Human nature, sin and grace in The Wanting Seed
Jobling, J. (2024). Human nature, sin and grace in The Wanting Seed. In Anthony Burgess and modernity. Manchester University Press. doi:10.7765/9781526186041.00010
An emotional rollercoaster: Exploring HE educators’ experiences of online teaching in a pandemic
Saetnan, E., Varga-Atkins, T., Christopoulou, D., Crolley, L., Flynn, M., Haddley, J., . . . Klunder-Rosser, J. (2023). An emotional rollercoaster: Exploring HE educators’ experiences of online teaching in a pandemic. Developing Academic Practice, 2023(Special), 83-100. doi:10.3828/dap.2023.6
Fostering Inclusive Learning in Social Justice at Modular Level at the University of Liverpool [in Students as Partners and Change Agents case study repository]
Jobling, J. (2021). Fostering Inclusive Learning in Social Justice at Modular Level at the University of Liverpool [in Students as Partners and Change Agents case study repository]. Retrieved from
Enhancing Digital Skills through Research-Based Inquiry in a Philosophy Department [in Dissertation and Capstone Projects case study repository]
Jobling, J. (2021). Enhancing Digital Skills through Research-Based Inquiry in a Philosophy Department [in Dissertation and Capstone Projects case study repository]. Retrieved from
Post-Christian Hermeneutics: the Rise and Fall of Female Subjectivity in Theological Narrative
Jobling, J. A. (2016). Post-Christian Hermeneutics: the Rise and Fall of Female Subjectivity in Theological Narrative. In L. Isherwood, & K. McPhillips (Eds.), Post-Christian Feminisms A Critical Approach. Routledge.
The Republic of Heaven: East, West and Eclecticism in Pullman's Religious Vision
Jobling, J. A. (2011). The Republic of Heaven: East, West and Eclecticism in Pullman's Religious Vision. In Critical Perspectives on Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials Essays on the Novels, the Film and the Stage Productions. McFarland Publishing.
Fantastic Spiritualities Monsters, Heroes and the Contemporary Religious Imagination
Jobling, J. (2010). Fantastic Spiritualities Monsters, Heroes and the Contemporary Religious Imagination. A&C Black.
Elizabeth Johnson
Jobling, J. A. (2009). Elizabeth Johnson. In Encyclopaedia of Theology. Blackwell.
The Right to Write: Power, Irony and Identity in the Book of Esther
Jobling, J. A., & Roughley, A. (2009). The Right to Write: Power, Irony and Identity in the Book of Esther. In R. Sabbath (Ed.), Sacred Tropes. Brill.
Women and the Divine Touching Transcendence
Howie, G., & Jobling, J. (2008). Women and the Divine Touching Transcendence. Palgrave Macmillan.
Feminist Theory
Ross, K. (n.d.). Feminist Theory. Wiley. Retrieved from
“Suppose the Truth were Awful”: Reflections on Morality without God in Iris Murdoch’s The Time of the Angels
Jobling, J. A. (2007). “Suppose the Truth were Awful”: Reflections on Morality without God in Iris Murdoch’s The Time of the Angels. American, British and Canadian Studies.
Falling in love again: interpreting transgression and transgressive interpretations of Genesis 2–3
Jobling, J. (2005). Falling in love again: interpreting transgression and transgressive interpretations of Genesis 2–3. Critical Quarterly, 47(3), 79-89. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8705.2005.00651.x
Satoko Yamaguchi, Mary and Martha: Women in the World of Jesus: Review Article
Satoko Yamaguchi, <i>Mary and Martha: Women in the World of Jesus</i> (2004). Conversations in Religion & Theology, 2(2), 108-129. doi:10.1111/j.1479-2206.2004.00038.x
Feminist Biblical Interpretation in Theological Context
Jobling, J. (n.d.). Feminist Biblical Interpretation in Theological Context. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003073819
Feminist Theology: A Brief Introduction
Jobling, J. (2001). Feminist Theology: A Brief Introduction. The New Theologian.
On the Liberal Consummation of Theology: a dialogue with Catherine Pickstock
Jobling, J. A. (2000). On the Liberal Consummation of Theology: a dialogue with Catherine Pickstock. In J. Jobling, & I. Markham (Eds.), Theological Liberalism. SPCK.
Secular Humanism
Jobling, J. (2000). Secular Humanism. In I. Markham, & T. Ruparell (Eds.), Encountering Religion. Oxford: Blackwell.
Theological Liberalism Creative and Critical
Jobling, J., & Markham, I. S. (2000). Theological Liberalism Creative and Critical.
Why Feminists Should Still be Liberals
Jobling, J. A., & Bacon, H. (2000). Why Feminists Should Still be Liberals. In J. Jobling, & I. Markham (Eds.), Theological Liberalism. SPCK.
Restless Readings: feminist biblical hermeneutics in theological and postmodern context
Jobling, J. (1999). Restless Readings: feminist biblical hermeneutics in theological and postmodern context.
The Inscription of the Body Politic on the Female Body
Jobling, J. A. (1999). The Inscription of the Body Politic on the Female Body. In Theology and the Body Gender, Text and Ideology. Gracewing Publishing.
Theology and the Body Gender, Text and Ideology
Hannaford, R., & Jobling, J. (1999). Theology and the Body Gender, Text and Ideology. Gracewing Publishing.