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Ian Schermbrucker

Dr Ian Schermbrucker
Msc PhD


+44 (0)151 794 6953


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Pain, a Psycho-Aesthetic Discourse from Renaissance Minds to Contemporary Narratives

Farahani, M., Schermbrucker, I., Stancak, A., & Davis, N. (Eds.) (2025). Pain, a Psycho-Aesthetic Discourse from Renaissance Minds to Contemporary Narratives. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


General Practice Leadership in Primary Care Management - A Manual for Success

Farahani, M., Schermbrucker, I., & Chahal, S. (2025). General Practice Leadership in Primary Care Management - A Manual for Success (1 ed.). M. Farahani, I. Schermbrucker, & S. Chahal (Eds.), Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.


Embodying Nineteenth-Century Otherness and Multimodal Aesthetics

Farahani, M., Schermbrucker, I., & Davis, N. (Eds.) (2025). Embodying Nineteenth-Century Otherness and Multimodal Aesthetics. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Figure Skating Pace and Olympics Policy: Performance Normativity in Women’s Sport

Farahani, M., Schermbrucker, I., & Farahani, M. (n.d.). Figure Skating Pace and Olympics Policy: Performance Normativity in Women’s Sport. In D. Bolt (Ed.), Cultural Stations of Disability: A Moment in Discourse. Routledge Autocritical Disability Studies series.



Raqs Sharqi “رقص شرقي” and Mental Sovereignty: The Psychology of Aesthetic Self-Representation and Performative META Identity

Farahani, M., & Schermbrucker, I. (2024). Raqs Sharqi “رقص شرقي” and Mental Sovereignty: The Psychology of Aesthetic Self-Representation and Performative META Identity. In M. Naja, & A. Jebbar (Eds.), Identity Belonging.


Female police officers make the same snap decisions as males-but trust themselves less

Tejeiro, R., González, J. L., & Schermbrucker, I. (2025). Female police officers make the same snap decisions as males-but trust themselves less. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 98(1), 185-196. doi:10.1177/0032258x241258405

Journal article



The Big Five, Learning Goals, Exam Preparedness, and Preference for Flipped Classroom Teaching: Evidence from a Large Psychology Undergraduate Cohort

Lyons, M., Limniou, M., Schermbrucker, I., Hands, C., & Downes, J. J. (2017). The Big Five, Learning Goals, Exam Preparedness, and Preference for Flipped Classroom Teaching: Evidence from a Large Psychology Undergraduate Cohort. PSYCHOLOGY LEARNING AND TEACHING-PLAT, 16(1), 36-46. doi:10.1177/1475725716680460

Journal article


Traditional versus flipped teaching: An example from Psychology

Limniou, M., Lyons, M., & Schermbrucker, I. (2015). Traditional versus flipped teaching: An example from Psychology. In In 12th University of Liverpool Learning and Teaching Conference.. Liverpool.

Conference Paper


Melancholy Minds and Painful Bodies: Geneaology, Geography, Pathogeny

Schermbrucker, I. F. (2013). Melancholy Minds and Painful Bodies: Geneaology, Geography, Pathogeny.

Conference Paper


Difference and the psychology of conflict

Schermbrucker, I. F., & Kremer, J. (2006). Difference and the psychology of conflict. The Psychologist.

Journal article