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Professor Helen Wallace


+44 (0)151 795 4007


My primary interests focus on all aspects of physiology education, from A level students, undergraduates and postgraduates, to healthcare professionals. I have contributed to many physiology text books, and I have recently developed an online digital learning resource along with a clinical colleague Rebecca Hamm called ‘Tough Topics in Medicine Made Easy’. This resource uses images, animations, and interactive technology to enhance learning of challenging physiological concepts. The resource has been utilised by our Medicine and Life Science students at the University of Liverpool, but has also been made available externally to Healthcare professionals via the charity Education for Health and A level students through Massolit.

My research interests focus on cystic fibrosis and smooth muscle physiology of the airway and myometrium. Current research projects include investigating abnormal myometrial smooth muscle function in cystic fibrosis.

My university roles include:
Programme Director of the Master of Research in Clinical Sciences programme
Physiology Course Lead for the MBChB programme
Respiratory System Science Lead for the MBChB programme (Years 1 and 2)
Education Lead for the Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences

Funded Fellowships

  • RCUK Academic Fellowship (RCUK, 2005)
  • non clinical resarch training fellowship (Medical Research Council (MRC), 2001)