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After completing an undergraduate degree in biochemistry at the University of Nottingham, James went on to study veterinary medicine at the Royal Veterinary College, graduating in 2012. Following a couple of years working in small animal practice, James undertook an MRes and PhD at the University of Liverpool, investigating equine osteoarthritis and synovial sepsis, using both nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based metabolomics and mass spectrometry-based proteomics of synovial fluid. Following a year teaching veterinary anatomy at the Royal Veterinary College, James worked as a postdoctoral researcher in Professor Mandy Peffers’ lab group at the University of Liverpool, investigating small non-coding RNA and protein cargo of extracellular vesicles in equine osteoarthritis. After a year leading first year veterinary anatomy and physiology teaching at Harper and Keele Vet School, James re-joined the University of Liverpool as a lecturer in veterinary anatomy. James is also currently a member of the editorial consultant board for the Equine Veterinary Journal.