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Ms Janet Howard

Lecturer Palliative and End of Life Care/Academic Lead Year 4 CfCP MBChB
Cardiovascular & Metabolic Medicine


+44 (0)151 794 8809


Jan joined the NHS in 1977 .
In 2001 following a varied career in primary and secondary care in both nursing and management, latterly as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Palliative Care Jan moved into teaching and scholarship. For eight years she was a Marie Curie Lecturer in Cancer and Palliative Care where she developed, taught and led undergraduate modules as part of the BSc (Hons) programmes in collaboration with both Edge Hill and Thames Valley Universities. During this period Jan was also the national lead for the undergraduate Pain Module for Thames Valley University, engaging in post graduate study at Cardiff University.
Since 2012 Jan has been a Lecturer in Palliative and End of Life Care at the University of Liverpool and is the Year 4 Academic Lead for Communication for Clinical Practice, for this she has received 2 commendations from the University.She is also involved in teaching Advanced Communication Skills to senior health care professionals.
Jan is currently a co-lead for 2 postgraduate modules and is the Lead Facilitator within the Liverpool Education Hub in the Merseyside and Cheshire Clinical Network (Palliative and End of Life Care) and a member of the Education Sub-group. This involves development of new and innovative courses in collaboration with key stakeholders, ensuring educational quality and standardisation across the clinical network to meet the needs and development of frontline staff.
Previous project work has included the educational development in learning and teaching of clinical nurse specialists in palliative care ,facilitation of a national palliative and end of life care education programme into care homes and a regional advance care planning programme.
Following a PGDHE Medical Ethics and Palliative Care at the University of Keele Jan is pursuing postgraduate study in Ethics and Law. Specific interests are truth telling linked to hope at the end of life,psychological adjustment to serious illness and ethics related to physician assisted suicide.