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Suicidal thoughts and behaviours

My research comprises collaborative investigations into the development of suicidal thoughts and behaviours with a view to supporting the development and evidence base for appropriate clinical interventions.

The influence of 'place' upon physical and mental wellbeing

Liverpool has the highest levels of health and economic deprivation. Where people live impacts upon their physical and mental health and wellbeing and influences the opportunities available to them. There is a growing acknowledgement of the collective responsibility for health and wellbeing beyond the sole responsibility of the NHS. Collaboration between public, private and 3rd party sectors together with communities and individuals is essential to improve the current health status for Liverpudlians. I am currently seeking funding to support projects to investigate and achieve these aims.

Research grants

Community Outpatient Psychotherapy Engagement Service for Self-harm: A feasibility trial (COPESS)


February 2020 - January 2022