Bucharest: CUP.
Bound states within the notch of the HfO<sub>2</sub>/GeO<sub>2</sub>/Ge stack
Wang, Z., Ralph, J., Sedghi, N., Mitrovic, I. Z., & Hall, S. (2013). Bound states within the notch of the HfO<sub>2</sub>/GeO<sub>2</sub>/Ge stack. In JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B Vol. 31. doi:10.1116/1.4794378
Real-Time Task Allocation for Remote Weapon Operators
Davis, J. K., Griffith, E. J., & Ralph, J. F. (2013). Real-Time Task Allocation for Remote Weapon Operators. In 2013 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION FUSION (FUSION) (pp. 1841-1848). Retrieved from
Towards Rectennas for Solar Energy Harvesting
Sedghi, N., Zhang, J. W., Ralph, J. F., Huang, Y., Mitrovic, I. Z., & Hall, S. (2013). Towards Rectennas for Solar Energy Harvesting. In 2013 PROCEEDINGS OF THE EUROPEAN SOLID-STATE DEVICE RESEARCH CONFERENCE (ESSDERC) (pp. 131-134). Retrieved from
Ideal gas behavior of a strongly-coupled complex (dusty) plasma
Towards collaborative feature extraction for face recognition
Rodriguez, E., Nikolaidis, K., Mu, T., Ralph, J. F., & Goulermas, J. Y. (2012). Towards collaborative feature extraction for face recognition. NATURAL COMPUTING, 11(3), 395-404. doi:10.1007/s11047-011-9285-6
Dislocations dynamics during plastic deformations of complex plasma crystals
Durniak, C., Samsonov, D., & Ralph, J. F. (2012). Dislocations dynamics during plastic deformations of complex plasma crystals. In 2012 Abstracts IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science. IEEE. doi:10.1109/plasma.2012.6383790
'Bound States and Their Charge Occupancy within the Notch of HfO2/GeO2/Ge Stacks'
Sedghi, N., Ralph, J. F., Mitrovic, I., & Hall, S. (2012). 'Bound States and Their Charge Occupancy within the Notch of HfO2/GeO2/Ge Stacks'. In Semiconductor Interface Specialist Conference (pp. 2). San Diego: IEEE/SISC.
Quantum Filtering One Bit at a Time
Ralph, J. F., & Oxtoby, N. P. (2011). Quantum Filtering One Bit at a Time. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 107(26). doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.260503
Tracking shocked dust: State estimation for a complex plasma during a shock wave
Oxtoby, N. P., Ralph, J. F., Durniak, C., & Samsonov, D. (2012). Tracking shocked dust: State estimation for a complex plasma during a shock wave. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, 19(1). doi:10.1063/1.3678201
Tracking shocked dust: state estimation for a complex plasma during a shock wave
Tracking interacting dust: comparison of tracking and state estimation techniques for dusty plasmas
Oxtoby, N. P., Ralph, J. F., Samsonov, D., & Durniak, C. (2010). Tracking interacting dust: comparison of tracking and state estimation techniques for dusty plasmas. SIGNAL AND DATA PROCESSING OF SMALL TARGETS 2010, 7698. doi:10.1117/12.852421
Tracking interacting dust: comparison of tracking and state estimation techniques for dusty plasmas
Visualizing a Dusty Plasma Shock Wave via Interacting Multiple-Model Mode Probabilities
Oxtoby, N. P., Ralph, J. F., Durniak, C., & Samsonov, D. (2011). Visualizing a Dusty Plasma Shock Wave via Interacting Multiple-Model Mode Probabilities. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 39(11), 2772-2773. doi:10.1109/TPS.2011.2155101
Visualizing a Dusty Plasma Shock Wave via Interacting Multiple-Model Mode Probabilities
Quantum filtering one bit at a time
Interacting Multiple Model estimators for tracking thousands of interacting, small targets in a complex plasma
Oxtoby, N. P., Ralph, J. F., Durniak, C., & Samsonov, D. (2011). Interacting Multiple Model estimators for tracking thousands of interacting, small targets in a complex plasma. In SIGNAL PROCESSING, SENSOR FUSION, AND TARGET RECOGNITION XX Vol. 8050. doi:10.1117/12.883028
Tracking System to Maximize the Engagement Envelope of a Data Linked Weapon
Davies, J. M., Ralph, J. F., & Oxtoby, N. P. (2011). Tracking System to Maximize the Engagement Envelope of a Data Linked Weapon. In SIGNAL PROCESSING, SENSOR FUSION, AND TARGET RECOGNITION XX Vol. 8050. doi:10.1117/12.883021
Target Tracking
Ralph, J. F. (n.d.). Target Tracking. Wiley. doi:10.1002/9780470686652.eae284
Levy flights for improved Ladar scanning
Al-Temeemy, A. A., Spencer, J. W., & Ralph, J. F. (2010). Levy flights for improved Ladar scanning. In 2010 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (pp. 225-228). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ist.2010.5548519
Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Dynamic Phenomena in Complex Plasmas
Durniak, C., Samsonov, D., Oxtoby, N. P., Ralph, J. F., & Zhdanov, S. (2010). Molecular-Dynamics Simulations of Dynamic Phenomena in Complex Plasmas. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, 38(9), 2412-2417. doi:10.1109/TPS.2010.2051563
Automatic Induction of Projection Pursuit Indices
Rodriguez-Martinez, E., Goulermas, J. Y., Mu, T., & Ralph, J. F. (2010). Automatic Induction of Projection Pursuit Indices. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, 21(8), 1281-1295. doi:10.1109/TNN.2010.2051161
An interleaved sampling scheme for the characterization of single qubit dynamics
An interleaved sampling scheme for the characterization of single qubit dynamics
Ralph, J. F., Combes, J., & Wiseman, H. M. (2012). An interleaved sampling scheme for the characterization of single qubit dynamics. QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING, 11(6), 1523-1531. doi:10.1007/s11128-011-0313-3
Nonlinear effects in complex plasmas
Samsonov, D., Durniak, C., Harvey, P., Hall, E., Oxtoby, N., Ralph, J., . . . Morfill, G. (2010). Nonlinear effects in complex plasmas. ECC11 Lille 2010, 1, 150.
Tracking and state estimation for two-dimensional dusty plasmas
Oxtoby, N., Ralph, J., Samsonov, D., & Durniak, C. (2010). Tracking and state estimation for two-dimensional dusty plasmas. 37th Institute Of Physics Annual Conference on Plasma Physics, Windermere (UK), 1, 1.
Frequency tracking and parameter estimation for robust quantum state estimation
Ralph, J. F., Jacobs, K., & Hill, C. D. (2011). Frequency tracking and parameter estimation for robust quantum state estimation. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 84(5). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.84.052119
Frequency Tracking and Parameter Estimation for Robust Quantum State-Estimation
Small object monitoring for sensitive indoor compounds
Govinda, V., Ralph, J. F., Spencer, J. W., & Goulermas, J. Y. (2009). Small object monitoring for sensitive indoor compounds. MEASUREMENT, 42(6), 815-829. doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2009.01.005
Automatic task assignment for mixed aircraft formations
Ralph, J. F., & Jones, D. M. (2009). Automatic task assignment for mixed aircraft formations. In D. J. Henry (Ed.), SPIE Proceedings Vol. 7307 (pp. 73070N). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.818519
Tracking dust: tracking and state estimation for dusty plasmas
Ralph, J. F., Samsonov, D., Durniak, C., & Morfill, G. E. (2009). Tracking dust: tracking and state estimation for dusty plasmas. In I. Kadar (Ed.), SPIE Proceedings Vol. 7336 (pp. 73361H). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.818508
An Analysis of a Robust Super Resolution Algorithm for Infrared Imaging
Wang, J., Ralph, J. F., & Goulermas, J. Y. (2009). An Analysis of a Robust Super Resolution Algorithm for Infrared Imaging. In 2009 PROCEEDINGS OF 6TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS (ISPA 2009) (pp. 162-167). Retrieved from
Tracking dust: tracking and state estimation for dusty plasmas
Ralph, J. F., Samsonov, D., Durniak, C., & Morfill, G. E. (2009). Tracking dust: tracking and state estimation for dusty plasmas. In Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XVIII Vol. 7336 (pp. 1-8). Orlando: SPIE.
Control of two qubit systems with Hamiltonian feedback
Hill, C., Goodwin, D., & Ralph, J. (2008). Control of two qubit systems with Hamiltonian feedback. In E. J. Donkor, A. R. Pirich, & H. E. Brandt (Eds.), SPIE Proceedings Vol. 6976 (pp. 69760C). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.777499
Detection of small objects in multi-layered infrared images
Wang, J., Bao, S., Ralph, J. F., & Goulermas, J. Y. (2008). Detection of small objects in multi-layered infrared images. In SIGNAL AND DATA PROCESSING OF SMALL TARGETS 2008 Vol. 6969. doi:10.1117/12.777494
Pixel decomposition for tracking in low resolution videos
Govinda, V., Ralph, J. F., Spencer, J. W., Goulermas, J. Y., Yang, L., & Abbas, A. M. (2008). Pixel decomposition for tracking in low resolution videos. In SIGNAL AND DATA PROCESSING OF SMALL TARGETS 2008 Vol. 6969. doi:10.1117/12.777502
Human motion monitoring in sensitive environments
govinda, V. (2008). Human motion monitoring in sensitive environments. SPIE Newsroom. doi:10.1117/2.1200807.1212
Exploring non-Gaussian behaviour in EEG data using random field methods
Bao, S., Ralph, J. E., Meyer, G., & Wuerger, S. (2007). Exploring non-Gaussian behaviour in EEG data using random field methods. In COMPUTATIONAL MODELLING OF OBJECTS REPRESENTED IN IMAGES: FUNDAMENTALS, METHODS AND APPLICATIONS (pp. 81-84). Retrieved from
Generalized regression neural networks with multiple-bandwidth sharing and hybrid optimization
Goulermas, J. Y., Zeng, X. -J., Liatsis, P., & Ralph, J. F. (2007). Generalized regression neural networks with multiple-bandwidth sharing and hybrid optimization. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART B-CYBERNETICS, 37(6), 1434-1445. doi:10.1109/TSMCB.2007.904541
Weak measurement and control of entanglement generation
Hill, C. D., & Ralph, J. F. (2007). Weak measurement and control of entanglement generation. Retrieved from
Weak measurement and control of entanglement generation
Deterministic purity evolution via weak measurement for bipartite quantum systems
Hill, C., & Ralph, J. (2007). Deterministic purity evolution via weak measurement for bipartite quantum systems. In L. Cohen (Ed.), SPIE Proceedings Vol. 6603 (pp. 66030S). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.724659
Automatic sightline stabilisation in noisy imagery
Bao, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2007). Automatic sightline stabilisation in noisy imagery. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS & SIGNAL PROCESSING (pp. 88-+). Retrieved from
Visual navigation through clouds
Bao, S., Ralph, J. F., & Edwards, K. L. (2007). Visual navigation through clouds. In Royal Inst. Navigation NAV07 Conference (pp. Paper 67). London, UK: Royal Inst of Navigation.
Weak measurement and deterministic state reduction in bipartite quantum systems
Hill, C. D., & Ralph, J. F. (2007). Weak measurement and deterministic state reduction in bipartite quantum systems. In Noise and Fluctuations in Photonics, Quantum Optics, and Communications (pp. 66030S1-66030S9). Florence, Italy: SPIE.
Weak measurement and rapid state reduction in bipartite quantum systems
Hill, C. D., & Ralph, J. F. (2006). Weak measurement and rapid state reduction in bipartite quantum systems. Retrieved from
Weak measurement and rapid state reduction in bipartite quantum systems
Rapid state purification protocols for a Cooper pair box
Rapid-state purification protocols for a Cooper pair box
Griffith, E. J., Hill, C. D., Ralph, J. F., Wiseman, H. M., & Jacobs, K. (2007). Rapid-state purification protocols for a Cooper pair box. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 75(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.75.014511
Spectroscopy of a Cooper-pair box in the Autler-Townes configuration
Griffith, E. J., Ralph, J. F., Greentree, A. D., & Clark, T. D. (2006). Spectroscopy of a Cooper-pair box in the Autler-Townes configuration. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 74(9). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.74.094510
Identification of missile guidance laws for missile warning systems applications. - art. no. 62360B
Ralph, J. F., Smith, M. I., & Heather, J. P. (2006). Identification of missile guidance laws for missile warning systems applications. - art. no. 62360B. In Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2006 Vol. 6236 (pp. B2360). doi:10.1117/12.665626
Rapid purification of a solid state charge qubit
Ralph, J. F., Griffith, E. J., Hill, C. D., & Clark, T. D. (2006). Rapid purification of a solid state charge qubit. In QUANTUM INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION IV Vol. 6244. doi:10.1117/12.665403
Spherical alignment of imagers using optical flow fields.
Lambert, B., Ralph, J. F., Wren, L., & Dale, J. (2006). Spherical alignment of imagers using optical flow fields.. In ACQUISITION, TRACKING, AND POINTING XX Vol. 6238. doi:10.1117/12.665657
Tracldng subpixel targets in domestic environments - art. no. 623603
Govinda, V., Ralph, J. F., Spencer, J. W., Goulermas, J. Y., & Smith, D. H. (2006). Tracldng subpixel targets in domestic environments - art. no. 623603. In Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2006 Vol. 6236 (pp. 23603). doi:10.1117/12.665398
Reconsidering Rapid Qubit Purification by Feedback
Reconsidering rapid qubit purification by feedback
Wiseman, H. M., & Ralph, J. F. (2006). Reconsidering rapid qubit purification by feedback. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 8. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/8/6/090
A SQUID Ring-Resonator Finate State Machine
Stiffell, P. B., Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Bulsara, A. R., & Ralph, J. F. (n.d.). A SQUID Ring-Resonator Finate State Machine. In Unknown Conference (pp. 145-151). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/3-540-33878-0_12
Creating Entangled States between SQUID Rings and Electromagnetic Fields
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Stiffell, P. B., Ralph, J. F., & Vourdas, A. (n.d.). Creating Entangled States between SQUID Rings and Electromagnetic Fields. In Quantum Computing in Solid State Systems (pp. 219-227). Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/0-387-31143-2_27
Frequency Down Conversion and Entanglement between Electromagnetic Field Modes via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring
Stiffell, P. B., Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Ralph, J. F., & Vourdas, A. (n.d.). Frequency Down Conversion and Entanglement between Electromagnetic Field Modes via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring. In Quantum Computing in Solid State Systems (pp. 228-238). Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/0-387-31143-2_28
Identification of Missile Guidance Laws for Missile Warning Systems Applications
Ralph, J. F., Smith, M. I., & Heather, J. P. (2006). Identification of Missile Guidance Laws for Missile Warning Systems Applications. In O. E. Drummond (Ed.), Signal and Data Processing of Small Targets 2006 Vol. 6236 (pp. 8). Orlando: SPIE.
Rapid Purification of a Solid State Qubit
Ralph, J. F., Griffith, E. J., Hill, C. D., & Clark, T. D. (2006). Rapid Purification of a Solid State Qubit. In A. R. Pirich, E. W. Taylor, & E. Donkor (Eds.), Quantum Information and Computation IV Vol. 6244 (pp. 8). Orlando: SPIE.
Spherical Alignment of Imagers using Optical Flow Fields
Lambert, B., Ralph, J. F., Wren, L., Dwyer, D., & Dale, J. (2006). Spherical Alignment of Imagers using Optical Flow Fields. In M. K. Masten, & L. A. Stockum (Eds.), Acquisition Pointing and Tracking XX Vol. 6238 (pp. 1-9). Orlando: SPIE.
Spectroscopy of a Cooper-Pair box in the Autler-Townes configuration
Spectroscopy of a Cooper-Pair box in the Autler-Townes configuration
Griffith, E. J., Ralph, J. F., Greentree, A. D., & Clark, T. D. (2005). Spectroscopy of a Cooper-Pair box in the Autler-Townes configuration. Phys. Rev. B, 74, 094510. Retrieved from
Quantum Down Conversion and Multipartite Entanglement via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring
Quantum downconversion and multipartite entanglement via a mesoscopic superconducting quantum interference device ring
Stiffell, P. B., Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Harland, C. J., & Ralph, J. F. (2005). Quantum downconversion and multipartite entanglement via a mesoscopic superconducting quantum interference device ring. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 72(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.72.014508
A proportional guidance law for quantum information processing
Ralph, J. F., Griffith, E. J., Clark, T. D., & Everitt, M. J. (2005). A proportional guidance law for quantum information processing. In QUANTUM INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION III Vol. 5815 (pp. 32-39). doi:10.1117/12.603314
Contextual targeting
Ralph, J. F., Edwards, K. L., & Sims, S. W. (2005). Contextual targeting. In SIGNAL PROCESSING, SENSOR FUSION, AND TARGET RECOGNITION XIV Vol. 5809 (pp. 176-185). doi:10.1117/12.603309
Harmonisation and alignment of multiple camera imagery
Lambert, B., Ralph, J. F., Wren, L., Dwyer, D., & Dale, J. (2005). Harmonisation and alignment of multiple camera imagery. In Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XIV Vol. 5809 (pp. 453-463). doi:10.1117/12.603431
Motion-based detection, identification and tracking for missile warning system applications.
Ralph, J. F., Smith, M. I., & Heather, J. P. (2005). Motion-based detection, identification and tracking for missile warning system applications.. In Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion, and Target Recognition XIV Vol. 5809 (pp. 53-64). doi:10.1117/12.603320
Energy Down Conversion between Classical Electromagnetic Fields via a Quantum Mechanical SQUID Ring
Energy downconversion between classical electromagnetic fields via a quantum mechanical SQUID ring
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Stiffell, P. B., Ralph, J. F., & Harland, C. J. (2005). Energy downconversion between classical electromagnetic fields via a quantum mechanical SQUID ring. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 72(9). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.72.094509
High fidelity simulations of ion trajectories in miniature ion traps using the boundary-element method
High-fidelity simulations of ion trajectories in miniature ion traps using the boundary-element method
Brkic, B., Taylor, S., Ralph, J. F., & France, N. (2006). High-fidelity simulations of ion trajectories in miniature ion traps using the boundary-element method. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 73(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.73.012326
Signatures of chaotic and non-chaotic-like behaviour in a non-linear quantum oscillator through photon detection
Signatures of chaoticlike and nonchaoticlike behavior in a nonlinear quantum oscillator through photon detection
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Stiffell, P. B., Ralph, J. F., Bulsara, A. R., & Harland, C. J. (2005). Signatures of chaoticlike and nonchaoticlike behavior in a nonlinear quantum oscillator through photon detection. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 72(6). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.72.066209
Persistent entanglement in the classical limit
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Stiffell, P. B., Ralph, J. F., Bulsara, A. R., & Harland, C. J. (2005). Persistent entanglement in the classical limit. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 7. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/7/1/064
Airborne Targeting Systems and Navigation
Ralph, J. F., & Edwards, K. L. (2005). Airborne Targeting Systems and Navigation. In NAV¿05 (pp. 10). London: Royal Institute of Navigation.
Modelling of miniature ion traps for quantum computing
Brkic, B., Griffith, E. J., Taylor, S., & Ralph, J. F. (2004). Modelling of miniature ion traps for quantum computing. In QUANTUM COMMUNICATION, MEASUREMENT AND COMPUTING Vol. 734 (pp. 159-162). Retrieved from
Superconducting qubits and environmental noise
Griffith, E. J., Ralph, J. F., & Clark, T. D. (2004). Superconducting qubits and environmental noise. In QUANTUM COMMUNICATION, MEASUREMENT AND COMPUTING Vol. 734 (pp. 401-404). Retrieved from
Giant Relaxation Oscillations in a Very Strongly Hysteretic SQUID ring-Tank Circuit System
Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Whiteman, R., Prance, H., Everitt, M. J., Bulsara, A. R., & Ralph, J. F. (2004). Giant Relaxation Oscillations in a Very Strongly Hysteretic SQUID ring-Tank Circuit System. Journal of Applied Physics -- September 15, 2001 -- Volume 90, Issue 6, pp. 3042-3047. Retrieved from
Giant Relaxation Oscillations in a Very Strongly Hysteretic SQUID ring-Tank Circuit System
Pinch Resonances in a Radio Frequency Driven SQUID Ring-Resonator System
Pinch resonances in a radio-frequency-driven superconducting-quantum-interference-device ring-resonator system
Prance, H., Clark, T. D., Whiteman, R., Prance, R. J., Everitt, M., Stiffell, P., & Ralph, J. F. (2001). Pinch resonances in a radio-frequency-driven superconducting-quantum-interference-device ring-resonator system. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 64(1). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.64.016208
Quantum Statistics and Entanglement of Two Electromagnetic Field Modes Coupled via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Stiffell, P., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., Vourdas, A., & Ralph, J. F. (2004). Quantum Statistics and Entanglement of Two Electromagnetic Field Modes Coupled via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring. Phys. Rev. B, 64, 184517. Retrieved from
Quantum Statistics and Entanglement of Two Electromagnetic Field Modes Coupled via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring
A Fully Quantum Mechanical Model of a SQUID Ring Coupled to an Electromagnetic Field
Everitt, M. J., Stiffell, P. B., Clark, T. D., Vourdas, A., Ralph, J. F., Prance, H., & Prance, R. J. (2004). A Fully Quantum Mechanical Model of a SQUID Ring Coupled to an Electromagnetic Field. Phys. Rev. B, 63, 144530. Retrieved from
A Fully Quantum Mechanical Model of a SQUID Ring Coupled to an Electromagnetic Field
Persistent Entanglement in the Classical Limit
Persistent Entanglement in the Classical Limit
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Stiffell, P. B., Ralph, J. F., Bulsara, A. R., & Harland, C. J. (2004). Persistent Entanglement in the Classical Limit. New J. Phys., 7, 64. Retrieved from
<title>Target tracking for missile warning applications</title>
Smith, M. I., Heather, J. P., Ralph, J. F., Bernhardt, M., Griffith, E. J., Bradley, D. J., & Padda, H. S. (2004). <title>Target tracking for missile warning applications</title>. In O. E. Drummond (Ed.), SPIE Proceedings Vol. 5428 (pp. 282-293). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.541482
Characterising a superconducting charge qubit via environmental noise
Ralph, J. F., Griffith, E. J., Clark, T. D., Everitt, M. J., & Stiffell, P. (2004). Characterising a superconducting charge qubit via environmental noise. In QUANTUM INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION II Vol. 5436 (pp. 242-249). doi:10.1117/12.541492
Guidance and Control in a Josephson Charge Qubit
Guidance and control in a Josephson charge qubit
Ralph, J. F., Griffith, E. J., Clark, T. D., & Everitt, M. J. (2004). Guidance and control in a Josephson charge qubit. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 70(21). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.70.214521
Scene-referenced object localisation
Ralph, J. F., Sims, S. W., & Edwards, K. L. (2004). Scene-referenced object localisation. In SIGNAL PROCESSING, SENSOR FUSION, AND TARGET RECOGNITION XIII Vol. 5429 (pp. 200-209). doi:10.1117/12.541494
Scene-dependent harmonisation of aircraft vision systems
Lambert, B., Ralph, J. F., Sims, S. W., Wren, L., & Dwyer, D. (2004). Scene-dependent harmonisation of aircraft vision systems. In ACQUISITION, TRACKING, AND POINTING XVIII Vol. 5430 (pp. 155-164). doi:10.1117/12.541496
Control of Multi-level Voltage States in a Hysteretic SQUID Ring-Resonator System
Control of multilevel voltage states in a hysteretic superconducting-quantum-interference-device ring-resonator system
Stiffell, P., Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., & Ralph, J. F. (2005). Control of multilevel voltage states in a hysteretic superconducting-quantum-interference-device ring-resonator system. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 72(5). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.72.056201
Entanglement generation in persistent current qubits
Entanglement generation in persistent current qubits
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Spiller, T. P., & Munro, W. J. (2004). Entanglement generation in persistent current qubits. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 70(14). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.70.144527
Manipulating Quantum Transitions in A Persistent Current Qubit
Clark, T. D., Ralph, J. F., Everitt, M. J., Stiffell, P. B., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (2004). Manipulating Quantum Transitions in A Persistent Current Qubit. In Quantum Computing and Quantum Bits in Mesoscopic Systems (pp. 59-67). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-9092-1_7
Squid Rings As Devices for Controlling Quantum Entanglement and Information
Everitt, M. J., Stiffell, P. B., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., Vourdas, A., & Ralph, J. F. (2004). Squid Rings As Devices for Controlling Quantum Entanglement and Information. In Quantum Computing and Quantum Bits in Mesoscopic Systems (pp. 47-57). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-9092-1_6
Vortices In Josephson Arrays Interacting With Nonclassical Microwaves In A Dissipative Environment
Konstadopoulou, A., Hollingworth, J. M., Vourdas, A., Everitt, M., Clark, T. D., & Ralph, J. F. (2004). Vortices In Josephson Arrays Interacting With Nonclassical Microwaves In A Dissipative Environment. In Quantum Computing and Quantum Bits in Mesoscopic Systems (pp. 69-76). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-9092-1_8
Multiple hypotheses tracking with heavy-tailed noise
Sims, S. W., Ralph, J. F., Smith, M. I., Angell, C. R., & Randall, P. (2003). Multiple hypotheses tracking with heavy-tailed noise. In SIGNAL PROCESSING, SENSOR FUSION, AND TARGET RECOGNITION XII Vol. 5096 (pp. 71-79). doi:10.1117/12.487007
Controlled creation of maximally entangled states using a SQUID ring coupled to an electromagnetic field
The controlled creation of a maximally entangled state between a SQUID ring and a single electromagnetic field mode
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Ralph, J. F., & Stiffell, P. B. (2010). The controlled creation of a maximally entangled state between a SQUID ring and a single electromagnetic field mode. PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 470(13-14), 517-522. doi:10.1016/j.physc.2010.01.005
Superconducting Analogues of Quantum Optical Phenomena: Macroscopic Quantum Superpositions and Squeezing in a SQUID Ring
Superconducting analogs of quantum optical phenomena: Macroscopic quantum superpositions and squeezing in a superconducting quantum-interference device ring
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Stiffell, P. B., Vourdas, A., Ralph, J. F., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (2004). Superconducting analogs of quantum optical phenomena: Macroscopic quantum superpositions and squeezing in a superconducting quantum-interference device ring. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 69(4). doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.69.043804
Characterising a solid state qubit via environmental noise
Characterising a solid state qubit via environmental noise
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Everitt, M. J., Prance, H., Stiffell, R. P., & Prance, R. J. (2003). Characterising a solid state qubit via environmental noise. PHYSICS LETTERS A, 317(3-4), 199-205. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2003.08.061
Vortices in Josephson arrays interacting with non-classical microwaves: The effect of dissipation
Konstadopoulou, A., Hollingworth, J. M., Everitt, M., Vourdas, A., Clark, T. D., & Ralph, J. F. (2003). Vortices in Josephson arrays interacting with non-classical microwaves: The effect of dissipation. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B, 32(3), 279-285. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2003-00098-2
An FM demodulation algorithm with an undersampling rate
Xiong, Y. Y., Huang, Y., Ralph, J. F., Al-Nuaimy, W., & Sun, P. (2003). An FM demodulation algorithm with an undersampling rate. In 2003 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL VI, PROCEEDINGS (pp. 245-248). Retrieved from
The control of a superconducting qubit in the presence of a nonlinear backreaction
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Everitt, M. J., Steiffell, P., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (2002). The control of a superconducting qubit in the presence of a nonlinear backreaction. In PHOTONIC AND QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES FOR AEROSPACE APPLICATIONS IV Vol. 4732 (pp. 136-143). doi:10.1117/12.477421
Smart imaging in the infrared
Ralph, J. F., & Bernhardt, M. (2002). Smart imaging in the infrared. CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS, 43(4), 259-272. doi:10.1080/00107510210121315
The effect of carefree handling requirements on an air-launched seeker-guided weapon
Ralph, J. F., & Edwards, K. L. (2002). The effect of carefree handling requirements on an air-launched seeker-guided weapon. In ACQUISITION, TRACKING, AND POINTING XVI Vol. 4714 (pp. 11-19). doi:10.1117/12.472589
Distributed air-to-ground targeting
Ralph, J. F., Smith, M. I., Bernhardt, M., West, C. E., Angell, C. R., & Sims, S. W. (2002). Distributed air-to-ground targeting. In SENSOR FUSION: ARCHITECTURES, ALGORITHMS, AND APPLICATIONS VI Vol. 4731 (pp. 216-226). doi:10.1117/12.458387
Accumulated evidence and dimensionality reduction
Ralph, J. F. (2002). Accumulated evidence and dimensionality reduction. In MATHEMATICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING V (pp. 169-180). Retrieved from
Nonlinear backreaction in a quantum mechanical SQUID
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Everitt, M. J., & Stiffell, P. (2001). Nonlinear backreaction in a quantum mechanical SQUID. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 64(18). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.64.180504
Quantum statistics and entanglement of two electromagnetic field modes coupled via a mesoscopic SQUID ring
Everitt, M. J., Clark, T. D., Stiffell, P., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., Vourdas, A., & Ralph, J. F. (2001). Quantum statistics and entanglement of two electromagnetic field modes coupled via a mesoscopic SQUID ring. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 64(18). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.64.184517
Giant relaxation oscillations in a very strongly hysteretic superconductive quantum interference device ring-tank circuit system
Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Whiteman, R., Prance, H., Everitt, M. J., Bulsara, A. R., & Ralph, J. F. (2001). Giant relaxation oscillations in a very strongly hysteretic superconductive quantum interference device ring-tank circuit system. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 90(6), 3042-3047. doi:10.1063/1.1398594
Mesoscopic Josephson arrays interacting with non-classical electromagnetic fields and their applications
Konstadopoulou, A., Hollingworth, J. M., Everitt, M., Vourdas, A., Clark, T. D., & Ralph, J. F. (2001). Mesoscopic Josephson arrays interacting with non-classical electromagnetic fields and their applications. IEE PROCEEDINGS-SCIENCE MEASUREMENT AND TECHNOLOGY, 148(5), 229-232. doi:10.1049/ip-smt:20010394
Nonlinear backreaction in a quantum mechanical SQUID
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Everitt, M. J., & Stiffell, P. (2001). Nonlinear backreaction in a quantum mechanical SQUID. Phys. Rev. B., 64, 1-4. Retrieved from
Nonlinear backreaction in a quantum mechanical SQUID
<title>Multisensor fusion for improved air-to-ground target localization</title>
Smith, M. I., Januarius, E. M., Bernhardt, M., Nicholson, D., Rees, G., & Ralph, J. F. (2001). <title>Multisensor fusion for improved air-to-ground target localization</title>. In I. Kadar (Ed.), SPIE Proceedings Vol. 4380 (pp. 442-452). SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.436971
The behaviour of a persistent current qubit in a time-dependent electromagnetic field.
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Everitt, M. J., Steiffell, P., Vourdas, A., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (2001). The behaviour of a persistent current qubit in a time-dependent electromagnetic field.. In PHOTONIC AND QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES FOR AEROSPACE APPLICATIONS III Vol. 4386 (pp. 181-189). doi:10.1117/12.434218
Performance limits for multi-platform scene-referenced navigation systems.
Ralph, J. F., Januarius, E. M., Smith, M. I., Edwards, K. L., & Bernhardt, M. (2001). Performance limits for multi-platform scene-referenced navigation systems.. In SENSOR FUSION: ARCHITECTURES, ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS V Vol. 4385 (pp. 292-300). doi:10.1117/12.421117
Air–to–ground weapon aiming — a synopsis and a look to the future
Edwards, K. L., Lloyd, S. J., & Ralph, J. F. (2001). Air–to–ground weapon aiming — a synopsis and a look to the future. The Aeronautical Journal, 105(1044), 53-62. doi:10.1017/s0001924000011490
Fully quantum mechanical model of a SQUID ring coupled to an electromagnetic field
Everitt, M. J., Stiffell, P., Clark, T. D., Vourdas, A., Ralph, J. F., Prance, H., & Prance, R. J. (2001). Fully quantum mechanical model of a SQUID ring coupled to an electromagnetic field. Physical Review B, 63, 1445301-1445307.
Pinch resonances in a radio-frequency SQUID ring-resonator system
Prance, H., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Everitt, M. J., Stiffell, P., & Ralph, J. F. (2001). Pinch resonances in a radio-frequency SQUID ring-resonator system. Physical Review E, 64, 0162081-0162088.
The Non-Perturbative Quantum Behaviour of a Squid Ring in a Strong Electromagnetic Field
Everitt, M. J., Stiffell, P., Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Vourdas, A., Prance, H., & Prance, R. J. (2001). The Non-Perturbative Quantum Behaviour of a Squid Ring in a Strong Electromagnetic Field. In Macroscopic Quantum Coherence and Quantum Computing (pp. 389-398). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-1245-5_39
A likelihood ratio test applied to a radio-frequency SQUID Hamiltonian
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (2000). A likelihood ratio test applied to a radio-frequency SQUID Hamiltonian. PHYSICS LETTERS A, 277(2), 75-82. doi:10.1016/S0375-9601(00)00686-1
Non-adiabatic phenomena in a coupled SQUID ring-tank circuit system in the strongly hysteretic regime
Prance, H. (2000). Non-adiabatic phenomena in a coupled SQUID ring-tank circuit system in the strongly hysteretic regime. AIP Conference Proceedings, 502, 575-582. doi:10.1063/1.1302438
Erratum: Nonlinear Multilevel Dynamics of a Coupled SQUID Ring–Resonator System in the Hysteretic Regime [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 5401 (1999)]
Prance, R. J., Whiteman, R., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., Schöllmann, V., Ralph, J. F., . . . Everitt, M. (n.d.). Erratum: Nonlinear Multilevel Dynamics of a Coupled SQUID Ring–Resonator System in the Hysteretic Regime [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 5401 (1999)]. Physical Review Letters, 83(11), 2284. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.83.2284
Nonlinear Multilevel Dynamics of a Coupled SQUID Ring–Resonator System in the Hysteretic Regime
Prance, R. J., Whiteman, R., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., Schöllmann, V., Ralph, J. F., . . . Everitt, M. (n.d.). Nonlinear Multilevel Dynamics of a Coupled SQUID Ring–Resonator System in the Hysteretic Regime. Physical Review Letters, 82(26), 5401-5404. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.82.5401
Adiabatic modulation of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) ring by an electromagnetic field
Whiteman, R., Schöllmann, V., Everitt, M., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., . . . Ralph, J. F. (1998). Adiabatic modulation of a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) ring by an electromagnetic field. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 10(44), 9951-9968. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/10/44/004
Coherent Evolution and Quantum Transitions in a Two Level Model of a SQUID Ring
Clark, T. D., Diggins, J., Ralph, J. F., Everitt, M., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., . . . Srivastava, Y. N. (1998). Coherent Evolution and Quantum Transitions in a Two Level Model of a SQUID Ring. Annals of Physics, 268(1), 1-30. doi:10.1006/aphy.1998.5821
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., Widom, A., & Srivastava, Y. N. (1998). Unknown Title. Foundations of Physics, 28(8), 1271-1282. doi:10.1023/a:1018822809439
Microwave-induced quantum transitions in a superconducting quantum interference device
Whiteman, R., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., Schöllmann, V., Ralph, J. F., . . . Diggins, J. (1998). Microwave-induced quantum transitions in a superconducting quantum interference device. Journal of Modern Optics, 45(6), 1175-1184. doi:10.1080/09500349808230908
Bifurcations and chaos in a coupled superconducting-quantum-interference-device ring–resonator system
Clark, T. D., Ralph, J. F., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., Diggins, J., & Whiteman, R. (n.d.). Bifurcations and chaos in a coupled superconducting-quantum-interference-device ring–resonator system. Physical Review E, 57(4), 4035-4040. doi:10.1103/physreve.57.4035
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., & Diggins, J. (1998). Unknown Title. Foundations of Physics, 28(3), 485-503. doi:10.1023/a:1018772229718
'Broken gauge symmetry in superconducting quantum circuits'
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., & Diggins, J. (1998). 'Broken gauge symmetry in superconducting quantum circuits'. Found. Phys., 28, 485-503.
Flux and voltage periodic behaviour in a superconducting weak-link ring
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Diggins, J., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., & Widom, A. (1997). Flux and voltage periodic behaviour in a superconducting weak-link ring. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 9(39), 8275-8285. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/9/39/012
Opposed (hammerhead) bifurcations in the resonant lineshape of a strongly driven SQUID ring-tank circuit system
Whiteman, R., Diggins, J., Schöllmann, V., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., & Ralph, J. F. (1997). Opposed (hammerhead) bifurcations in the resonant lineshape of a strongly driven SQUID ring-tank circuit system. Physics Letters A, 234(3), 205-212. doi:10.1016/s0375-9601(97)00550-1
Solutions of the time dependent Schrödinger equation for a SQUID ring
Diggins, J., Whiteman, R., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., Ralph, J. F., . . . Srivastava, Y. N. (1997). Solutions of the time dependent Schrödinger equation for a SQUID ring. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 233(1), 8-16. doi:10.1016/s0921-4526(96)01152-0
Bistability in the frequency response of a driven SQUID ring-radio frequency resonator system
Whiteman, R., Diggins, J., Schöllmann, V., Buckling, G., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., . . . Widom, A. (1997). Bistability in the frequency response of a driven SQUID ring-radio frequency resonator system. Physics Letters A, 226(5), 275-279. doi:10.1016/s0375-9601(96)00945-0
Non-linear quantum mechanical ground state SQUID magnetometer dynamics
Whiteman, R. R., Diggins, J., Schöllmann, V., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., . . . Everitt, M. (1997). Non-linear quantum mechanical ground state SQUID magnetometer dynamics. In AIP Conference Proceedings (pp. 261-266). AIP. doi:10.1063/1.54234
Quantum Electrodynamics in Superconducting Circuits
Ralph, J. F., Whiteman, R., Diggins, J., Prance, R. J., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., . . . Widom, A. (1997). Quantum Electrodynamics in Superconducting Circuits. In NATO ASI Series (pp. 83-92). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4899-0081-4_8
Capacitance in a radio-frequency-SQUID magnetometer
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., & Diggins, J. (1996). Capacitance in a radio-frequency-SQUID magnetometer. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 8(49), 10753-10760. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/8/49/058
Transitions in a distributed quantum ring
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (1996). Transitions in a distributed quantum ring. Physics Letters A, 220(1-3), 30-40. doi:10.1016/0375-9601(96)00525-7
Self-capacitance of the superconducting condensate
Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (1996). Self-capacitance of the superconducting condensate. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 226(4), 355-362. doi:10.1016/0921-4526(96)00263-3
Chaos generated noise in radio frequency SQUID magnetometers
Diggins, J., Ralph, J. F., Spiller, T. P., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., & Brouers, F. (1996). Chaos generated noise in radio frequency SQUID magnetometers. In AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 371 (pp. 141-148). AIP. doi:10.1063/1.50878
SQUID rings as macroscopic quantum objects: The quantum-classical interface
Prance, R. J., Whiteman, R., Prance, H., Clark, T. D., Diggins, J., Ralph, J. F., . . . Srivastava, Y. (1996). SQUID rings as macroscopic quantum objects: The quantum-classical interface. In AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 371 (pp. 10-20). AIP. doi:10.1063/1.50893
The quantum to classical crossover for a weak link capacitor
Spiller, T. P., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., & Ralph, J. F. (1995). The quantum to classical crossover for a weak link capacitor. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 101(5-6), 1037-1054. doi:10.1007/bf00754523
Limits to the observation of coherent oscillations in a SQUID ring
Diggins, J., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., Spiller, T. P., Ralph, J., & Brouers, F. (1995). Limits to the observation of coherent oscillations in a SQUID ring. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 215(4), 367-376. doi:10.1016/0921-4526(95)00417-0
Observation of Quantum Jumps in Squid Rings
Prance, R. J., Whiteman, R., Clark, T. D., Diggins, J., Prance, H., Ralph, J. F., . . . Srivastava, Y. (1995). Observation of Quantum Jumps in Squid Rings. In Quantum Communications and Measurement (pp. 299-306). Springer US. doi:10.1007/978-1-4899-1391-3_28
A quantum electrodynamic model for thick superconducting rings
Ralph, J. F., Colyer, G. J., Clark, T. D., Spiller, T. P., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (1994). A quantum electrodynamic model for thick superconducting rings. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 203(3-4), 388-392. doi:10.1016/0921-4526(94)90085-x
Reactive probing of macroscopically quantum mechanical SQUID rings
Prance, R. J., Clark, T. D., Whiteman, R., Diggins, J., Ralph, J. F., Prance, H., . . . Srivastava, Y. (1994). Reactive probing of macroscopically quantum mechanical SQUID rings. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 203(3-4), 381-387. doi:10.1016/0921-4526(94)90084-1
The emergence of chaos in an open quantum system
Spiller, T. P., & Ralph, J. F. (1994). The emergence of chaos in an open quantum system. Physics Letters A, 194(4), 235-240. doi:10.1016/0375-9601(94)91244-0
RALPH, J. F., SPILLER, T. P., CLARK, T. D., PRANCE, R. J., & PRANCE, H. (1994). THE NONLINEAR DYNAMICS OF A LINEAR CLASSICAL OSCILLATOR COUPLED TO A MACROSCOPIC QUANTUM OBJECT. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 08(19), 2637-2651. doi:10.1142/s0217979294001056
Chaotic dynamics in the rf superconducting quantum-interference-device magnetometer: A coupled quantum-classical system.
Diggins, J., Ralph, J. F., Spiller, T. P., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., & Prance, R. J. (1994). Chaotic dynamics in the rf superconducting quantum-interference-device magnetometer: A coupled quantum-classical system.. Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics, 49(3), 1854-1859. doi:10.1103/physreve.49.1854
The energy band structure of ultra small capacitance weak links — QED in condensed matter circuits
Prance, H., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Spiller, T. P., Diggins, J., & Ralph, J. F. (1993). The energy band structure of ultra small capacitance weak links — QED in condensed matter circuits. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 33(3), 35-59. doi:10.1016/0920-5632(93)90370-l
Probing the non-linear electric susceptibility of ultra-small capacitance weak links
Prance, H., Prance, R. J., Spiller, T. P., Clark, T. D., Clippingdale, A., Ralph, J., . . . Widom, A. (1993). Probing the non-linear electric susceptibility of ultra-small capacitance weak links. Physics Letters A, 181(3), 259-266. doi:10.1016/0375-9601(93)90648-j
Chaos in a coupled quantum-classical system
Ralph, J. F., Spiller, T. P., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (1993). Chaos in a coupled quantum-classical system. Physics Letters A, 180(1-2), 56-60. doi:10.1016/0375-9601(93)90494-k
Non-linear behaviour in the rf-SQUID magnetometer
Ralph, J. F., Spiller, T. P., Clark, T. D., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., & Clippingdale, A. J. (1993). Non-linear behaviour in the rf-SQUID magnetometer. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 63(1-2), 191-201. doi:10.1016/0167-2789(93)90154-s
An Analysis of Non-Linear Behaviour in the Radio Frequency SQUID Magnetometer
Ralph, J. F., Spiller, T. P., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., Clippingdale, A. J., . . . Brooks, M. E. (1992). An Analysis of Non-Linear Behaviour in the Radio Frequency SQUID Magnetometer. In Springer Proceedings in Physics (pp. 248-251). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-77457-7_44
Introducing Dissipation in the Schrödinger Picture
Spiller, T. P., Spencer, P. S., Clark, T. D., Ralph, J. F., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., & Clippingdale, A. J. (1992). Introducing Dissipation in the Schrödinger Picture. In Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics (pp. 255-258). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-77274-0_32
Macroscopic Quantum Objects and their Interaction with External Environments
Clark, T. D., Spiller, T. P., Prance, R. J., Prance, H., Ralph, J., & Clippingdale, A. (1992). Macroscopic Quantum Objects and their Interaction with External Environments. In Quantum Chaos — Quantum Measurement (pp. 205-217). Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-015-7979-7_16
Pair charge superpositions in ultra small weak link structures
Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Spiller, T. P., Prance, H., Ralph, J., & Clippingdale, A. (1992). Pair charge superpositions in ultra small weak link structures. Superlattices and Microstructures, 11(1), 89-97. doi:10.1016/0749-6036(92)90368-f
The Flux Mode and Charge Mode Regimes in Superconducting Weak Link Circuits
Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., Spiller, T. P., Prance, H., & Ralph, J. (1992). The Flux Mode and Charge Mode Regimes in Superconducting Weak Link Circuits. In Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics (pp. 247-253). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-77274-0_31
Tunnel Current Modifications due to Finite Tunneling Times
Spiller, T. P., Chamizo-Llatas, M., Clark, T. D., Ralph, J. F., Prance, H., Prance, R. J., & Clippingdale, A. J. (1992). Tunnel Current Modifications due to Finite Tunneling Times. In Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics (pp. 259-262). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-77274-0_33
Adding dissipation to the Schr�dinger equation from the quantum-potential viewpoint
Spiller, T. P., Spencer, P. S., Clark, T. D., Ralph, J. F., Prace, H., Prance, R. J., & Clippingdale, A. (1991). Adding dissipation to the Schr�dinger equation from the quantum-potential viewpoint. Foundations of Physics Letters, 4(6), 507-521. doi:10.1007/bf00689888
The response of a superconducting weak-link ring to external adiabatic noise
Prance, R. J., Spiller, T. P., Prance, H., Clark, T. D., Ralph, J., Clippingdale, A., . . . Widom, A. (1991). The response of a superconducting weak-link ring to external adiabatic noise. Il Nuovo Cimento B Series 11, 106(4), 431-450. doi:10.1007/bf02725694
SQUIDs as sensors of exotic degrees of freedom
Spiller, T. P., Ralph, J. F., Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., & Prance, H. (1990). SQUIDs as sensors of exotic degrees of freedom. Physics Letters B, 244(2), 333-340. doi:10.1016/0370-2693(90)90080-p
Engineered tunnel-barrier terahertz rectifiers for optical nantennas
Mitrovic, I., Sedghi, N., Weerakkody, D., Ralph, J. F., Hall, S., Wrench, J., . . . Beeby, S. (n.d.). Engineered tunnel-barrier terahertz rectifiers for optical nantennas. San Jose, CA, USA.