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Professor Helen Sharp
B.Sc. (HONS) M.Phil. Ph.D. D.Clin.Psy.


Clinical child psychology, developmental psychology, and research methods.

I teach a number of hours on the postgraduate Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programme which include working therapeutically with complex cases in child and adolescent clinical psychology services; including parental mental health, personality and parenting; understanding childhood problems and interventions to treat them.

I contribute to Undergraduate teaching for Developmental Psychology in the Department of Psychology and supervise UG research projects. I contribute to the Masters in Research Methods by teaching on longitudinal research designs and supervising MSC research projects.

I am academic advisor on our one year National post-doctoral qualification CPD course in Perinatal Mental Health. I am Module 3 lead focussing on parent-infant interactions in the context of moderate to severe or complex mental health problems.

Modules for 2024-25

Complex Interventions in Perinatal Practice

Module code: PSYC7001

Role: Teaching


Module code: PSYC130

Role: Teaching


Module code: PSYC230

Role: Teaching

Lifespan Development

Module code: PSYC730

Role: Teaching

Parent-Infant Relationship Problems and Eating Disorders

Module code: PSYC7002

Role: Teaching

Perinatal Supervision and Leadership Skills

Module code: PSYC7003

Role: Teaching


Module code: PSYC340

Role: Teaching

Research Methods for Clinical and Health Psychology

Module code: PSYC405

Role: Teaching

The Fundamentals of Perinatal Practice

Module code: PSYC7000

Role: Teaching

Supervised Theses