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Hossein Sharifi

Dr Hossein Sharifi
BSc., MSc, PhD


+44 (0)151 795 3622


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Examining supply chains in the light of emergent business landscapes

Elshazly, O., Sharifi, H., & Lyons, A. (2024). Examining supply chains in the light of emergent business landscapes. In Euroma. Barcelona.

Conference Paper


Revisting suppy chain resilience under emergent business landscapes

Elshazly, O., Sharifi, H., Singh, A., & Lyons, A. (2023). Revisting suppy chain resilience under emergent business landscapes. In Euroma 2023. Leuven.

Conference Paper


The impact of alternative financial supply chain management practices on supply risk: A relationship quality and buyer relative power perspective

Najafi-Tavani, S., Sharifi, H., Naude, P., & Parvizi-Omran, E. (2022). The impact of alternative financial supply chain management practices on supply risk: A relationship quality and buyer relative power perspective. INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 100, 112-126. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.11.007

Journal article







Modelling port competition from a transport chain perspective

Song, D., Lyons, A., Li, D., & Sharifi, H. (2016). Modelling port competition from a transport chain perspective. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 87, 75-96. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2016.01.001

Journal article


Organisational Agility and Human Resource Practices

Aziz Safaei, F., Sharifi, H., & McCabe, S. (2015). Organisational Agility and Human Resource Practices. In BAM 2015 conference. Porthsmouth.

Conference Paper

A Framework for Operational Agility: How SMEs Are Evaluating Their Supply Chain Integration

Reid, I., Ismail, H., & Sharifi, H. (2016). A Framework for Operational Agility: How SMEs Are Evaluating Their Supply Chain Integration. In Managing in a VUCA World (pp. 151-168). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16889-0_10



A new hybrid decoding algorithm based on multi-dimensional searching for regular LDPC codes in finite geometries

Torshizi, E. O., Sharifi, H., Daneshgar, A., & Tinati, M. A. (2014). A new hybrid decoding algorithm based on multi-dimensional searching for regular LDPC codes in finite geometries. In 2014 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) (pp. 1471-1476). IEEE. doi:10.1109/iraniancee.2014.6999766

Conference Paper

Higher education system and the 'open' knowledge transfer: a view from perception of senior managers at university knowledge transfer offices

Sharifi, H., Liu, W., & Ismail, H. S. (2014). Higher education system and the 'open' knowledge transfer: a view from perception of senior managers at university knowledge transfer offices. STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 39(10), 1860-1884. doi:10.1080/03075079.2013.818645

Journal article


A study of contingency relationships between supplier involvement, absorptive capacity and agile product innovation

Tavani, S. N., Sharifi, H., & Ismail, H. S. (2014). A study of contingency relationships between supplier involvement, absorptive capacity and agile product innovation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 34(1), 65-92. doi:10.1108/IJOPM-09-2011-0331

Journal article

Supply chain strategy and its impacts on product and market growth strategies: A case study of SMEs

Sharifi, H., Ismail, H. S., Qiu, J., & Tavani, S. N. (2013). Supply chain strategy and its impacts on product and market growth strategies: A case study of SMEs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 145(1), 397-408. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2013.05.005

Journal article

An empirical study of firm's absorptive capacity dimensions, supplier involvement and new product development performance

Tavani, S. N., Sharifi, H., Soleimanof, S., & Najmi, M. (2013). An empirical study of firm's absorptive capacity dimensions, supplier involvement and new product development performance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 51(11), 3385-3403. doi:10.1080/00207543.2013.774480

Journal article


A re-examination of contingent links between market orientation dimensions and product innovation performance; a capability based multidimensional approach

Najafi, S., Sharifi, H., & Ismail, H. S. (2012). A re-examination of contingent links between market orientation dimensions and product innovation performance; a capability based multidimensional approach. International Journal of Production Economics (Under Review).

Journal article

Institutional transformation as determinants of e-government success; a global perspective

Sharifi, H., & Rahimzad, H. (2012). Institutional transformation as determinants of e-government success; a global perspective. Journal of Government Information Quarterly.

Journal article


The role of agile strategic capabilities in achieving resilience in manufacturing-based small companies

Ismail, H. S., Poolton, J., & Sharifi, H. (2011). The role of agile strategic capabilities in achieving resilience in manufacturing-based small companies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 49(18), 5469-5487. doi:10.1080/00207543.2011.563833

Journal article

An interventionist framework for promoting sustainable growth in SMEs: the role of HEIs as implementation specialists

Ismail, H. S., Poolton, J., & Sharifi, H. (2011). An interventionist framework for promoting sustainable growth in SMEs: the role of HEIs as implementation specialists. ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING C-GOVERNMENT AND POLICY, 29(4), 622-640. doi:10.1068/c1003b

Journal article


"Emerging Landscape; A study of UK University Knowledge Transfer Systems Management

Sharifi, H., & Liu, W. (2010). "Emerging Landscape; A study of UK University Knowledge Transfer Systems Management. AIM White Paper.

Journal article


Framework for Developing an Agile Future-Proof Supply Chain

Sharifi, H., Ismail, H., & Reid, I. (2009). Framework for Developing an Agile Future-Proof Supply Chain. In Dispersed Manufacturing Networks (pp. 131-153). Springer London. doi:10.1007/978-1-84882-468-3_7


Framework for Developing an Agile Future-proof Supply Chain

Sharifi, H., Ismail, H. S., & Reid, I. (2009). Framework for Developing an Agile Future-proof Supply Chain. In R. Dekkers (Ed.), Dispersed Manufacturing Networks; Challenges for Research and Practice (pp. 147-172). Heidelberg: Springer.


Growth strategy in agile supply chain: a 3-D model

Qiu, J., Sharifi, H., & Ismail, H. S. (2009). Growth strategy in agile supply chain: a 3-D model. In EURAM 2009, Reniassance and Renewal in Management Studies (pp. NA). Liverpool: The European Academy of Management (EURAM).

Conference Paper


Enhancing the flow of knowledge to innovation: challenges for university-based knowledge transfer systems

Sharifi, H., Liu, W., McCaul, B., & Kehoe, D. (2008). Enhancing the flow of knowledge to innovation: challenges for university-based knowledge transfer systems. In CREATING WEALTH FROM KNOWLEDGE: MEETING THE INNOVATION CHALLENGE (pp. 335-358). Retrieved from


Value chain Based Governance of University Knowledge Transfer System

Liu, W., & Sharifi, H. (2008). Value chain Based Governance of University Knowledge Transfer System. In 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY, VOLS 1-3 (pp. 134-139). doi:10.1109/ICMIT.2008.4654350

Conference Paper

A theoretical perspective of e-government implementation in developing states

Rahimzad, H., & Sharifi, H. (2008). A theoretical perspective of e-government implementation in developing states. In BAM, 2008 Conference (pp. xx). Harrogate: British Academy of Management.

Conference Paper

Enhancing the flow of knowledge to innovation: Challenges for university based knowledge transfer systems

Sharifi, H., Liu, W., & Kehoe, D. F. (2008). Enhancing the flow of knowledge to innovation: Challenges for university based knowledge transfer systems. In J. Bessant (Ed.), Crreating wealth from knowledge (pp. 189-203). London: Edard Elgar.


Value chain Based Governance of University Knowledge Transfer System

Liu, W., & Sharifi, H. (2008). Value chain Based Governance of University Knowledge Transfer System. In The 4th International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology (pp. xx). Bangkok: IEEE.

Conference Paper


Towards theory building in agile manufacturing strategy - A taxonomical approach

Zhang, Z. D., & Sharifi, H. (2007). Towards theory building in agile manufacturing strategy - A taxonomical approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 54(2), 351-370. doi:10.1109/TEM.2007.893989

Journal article

Demand network alignment: aligning the physical, informational and relationship issues in supply chains

Kehoe, D. F., Dani, S., Sharifi, H., Burns, N. D., & Backhouse, C. J. (2007). Demand network alignment: aligning the physical, informational and relationship issues in supply chains. International Journal of Production Research, 45(5), 1141-1160. doi:10.1080/00207540600635219

Journal article

Demand network alignment: aligning the physical, informational and relationship issues in supply chains

Kehoe, D. F., Dani, S., Sharifi, H., Burns, N. D., & Backhouse, C. J. (2007). Demand network alignment: aligning the physical, informational and relationship issues in supply chains. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, 45(5), 1141-1160. doi:10.1080/00207540600635219

Journal article

Value chain perspective of University Knowledge Transfer

Liu, W., & Sharifi, H. (2007). Value chain perspective of University Knowledge Transfer. In BAM (pp. 0-00). Warwick, UK: British Academy of Management.

Conference Paper


Achieving agility in supply chain through simultaneous “design of” and “design for” supply chain

Sharifi, H., Ismail, H. S., & Reid, I. (2006). Achieving agility in supply chain through simultaneous “design of” and “design for” supply chain. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(8), 1078-1098. doi:10.1108/17410380610707393

Journal article

A classification and selection model of e‐marketplaces for better alignment of supply chains

Sharifi, H., Kehoe, D. F., & Hopkins, J. (2006). A classification and selection model of e‐marketplaces for better alignment of supply chains. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19(5), 483-503. doi:10.1108/17410390610703639

Journal article

A balanced approach to building agile supply chains

Ismail, H. S., & Sharifi, H. (2006). A balanced approach to building agile supply chains. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36(6), 431-444. doi:10.1108/09600030610677384

Journal article

"Getting strated with RFID; What you need to know and a success story"

Duarte, B., & Sharifi, H. (2006). "Getting strated with RFID; What you need to know and a success story". Control (journal of Institute of Operations Management),, 32,(1,), 20-25.

Journal article

An Agile Supply Chain Framework for Rapid Product Development

Ismail, H. S., Shanifi, H., Reid, I., & Fan, X. (2006). An Agile Supply Chain Framework for Rapid Product Development. In L. K. Mak (Ed.), Internationa Conference on Logistics and Supply Chain Management (pp. 161-169). Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong.

Conference Paper

Development of the GEA within the G-to-G system of the Iranian e-government: Views, experiences, and visions

Zarei, B., & Sharifi, H. (n.d.). Development of the GEA within the G-to-G system of the Iranian e-government: Views, experiences, and visions. Unknown Journal, 419-435. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-39229-5_34

Journal article


Extending Agility to Demand Netwroks: A Multidimentional Approach

Ismail, H. S., & Sharifi, H. (2005). Extending Agility to Demand Netwroks: A Multidimentional Approach. In C. Martin (Ed.), 2nd European Forum on Market-Driven Supply Chains (pp. 1-4). Milan, Italy: EIASM.

Conference Paper

Supply Chain Design and Design for Supply Chain: A balanced approach to building agile supply chains

Ismail, H. S., & Sharifi, H. (2005). Supply Chain Design and Design for Supply Chain: A balanced approach to building agile supply chains. In H. Andersin, E. Niemi, & V. Hirvonen (Eds.), ICAM 2005 (pp. 187-195). Helsinki: International Soc. Agile Manufacturing.

Conference Paper


An adaptive approach for implementing e-government in IR Iran

Sharifi, H., & Zarei, B. (2004). An adaptive approach for implementing e-government in IR Iran. JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT INFORMATION, 30(5-6), 600-619. doi:10.1016/j.jgi.2004.10.005

Journal article

"A structured framework for analysis and understanding of factors impacting the effective application of e-marketplaces"

Sharifi, H., Kehoe, D. F., & Burns, N. D. (2004). "A structured framework for analysis and understanding of factors impacting the effective application of e-marketplaces". International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management,, 4,(4,), 394-410.

Journal article

A structured framework for analysis and understanding of factors impacting the effective application of e-marketplaces

Sharifi, H., Kehoe, D. F., & Burns, N. D. (2004). A structured framework for analysis and understanding of factors impacting the effective application of e-marketplaces. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 4(4), 394. doi:10.1504/ijatm.2004.006290

Journal article


Agile manufacturing: a management and operational framework

Sharifi, H., Colquhoun, G., Barclay, I., & Dann, Z. (2001). Agile manufacturing: a management and operational framework. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE, 215(6), 857-869. doi:10.1243/0954405011518647

Journal article

Agile manufacturing in practice - Application of a methodology

Sharifi, H., & Zhang, Z. (2001). Agile manufacturing in practice - Application of a methodology. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 21(5-6), 772-794. doi:10.1108/01443570110390462

Journal article

Agile manufacturing in practice Application of a methodology

Sharifi, H., & Zhang, Z. (2001). Agile manufacturing in practice Application of a methodology. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 21(5-6), 772-779. doi:10.1108/01443570110390462

Journal article

Agile manufacturing: A management and operational framework

Sharifi, H., Colquhoun, G., Barclay, I., & Dann, Z. (2001). Agile manufacturing: A management and operational framework. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 215(6), 857-869. doi:10.1243/0954405011518647

Journal article


A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organisations

Zhang, Z., & Sharifi, H. (2000). A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organisations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 20(3-4), 496-512. doi:10.1108/01443570010314818

Journal article


A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organisations: An introduction

Sharifi, H., & Zhang, Z. (1999). A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organisations: An introduction. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS, 62(1-2), 7-22. doi:10.1016/S0925-5273(98)00217-5

Journal article

¿A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organisations; An introduction¿

Sharifi, H., & Zhang, Z. (1999). ¿A methodology for achieving agility in manufacturing organisations; An introduction¿. International Journal of Production Economics,, 62,(1-2,), 7-22.

Journal article


Agile manufacturing - a structured perspective

Sharifi, H., Dann, Z., Colquhoun, G., & Barclay, I. (1998). Agile manufacturing - a structured perspective. IEE Workshop on Responsiveness in Manufacturing, 1998, 5. doi:10.1049/ic:19980096

Journal article


Moving towards agility: a way for UK manufacturing to go

Sharifi, H., Barclay, I., & Gough, P. J. C. (1997). Moving towards agility: a way for UK manufacturing to go. In IEE Conference Publication (pp. 15-19).

Conference Paper