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James Cooper

Professor James Cooper
BSc (Hons), PhD, FHEA

Faculty Director of Postgraduate Research for Science & Engineering
Geography and Planning


+44 (0)151 794 2852


I was School Director of Education, leading on education provision across two departments and five disciplines. I was the Chair of the University Digital Education Group and Chair of the School Education Committee and School Board of Studies. I also sit on a number of Faculty and University committees, including the Faculty Education Committee, University Assessment and Feedback Group and University Academic Advising Working Group. Previously I held L&T leadership roles at department level, including Senior Tutor, Programme Director of Environmental Science, Disability and Welfare Officer, and as Lead Moderator and Lead Link Tutor for our XJTLU-UoL T&L partnership.

I have strong interests in authentic assessment and digital learning, having received a University Teaching and Learning Fellowship, a University Sir Alastair Pilkington Award for Teaching Excellence and two Faculty Learning and Teaching Awards.

Teaching areas

Hydrology, hydraulics, river dynamics, soils and slopes, numerical modelling.

Current PhD students

James Forrester: Engineering with nature: Combining Artificial Intelligence, remote sensing and computer models for the optimum design of coastal protection schemes

Zeheng He: Effect of atmospheric environmental factors upon aeolian sand ripples

Lukas Meldau: Effect of atmospheric stability on aeolian transport

Bokun Son: PM2.5 dry deposition to urban shrubs under different wind speeds

Thomas Fitter: River flow turbulence and bed structure

Modules for 2024-25

BSc Field Class (Geography & Environmental Science)

Module code: ENVS391

Role: Teaching

Dissertation (Geography & Environmental Science)

Module code: ENVS321

Role: Teaching

N0MES Oceanography, Climate Literacy and Policy

Module code: ENGG431

Role: Teaching

Physical Geography Fieldwork Course

Module code: ENVS228

Role: Teaching

Supervised Theses